CSC Test 1 Review

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Windows 10 is an example of an operating system, as are the Mac OS and Linux. List the three main tasks that the operating system performs in controlling the computer's resources and behavior. Provide a short explanation of each.

(1) controls how data and instructions are loaded from memory and accessed by CPU. (2) Manage the memory of the computer,organizing storage into files and directories (or folders). (3) Connects the CPU and memory with the other hardware components of the computer,allowing software applications to access memory and interact with the input/output devices.

In 2010, there were an estimated ______ million computers connected to the Internet


Comments can be placed at any point in the page and are delimited by

<!-- and -->

Every HTML document must begin with the tag

<!doctype html>

The content of an HTML document is contained between the tags

<html> and </html>

The general form for an image that reacts to mouse movement is


ordered list


A table is identified by


entries within that row identified by


Describe three elements common to a graphical user interface (GUI). How do these elements make it easier for a user to interact with the computer?

A GUI utilizes intuitive, visual elements to simplify the process of viewing files and executing programs. Programs, directories and files are represented as (1) ICONS, or small pictures that convey some aspect of the element they symbolize. (2) WINDOWS represent separate work spaces that can be active at the same time, displaying files or executing programs. Most GUIs also utilize PULL-DOWN MENUS of commands, which allow the user to identify and select common commands easily.

What is a Web server, and what role does it play in the World Wide Web?

A Web server is an Internet-enabled computer that executes software for providing access to Web documents. WEB SERVER IS A STORAGE SPOT When the server receives a request for a particular page from a Web browser, it locates the specified page in its directories and sends the page back to the browser via the Internet.

What is a transistor, and how did the introduction of transistors lead to faster and cheaper computers? What other effects did transistors have on modern technology and society? 18. What is a microprocessor, and how did the introduction of microprocessors lead to faster and cheaper computers?

A transistor is a piece of silicon whose conductivity can be turned on and off using an electric current. Since transistors were smaller, cheaper, more reliable, and more energyefficient than vacuum tubes, they allowed for the production of more powerful yet inexpensive computers.

The internet traces its root back to the...

ARPANet it was founded by the u.s. department of defense's advanced research project agency (ARPA).

Each generation of computers resulted in machines that were cheaper, faster, and thus accessible to more people. How did this trend affect the development of programming languages?

As computers became cheaper and more accessible to companies and individuals, it was necessary to simplify their use so that people other than engineers could manage them. Assembly languages were the first step in making programming easier, followed by highlevel languages that allowed non-technical people to control computer execution.

Suppose you are shopping for a personal computer that you plan to use exclusively for email and Web access. Which would be a better use of your limited funds--a faster CPU or a larger hard drive? Why?

Because sending email and accessing the Web do not require extensive computation, fast speed is not necessary in a CPU. Most of the time, the CPU will be idle while you are typing an email, or reading a message or Web page. On the other hand, if you are going to be storing a large number of messages and downloading files off the Web, lots of hard drive space might prove useful.

Why did the government decide to privatize the internet?

Because they Recognizing that continued growth would require an influx of funding and research

In what units are CPU speeds measured, and what does this measurement unit refer to? If one computer has a 2GHz Celeron processor and another has a 2GHz AMD Athlon processor, does that imply they will be able to execute the same program in the same amount of time? Explain.

CPU speed is generally measured in gigahertz (GHz), which indicates how many billions of basic instructions a CPU can execute in a second. For example, a 2 GHz CPU can execute approximately 2 billion instructions in a second. Since different families of CPUs will provide different basic operations, performance comparisons based on CPU speed are not always accurate.

<h2 style="text-align:center">

Creates a centered heading.

As it did with many technologies, World War II greatly influenced the development of computers. In what ways did the war effort contribute to the evolution of computer technology? In what ways did the need for secrecy during the war hinder computer development?

Defense related projects provided funding for early computer research and development, including the COLOSSUS for use in code breaking and ENIAC for computing ballistic tables. The work of Zuse in Nazi Germany was lost during the war, and the very existence of the COLOSSUS was top secret for decades after the war.


Defines a row in a table

Modern computers integrate several different types of memory, such as cache, RAM, hard drive, and flash drive. Why are different types of memory used, as opposed to the exclusive use of a particular technology? What would be the drawbacks, for example, of using only cache memory, or only hard drive?

