CS121 Exam #1

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Describe the process of updating Raspbian. State the commands and provide an explanation of the steps in the process

"sudo apt-get update" (searches for upgrades) and "sudo apt-get upgrade" (installs upgrades)

Describe the function of a DNS server

A Domain Names System Server runs special purpose networking software, features a public IP address, and contains a database of network names and address for other internet hosts

What is the relationship between a bit and a byte?

A bit is a basic unit of information and a byte is a group 8 bits.

What is an IP address?

A string of numbers separated by periods used to identify a computer using the internet protocol over a network, A way to identify your computer over a netowork

Define what a 'word' is (in the context of computer organization).

A word is a fixed size piece of data handled as a unit by the instruction set or hardware of the processor

LED's on RPi


What are the primary components of the Von Neumann Architecture?

CPU, I/O devices, control unit, logic unit and memory unit

What is computer architecture?

Computer architecture is the science of taking the components that make up a computer and integrating them in such a way so they can achieve a level of functionality and performance

What is computer organization?

Computer organization is the study of the components which computers are built out of.

What functions do a wireless router perform?

Connects multiple devices to the same network, connection to LAN but maybe not internet


Controls real life things (i.e. doorbells, light bulbs, lawn mowers, ect)

Choose the kinds of components present on the SoC?

D- all of the above

Which of these can be used to connect LCD screens?

DSI display interface

What Linux distribution is Raspbian based on?


What is the circumstance under which the SD card should not be inserted or removed?

Do not insert or remove the SD card when the pi has power attached

How are binary states (0's and 1's) represented at the lowest level of the CPU and memory?

In the lowest levels of the CPU 1's and 0's are represented by voltages. So a bit would be 'on' or a '1' if there is voltage going to that bit and if there is no voltage going to that big then it would be 'off' or '0'.

PWR glows red

Indicates power is present

What does a switch do?

It connects two network devices or network slices together

What is the function of a cable modem?

It is a piece of hardware that lets you communicate with the internet over a landline connection.

What part of the operating system is responsible for allocating memory resources?


What is the difference between a LAN, MAN, and WAN?

LAN- Land Area Network, size of a building MAN- Metropolitan Area Network, couple of buildings WAN- wide are network, connects LAN's together

Does the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B have a HDD?


At the software level, can you run a 64-bit application on a 32-bit architecture? Explain

No you can't run a 64-bit application on a 32-bit architecture because you need 64-bit across the system bus to access the ram and it won't access it if you have 32-bit.

Please summarize Moore's Law

Predicted number of transistors on a single chip would double every year

What is the new all in one image called for the Raspberry Pi?

Raspian Jesse

ACT glows green

SD card is plugged in and accessible

Specs for RPi

SoC: Broadcom BMC2037 GPU: VideoCore IV 3D graphics core CPU: 1.2GHz 64-bit quad core RAM: 1GB Storage: 8GB micro SD card Ports: HDMI, Micro USB, CSI, DSI, 3.5 analog audio- video jack, Ethernet, 4 USB

How does the CPU locate the correct place in memory for reading and writing?

The CPU uses the memory addresses for locating data for reading and writing

What is the System Bus and what are the three things it carries?

The system bus is a pathway between the CPU and memory. The three things the system bus carries is memory addresses, data values and control signals that allow the CPU and memory to control traffic over the bus

What is the analogue video out of Raspberry Pi?

composite video

Describe two different methods of transferring files between a host laptop and connected Raspberry Pi

first way would be to use a secure copy (scp) on the command line the other way would be to use an SFTP client like fileZilla or cyberduck

What is the Linux command to find out what the IP address of UVM's website is?

ping <website name> or nslookup <website name>

What is the Linux command to show the current directory you are in?

pwd (present working directory)

What is the command to launch the Python 3 interactive shell?


How many cores are present in the BCM2836 processor?

quad core

How many bytes do typical memory locations store?

8-bit or byte

Storage for RPi

8GB micro SD card

Why are registers used instead of memory?

CPU has very fast access to it faster than any other memory

Name any two kinds of third-party Operating systems that can be used for Raspberry Pi?


Name two ways of achieving network connectivity with Raspberry Pi 3?

-Using a wired connection with the ethernet socket on your pi -Using a wireless USB dongle or a USB to ethernet adapter

yield equation

1(1+(defects per area * die area/2))^2

Describe the general Linux booting process.

