customer insights test 1

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The process of curation refers to what product(s)?

-art -travel -food

Which of the follow issues is related to consumer behavior?

-consumerism -literacy -product disposal

Why do all consumers sometimes replace a product that still functions?

-desire new features -change in the environment -change in the person's role

Market access can be limited due to ________.

-disabilities -media literacy -food desert

Though the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) outlaws bribery in business practices, it is still common in ________.

-japan -mexico -germany

Which of the following time periods is encompassed in the study of consumer behavior?

-pre-purchase -purchase -post-purchase

A relationship a person might have with a product is called ________.

-self-concept attachment -nostalgic attachment -interdependence

People buy products for ________.

-what they do -what they mean -the role the product plays in the consumer's life

The underground economy refers to used product sellers who sell in secondary markets. It is thought to make up ________ of the US gross national product.


The revolution in cyberspace has created a situation in which consumers can sell to other consumers in communities like Amazon. This is known as ________.

C2C e-commerce

Which term refers to the collection and analysis of extremely large data sets?

big data

Which term refers to the bond between product and consumer that is difficult for competitors to break?

brand loyalty

Rules of conduct that guide actions in the marketplace are called ________.

business ethics

A strategy that aligns a company brand with a cause to generate business and societal benefits is called ________.

cause marketing

A(n) ________ is a person who identifies a need or desire, makes a purchase, and then disposes of a product.


A physiological or psychological dependency on a product or service is called a ________.

consumer addiction

The growth of the Internet has created ________.

consumption communities

The shoe company TOMS gives a pair of shoes to a needy child for every pair that it sells. This is an example of a company which has integrated ________ into its business model.

corporate social responsibility

Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals established a new campaign for Yaz birth control to ensure consumers understand that Yaz does not treat PMS, a claim which had been made in early Yaz advertisements. Bayer is using ________.

corrective advertisment

Jan's Tees creates t-shirts from natural materials that are fully reusable and recyclable so that the firm uses zero resources to manufacture the shirts. This is known as ________.

cradle to cradle

Walmart tracks the habits of the 100 million customers who visit it stores each week and responds with products and services directed toward those customers' needs based on the information collected. This is an example of ________ marketing.


________ are statistics that measure observable aspects of population.


Which of the following is NOT a stage of the consumption process?


Why is age a common demographic category used in understanding consumer behavior?

different age groups have different wants and needs

A transaction in which two or more organizations or people give and receive something of value is called


A person who believes that science can fix or find a cure for anything most likely follows the philosophy of interpretivism.


A product that helps to establish the user's identity is called nostalgic attachment.


According to the different categories of relationships that people may have with products, nostalgic attachment occurs if the product is part of the user's daily routine.


Because consumer behavior is now examined as an entire consumption process that includes pre-purchase and post-purchase issues, exchange theory is irrelevant to the study of consumer behavior.


Business ethics are rules of conduct published by the Better Business Bureau that guide actions in the marketplace.


Cause marketing is the same as social marketing.


Clothing, food, and travel can be considered part of the curation process.


Consumer to consumer cyber activity is called C2C e-commerce.


Culture jamming is the term used to explain the plethora of culturally-relevant content posted to social media sites.


Global consumer culture and popular culture are interchangeable terms.


Lateral cycling means reducing how much one product uses so there is less waste.


Materialism refers to the importance people attach to the fabric used in their clothing.


Participatory action research is also called transactional consumer research.


Sustainability and green marketing are the same thing.


Texting back and forth with a friend is an example of asynchronous interaction.


The 80/20 rule states that 80% of consumers will use 20% of the product.


The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulates telephone, radio, and TV.


The concept of "cradle to cradle" means that we should market consumers from the time they are born until the time they give birth.


The fact that people often buy products not for what the products do but for what they mean implies that a product's basic function is unimportant.


The social bottom line provides financial benefits directly to stockholders.


The triple bottom-line orientation recognizes that businesses should strive to cut costs as well as raise revenue.