Different types of memory are used because they have different characteristics which have different benefits. RAM and Cache are expensive and volatile. However, they are very fast and are good to use when you need to pull up things quickly. Hard drive is slow compared to RAM and Cache, however, it is inexpensive and not volatile, so it can be used by people with various backgrounds. It is good to store things that you don't really need to pull up

Mechanical calculators, such as those designed by Pascal and Leibniz, were first developed in the 1600s. However, they were not widely used in businesses and laboratories until the 1800s. Why was this the case?

Early calculators were difficult to build, owing to the precision required in making and assembling all the interlocking pieces. It wasn't until the early 1800s, when manufacturing methods improved to the point where mass production was possible, that mechanical calculators became commonplace in businesses and laboratories.

TRUE or FALSE? A microprocessor is a special-purpose computer that is used to control scientific machinery


TRUE or FALSE? Although they were large and expensive by today's standards, early computers such as the MARK I and ENIAC were comparable in performance (memory capacity and processing speed) to modern desktop computers.


TRUE or FALSE? The first personal computer was the IBM PC, which first hit the market in 1980


TRUE or FALSE? The first programmable machine was a mechanical calculator designed by Charles Babbage


TRUE or FALSE? In order to be classified as a "computer," a device must have a keyboard and display screen?


TRUE or FALSE? The World Wide Web was developed in the early 1970s, shortly after the creation of the Internet.


TRUE or FALSE? A hard drive is classified as volatile memory, because it requires a constant power supply in order to retain its information.

False. Only RAM and Cache are.

The standards most central to the Web interactions are...


event handler

HTML attribute that specifies how the element is to react to certain events. JavaScript statements are assigned to an event handler to define the specific action to be carried out.


HTML element that initiates actions in the page when clicked. The general form for a button is: <button onclick="CODE_TO_EXECUTE_WHEN_MOUSE_CLICKS_ON_BUTTON"> BUTTON_LABEL_TEXT </button> In order for a button to change the attributes of another element, that element must first be assigned a unique identifier using the ID attribute.

Describe the difference between hardware and software and identify two examples of each.

Hardware -- refers to the physical components of the computer example: the monitor, keyboard, hard drive, etc. Software -- refers to the programs that execute (i.e.,run) on the computer example: carrying out tasks such as word processing or accessing the Web, Windows, Mac OS

Describe the three essential components of a computer that make up the Von Neumann architecture. How do these components work together to produce a machine that can be programmed to complete different tasks? (COME BACK TO THIS QUESTION)

Input/Output devices allow the user to communicate with the computer by entering commands and then viewing the results. Memory stores information for the computer to process, as well as programs, or instructions specifying the steps necessary to complete specific tasks. Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the component that carries out programmatic steps in order to process data.

In the mid-1980s, the ARPANet became known as the

Internet acknowledging its structural similarities with Recognizing that continued growth would require an influx of funding and research

Jacquard's loom, although unrelated to computing, influenced the development of modern computing devices. What design features of that machine are relevant to modern computer architectures?

Jacquard's loom, which used metal cards with holes punched into them to specify the weaving pattern, was the first programmable device. By changing the program (i.e., the cards), the same loom could be used to produce different patterns. The idea of a programmable machine was later adopted by Babbage for his Analytical Engine and eventually led to modern, programmable computers. The use of punch cards for representing data was also adopted by Babbage and early computer designers.

Two of the technological advances described in this unit were so influential that they earned their inventors a Nobel Prize in Physics. Identify the inventions and inventors.

John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley received the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics for their invention of the transistor. Jack Kilby received the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the development of integrated circuits

Computer memory is usually grouped in bytes, which consist of 8 bits each. How many different values can be represented using a byte? How many different values can be represented using two bytes?

One byte (8 bits) can represent 256 different values. Two bytes (16 bits) can represent 65,536 different values.

The design of the ARPANet-and hence of today's Internet- was strongly influenced by the ideas of...

Paul Baran who proposed that it be distributed and packet-switching.

Web Server

Saves documents and serves them to computers that want access

What advantages did vacuum tubes provide over electromagnetic relays? What were the disadvantages of vacuum tubes?

Since vacuum tubes had no moving parts, they enabled the switching of electrical signals at speeds far exceeding those of relays. However, vacuum tubes were expensive, required significant power, and tended to burn out frequently.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)

Specifies formatting within a page using tags.

TRUE or FALSE? Ada Byron is generally acknowledged as the world's first programmer, because of her work on Babbage's Analytical Engine.


TRUE or FALSE? An electromagnetic relay is a mechanical switch that can be used to control the flow of electricity through a wire


TRUE or FALSE? Because transistors were smaller and produced less heat than vacuum tubes, they allowed for the design of smaller and faster computers.


