Cultural Anthropology Final Fall 2016, Marriage and Family Questions

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20. What is a common element in ceremonies marking the onset of marriage? a. feasting b. fortune-telling c. meditation d. isolation


24. Bride __________ is a gift of money or goods from the groom or his kin to the bride's kin. a. price b. service c. exchange d. treasure


3. Which of the following is a typical part of the social institution of marriage? a. It is a socially approved sexual union. b. Women confer subservience to their husband. c. A person can only marry one other individual at a time. d. Tthe marriage will become null if no children are born.


38. The incest taboo is found in __________ known societies. a. all b. most c. some d. few


42. Couples raised together as children following the Chinese tradition of "daughter-in-law raised from childhood" are __________. a. more likely to get divorced b. more likely to have many children c. less likely to seek extramarital sexual relationships d. less likely to exchange dowry or bride price


44. Which theory suggests that the incest taboo is a reaction again natural, but unacceptable, desires? a. Freud's psychoanalytic theory b. Westermarck's childhood-familiarity theory c. Malinowski's family-disruption theory d. White and Levi-Strauss's cooperation theory


49. Even in an urbanized society like the US, people tend to marry within their __________. a. class and geographic area b. geographic area and educational level c. educational level and profession d. profession and class


53. Caste societies typically have __________ marriages. a. endogamous b. exogamous c. cross-cousin d. incestuous


59. Which of the following is a custom whereby a woman is obliged to marry her deceased sister's husband? a. sororate b. corporate c. disparate d. levirate


61. The custom of allowing a man to marry more than one woman is __________. a. found in most of the societies known to anthropology b. found in only a small minority of the world's societies c. unlikely to engender jealousy among co-wives d. strictly forbidden in Muslim society


64. Some polygynous societies try to reduce competition by practicing sororal polygyny, which is when the co-wives are __________. a. sisters b. good friends c. of similar temperament d. of very different ages


67. Which condition predicts a discouragement of romantic love as a basis for marriage? a. the husband a wife live in an extended family household b. there is relatively little sexual freedom for either spouse c. both partners are needed to make significant contributions to primary subsistence d. one of the primary goals of marriage is to produce children


72. What is the prevailing family type in over half of all societies known to anthropologists? a. extended family b. independent family c. nuclear family d. solitary family


74. What example from the Japanese in the 1950s and 1960s is put forward by the authors as an idea to relieve some of the financial pressure on Social Security in the United States? a. extended family living b. having more children c. accumulating more wealth in one's lifetime d. private investment of Social Security funds


8. In what situation did Azande warriors traditionally take on "boy-wives"? a. when they could not afford wives b. if no suitable women were available c. when the warriors were away in battle d. any time the women were menstruating and sexually unavailable


9. Among the __________, a pastoral and agricultural society of Kenya, about three percent of the marriages are female-female. a. Nandi b. Mbuti c. Twa d. Azande


10. Children of a Nandi female-female marriage will name __________ as their father. a. their biological father b. the female who has the role of husband c. the female who has the role of wife d. their maternal uncle


11. Marriage may have developed as an adaptive response to which social issue? a. food insecurity b. prolonged infant dependency c. guaranteed sexual satisfaction d. social inequality


13. Why do some argue that sexual competition is higher among humans than in other primates? a. Humans are more likely than other primates to live in multi-male, multi-female social groups. b. Unlike most other primates, human females are sexually receptive throughout the year. c. Humans are particularly aggressive primates and more likely to compete through physical means. d. There is a lower female to male ratio in human communities than in most other primate groups.


15. What did Frank Marlow conclude about the postpartum foraging patterns of the Hadza? a. Fathers with a nursing infant at home contributed less food to the household than other fathers. b. Nursing women contributed significantly less food to the household than other women. c. Women with older children gathered less food than women with younger children. d. Families with younger children required fewer calories overall than families with older children.


18. How does a Kwoma girl inform her betrothed that their trial marriage was accepted by her in-laws? a. she washes his feet b. she prepares a meal for him c. she dresses in a special gown d. she sings him a marriage song


19. In the United States, what proportion of women under the age of 45 report living together while unmarried? a. one quarter b. one third c. two thirds d. three quarters


2. Why do anthropologists hold that families are universal? a. The nuclear family is the ideal in all cultures. b. All societies have parent-child groups. c. All known societies have laws protecting families. d. Children are revered in all cultures.


