CSE 5 Exam 2 Chapter 6

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What is a Web app?

A Web application (or Web app) is software that is accessed with a Web browser. Instead of running program files that are stored locally, the code for Web applications is downloaded along with HTML pages and is executed client-side by the browser. Program code for some Web applications may also run on a remote server.

What is a disk partition?

A disk partition is a section of a hard disk drive that is treated as a separate storage unit. Most hard drives are configured with a single partition that contains the operating system, programs, and data. However, it is possible to create more than one hard disk partition, each with a separate name and device letter. Partitions are created, modified, and deleted using Disk Utility on Macs and Disk Management on PCs.

What are file management best practices?

A file management utility provides tools and procedures to help you keep track of your program and data files. However, these tools are most useful when you have a logical plan for organizing your files and when you follow some basic file management guidelines. When working with files on lab computers, follow the guidelines from your instructor or lab manager.

What are the components of a typical software application?

A single button in a graphical user interface, a small interest calculator, an interface to a database manager.

What is a virtual machine?

A virtual machine allows one computer to simulate the hardware and software of another. Each virtual machine has its own simulated processor, RAM, video card, input and output ports, and operating system. Each machine can run most software that's compatible with the virtual OS platform.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Web apps?

Advantages: -You can access Web apps from any device that has a browser and an Internet connection, including full-size computers, smart phones, tablet computers, and enhanced media players. -Your data is usually stored on the app's Web site, so you can access data even when you are away from your main computer. -Web apps are always up to date; you don't have to install updates because the latest version is the one posted at the Web site where you access the app. -Web apps don't require local storage space, so you don't have to worry about them accumulating on your hard disk or SSD. Disadvantages ‒ Web apps tend to have fewer features than applications that require installation. ‒If the site hosting the app shuts down, you will not be able to access the application or your data. ‒Your data might be more vulnerable to exposure or loss because it is out of your control. If possible, back up data to a local device or to an auxiliary cloud storage site.

Why does the operating system get involved with peripheral devices?

As input/output means for visuals (monitors) or keystrokes (keyboard). Also to install new software (CD/DVD/USB) Every peripheral device connected to a computer is regarded as an input or output resource. Your computer's operating system communicates with device driver software so that data can travel smoothly between the computer and peripheral resources. If a peripheral device or driver is not performing correctly, the operating system makes a decision about what to do—usually it displays an on-screen message to warn you of the problem. An operating system ensures that input and output proceed in an orderly manner, using buffers to collect and hold data while the device is busy with other tasks. By using a keyboard buffer, for example, your computer never misses one of your keystrokes, regardless of how fast you type or what else is happening in your computer at the same time.

How is data stored?

Before a computer can store a file, the storage medium must be formatted. The formatting process creates the equivalent of electronic storage bins. Magnetic and optical media are divided into circular tracks and then further divided into pie-shaped sectors. Solid state storage media are divided into units.

What are the pros and cons of Chrome OS?

Chrome OS is an example of a thin client because it depends substantially on processing and storage provided by a remote computer—in this case, cloud-based servers. To get a sense of the Chrome OS world, visualize a browser as your desktop and imagine that your digital world is limited to only those online applications, communications, and storage locations that the browser can access. As cloud services become more extensive, Chrome OS becomes less and less limiting. Unlike iPads, Chromebooks support multiple users. They provide very limited local storage space, however, and do not offer connections to wired printers or scanners. Google claims that Chrome OS is very secure, but consumers understand that the security is equivalent to that provided by a browser and by cloud storage services.

What is commercial software?

Commercial software is usually sold in retail stores or on Web sites. Most licenses adhere closely to the limitations provided by law, although they might permit the software to be installed in multiple devices.

What is a folder?

Every storage device has a directory containing a list of its files. The main directory is referred to as the root directory. A root directory can be subdivided into smaller lists. Each list is called a subdirectory. Each subdirectory is depicted as a folder.

What are storage device designations?

Files can be saved on internal storage devices as well as on external devices and in the cloud. Knowing the location of a file is the key to retrieving it. Every storage location has a name, such as C:, JacksHD, DropBox, Macintosh HD, or SanDiskUSB. The storage location name may identify the location of the device, its type, or its owner.