TRUE or FALSE? Many Web servers improve performance by uses parallel processing, in which multiple processors run simultaneously to handle page requests.


TRUE or FALSE? Moore's Law states that the number of transistors that can be manufactured on a computer chip doubles every 18 to 24 months.


TRUE or FALSE? Vacuum tubes, as they have no moving parts, enable the switching of electrical signals at speeds far exceeding those of relays.


Describe two innovations introduced by Apple Computer in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

The Apple II, released in 1977, was the first preassembled personal computer that included a keyboard, color monitor, sound, and graphics. The Apple Macintosh, released in 1984, introduced the now familiar graphical user interface of windows, icons, pulldown menus, and a mouse pointer.

What does the body contain?

The BODY contains the text and formatting that you want to appear within the page

The Intel Core i9 is an example of a processor, or CPU, as are the Intel i5 and AMD Ryzen 7. List the two main tasks that the CPU performs in controlling the computer's workings and provide a short explanation of each.

The CPU is responsible for two key tasks: (1) fetching program instructions from memory, and (2) executing those instructions.

What appears at the top of the browser window when that page is displayed?

The HEAD contains the TITLE of the page, which appears at the top of the browser window when that page is displayed

It has been said that the Internet could exist without the Web, but the Web couldn't exist without the Internet. Why is this true?

The Internet is a vast, international network of computers, which existed more than 20 years before the World Wide Web. Many networking applications are supported by the Internet, such as email, instant messaging, ftp (file transfer), and the Web. The Web is a collection of software that spans the Internet and enables the interlinking of documents and resources.

What does the browser do about the comments when the page is loaded?

The browser ignores comments when the page is loaded.

What was the first personal computer and when was it first marketed? How was this product different from today's PCs?

The first personal computer (PC), the MITS Altair 8800, was marketed in 1975. The Altair was a computer kit that required assembly by the user, and had no keyboard, no monitor, and no permanent storage. The user entered instructions directly by flipping switches on the console and viewed output as blinking lights.

HTML Element

The opening and closing tags including the text in between.

It was claimed that the ENIAC was programmable but programming it to perform a different task required rewiring and reconfiguring the physical components of the machine. Describe how the adoption of the von Neumann architecture allowed subsequent machines to be more easily programmed to perform different tasks.

The von Neumann architecture allowed for programs to be stored in memory along with data, and executed by the CPU. Thus, the same machine could perform different tasks simply by loading a different program into memory and executing it.

What features of Babbage's Analytical Engine did von Neumann incorporate into his architecture? Why did it take over a century for Babbage's vision of a general-purpose, programmable computer to be realized?

The von Neumann architecture takes its basic design elements from Babbage's Analytical Engine (although the technologies intended to implement the designs were significantly different). Babbage's store corresponds to memory, his mill corresponds to the CPU, and his input/output devices (punch cards and paper tape) were not all that different from I/O devices in von Neumann's time. The fact that Babbage's machine was programmable, with the mill executing programming instructions to perform different tasks, also mirrors the behavior of von Neumann's architecture. In many ways, Babbage's vision was ahead of its time, as the technology of his day (steam power, factory production, ...) was not capable of building the intricate machinery require to complete his design.

browsers may cache pages. Why?

To avoid repeatedly downloading the same Web page over and over

TRUE or FALSE? A Web browser is an example of applications software.


TRUE or FALSE? A bit is a unit of data that corresponds to one of two potential values (commonly written as 0 and 1).


TRUE or FALSE? A bus is a collection of wires that carry information as electrical signals between the hardware components of a computer.


TRUE or FALSE? A directory is a collection of files that are organized together and labeled with a common name.


TRUE or FALSE? A kilobyte of storage is 2^10 = 1,024 bytes, where a byte is a collection of 8 bits.


TRUE or FALSE? Keyboards and mice are examples of computer input devices.


What does a browser do about blank lines and extra spacing?

Typically, a browser formats text to fit the current window, ignoring blank lines and extra spacing within the HTML document.

In 1969, the ARPANET likoed four computers at...


The Web relies on two different types of software running on Internet-enabled computers. What are they?

Web server and Web browser

The Web's development is now guided by a nonprofit organization called the...

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which was founded by Berners-Lee in 1994.

How can designers can control spacing in Web pages?

by using the <br> element, which explicitly breaks a line of text.

Web Server

a computer that runs special software for storing and retrieving pages.

