Critical Thinking quiz 2

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Dr. Rodriquez decides to test the internal reliability of her measure. Which of the following results demonstrates good internal reliability?

a= 0.95

Todd is studying the effect of popularity on academic success for his research methods project. He decides to measure popularity by asking each elementary school student to tell him how many friends he or she has. He assumes that more friends means the student is more popular. Which of the following best describes this variable?

- a ratio scale of measurement

Dr. Sheffield gives his measure to his supervisor, who is also an expert in pathological gambling. His supervisor says that his measure appears to test all the components of pathological gambling, including feeling restless when attempting to stop gambling, jeopardizing jobs in order to keep gambling, and using gambling to escape from problems and a bad mood. Given this information, Dr. Sheffield's measure has evidence of which of the following?

- content validity

Question 1 reads, "I tend not to think about other people as much as I think about myself." Question 2 reads, "I do not have a high opinion of myself." Question 3 reads, "I think other people think I am really special." Before using the measure in her study, Dr. Rodriquez gave the measure to a group of participants on the first day of the semester and again on the last day of the semester. She then compares the scores between the two-time points. This is a test of which of the follow

- test-retest reliability

Dr. Kushner plans to tell his participants that the reason he is waking them up during the night is to recalibrate the EEG machine. This would be an example of which of the following?

- deception through comission

After the participants are awake for one minute, Dr. Kushner plans to let them return to sleep. As they enter REM sleep again, he will wake them again and follow the same procedure. He plans to do this through the entire eight-hour sleep session. The following morning, participants will be asked to take a sample SAT test. Which of the following is true regarding obtaining informed consent in Dr. Kushner's study?

- he needs to obtain informed consent because there is a likelihood of risk in his study

When is it acceptable for a researcher to study participants only from a specific group, such as a researcher studying depression in a sample of Native American women?

- if the specific group being studied is especially prone to the problem being studied (e.g., if depression rates are higher in Native American women)

Dr. Ewell, a developmental psychologist, is planning on conducting a study that involves watching children play together to determine how sharing behavior occurs in same-sex friend pairs compared to opposite-sex friend pairs. Dr. Ewell decides to collect his data at a neighborhood park. He has his two research assistants pose as a married couple having a picnic. While having their picnic, they take detailed records of the sharing behavior of the children and note whether the pairs are same sex o

- interrater reliability

For his research methods class, Felipe plans to watch how students treat other children in their classrooms who have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). He will evaluate how positively or negatively the children are treated by their classmates. This is an example of what type of measurement?

- observational measurement

A study by Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) involved telling teachers that some of their students were "bloomers" and would achieve rapid academic success within the next year. In fact, these students were no different than any of the other students in the class. At the end of the year, the "bloomers" showed more gains in IQ than the other students. It appeared that the teacher had unintentionally treated the "bloomers" in special ways. This is an example of which of the following?

- observer effects

After the participants are awake for one minute, Dr. Kushner plans to let them return to sleep. As they enter REM sleep again, he will wake them again and follow the same procedure. He plans to do this through the entire eight-hour sleep session. The following morning, participants will be asked to take a sample SAT test. Dr. Kushner asks his participants to provide informed consent. Doing this is adhering to which principle of the Belmont Report?

- principle of respect for persons

Dr. Ewell, a developmental psychologist, is planning on conducting a study that involves watching children play together to determine how sharing behavior occurs in same-sex friend pairs compared to opposite-sex friend pairs. Dr. Ewell is concerned that the children will behave differently because of the presence of research assistants. He is concerned about ____________________.

- reactivity

Dr. Rodriguez is interested in studying the impact of exercise on synaptic connections in the hippocampus of rats. However, before the study begins, construction work to renovate another lab on the floor above Dr. Rodriguez's lab begins. Dr. Rodriquez notices that his rats appear distressed by the construction noises, so he negotiates to have his laboratory temporarily moved to another building. What guideline for animal care in research is Dr. Rodriguez following?

- refinement

In developing a measure of "need for cognition" (the degree to which people like thinking and problem-solving), Dr. Jonason asks his participants to rate their agreement with the following statement: "I frequently solve and enjoy solving crossword puzzles." What should Dr. Jonason do to improve the construct validity of this question?

- split up the question into two seperate questions

Which of the questions above is an example of a question that uses a Likert scale?

B). Please rate how much you agree with the following statement using the scale below: This was one of my favorite classes all semester. 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree

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