23. Of the following, which is the most common distribution of economic marriage transactions among societies that have them? a. bride service b. bride price c. indirect dowry d. gift exchange


27. Bride price is associated with __________. a. virtual slavery for the new wives b. relatively low status of women c. egalitarian societies d. cultures in which women have high status


29. In some societies, bride __________ can be substituted for the bride price. a. exchange b. service c. registry d. engagement


33. A dowry is a transfer of goods from __________ to the bride, the groom, or the couple. a. the groom's family b. the bride's family c. a host family d. the wedding guests


34. In what modern nation might you still find the practice of dowry? a. England b. Italy c. Germany d. Spain


36. To whom are the goods first transferred in an indirect dowry? a. the groom b. the bride's father c. the family elder d. the chief


40. Which theory hypothesizes that the taboo for incest is based on sibling association? a. Freud's psychoanalytic theory b. Westermarck's childhood-familiarity theory c. Malinowski's family-disruption theory d. White and Levi-Strauss's cooperation theory


41. The fact that people who are brought up together on the same kibbutz are uninterested in each other as marriage partners, even when the marriages are favored by their parents, supports which theory of the incest taboo? a. the "cooperation" theory b. the "childhood familiarity" theory c. the "family disruption" theory d. Freud's Oedipal theory


43. The childhood familiarity theory also implies that first-cousin marriages should be prohibited in __________. a. all societies b. societies in which cousins grow up together in the same community c. societies in which cousins live in distant villages d. only those societies with a very small reproductive pool


46. The theory that inbreeding can be genetically harmful to animals that produce few offspring, including humans, __________. a. was first proposed by Edward Tylor in the 19th century b. is supported by data from studies of humans and animals c. has few supporters in the anthropology community d. probably has little to do with the presence of the incest taboo in all known human societies


47. One study compared the health of children born of familial incest with children of the same mother born of non-incestuous unions and found that __________. a. both groups of children had high rates of genetic abnormalities b. the incestuous group had much higher rates of genetic abnormalities than the non-incestuous group c. the non-incestuous group had much higher rates of genetic abnormalities than the incestuous group d. neither group of children had high rates of genetic abnormalities


5. In which society did people not marry, but rather lived their whole lives in a residential group made up of maternal kin? a. Subanun b. Na c. Kwakiutl d. Kwomo


51. Which of the following is an example of an exogamous marriage tradition? a. marrying a member of your own caste b. marrying outside of a particular kin group c. marrying someone from within the village d. marrying with the intent to produce a male heir


54. While they say they would prefer a "love marriage", why do many South Asian immigrants in the US or UK ultimately have an arranged marriage? a. Many parents threaten to disown their children if they refuse an arranged marriage. b. They encounter social barriers while dating and prefer to marry within their own group. c. Arranged marriages allow them to maintain their citizenship in their home countries. d. The economic outcomes of arranged marriages are much higher than in love marriages.


55. Most societies __________. a. encourage marriages between parallel cousins b. disapprove of marriages between first cousins c. encourage marriages between first cousins d. encourage marriages between cross-cousins


56. Many societies around the world, including the Chippewa, regard cross-cousins as suitable marriage partners. In these cultures, whom would you be allowed to marry? a. your father's brother's child b. your father's sister's child c. your mother's sister's child d. your mother's daughter's child


57. In which group is parallel cousin marriage preferable to cross-cousin marriage? a. African cultures b. Muslim societies c. Native American societies d. cultures of the South Pacific


58. Cousin marriage is most common in __________. a. moderately stratified societies b. large and densely populated societies c. nomadic societies d. societies with medium-sized populations


60. Among the Chukchee, the custom of levirate is __________. a. considered a privilege offered only to highly esteemed men b. seen as more of an obligation than a rite c. the most common form of marriage d. a dying tradition, with only a few such marriages each year


69. A __________ is a social and economic unit consisting minimally of one or more parents (or parent substitute) and their children. a. household b. family c. marriage d. commune


7. Same-sex marriages are __________. a. prohibited in all societies b. not typical in any known society c. fairly common in some societies d. the norm in a few societies


71. A single-parent, polygynous, or polyandrous family that lives alone is known as a(n) __________ family. a. extended b. independent c. nuclear d. solitary


75. In what type of societies are extended family households found most frequently? a. postindustrial western societies b. sedentary agricultural economies c. semi-nomadic herding cultures d. traveling food collector bands


12. What is the primary weakness of both the gender division-of-labor and prolonged-infant-dependency models for the benefits of marriage? a. The division of labor around childcare responsibilities is only found in a few cultures. b. Marriage seems to be much older than the typical division of labor by gender found today. c. There are many ways other than marriage for groups of men and women to work together. d. Many species have a longer infant dependency than humans and get by without marriage.