What about freeware? Demoware?

Freeware is copyrighted software that is available for free. It is fully functional and requires no payment for its use. It permits you to use the software, copy it, and give it away but the license does not permit to alter or sell the software. Demoware is distributed for free and often comes preinstalled on new devices, but it is limited in some way until it is payed.

How does iOS worked?

IOS is Apples operating system that controls your mobile devices.

How do activation codes work?

Is a mean of protecting software from illegal copying by requiring users to enter an activation code or a product key.

What does an operating system do?

It gives the computer the tools that it requires to run and operate all of the programs that are being utilized.

How do mobile apps differ from Web apps?

Most handheld devices can use both Web apps and mobile apps. The difference between the two is that the program code for Web apps arrives only when you use the app, whereas mobile apps are stored on the handheld device, so they have to be downloaded and installed.

How do operating systems handle so many processes?

Multi threading. Having higher clock speeds, utilizing RAM and Disk cache to hold programs.During a typical session, a laptop computer might run an average of 50 processes. Ideally, the operating system should be able to help the microprocessor switch seamlessly from one process to another. Depending on the capabilities of the operating system and computer hardware, processes can be managed by multitasking, multithreading, and multiprocessing.

What payment options are available?

One-time purchase, subscription, trial, and freemium are all payment options and the pricing plan depends on the software vendor.

What is open source software?

Open source software program allows for users to modify and improve the software.

How do operating systems manage processor resources?

Operating system manage processor resource by ensuring that each process receives its share of attention from the microprocessor.

What is portable software?

Portable software is designed for PCs and it runs from removable storage, such as a USB flash drive. Program files are not installed on the hard disk, no configuration data is stored on a local device, and no entries need to be made in the Windows Registry. When the device containing the portable software is removed from the computer, no trace of it is left there. Carrying apps and data on a flash drive makes it possible to use just about any public or private computer without leaving a data trail on the local device or in the cloud.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Windows?

Pros: Many programs are written for windows, as it is the market majority. Some cons are due to its vulnerabilities and bugs found within the OS.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of OS X?

Pros: Robust, a 'walled garden' apporach where most of the software are screened. Some cons are its versatility, user's can't customize OSX's without jailbreaking the OS.

What are the most common types of software licenses?

Public domain software and proprietary software are the most common types of software license.

What's included in a typical software package?

Software for Macs is usually stored in a single executable file with an .app extension. That file, however, is actually a package that contains other files and folders. The contents of an application's package can be viewed by right-clicking the .app file and selecting Show Package Contents.

What is unique about Android?

Some androids have many unique features such as storage and battery swap, automation, no-touch control, and many more. Androids also come at an more affordable price than IOS phones.

Where is the operating system?

The operating system gives your computer a personality, it controls key elements of the user interface.

How does the operating system keep track of a files location?

The operating system uses a file system to keep track of the names and locations of files that reside on a storage medium, such as a hard disk. Different operating systems use different file systems.

Why is software licensed?

The reason software is licensed has to do with the copyrights. Software copyrights protect the rights of the person or corporation that developed the intellectual property.

What are the main software categories?

The two main types of software are systems software and application software.

What are upgrades and updates?

Update is when you install a newer release of the same software version you are currently using. Upgrades is when you buy a newer version of or addition to a hardware.

What happens when you empty the Recycle Bin?

When the Recycle Bin is emptied, the index file marks the clusters containing deleted files as "empty" and the file name is removed from all directory listings. The old data remains in the clusters, however, until it is overwritten by other files. Various third-party utilities can recover a lot of this supposedly deleted data. Law enforcement agents, for example, use these utilities to gather evidence from deleted files on the computer disks of suspected criminals.

What happens when a file is deleted?

When you click a file's icon and then select the Delete option, you might have visions of the read-write head somehow scrubbing out the clusters that contain data. That doesn't happen. Instead, the operating system simply changes the status of the file's clusters to "empty" and removes the file name from the index file. The file name no longer appears in a directory listing, but the file's data remains in the clusters until a new file is stored there.

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