There is an increasing demand for green products.


A person's marital status is important to which demographic variable?

family structure

Which of the following is NOT an element common to destructive consumer behavior?

feeling in charge of life

A small group of consumers that come into a facility to try new products while being observed is called ________.

focus group

Researchers who argue that the field of consumer behavior should not be a "handmaiden to business" believe that consumer research should ________.

focus on understanding consumption for its own sake

Which act makes it illegal for American executives to bribe foreigners to gain business?

foreign corruption practices act

Which of the following qualities is a requirement for products to qualify for a listing on Amazon's Vine Web site?


A strategy that involves the development and promotion of environmentally friendly products is called ________.

green marketing

When companies make false claims about how environmentally friendly their products are, ________ has occurred.


A digital native is someone who ________.

grew up in a "wired" and highly networked area

The 80/20 rule targets what user group?

heavy users

When a person buys a product for emotional reasons, the need is ________.


According to the Federal Trade Commission, the most common consumer complaint, accounting for nearly 20% of all problems reported, is ________.

identity theft

When a product is part of a user's daily routine the user is said to have a(n) ________ type of relationship with the product.


Which form of relationship between product and customer is most at risk of the consumer switching to a different brand or product?


A proponent of ________ would most likely to argue that our society emphasizes science and technology too much.


The belief that meaning is not fixed but is instead constructed by each individual is part of the ________ paradigm.


During ________, one consumer exchanges something she owns with someone else for something the other person owns.

lateral cycling

The saying "one man's trash is another man's treasure" is the philosophy behind ________.

lateral cycling

The way consumers feel about themselves, the things they value, and the things they like to do in their spare time are part of how marketers segment using ________.


Which of the following is NOT considered a demographic?


Psychographics are used to measure


Die-hard Apple fans post videos on YouTube claiming their affection for Apple products. They most likely have a(n) ________ relationship with the product.


When a product elicits emotional bonds of warmth and affection, the user is said to have a(n) ________ type of relationship with the product.


The ability to find and purchase goods is called ________.

market access

The importance people attach to worldly possessions is called ________.


The ability for a consumer to assess, analyze, evaluate, and communicate information in a variety of forms including print and non-print messages is known as ________.

media literacy

A metropolitan area with a total population of more than 10 million people is called a(n)


Positivism is sometimes called ________.


A ________ creates a state of tension that drives consumers to attempt to reduce or eliminate.


Neiman Marcus and Whole Foods are examples of ________.

none of the above

Lucy Chang recently purchased a lovely ceramic bowl that featured a red dragon design. When she thought about her purchase, she found that she really had no justification for buying the bowl other than it reminded her of the bowls her mother used during evening meals when she was a young child in Hong Kong. Which type of relationship with a product best explains the reason for Lucy's purchase of the dragon bowl?

nostalgic attachment

Which of the following is a benefit organizations receive when customers complain?

opportunity to correct the situation

A student of postmodernism is most likely to believe that the world in which we live is a(n) ________, or mixture of images.


Which of the following is the best predictor of whether people will recycle?

perceived effort required

Scams where people receive fraudulent emails that ask them to supply account information are called ________.


Music, movies, sports, and books are part of ________.

popular culture

A consumer researcher who believes in the paradigm of ________ believes that human reason is supreme and that there is a single or objective truth that can be discovered by science.


George says that he sees everything as "black or white no in between." George would most accurately be characterized as a(n) ________.


When consumers are unhappy with a product, they boycott the product and/or store and express dissatisfaction to friends. This is called ________ response.


Jenny Rowlins is absolutely exhausted after her shopping trip to pick out a dress for her sorority's formal event. The stores were crowded, and none of her favorite shops carried a dress that she liked in her size. After spending hours at the mall, Jenny decided to order her dress online and just return it if it was not exactly right. This story is an example of how consumer behavior is a(n) ________.


