Crucible Act 2 and 3 Test

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Reverend Hale announces, "I denounce these proceedings, I quit this court!" What does he mean by this? Why should the court be worried that it has lost Hale's support?

Hale disagrees with what the court is doing (continuing to prosecute people for witchcraft). The court should be worried because Hale has a big influence on Salem and many people trust his opinion. If big figures such as Hale start to distrust the court proceedings, others will follow. Now that Proctor is being arrested, Hale is seeing how biased/useless the court is.

Reverend Hale

He begins to doubt the validity of the witchcraft accusations as Proctor and Mary Warren tell the court that the accusations are false.

Giles Corey

He bursts into court to present evidence to help prove the witchcraft accusations aren't real. He feels very bad because his wife was accused of witchcraft due to him mentioning he couldn't say his prayers while she read from a book. This character has been to court 33 times. He tells the court this in order to prove he has knowledge of court proceedings.

Deputy Governor Danforth

He is a judge at the trials alongside Hathorne. He believes Abigail and doesn't want to postpone any hangings for witchcraft.

Thomas Putnam

He tells his daughter to convince the court that George Jacobs is a witch so he could get Jacobs' land. Giles Corey accuses him of calling his neighbors witches in order to steal their land. After someone was accused of witchcraft they couldn't keep their land if they were found guilty and hung. Giles believes Putnam accuses people of witchcraft so he can buy their land after they are killed. Putnam is the only person in town who can afford to buy his neighbor's land.

Ezekiel Cheever

He tells the court that Proctor ripped up the arrest warrant.

Abigail Williams

In Act 2, she sees Mary Warren making the poppet in court. She witnesses Mary place the needle in the stomach of the poppet for safekeeping. Abigail uses this knowledge to frame Elizabeth for witchcraft. She pretends to experience stomach pain at dinner. She claims this is caused by Elizabeth putting a needle in her poppet. Hale goes to the Proctor house to look for the poppet. Hale finds the poppet Mary Warren gave to Elizabeth and assumes Elizabeth put the needle in the poppet with the intention of harming Abigail. When she is questioned in court she turns the tables on the judge and talks about how she is the real victim in the situation. As Danforth begins to doubt her story Abigail pretends to see a "bird" and that Mary Warren is bewitching her. She has an outburst in court and claims Mary Warren is the cause of her outburst.

"Mary, ********s all liars"

John Proctor; This is in the moment when Abigail and all of the other girls were pretending to be possessed by Mary. John starts to get nervous that Mary will crack under pressure and she will say that she made this all up. John reminds her not to lie and God condones lying.

"A man will not cast away his good name. You surely know that."

John Proctor; This is when Proctor confessed that him and Abigail were having an affair in attempt to save his wife.

"Do that which is good and no harm shall come to thee."

John Proctor; This is when Proctor was talking to Mary and she was scared to talk but then he told her this quote that the angel Raphael told Tobias.

"I saved her life today."

Mary Warren; This is when John and Elizabeth were questioning Mary about the council of witchcraft she is on. They were starting to get mad at how she could let this go on knowing it was false. Mary says she saved Elizabeth's life by saying she has never seen Elizabeth practicing witchcraft.

Why do you think Mary Warren lied and claimed Proctor bewitched her? How does peer pressure play a role in Mary's decision?

Mary lied because it was all of her 'friends' against her. She gave into the peer pressure of all of the girls saying she was bewitching them that she got scared and needed to find a way out. Abigail intimidates her and scares her, and since the judges were believing Abigail, Mary would be the one to get in trouble.

"Excellency, I have signed seventy-two death warrants; I am a minister of the Lord, and I dare not take a life without there be a proof so immaculate no slightest qualm of of conscience may doubt it."

Reverend Hale; Hale is starting to get annoyed and fed up with all of the accusations of witchcraft. He is beginning to question all of the death warrants he has signed, and is feeling a little guilty.


She is accused of witchcraft because the poppet with a needle in its stomach was found at her house. Mary Warren gave the poppet to Elizabeth. Elizabeth is brought into court and questioned about her knowledge of Abigail's affair with her husband. Proctor states that Elizabeth could never tell a lie. The court decides to bring her in for questioning to see if Proctor's story about the affair with Abigail is true. Elizabeth lies (in order to save John's reputation) and denies the affair. As a result, Danforth doesn't believe Proctor's story because he thinks he is a liar.

