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Which is not an endothelial sign? - polymegathism - blebs - guttae - bedewing - infiltrates


Which statement about the uveal tract is true? a) it is avascular b) iris blood vessels have low permeability c) brown eyes have less iris melanin compared to blue eyes d) hippus and anisocoria are iris abnormalies e) the major arterial circle is found in the iris

iris blood vessels have low permeability

Which statement about evidence-based practice is true? a) it was pioneered by the Cochrane Collaboration b) it is about treating all patients in the same way c) the first step is to track down best evidence d) it is wise to search secondary literature first e) peer reviewed web pages are unreliable

it is wise to search secondary literature first

Which is a clinical sign of uveitis? a) limbal redness b) papillae c) conjunctival discharge d) subconjunctival haemorrhage e) melanosis

limbal redness

Genetic mutations can be rectified by: - purines - helicases - nucleases - mutagenic chemicals - transcription factors


Tropicamide is: - a sympathomimetic - a parasympathomimetic - a sympatholytic - an anti-muscarinic - a mitotic


Which statement about biochemistry is true? - the sorbitol pathway is important for the production of NADPH - reactive oxygen species can cause macular degeneration - between meals, glucagon inhibits glycogenolysis - polydipsia refers to increase urine output in diabetes mellitus - all sufferers of adult onset diabetes mellitus require insulin injections

reactive oxygen can cause macular degeneration

Which statement about cell biology is true? a) the ER is continuous with the plasma membrane b) the RER stores calcium in muscles c) the SER synthesises phospholipids d) the ER extends throughout the cytoplasm e) secretory vesiscles come from the RER

the ER extends throughout the cytoplasm

Which statement about the visual system is false? - the eyelids nourish the cornea at night - the conjunctiva wets the cornea - the crystalline lens is biconcave - the aqueous humour is a refractive component - the optic axis rarely coincides with the visual axis

the crystalline lens is biconcave

Which statement about membrane physiology is true? - the glycocalyx influences the identity and role of a cell - hydrostatic pressure forces substances through membranes during osmosis - isotonic solutions can cause changes to corneal power and transparency - exocytosis is an example of secondary active transport - active ion channels require ATP in order to open and close

the glycocalyx influences the identity and role of a cell

Which statement is false? a) the zygote contains the diploid number of chromosomes b) cleavage gives rise to a blastocyst c) the notochord induces formation of the neural plate d) the mesoderm forms the epithelium of the lungs and stomach e) the neural tube has ependymal, mantle and marginal layers

the mesoderm forms the epithelium of the lungs and stomach

Which statement about the visual system is true? - the oculomotor nerve supplies all recti and oblique muscles - the optic nerve forms ophthalmic & maxillary divisions - sympathetic nerve brings about accommodation - the oculomotor and facial nerves contain parasympathetic nerve fibres - the superior colliculus links cranial nerves that control eye movement

the oculomotor and facial nerves contain parasympathetic nerve fibres

Which statement about the bony orbit is true? a) the orbital axes diverge by 45 degrees b) the orbit is surrounded by five paranasal sinuses c) the lateral orbital wall is usually involved in a blowout fracture d) the roof is the thickest wall of the orbit e) the maxilla forms the optic canal and the superior orbital fissure

the orbital axes diverge by 45 degrees

Which statement about the extraocular is false? a) they lack proprioreceptive muscle spindles b) small diameter muscle cell types are involved in tonic contractions c) the medial rectus brings about adduction d) the superior rectus only becomes a pure elevator when the eye abducts e) the inferior rectus is innervated by the oculomotor nerve

they lack proprioreceptive muscle spindles

Which statement about the corneal is false? a) lost endothelial cells cannot regenerate b) tight junctions between endothelial cells stop leakage of water into the stroma c) the cornea gets oxygen from the tears d) the corneal touch threshold increases with age e) high blood cholesterol levels can cause corneal arcus in young people