Which marketing philosophy emphasizes interacting with customers on a regular basis and giving them reasons to maintain a bond with a company's brands over time?

relationship marketing

The Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act ________.

requires cigarette packages to carry warning labels

Which of the following is NOT one of the consumer rights established in President John F. Kennedy's Declaration of Consumer Rights?

right to desire more

The sociological perspective of ________ takes the view that much of consumer behavior resembles actions in a play.

role theory

Which of the following is the study of the processes involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and desires?

role theory

Ralph Nader's book, Unsafe at Any Speed, was published in part to enforce the consumer's right to ________.


According to the basic marketing concept, a firm exists to ________.

satisfy needs

A product that helps to establish the user's identity is called ________.

self-concept attachment

When a product helps to establish the user's identity, the user is said to have a(n) ________ type of relationship with the product.

self-concept attachment

Advertisements reminding people to stay focused while driving and to avoid texting while driving are examples of ________.

social marketing

Which term refers to marketing techniques that are used to encourage positive behaviors such as literacy or discourage negative behaviors like drunk driving?

social marketing

Which term refers to the online means of communication, conveyance, and collaboration among the interdependent and interconnected networks of people, communities, and organizations?

social media

People who belong to the same social class are most likely to have which of the following in common?

social standing in the community

Which of the following values is most associated with materialists?


Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are examples of ________.

synchronous interaction

In Japanese, the word "gemba" means ________.

the one true source of information

When Yaz was required to do corrective advertising, what did this mean?

they had to inform consumers that thier previous message was wrong or misleading

So called "gripe sites" exist for consumers to publish ________ responses against products or stores with which they are dissatisfied.


When consumers are unhappy with a product, they may file a complaint in the form of legal action, Better Business Bureau complaint, or publishing a negative review. This is called a ________ response.


Age, gender, and social class are all used ________.

to divide market

A basic set of assumptions underlying the dominant paradigm is a called positivism.


A consumer is a person who identifies a need or desire, makes a purchase, and then disposes of the product.


A need is something a person must have to live.


A paradigm is a belief that guides an understanding of the world.


According to the definition of consumer behavior, how a consumer disposes of an idea and accepts another is part of consumer behavior.


American society is shifting from a mass culture in which many consumers share the same preferences to a diverse culture in which consumers have almost an infinite number of choices.


Consumer addiction can occur with any product category, even lip balm.


Consumer research shows that all things being equal, people are likely to choose a brand that gives back to the community over one that does not.


Consumers may have abandoned products in their homes because they bought for a specific purpose but then changed plans.


Consumers who share demographic characteristics such as ethnicity and age can have very different lifestyles.


Consumption communities are where consumers share opinions and recommendations about products.


Demographics are statistics that measure observable aspects of a population.


Descriptive characteristics of a population are called demographics.


Green marketing refers to the strategy of promoting how environmentally friendly a product is.


Greenwashing occurs when companies make false or exaggerated claims on how environmentally friendly their product is.


How consumers dispose of products can apply to the disposal of ideas just as it does to products


Identify theft occurs when someone steals your personal information without your permission.


Locational privacy is an issue now that GPS-enabled mobile devices are ubiquitous.


Love is a relationship a consumer might have with a product.


Malware is an example of malicious software.


Materialistic values tend to focus on the individual rather than a group or family.


People often buy products for what they mean, not what they do.


Popular culture is both a product of marketing and an inspiration for marketing.


Role theory takes the view that much of consumer behavior resembles actions in play.


Surveys show that the percentage of consumers who are willing to pay more for green products has dropped since 2008.


Target began a new campaign to sell leather furniture. In emphasizing how leather furniture has been used over the decades in movies and books, by celebrities, and a necessity for home entertainment, the campaign is drawing upon popular culture.


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) policies advertising claims related to the contents of edible products and pharmaceuticals.


When a transaction occurs between two or more organizations or people who give and receive something of value, an exchange has taken place.


Which of the following is an example of C2C e-commerce?

virtual brand communities

Which of the following is the best tool for consumer activists to use in efforts to make the public aware of unethical or questionable marketing behavior?

web 2.0

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