CS 271 Midterm

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Converting unsigned decimal to hexadecimal

Repeatedly divide by 16 and retain each remainder as a hexadecimal digit. The last digit retained is the most-significant in the hexadecimal number.

Translate unsigned decimal integers to binary

Repeatedly divide by 2, saving each remainder as a binary digit. The most-significant bit will be the last digit saved.

Two's complement of a hexadecimal number

Reverse the bits by subtracting each digit from 15 (F), then add 1.

Lower 16 bits of ESI (EDI, EBP, ESP)


Auxiliary Carry flag (AC)

Set when an arithmetic operation causes a carry from bit 3 to bit 4 in an 8-bit operand.

Sign flag (SF)

Set when an arithmetic or logical operation generates a negative result. Sign Flag is a copy of the destination operand's highest bit.

Zero flag (ZF)

Set when an arithmetic or logical operation generates a result of zero.

Overflow flag (OF)

Set when the result of a signed arithmetic operation is too large or too small to fit into the destination.

Carry flag (CF)

Set when the result of an unsigned arithmetic operation is too large to fit into the destination. Either: (Addition) Result is larger than bits available, so MSB flips from 1 to 0 (Subtraction) A larger number is subtracted from a smaller number

Wait states

Empty clock cycles, caused by a processor waiting on other components

Three basic steps of the instruction execution cycle

Fetch, decode, execute

Static RAM

High-speed memory chips that do not have to be refreshed to hold their data. Cache memory is constructed from static RAM.


High-speed storage location inside the CPU, designed to be accessed at much higher speed than conventional memory.

Segment registers function

Hold pointers to segment descriptor tables. Segments hold: Program instructions (code) Variables (data) Local function variables and function parameters (stack)

Instruction queue

Holding area for instructions that are about to execute

Address bus

Holds the addresses of instructions and data when the currently executing instruction transfers data between the CPU and memory.

Converting signed binary to decimal

If the highest bit is 0: the number is positive, so proceed as if it's an unsigned integer. If the highest bit is 1: the number is negative, so you need to create its two's complement to get the positive equivalent, then proceed as if it's an unsigned integer.

Range of an unsigned integer with n bits

0 to 2^n - 1

Instruction execution cycle

1. CPU fetches the instruction from the instruction queue and increments the instruction pointer 2. CPU decodes the instruction, which may contain operands. 3. If operands are involved, the CPU fetches the operands from registers and memory (sometimes involves address calculations) 4. CPU executes the instruction and updates status flags 5. If an output operand was part of the instruction, the CPU stores the result of its execution in the operand.

Steps to load and execute a program

1. OS searches for the program's filename 2. If program is found, OS retrieves basic information about the program's file 3. OS determines next available memory location, allocates a block of memory, enters information about program into a descriptor table. 4. OS begins execution of the program's first machine instruction (entry point). Program is now called a process. 5. Process runs by itself, tracked by the OS 6. When process ends it is removed from memory.

Steps for reading from memory

1. Place the address of the value on the address bus 2. Assert (change the value of) the processor's RD (read) pin 3. Wait one clock cycle for the memory chips to respond 4. Copy the data from the data bus into the destination operand

Number of bits in a Double quadword


Number of bits in a Word


First 5 powers of 16 (hexadecimal digits)

16^0 = 1 16^1 = 16 16^2 = 256 16^3 = 4096 16^4 = 65,536 16^5 = 1,048,576

KiB (kilobyte)

2^(10), or 1024 bytes

MiB (megabyte)

2^(20), or 1,048,576 bytes

GiB (gigabyte)

2^(30), or 1024^3, or 1,073,741,824 bytes

TiB (terabyte)

2^(40), or 1024^4 bytes

PiB (petabyte)

2^(50), or 1024^5 bytes


2^(60), or 1024^6 bytes


2^(70), or 1024^7 bytes


2^(80), or 1024^8 bytes

Number of bits in a Doubleword


How large of an address space does a 32-bit processor running in protected mode have?

4 GiB

Number of bits in a Quadword


Number of bits in a Byte


Four general-purpose register names


Four multi-purpose register names


Precedence of Boolean operators


Range of a signed integer with n bits

-2^(n-1) to +2^(n-1) - 1


A digital component that uses a selector bit (S) to select from a set of inputs. If n is the number of inputs, you need log_2(n) selector bits.


As the L1 program runs, each of its instructions is decoded and executed by a program written in L0. The L1 program begins running immediately, but each instruction must be decoded before it can execute, causing a delay.

ECX function

Automatically used as a counter by the CPU.

Machine Language

A numeric language specifically understood by a computer's processor.


A parallel transfer path that moves data from one part of a computer to another. A computer system usually has four types: data, input/output (I/O), control, and address.


A sequence of one or more characters

Virtual machine

A software program that emulates the functions of some other physical or virtual computer.

ASCII digit string

A string of ASCII characters representing a number, such as "123" or "65". Can use decimal, hexadecimal, binary, octal.

Null-terminated string

A string of characters followed by a single byte containing zero.


A value that is either an input or an output to an operation.