tight junctions between endothelial cells stop leakage of water into the stroma

Which structure is normally seen during gonioscopy but is obscured when there is a risk of angle closure glaucoma? - Schwalbe's line - trabecular meshwork - canal of schlemm - scleral spur - iris processes

trabecular meshwork

The difference in pressure inside and outside a blood vessel is called: a) systolic pressure b) diastolic pressure c) transmural pressure d) perfusion pressure e) intracranial pressure

transmural pressure

Cholesterol can be deposited or removed from the artery walls by: - lysozyme - glycosaminoglycans - polysaccharides - transport lipoproteins - phospholipids

transport lipoproteins

Sensory nerve fibres from the eye and adnexa travel to the brain in the: - oculomotor nerve - trigeminal nerve - trochlear nerve - facial nerve - abducent nerve

trigeminal nerve

Which corneal layer ends at Schwalbe's line in the limbus? - epithelium - Bowman's layer - stroma - Descemet's membrane - endothelium

Descement's membrane

A retinal break is a certainty if: a) Weiss' ring is seen b) Shafer's sign is present - floaters are reported - flashers are reported - synchisis scintillans is seen

Shafer's sign is present

Which statement about retinal signs is true? a) a neovascular membrane indicates 'dry' macular degeneration b) a retinal tear can cause a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment c) retinitis pigmentosa is a localized congenital type of abnormal retinal pigmentation d) central serous retinopathy is most common in elderly women e) chorioretinal atrophy is rarely found in high myopes

a retinal tear can cause a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

Which statement about the limbus is true? a) a small amount of aqueous leaves the eye via the iris surface b) laser trabeculoplasty leaves a hole in the iris c) the van Herrick ratio compares the anterior and posterior chamber depth d) for the eclipse method, more shadow occurs for deep drainage angles e) only the scleral spur can be seen with angle-closure glaucoma

a small amount of aqueous leaves the eye via the iris surface

Beta blockers used in glaucoma therapy act on: - blood vessels - carbonic anhydrase - tight junctions - the sodium potassium pump - adenylate cyclase

adenylate cyclase

Which is often set at 0.05 as protection against rejecting the null hypothesis in error? a) confidence level b) alpha level c) beta level d) p-value e) sample size

alpha level

Lens aging brings about: - an increase in the bioactivity of hexokinase - a gradual loss of lens fibres - an increase in the bioactivity of glutathione - an increase in the number of insoluble crystallins - a gradual reduction in water uptake

an increase in the number of insoluble crystallins

A hemianopia with macular-sparing is a sign of damage to the: a) temporal optic radiations b) anterior parietal optic radiations c) main parietal radiations d) anterior primary visual cortex e) posterior primary visual cortex

anterior primary visual cortex

What sort of variable is refractive error? a) discrete b) polychotomous ordinal c) dichotomous d) polychotomous nominal e) continuous


Lens fibres are produced by the: - epithelium - capsule - stroma - cortex - nucleus


Which statement about biochemistry is false? - exergonic reactions absorb energy - cellular respiration refers to processes that produce ATP - glycolysis produces lactic acid under anaerobic conditions - Krebs cycle produces carbon dioxide - aerobic respiration captures less than 40% of the energy in glucose

exergonic reactions absorb energy

Signs of corneal acidosis do not include: - microcysts - filaments - blebs - guttae - polymegathism


Which statistical test is most appropriate for determining whether clinical grades of conjunctival redness vary when three dry eye treatments are tested on the same group of individuals? a) Mann-Whitney U-test b) Friedman c) Chi-square test d) One-way ANOVA e) Pearson correlation


Which forms suspensory ligaments? a) periorbita b) dura mater c) common tendinous ring d) Tenon's capsule e) spina recti lateralis

