Cross-Cultural Psychology Exam 2

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Which parenting style places high demands on children, with strict rules and little open dialogue between parent and child? Typically involves low levels of warmth or responsiveness by the parents to the child.

Authoritarian parenting

Which parenting style where there are high expectations of child's maturity, understanding of feelings, independence while still maintain limits and controls on their behavior, parental warmth, and responsiveness, democratic reasoning?

Authoritative parenting

Young children should sleep alone to learn self-reliance

Autonomy ideal

Encourage thoughts and behaviors fostering interdependent self-concepts. Value close relationships and group memberships.

Collectivistic cultures

The degree to which one's personality is more similar to the dominant cultural values in the host culture.

Cultural fit

The stage where the feeling of being anxious, helpless, irritable, and generally disoriented and homesick on moving to a new culture.

Culture shock stage (aka crisis stage).

Belief that abilities and traits are are largely fixed and resistant to change, reflecting innate features of the self.

Entity theory of self

True or False: the more Latino immigrants acculturated to mainstream culture, they performed worse in school is not an example of immigrant paradox.


True or False: Acculturating may always be beneficial.

False; Acculturating may NOT always be beneficial-not all cultural habits are inherently good.

True or False: Interdependent individuals suffer less distress acculturating to the United States.

False; independent individuals suffer less since the U.S. can be label as a individualistic culture as a whole.

True or False: People with incremental theories respond the same to failure with the entity theories.

False; people with incremental theories focus on efforts and strategies used and these are generally characteristics of people with an interdependent sense of self (Asian cultures). On the other hand, people with entity theories blame one's own innate lack of ability have characteristics of people with an independent sense of self (North America).

True or False: Research shows that the U-shaped curve represents all cases of experiences people have when moving to a new culture.

False; studies show that the initial honeymoon stage doesn't happen for man sojourners and migrants or some people never learn to fully adjust to a new culture (L-shaped).

Unmarried adolescent women should be chaperoned to prevent sexual activity

Female chastity anxiety

Which acculturation strategy has the following: -Positive attitudes toward host and heritage culture -Participate in host culture while maintaining traditions of heritage culture -Most successful-least prejudice and greatest social support


In Japan, however, higher socioeconomic status associated with greater __________

Interdependence (Collectivism)

Which model of self-concept has the following characteristics: -Defined by social relationships and roles -Flexible across situations and roles -Not bounded or separate from others and context -Clear ingroup-outgroup distinction

Interdependent view of self

A relational entity that is fundamentally connected to important relationships. This model views the self as being defined by behaviors that depend on the perception of others' thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Interdependent view of the self

Which acculturation strategy has the following: -Negative attitudes toward host and heritage culture -No effort to engage with the host and heritage cultures -Rare and least successful strategy -May characterize third culture kids.


___________and _________ responses generally reflected their social identity; their roles and memberships accounted for more than 60% of their statements.

Masai and Samburu

The Twenty-Statements Test was used to see the difference in self-descriptions between two cultures (Americans and Kenyans). Which culture sees themselves in terms of personal characteristics?

Mostly Americans

Which of the parenting styles is marked by parents being cold, unresponsive, and indifferent to their children?

Neglectful parenting

This is the stage where in the first few months people have positive feelings about the host culture.

Honeymoon Stage

Children of immigrants may experience more negative outcomes than their parents.

Immigrant paradox

Postpubescent family members of the opposite sex should not share the same room

Incest avoidance

Belief that abilities and traits are malleable and can change or improve

Incremental theory of self

Derives its identity from inner attributions.

Independent view of the self

Which model of self-concept has the following characteristics: -Distinct from their relationships -Stable across situations and lifespan -Unique, self-contained, and coherent -Fluid between ingroups and outgroup.

Independent view of the self

In Iceland, higher socioeconomic status predicts higher ________ and lower socioeconomic status predicts higher _________

Individualism; Collectivism

Encourage thoughts and behaviors fostering independent-self concepts. Value distinctiveness from others and being self-sufficient.

Individualistic cultures

Is a psychological process that exists in all cultures and serves the same function in all cultures and is equally accessible across cultures. Ex: social facilitation-the tendency to do better at will

Accessibility Universal

This is the stage where people begin to get use to their new host culture and often develop positive feelings toward it.

Adjustment stage

The most frequent self-descriptions for the ________ were personal characteristics, such as their traits, attitudes, and abilities; these accounted for 48% of their statements.