1) BIOS - performs system integrity checks, searches, loads and executes the boot loader, gives control to the boot loader 2) MBR - located in the first sector of bootable disk, contains information about GRUB 3) GRUB - displays splash screen, can select kernel image, loads and executes Kernel 4) Kernel - mounts root file system, executes Init (initialization) 5) Init - initialization program, check /etc/inittab file to decide Linux run level

Outline the typical integrated circuit fabrication process:

1. Incoming inspection 2. Lazers 3. Sputter 4. Photoresist 5. Photolithography 6. Develop 7. Etch 8. Dice and dismount 9. Final inspection

Provide the details of the Raspberry Pi booting process.

1. It has a GPU on board for when it powers up and the ARM cores remain off 2. GPU executes first stage of the boot loader 3. First stage reads the microSD card and loads the second stage boot loader (bootcode.bin) into L2 cache and executes 4. The secondary boot loader turns on SDRAM (the separate memory chip physically stacked on top of SoC), then loads the third stage program (loader.bin) and starts it. 5. Loader.bin reads start.elf or the GPU's firmware 6. Finally the start.elf reads config.txt, cmdline.txt and kernel.img and starts the OS

Describe the five generations of computers:

1. Vacuum tubes 2. transistors 3. integrated circuit 4. microprocessor 5. AI

What are the steps to install Raspbian on a microSD card?

1. You insert the SDcard into the card reader and the card reader into your computer 2. You use SD formatter to format your card 3. Unzip your raspbian img 4. Use Etcher to flash your img to the SD card

Describe the process of how to create a Python program (.py file) and run it from the command line

1. nano filename.py 2. write to your program 3. then follow steps to write to your program and exit 4. to run = python3 filename.py

What type of processor does the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B have, and who manufactures it?

1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARMv8 CPU and it is made my broadcom

What nanometer manufacturing process technology do the current Intel Kaby Lake processors use?

14 nanometers

What kind of plug goes into Raspberry Pi board for audio out?

3.5 mm optical mini plug

How many volts does the Raspberry Pi require?


What is an interrupt and how does it allow multitasking?

An interrupt stops the program the computer is currently running, go to another program run that and then return to the previous program

What are the four basic types of instructions the CPU accepts and executes?

Arithmetic, Logic, I/O, control

How can we replace the operating system in Raspberry Pi?

Flash the SD card and install a new OS img


HDMI, Micro USB, CSI, DSI, 3.5 analog audio- video jack, Ethernet, 4 USB

What is the difference between the 'Harvard' and 'Von Neumann' architectures?

Harvard architecture holds the instructions and the data separately where Von Neumann holds the data and the instructions in the same place

What is a kernel and what is it responsible for?

The kernel is responsible for controlling the computers hardware, memory access, CPU, storage devices, and file system. Also lets apps use the computer hardware

Where do the device drivers of the Raspberry Pi reside?

The operating system

What is an operating system and what are some examples of the functions it performs?

The operating system in the main program on your computer. It controls the way the computer works and makes it possible for other programs to function

What is the purpose of the ALU?

The purpose of ALU or Arithmetic and logic unit is that it is cable of operation on binary data

What determines the number of bits that can be transferred at a time on the system bus?

The width of a bus refers to the number of lines that is in the bus and the number of lines refer to how many bits can be transferred at a time.

What is the function of the Status register?

Updated with the status of something the CPU has done

What is VIM and provide a URL to an online reference describing how to use it

VIM is a highly configured text editor

What is virtual memory?

Virtual memory is memory that appears to be in the main storage but is actually being transferred between the main storage and secondary storages. Also makes program thinks it is accessing adjacent memory slots

What is the purpose of computer memory?

it is a long row of storage compartments for data

What is the function of the Program Counter?

it is a special purpose register that hold the address for the next machine instruction to be brought in from memory

On the command line, what action does using the tab key after typing a character (or characters) do?

it prints out the rest of the directory you are looking for

What does typing: cd .. on the command line do?

makes your step back one directory

Which of the following is necessary to boot Raspberry Pi?

mircoSD card

Describe the steps (and commands) you would need to take in order to create a new directory, navigate to it, and display any containing files on the command line interface

mkdir <directory name>, cd <directory>, cat <filename>

What is the Linux command to create a new user?

sudo adduser nameofuser

What is the Linux command to delete a user?

sudo userdel -r nameofuser

What is the Linux command to give a user elevated authority to execute a task? Do all users have the ability to use this command?

sudo, and only if you know the password it prompts

What are general-purpose registers and where are they physically located?

the limited number of storage spaces that are held in the CPU

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