Tenon's capsule

Which statement about ethical theories is true? a) consequentialist theory is about individualized benefit b) deontology is about maximizing the good for the greatest number c) virtue ethics is a counterweight to consequentialist theory d) clinical research has virtue if the risks and their implications are known e) the College of Optometrists' Code of Ethics do not cover clinical research

clinical research has virtue if the risks and their implications are known

Which statement about biochemistry is false? - catabolism involves exergonic reactions - coenzymes are reduced when they lose energy rich electrons - ATP is a nucleotide that supplies energy for biological work - Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation occur in the mitochondria - glycolysis can produce ATP in anaerobic conditions

coenzymes are reduced when they lose energy

Which is derived from the surface ectoderm? a) crystalline lens b) pterygopalatine ganglia c) thyroid gland d) extraocular muscles e) brain

crystalline lens

Which macular disorder may arise as a complication of cataract surgery: - atrophic macular degeneration - cystoid macular oedema - exudative macular degeneration - macular hole - central serious retinopathy

cystoid macular oedema

A swelling of the outer portion of the upper eyelid may be caused by: a) dry eye b) epiphora c) canaliculitis d) dacryoadenitis e) dacryocystitis


Which statement is true? a) the trochlear nerve leaves the brain stem anteriorly b) damage to the trochlear nerve causes hypertropia in the affected eye c) the abducent nerve nuclei are found in the midbrain d) the abducent nerve decussates before it leaves the brain stem e) damage to the abducent nerve causes vertical diplopia

damage to the trochlear nerve causes hypertropia in the affected eye

Glucose is formed from amino acids, lactic acid & glycerol during: - glycolysis - glycogenesis - gluconeogenesis - glycogenolysis - the pentose phosphate pathway


Which statement about uveal disorders is true? a) Krukenberg's spindle indicates that there is a low risk of glaucoma b) the Tyndall effect is explained by aqueous convection currents c) pigmented patches on the retina may be a sign of active choroiditis d) naevi are usually malignant e) keratic precipitates are a sign of uveitis

keratic precipitates are a sign of uveitis

Which is not derived from the neural crest? a) intraocular muscles b) melanocytes c) ciliary ganglia d) lacrimal gland e) meninges

lacrimal gland

The weakest area of the sclera is at the: - muscle insertions - lamina cribrosa - equator - lamina fusca - limbus

lamina cribrosa

Which statement about membrane physiology is false? - graded potentials send signals over small distances - action potentials are an all-or-nothing phenomenon - the absolute refractory period makes action potentials unidirectional - myelinated nerve fibres propagate action potentials by continuous conduction - all cell membranes are polarised

myelinated nerve fibres propagate action potentials by continuous conduction

Which statement about the lacrimal system is true? a) ducts from the palpebral portion of the lacrimal gland open onto the lid margins b) myoepithelial cells surround alveoli of the lacrimal gland c) lacrimal puncta and papilla are found on the lateral portion of both lid margins d) the orbital portion of the orbicularis oculi contributes to the tear pump e) the main and accessory glands contribute to all tear layers

myoepithelial cells surround alveoli of the lacrimal gland

Which statement about the trigeminal nerve is false? a) some of its nuclei reach the midbrain and spinal cord b) its motor and sensory roots emerge from the pons c) it has ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular branches d) nerves from all three branches enter the orbit e) Hutchinson's sign involves the nasociliary branch of the ophthalmic nerve

nerves from all three branches enter the orbit

Rod and cone cell bodies are found in the: a) receptor layer - outer nuclear layer - outer plexiform layer - inner nuclear layer - inner plexiform layer

outer nuclear layer

Which statement about membrane physiology is false? a) chemical synapses transmit action potentials from one neuron to the next b) postsynaptic neuron terminals contain neurotransmitter in synaptic vesicles c) the synaptic cleft lies between presynaptic and postsynaptic neurons d) opening of Na+ ligand gated ion channels can cause EPSPs e) simultaneous arrival of action potentials brings about spatial summation

postsynaptic neuron terminals contain neurotransmitter in synaptic vesicles

Which statement is true? a) cohort studies involve measurements of prevalence b) relative risks are calculated for case-control studies c) sensitivity and specificity indicate the likelihood of disease d) predictive values account for Bayes' theorem e) likelihood ratios alter with disease prevalence

predictive values account for Bayes' theorem

Which is a measure of dispersion? a) mean b) sensitivity c) standard deviation d) odds ratio e) predictive value

standard deviation

Which is the thinnest cranial nerve? a) optic b) oculomotor c) trochlear d) trigeminal e) abducent