8-bit segments of the lower 16 bits of EAX


Lower 16 bits of EAX


EAX function

Automatically used by multiplication and division instructions. Often called the Extended Accumulator register.

ESP function

Addresses data on the stack. Often called the Extended Stack Pointer register.

Binary integer

An integer stored in memory in its raw format. Stored in multiples of 8 bits.

Unpacked BCD

Binary-coded decimal format with one digit per byte. For example, 1,234,567 can be stored as an array of bytes (shown in hex): 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07.

Packed BCD

Binary-coded decimal format with two digits per byte. For example, 1,234,567 can be stored as an array of bytes (shown in hex): 01, 23, 45, 67

Memory Storage Unit

CPU component in which instructions and data are held while a computer program is running.

16-bit segment registers


Status flag names

Carry Overflow Sign Zero Auxiliary Carry Parity

Control flags

Control the CPU's operation - can cause CPU to break after every instruction is executed, interrupt when overflow is detected, enter different modes.

Converting signed decimal to binary

Convert the absolute value to binary If the original decimal was negative, create the two's complement of the binary number.

Converting signed decimal to hexadecimal

Convert the absolute value to hexadecimal If the decimal was negative, create the two's complement of the hexadecimal number.

Control Unit

Coordinates the sequencing of steps involved in executing machine instructions.

Converting signed hexadecimal to decimal

If the highest digit >= 8, the number is negative. Create the two's complement, then convert that number to decimal. If the highest digit <=7, the number is positive. Convert to decimal as if it were an unsigned integer.

Real-address mode

Implements the programming environment of an early Intel processor. Only 1MiB of memory can be addressed and only one program can be run at a time. Allows programs to access any memory location, including addresses directly linked to system hardware.

EIP function

Instruction pointer - contains the address of the next instruction to be executed

Four levels of machine

Level 1: A computer's digital logic hardware Level 2: ISA (machine language) Level 3: Assembly language Level 4: High-level language

Program entry point

Memory address at which the program is to begin execution.


Memory inside the CPU that can hold recently used copies of instructions and data. Level-1 cache (primary): stored right on the CPU Level-2 cache (secondary): attached to CPU by a high-speed data bus

Random Access Memory (RAM)

Memory that can be accessed in any order, using individual addresses.

Dynamic RAM

Memory that must be constantly refreshed. Slower but cheaper.


Named storage locations in the CPU that hold intermediate results of operations.

Is assembly language portable?

No, assembly language is designed for a specific processor family.

Assembly Language

Programming language that has the same structure and set of commands as machine languages but allows programmers to use symbolic representations of numeric machine code.

Relationship between machine code and micro-instructions

One machine instruction can map to multiple micro-instructions.

Relationship between high-level languages and assembly/machine language

One-to-many. A single statement in a high-level language expands into multiple assembly language or machine instructions.

Relationship between assembly language and machine language

One-to-one. Each assembly instruction corresponds with exactly one machine instruction.

Big-endian order

Ordering of binary bits with high-order bit at the end.

Little-endian order

Ordering of binary bits with the low-order bit at the end.

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

Performs mathematic operations such as addition and subtraction and logical operations such as AND, OR, and NOT.

3 primary modes of an x86 processor

Protected mode Real-address mode System management mode

System management mode

Provides the OS with a mechanism for implementing functions such as power management and system security.

Two's complement representation of a binary number

The negative equivalent of a positive binary value can be obtained by reversing its bits and adding the value 1. The two's complement is the additive inverse of the original binary number.

EFL function

Status register (EFLAGS, Flags) - consists of individual binary bits that control the operation of the CPU or select the outcome of some CPU operation.Con

High-frequency clock

Synchronizes the internal operations of the CPU with other system components.

Machine cycle/clock cycle

The basic unit of time for machine instructions. The length of a clock cycle is the time required for one complete clock pulse (time between one falling edge and the next)

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The core component of a computer that executes machine instructions. Components: Registers High-frequency clock Control Unit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

Instruction Set Architecture (ISA)

The design of a computer's central processing unit (CPU).


The entire L1 program is converted into an L0 program by an L0 program designed for that purpose. Then the resulting L0 program can be executed directly.

Protected mode

The native state of the processor. Programs are given separate memory areas named segments (each up to 4 GiB), and the processor prevents programs from referencing memory outside their assigned segments.

I/O Bus

Transfers data between the CPU and the system input/output devices

Data bus

Transfers instructions and data between the CPU and memory

EBP function

Used by high-level languages to reference function parameters and local variables on the stack. Often called the Extended Frame Pointer register.

ESI and EDI function

Used by high-speed memory transfer instructions. Sometimes called Extended Source Index Extended Destination Index registers.

Control Bus

Uses binary signals to synchronize actions of all devices attached to the system bus.


Utility program that combines individual object files created by an assembler into a single executable program


Utility program that converts source code programs from assembly language into machine language

Program loader

Utility program that loads other programs into memory before they are executed

How to find b, the number of binary bits you need to represent an unsigned decimal value n

b = floor(log_2n + 1)

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