14. What factor predicts male-female bonding among birds and mammals? a. an extended infant dependency period b. greater female sexuality and higher levels of male competition c. whether or not a female can simultaneously provide for herself and her babies d. a gendered division of labor between food gathering and defending a home territory


17. Trobriand couples who are going to marry advertise this by __________. a. performing an elaborate dance together b. fighting in public displays of aggression c. showing themselves together in public d. formally asking her father's permission


21. In which societies are ceremonial expressions of aggression a common part of marriage ritual? a. in cultures that have been engaged in warfare for many years b. in communities where women have very low social status c. in societies where the two sets of kin are actual or potential rivals d. in groups in which pastoralism and territoriality are common


22. Anthropologists have determined that the percentage of societies known to include one or more explicit economic transactions either before or after a marriage occurs at which of the following rates? a. about 15 b. about 45 c. about 75 d. about 95


25. Bride wealth is another term for __________. a. dowry b. exchange of females c. bride price d. bride service


26. Bride price occurs all over the world but is particularly common in __________. a. Europe b. East Asia c. Africa d. South America


28. Societies that have the custom of bride price are likely to practice __________ and lack __________. a. agriculture; social stratification b. agriculture; ownership of land c. horticulture; social stratification d. horticulture; ownership of land


30. Which of the following societies is more likely to practice bride service? a. Asian horticulturalists b. African agriculturalists c. Native American foragers d. European industrialists


32. Which society practices formal gift exchange from the time a boy and girl announce their intention to marry until the marriage has taken place? a. the Yanomamö b. the Tiv c. the Andaman Islanders d. the Nandi


35. Societies that practice dowry tend to be those in which __________. a. there is a shortage of desirable husbands b. men may be married to more than one woman at a time c. women contribute little to primary subsistence d. there is little social stratification


37. The US custom of the bride's family paying for the wedding is most similar to which type of marital exchange? a. bride price b. bride service c. dowry d. gift exchange


4. What two major factors do all forms of marriage consider? a. economic and kinship b. economic and land-ownership c. sexual and economic d. sexual and kinship


48. Ethnographic data provide the most support for which theory on the incest taboo? a. family-disruption theory b. cooperation theory c. inbreeding theory d. psychoanalytic theory


50. How has the tradition of arranged marriage changed in recent years? a. Marriages are only arranged when very large dowries are involved. b. Arranged marriages are now big business and performed mostly by professional matchmakers. c. Marriages are still arranged by families, but couples have more say in the pairing. d. Arranged marriage is now illegal in nearly all countries.


52. Societies that have rules of endogamy say that you should marry __________. a. more than one woman b. more than one man c. from within your class, religious, or ethnic group d. from outside your kin group


6. Why are young people's attitudes toward marriage now changing among the Na of China? a. a lack of marriageable women b. government initiatives c. social pressure in school d. economic hardship


62. What is the general term for plural spouse marriage? a. polygyny b. polyandry c. polygamy d. polyamory


65. A long post-partum sex taboo is most likely to occur in societies __________. a. where there are more males than females b. with a high proportion of monogamous marriages c. where people depend on crops that are low in protein d. that practice polyandrous marriage


66. Using a statistical-control analysis, which factor is a strong predictor of polygyny? a. a low protein diet b. low male mortality in warfare c. an imbalanced sex ratio d. a long postpartum sex taboo


1. Marriage is considered a __________ trait by anthropologists, because it is practiced by almost all societies ever studied. a. required b. prescriptive c. sensible d. universal


16. Which explanation for the universality of marriage has the most support from the ethnographic record and comparative animal studies? a. gender division of labor b. prolonged infant dependency c. sexual competition d. postpartum requirements


31. Societies that practice bride exchange tend to __________. a. require a long period of bride service before the marriage takes place b. have a high level of social stratification and a low status for women c. arrange marriages as lifelong contracts between rival kin groups d. have a relatively high contribution of women to primary subsistence


39. In which group were incestuous marriages permitted? a. the Brahmin caste of India b. the Nuer of East Africa c. the Manbikwara Indians of Brazil d. the ancient Egyptian royal families


45. Which theory suggests that the incest taboo was created to ensure that individuals would marry members of other families, thereby creating ties that held communities together? a. Freud's psychoanalytic theory b. Westermarck's childhood-familiarity theory c. Malinowski's family-disruption theory d. White and Levi-Strauss's cooperation theory


63. In which societies is polygyny least likely to occur? a. in societies with more women than men b. in those with a long post-partum sex taboo c. in those suffering from a high male mortality rate in warfare d. in societies with balanced sex ratios


68. Of the following forms of marriage, the rarest is __________. a. polygyny b. group marriage c. the levirate d. polyandry


70. What was the most common motivation for adoption among Samoans during Melvin Ember's field work? a. New family members were needed to perform all of the necessary chores. b. A child's natural family needed help to feed and care for him/her. c. Natural disasters such as hurricanes killed many young children. d. Families who adopted children benefit from social programs.


73. In many Western countries there has been a dramatic increase recently in the percentage of one-parent families. What percent of these one-parent families is female-headed? a. about 30% b. about 50% c. about 70% d. about 90%


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