World Wide Web

a multimedia environment in which documents can be seamlessly linked over the Internet. proposed by timbernerslee 1989

What do <p> and </p> tags specify?

a new paragraph (preceded by a blank line).

Web Browser

a program that displays Web pages by interpreting the HTML and formatting the page accordingly.


a simple programming language for making dynamic Web pages. Using JavaScript, Web designers can create pages that interact with the user and vary their contents each time they are loaded.

Web page

a text document that contains additional formatting information in a language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language).

When executed, an alert statement causes a new window to appear and display the specified message. The general form of an alert statement is as follows:


Web browser

allows users to request and view the documents stored on servers.

ALT attribute specifies

alternate text to be displayed if the image doesn't load.

<h1></h1>, <h2></h2>, and <h3></h3>

an be used to display section headings of decreasing sizes

JavaScript statement

an instruction that tells the browser to perform some specific action, such changing another element's attributes or opening an alert window.

A JavaScript assignment statement is used to

assign a new value to an attribute of an element. The general form of a JavaScript assignment is: this. ATTRIBUTE_NAME=NEW_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE;


bold text

IMG elements have optional HEIGHT and WIDTH attributes,

can be dynamically adjusted to expand and shrink the image.

distributed network

control is distributed across a large number of machines, allowing for messages to be rerouted along alternate connections when a particular computer or connection fails.

Adding STYLE attributes to headings or paragraphs does what?

controls text alignment.

The Hypertext M (HTML)...

defines the content of Web pages,

HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

determines how messages exchanged between browsers and servers are formatted.

Within a JavaScript statement, an element can be accessed (and modified) using an expression of the form:



draws a horizontal line across the page.

Web address

formally known as a Uniform Resource Locator, or URL) specifies the location of a particular Web page.

he ONCLICK event handler specifies

how an element is to react when the user clicks the mouse on the element. The general form for an image that reacts to a mouse click is: <img src="ADDRESS_OF_IMAGE" alt="ALT_TEXT" onclick="CODE_TO_EXECUTE_WHEN_MOUSE_CLICKS_ON_THE_IMAGE">

Consider the following fictitious URL: What does each part of this URL (separated by slashes) specify?

http://, specifies that the HyperText Transfer Protocol should be used in communications between the browser and server. identifies the Web server that stores the page. products is a directory on that server, and info.html is the name of the file stored in that directory.


identified by <li></li>

unordered list

identified by <ul></ul>

What does the &nbsp symbol symbolize?

inserts a space into text.


italicizes text

The Internet Protocol (IP) is concerned with...

labeling the packets for delivery and controlling the packets paths from sender to recipient.


larger text

The Internet Society...

maintains and enforces standards and protocols concerning the Internet, and also organizes committees that propose new Internet-related technologies and software.

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

messages are broken down into packets and then reassembled when they reach their final destination.

packet switching network

messages are broken into smaller packets and sent independently. Advantages of this approach include a more efficient use of the connections, the ability to react to failures and congestion, and improved reliability. The Internet Society maintains and enforces standards and protocols concerning the Internet,

In the past decade, the Internet has evolved into the Internet of Things (IoT). What does this mean>

mobile and embedd devices have come to outnumber traditional computers. In 2018, it was estimated that 34.8 billion were connected to the Internet.

<span style="color:red"></span>

red-colored text


small data files that are stored by the browser at the request of a Web server, enabling that server to subsequently access the files when the user returns to the site.

ONMOUSEOVER event handler

specifies how an element is to react when the user moves the mouse over the element.

ONMOUSEOUT event handler

specifies how the element reacts when the mouse is subsequently moved off the element.

A sequence of characters enclosed in quotes is known as a

string literal, or string for short.

An error in the format of HTML or JavaScript statement (e.g., a misspelled identifier name) is known as a

syntax error. Syntax errors in HTML tags are typically ignored by the browser; syntax errors in JavaScript statements will typically cause the page to fail to load.

The SRC attribute specifies

the address of the image file to be displayed

The HREF attribute specifies

the address of the linked page

Each computer on the Internet is assigned an IP address (e.g., What is the point of this

to uniquely identify the page

outputDiv and outputdiv

two distinct identifiers by the browser.

Hyperlinks to other HTML documents can be embedded in a Web page by...

using an anchor element, e.g., <a href="">Author Site</a>.

GIF and JPEG images can be embedded in a Web page by...

using an image tag, e.g., <img src="reed.gif" alt="Dave Reed">.

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