Cum man 2

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"Yes" or "affirmative" -.-.

2 shots of anchor chain is equal to:

-180' -2 shackles -30 fathoms (All of the above)

Using the acronym PASS, A refers to ___


The compass rose on a nautical chart includes both variation and ____

Annual rate of variation change

Fighting a paint locker fire with a fixed C02 system, it is best to:

Close the compartment completely


Disabled, communicate with me

Spontaneous combustion fires are usually the result of improper___

Disposal of oily rags


Dragging anchor

Class A bulkheads provide the best protection for



I am stopped


Im on fire dangerous cargo

The Mooring line labeled "G" is called an___ (Diagram pic)

Inshore bow line

What, when removed, will result in the extinguishment of a fire?


You observe that the ships breast lines are slack, this means___

The wind is blowing on the dock


Wish to communicate

The hand signal for "make it fast" or "it is fast"

Wrists crossed


course to starboard

The horizontal fore-and-aft movement of a vessel is called___


When referring to Pawls they are

- Part of the anchor windlass - Part of the CT winch (A&B)

If allegations of harassment or discrimination arise on board a ship, supervisors are required to __

- Take the complaint seriously - Investigate the issues and incidents - Take appropriate steps to stop the offending behavior (All of the above)

It is important for the tug master to know ___

- Who is the pilot - Intended mooring arrangement - SWL of bitts to be used (All above)

When anchoring you need to know ______

-Depth of the water -Which anchor the master wants to use (A & B)

Which statement is true concerning an inflatable liferaft?

-The floor may be inflated for insulation from cold weather -Crew members can jump into the raft without damaging it -The raft may be boarded before it is fully inflated (All the above)

The phone number to the bridge is:


How long is the standard container used to measure equivalent units?

20 ft

What is the mean draft of the above vessel (Diagram Pic)


What is the highest MARSEC level?


"Dutch Roll" refers to ___

A style of rolling up a fire hose where both ends are available

The first A B C's of first aid refer to:

Airway, breathing, circulation

The international shore connection___

Allows hook up of fire hoses from a dock or another vessel

The grab rail of a metal lifeboat is normally located___

Along the turn of the bilge

In the United States, the load line markings are determined for new ships by the:

American Bureau of shipping

A shipmate has cut their hand and are bleeding heavily, you should:

Apply Pressure

Which fire detection system is actuated by sensing a heat rise in a compartment?

Automatic detection system

Which fire detection system is actuated by sensing a heat rise in a compartment

Automatic fire detection system

A metal ring on the bottom of a block, to which the standing part of a tackle is spliced, is known as


When launching a lifeboat, the tricing pendants should be released ___

Before the boat is lowered from the embarkation level

The Mooring line labeled "E" is called an___ (Diagram pic)

Bow spring line

Halon extinguishes fire by ___

Breaking the chain reaction

A morning line leading at nearly right angles to the keel is a ___

Breast line

While at sea you discover an accident, who do you call.


Metal Plates over the hawespipe are called___

Buckler Plates

The knott used to join two lines or two large hawsers together

Carrick bend

You want to pass a stopper on wire rope , what should the stopper be made of:


Fires are grounded into four categories:

Class: A, B, C, D

As an extinguishing agent foam___

Conducts electricity

In the event of a fire, the doors to the stair tower must be closed to prevent the spread of the fire by___


What should you do to a line to prevent fraying where it passes over the side of the vessel?

Cover it with chafing gear

An important step in fighting an electrical fire is to__

De-energizing the circuit

The error in a magnetic compass caused by the vessels magnetism is called


Which is not part of an anchor:

Devils claw

If ignited, which material would be considered a class B fire


A vessel to which Annex V to MERPOL 73/78 applies is 24 nautical miles from the nearest land. Which type of garbage is prohibited from being discharged?


All of the following are part of the fire tetrahedral EXCEPT__


A vertical rotating line handling device that is not powered is referred to as ___


In class C fires, electricity is considered a heat source, not fuel (T/F)


The pilot relieves the master of all responsibilities (T/F)


To reduce the chances of fatigue drills are never scheduled during off watch hours (T/F)


Yard and terminal requirements regarding restricted arias and PPE don't apply to personnel on a ship making a brief port call (T/F)



Flag X

The part of an anchor which takes hold on the bottom is the:


What part of the anchor indicated by the letter J in the diagram: (Diagram Pic)


A block and tackle is "rove to advantage". This means that the___

Hauling part leads through the moveable block

"Checking" a mooring line means__

Hold the line under strain but don't let it part


I require a tug

The Mooring line labeled "B" is called an (Diagram pic)

Inshore stern line

A tackle is "two blocked" when the blocks are ___

Jammed together

The purpose of the buoyancy tanks in a lifeboat is to ___

Keeps the boat afloat even if swamped

When you stream a sea anchor, you should make sure that the holding line

Long enough to cause the pull to be more horizontal than downward


Man overboard

Panamax refers to ships that:

Maximum size for the Panama Canal

The signal for abandon ship:

More than 6 short blasts followed by one long blast of the whistle with the sounding of the general alarm

The signal for man overboard is

Morse Code Oscar (O)

Under the Polar code and MARPOL, what is the preferred method of disposing of food waste:

No disposal is allowed if it coils fowl the ice

Before entering a confined space:

Obtain a confined space entry permit

A form type portable fire extinguisher is most useful in fighting a fire in ___

Oil Drums

The latch of a safety hook:

Prevents the load from coming out of the hook if the strain is abruptly released

Bilge keels are fitted on ships to:

Reduce the rolling of the vessel

The use of foam in fire fighting is designed to

Remove the oxygen

Your Vessel is broken down and rolling in heavy seas. You can reduce the possibility of capsizing by ___

Rigging a sea anchor

What part of the anchor indicated by the letter "F" in illustration is the: (Diagram pic)


Your emergency stations are assigned by the ___

Station Bill

As a last resort, a tourniquet can be used to ___

Stop uncontrolled bleeding


Stop your intention

Unless there is danger of further injury, a person with a compound fracture should not be moved until bleeding is controlled and ___

The fracture is immobilized

If you have prescription medications on board a vessel___

The prescription must be valid and signed by a physician

A right turning propellor will back

To port

Which type of carrier accepts without discrimination all legal cargoes for a shipper


Fire Safety is an important design consideration? (T/F)


Fire extinguishers can be considered "first aid" for fire fighting (T/F)


Gasoline is an extremely flammable liquid (T/F)


Hazards associated with marine workplace begin even before you board a ship (T/F)


Many pollution experts consider crude oil to be amongst the least damaging ocean pollutants (T/F)


West Texas intermediate refers to an oil bench mark price (T/F)


When driving a forklift it customary to drag your forks as you approach the load (T/F)

True (probably false)*

You have abandoned ship and after two days in a liferaft you see an aircraft near the horizon apparently carrying out search and rescue patterns. You should _____

Use vessel distress signals in conjunction with the EPIRB

The __ charter is then the ship-owner agrees to transport for an agreed fee per ton of cargo loaded (freight) a stipulated quantity of a named cargo between two or more designated ports.


The revolving drum of a winch used to haul lines in called a

Warping head

On the anchor windlass , the wheel over which the anchor chain passes is called a


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