Which acculturation strategy has the following: -Positive attitudes toward host but negative attitudes toward heritage culture -Participate in host culture while leaving behind traditions of heritage culture


The study conducted by Williams and Best (1990)was studied how cultures have different views on gender equality. What did the study conclude?

-High gender egalitarianism: women should be treated the same as men (Finland, Germany). -Low gender egalitarianism: men should be granted more rights, privileges' and power than women (Pakistan, Nigeria) -Males and females in a given culture have been found to share fairly similar views in gender equality. In most cases, men had more traditional gender role beliefs than women.

What does the acculturation (U-shaped) curve consist of?

-Honeymoon -Culture Shock -Adjustment

What does the acculturation (L-shaped) curve consist of?

-Honeymoon -Culture shock

In the Shweder study, the Indians seemed to be guided by what?

-Incest avoidance -Protection of the vulnerable -Female chasity anxiety -Respect for hierarchy

In the Shweder study, the American seemed to be guided by what sleeping arrangements?

-Incest avoidance -Sacred couple principle -Autonomy ideal

What are the two implicit theories of self?

-Incremental theory of self -Entity theory of self

Immigrant paradox has negative outcomes that include what?

-Lower educational achievement -Poorer physical and mental health -Length of stay in U.S. predicts a higher obesity rate

Which parenting style is characterized by parents being very involved with their children, lots of parental warmth and responsiveness, but places few limits and controls on the children's behavior?

Permissive parenting

Young children should not be left alone

Protection of the vulnerable

Adolescent boys achieve status by not having to sleep with parents or young children

Respect for hierarchy

Married couples should have their own space for intimacy

Sacred couple principle

The Twenty-Statements Test was used to see the difference in self-descriptions between two cultures (Americans and Kenyans). Which culture sees themselves in terms of their roles and memberships (social identity).

Samburu (mostly Kenyans)

A period of time during development when it is relatively easy to acquire a set of skills.

Sensitive period

Which acculturation strategy has the following: -Negative attitudes toward host but positive attitudes toward heritage culture -Maintaining the traditions of the heritage culture while making little effort to no effort to participate in the host culture.


Which study consisted of Indians and Americans being asked to plan sleeping arrangements for a hypothetical family. Participants in the two groups focused on different values when deciding who sleeps together.

Shweder al. (1995) study

What are the factors that promote cultural fit?

The compatibility of an individuals' personality

Why does motivations for self-consistency appear weaker among East Asians than among Westerners?

The general positivity of East Asian individuals' attitudes toward themselves appears to vary depending on who is in the room with them. On the other hand, it is pretty consistent with Westerners in terms of who's around them at the time.

What is acculturation?

The process in which people who have moved to a new, unfamiliar location learn, and adopt to, a culture that is different from their own.

The study conducted by Kashima and colleagues (1995) explored the following question: Are women more interdependent and men more independent? What did the study find/conclude.

There was only one reliable difference of women being apparently more interdependent than men only with respect to their attention to others' feelings and concerns (relatedness). There is also no gender difference for collectivism, agency, or assertiveness.

True or False: Acculturation is challenging to study because people have different reasons for migrating.


True or False: Acculturation is challenging to study because people migrate to different environments/contexts.


True or False: Acculturation is complex to study because of individual differences in personality, goals, and motivations.


True or False: Acculturation is complex to study because people move to new cultures that vary in terms of similarity to the heritage culture. The host culture might be very similar to the heritage culture or very different.


True or False: Extraverted individuals fare well in cultures that are more extraverted.


True or False: On average, people from higher socioeconomic backgrounds generally have more independent selves than those from poorer backgrounds, within the same country.


True or False: Some researchers have found that the U-shaped acculturation curve is not limited to experiences in a foreign country. Sojourner's can go through the same adjustment stages after they return to their home country.


True or False: Vietnamese immigrants who were less integrated into New Orleans achieved more in school and were more upwardly mobile is an example of immigrant paradox.


True or False: Successfully learning a new language is crucially influenced by how old you are when you started.

True; it is easier to learn a new language or multiple languages at a tie when you were a baby

In reverse culture shock, what shape curve occurs after returning home?

U-shaped curve

Is it ok to say that the more your personality matches with the host culture the less stress you will feel or you will not go through a rough/long culture shock period. There will not really be an adjustment period as well.

Yes it is ok to say

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