Which statement about conjunctival signs is true? a) watery discharge typically occurs for bacterial infections b) abnormal papillae tend to be caused by viruses c) viral and bacterial infection of the conjunctiva can lead to lymphadenopathy d) pinguecula may grow onto the cornea e) chlamidia can be the cause of pterygium

viral and bacterial infection of the conjunctiva can lead to lymphadenopathy

Perfusion pressure in the eye is typically about: a) 140 mmHg b) 90 mmHg c) 65-70 mmHg d) 50-55 mmHg e) 15 mmHg

50-55 mmHg

Which landmark document explained beneficence? a) Nuremberg code b) CIOMS c) Belmont report d) WHO e) Declaration of Helsinki

Belmont report

The eyelids are held against the eye by the: a) tarsal muscles b) ciliary muscle c) orbital portion of the orbicularis oculi d) palpebral portion of the orbicularis oculi e) lacrimal portion of the orbicularis oculi

Ciliary muscle

Which statement about the vitreous is false? a) the cortex contains phagocytic hyalocytes b) the weakest vitreous attachment occurs at the disc margin c) Cloquet's canal carries blood vessels that nourish the adult vitreous d) vitreous syneresis is normal e) the normal vitreous is not optically empty

Cloquet's canal carries blood vessels that nourish the adult vitreous

Which statement about biochemistry is true? - DNA and RNA contain the same purines & pyrimidine bases - genes contain sequences of base triplets that dictate protein quaternary structure - both DNA strands form Okazaki fragments during replication - DNA analysis involves the use of restriction endonucleases from bacteria - polyribosomes produce frequently used proteins during transcription

DNA analysis involves the use of restriction endonucleases from bacteria

Which statement about biochemistry is false? - collagen is a fibrous protein - glucose is a hexose sugar - neutral fats contain glycerol and fatty acids - DNA makes RNA during translation - intense UV light can damage DNA

DNA makes RNA during translation

Which landmark document was the first to allow proxy consent for research involving children and adults with cognitive impairments? a) Nuremberg code b) CIOMS c) Belmont report d) WHO e) Declaration of Helsinki

Declaration of Helsinki

Which statement about congenital anomalies of the visual system is false? a) coloboma can affect the iris, retina and optic disc b) Mittendorf's dot refers to a persistent pupillary membrane c) buphthalmos is a sign of congenital glaucoma d) disturbances in neural crest migration can cause Treacher-Collins syndrome e) nanophthalmia may occur if the optic vesicle forms but does not develop

Mittendorf's dot refers to a persistent pupillary membrane

Which is not involved with the blink reflex? a) vestibulocochlear nerve b) trigeminal nerve c) motor branches of facial nerve d) superior and inferior colliculi e) motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve

Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve

Which statement about the retina is true? a) Müller cells form the internal and external limiting membrane of the retina b) the fovea is rich in retinal blood vessels c) the ora serrata has a layered microscopic structure d) on the retina, the optic nerve lies temporal to the macula e) tight junctions between retinal capillary endothelial cells form the outer blood-retinal barrier

Muller cells form the internal and external limiting membrane of the retina

Which statement about the vitreous disorders is false? a) posterior vitreous detachment can cause a large floater and flashes b) vitreoretinal traction can cause flashes c) Shafer's sign relates to "tobacco dust" seen in the anterior vitreous d) synchysis scintillans can cause flashes e) vitreous haemorrhage can cause floaters

Synchysis scintillans can cause flashes

Which electronic resource is particularly useful for finding clinical guidelines? a) TRIP b) CDSR c) DARE d) CENTRAL e) Google Scholar