Rebecca Nurse

She is accused of witchcraft. She is highly respected in town so her accusation is surprising.

How did Abigail frame Elizabeth for witchcraft?

She stabbed herself with a needle during court, and while Mary was sitting next to her she put a different needle into the poppet. Mary brought the poppet home and gave it to Elizabeth without knowing that there was the needle in it. Cheever finds the poppet with the needle and they arrested Elizabeth.

Why might Judge Hathorne and Deputy Governor Danforth be hesitant to accept the testimony of Giles, Francis, and John? Think about why they would not want the accusation that the girls are lying to be true.

They are hesitant because they have already accused, brought to court, and killed a lot of people. If Giles, Francis, and Proctor are correct then that means all along the court was wrong. People would get mad at the court because they killed innocent people. So if they don't listen to the testimony, they can't be proven wrong, and people won't get mad.

Mary Warren

This character is brought to the court by Proctor to admit she never saw spirits. Abigail turns on Mary and accuses her of bewitching her while they are in court. Mary caves to the pressure of Abigail and the girls. During the court session she pretends to be bewitched and accuses Proctor of bewitching her.

Francis Nurse

attends court to attempt to prove the witchcraft accusations are not real in order to save his wife. He writes a deposition that 91 community members sign to show their support for Rebecca and Martha.

Judge Hathorne

​A judge at the trials alongside Danforth. He is convinced the girls are telling the truth.

"I have been hurt, Mr. Danforth; I have seen my blood runnin' out! I have been near to murdered every day because I done my duty pointing out the Devil's people-and this is my reward? To be mistrusted, denied, questioned..."

Abigail Williams; After Proctor and Mary brought up the idea that the girls could be lying, Danforth begins to question them about it. Abigail gets defensive and starts to blame the victim and turn the situation around so people will still believe her.

"Let you beware, Mr. Danforth. Think you be so mighty that the power of Hell may not turn your wits?"

Abigail Williams; Mr. Danforth was questioning Abigail about the spirits she is seeing and how they can be an illusion. Abigail gets defensive and starts playing the victim.

John Proctor

As his wife was being arrested he ripped up the arrest warrant. After his wife is arrested for witchcraft he knows he must tell the court the accusations are false. Harthorne accuses him of trying to overthrow the court when he presents his evidence of the witchcraft accusations being false. He tells the court about his affair with Abigail in order to prove Abigail has a motive to want Elizabeth dead.

How does Mary Warren change throughout the play? Provide specific examples of her actions and motivations behind these actions.

At the beginning of the play, Mary Warren goes along with a lot of what Abigail and the other girls do. For example, she is apart of the court and believes what Abigail is saying. Then Proctor convinces Mary to go against what Abigail is saying and tell the truth to the court. By the end of act 3, Mary cracks under the pressure and blames Proctor.

Why does Cheever come to Proctor's house to look for a poppet?

Cheever goes to Proctor's house because they think it is a voodoo doll that Elizabeth used on Mary. Abigail accused Elizabeth of using the doll on her, so Cheever went to investigate. They found the needle in the stomach of the poppet, which is where Abigail was 'stabbed'.

"You have seen the Devil, you have made compact with Lucifer, have you not?"

Danforth; Danforth is trying to get the truth out of Mary and is trying to see if she is actually a witch. He is meaning towards believing Abigail, and pretty much already believes her which is why he is stating this so matter-of-factly.

"She wants me dead. I knew all week it would come to this."

Elizabeth Proctor; This is when Mary leaves the room and Proctor and Elizabeth are discussing what Mary said. Elizabeth is saying how Abigail wants her dead so that her and John can continue their relationship.

"I came to think he fancied her. And so one night I lost my wits, I think, and put her out on the highroad."

Elizabeth; This is when Elizabeth was asked to prove/disprove if John had an affair with Abigail. She ends up denying it, which does no good for her.

"Mr. Danforth, I gave them all my word no harm would come to them for signing this."

Francis Nurse; This is when 91 people signed a testament stating their good word for Rebecca Nurse, Elizabeth Proctor, and Martha Corey in hopes of releasing them from jail. Danforth ordered them to be summoned and questioned. Francis Nurse was upset because he promised that there would be no consequences for them signing it.

Martha Corey

Giles Corey's wife who is also accused of witchcraft. She is also highly respected in town.

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