Which statement is true? a) the null hypothesis is rejected if a finding is likely to have occurred by chance b) it is rarely necessary to calculate statistical power c) a finding is clinically significant if the p-value is less than the alpha level d) a two-tailed test can be used to find out if one mean simply differs from other e) the dependent variable is usually plotted on the horizontal axis of a graph

a finding is clinically significant if the p-value is less than the alpha level

Which statement about cell biology is false? a) all epithelial cells in the eye have a high regeneration capacity b) epithelia and connective tissues contain proteoglycans and cell adhesion molecules c) the adnexa of the eye contain cutaneous and mucous membranes d) the adnexa of the eye contain merocrine, holocrine and apocrine glands e) the adnexa of the eye contain areolar and adipose loose connective tissue

all epithelial cells in the eye have a high regeneration capacity

Which statement about the eyelids is false? a) meibomian glands open onto the lid margins b) the tarsal muscle is supplied by sympathetic nerves c) the eyelids possess lymphatic drainage d) anterior blepharitis is indicated if tarsal gland openings are capped by oil globules e) ptosis is a sign of Horner's syndrome

anterior blepharitis is indicated if tarsal gland openings are capped by oil globules

Which statement about corneal signs is false? a) contact lens wear can cause corneal acidosis b) puncate erosion can be seen with fluorescein dye viewed with blue light c) antimalarial drugs can cause corneal filaments d) microcysts exhibit 'reversed' illumination e) hypoxia is the main cause of stromal oedema due to sleep and contact lens wear

antimalarial drugs can cause corneal filaments

Which surrounds the optic nerve? a) septa b) arachnoid mater c) lamina cribrosa d) oligodendrocytes e) nerve fibres

arachnoid mater

Microtubules: a) are found in cilia b) are made of contractile proteins c) form part of desmosomes d) are found in tight junctions e) form gap junctions

are found in cilia

The main retinal sign of arteriosclerosis is: - a reduced arteriovenous ratio - exudates - arteriovenous nipping - cotton wool spots - broadening of arteriolar reflex

arteriovenous nipping

Histamine and heparin are released by: a) erythrocytes b) neutrophils c) basophils d) lymphocytes e) thrombocytes


Mitochondria use fatty acids to produce ATP during: - lipogenesis - lipolysis - the sorbitol pathway - ketogenesis - beta oxidation

beta oxidation

Which statement about corneal signs is true? a) blebs are seen within 10 minutes of contact lens wear b) ghost vessels are a sign of active neovascularisation c) irregular corneal topography is a late sign of keratoconus d) the Herpes virus that causes keratitis may lie dormant in the cervical ganglion e) LASIK involves lifting a chemically softened epithelium and ablating the stroma

blebs are seen within 10 minutes of contact lens wear

Which statement about retinal signs is true? a) blot heamorrhages occur deeper in the retina than flame haemorrhages b) neovascularization is the name for new blood vessel growth mainly from arterioles c) retinal detachment involves separation of the inner and outer retina d) a naevus is an acquired form of abnormal retinal pigmentation e) macular degeneration is more often exudative than atrophic

blot heamorrhages occur deeper in the retina than flame haemorrhages

The palisades of Vogt are found in the: - mucocutaneous junction - lamina propria of the conjunctiva - palpebral conjunctiva - forniceal conjunctiva - bulbar conjunctiva

bulbar conjunctiva

The tissues of the eyeball do not include: a) simple squamous epithelia b) stratified squamous epithelia c) regular dense collective tissue d) irregular dense connective tissue e) cartilage


Which statement about evidence-based practice is false? a) descriptive studies can generate hypotheses b) case-control and cohort studies change the course of nature by intervening c) a study has external validity if it answers the clinical question for the population d) internal validity is affected by selection bias, precision and confounding e) the research hierarchy must not be used prescriptively

case-control and cohort studies change the course of nature by intervening

A non tender swelling on the eyelid is most likely to be: a) ectropian b) blepharitis c) entropian d) external hordeolum e) chalazion


Partial decussation of nerve fibres occurs in the: a) chiasm b) optic tract c) lateral geniculate nucleus d) optic radiation e) visual cortex


The plasma membrane is stabilised by: - phospholipid bilayer - glycolipids - cholesterol - integral and surface proteins - glycoproteins


Which statement about cell biology is true? a) all cell organelles are membranous b) drug detoxification occurs in the golgi body of liver and kidney cells c) chromosomes in the nucleus become visible prior to cell division d) lysosomes contain enzymes that breakdown reactive oxygen species e) desmosomes are found in the blood-aqueous and blood-retinal barriers of the eye

chromosomes in the nucleus become visible prior to cell division

Which statement about optic nerve signs is true? a) myelinated nerve fibres are a sign of ageing b) coloboma can cause an enlarged blind spot c) zone beta peripapillary atrophy occurs in nearly all normal eyes d) glaucoma makes the lamina cribrosa visible e) poorly defined disc margins are a sign of primary optic atrophy

coloboma can cause an enlarged blind spot

Which statement about lacrimal disorders is false? a) a lacrimal tumour can cause dystopia b) the tear strip is normally less than 0.75 mm c) ectropian can cause epiphora d) the tear break up time is normally more than 10 seconds e) contact lens discomfort can cause hyposecretive dry eye

contact lens discomfort can cause hyposecretive dry eyes

The main refractive component of the eye is the: - crystalline lens - retina - cornea - pupil - aqueous humour


Which statement about the cornea is true? a) corneal thickness increases in the periphery b) Bowman's layer lies below the endothelium c) epithelial wing cells exfoliate into the tears d) contact lens wear increases epithelial squamous cell apoptosis e) neutrophils and lymphocytes are rarely found in the corneal stroma

corneal thickness increases in the periphery

Which statement about lens disorders is false? a) nuclear cataracts can cause a myopic shift b) steroids can induce posterior subcapsular cataracts c) cortical cataracts bring about brunescence d) nuclear cataracts may appear earlier in diabetes e) cataracts can be removed using phacoemulsification

cortical cataracts bring about brunescence

Which statement about biochemistry is false? - dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis only occur in proteins - all proteins recognise and bind to specific chemicals - enzymes are regulated by inhibitors, cofactors and coenzymes - glycogen is a storage carbohydrate - structural lipids include phospholipids and cholesterol

dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis only occurs in proteins

Drusen is the name for: - pigment deposits on the corneal epithelium - deposits in Bruch's membrane - clumps of melanin - aqueous cells - depigmented areas of the iris

deposits in Bruch's membrane

Which statement about cell biology is false? a) lysosomes are made by the Golgi body b) oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the cristae of mitochondria c) peroxisomes breakdown reactive oxygen species d) cilia propel materials over epithelial cells e) desmosomes are also called zonulae occludens

desmosomes are also called zonulae occludens

Which statement about vitreous disorders is true? a) a posterior vitreous detachment rarely causes floaters b) diabetes can cause vitreoretinal traction c) asteroid hyalosis causes flashes d) calcium and lipid deposits are responsible for synchisis scintillans e) a vitreous haemorrhage in the subhyaloid space indicates retinal detachment

diabetes can cause vitreoretinal traction

The optic vesicle emerges from the: a) telencephalon b) diencephalon c) mesencephalon d) metencephalon e) myelencephalon


The bulk of the vitreous gel is made up of all except: - ascorbic acid - hyaluronic acid - opticin - chondroitin sulphate - elastic fibres

elastic fibres

Which is a sign of papilloedema? a) tilted optic nerve b) myelinated nerve fibres c) coloboma d) elevated optic disc e) peripapillary atrophy

elevated optic disc

No part of the visual system is derived from the: a) neurectoderm b) mesenchyme c) neural crest d) mesoderm e) endoderm


Protein synthesis occurs in the: a) cytosol b) endoplasmic reticulum c) Golgi body d) mitochondria e) nucleus

endoplasmic reticulum

A bicarbonate ion pump exists in the: a) epithelium b) Bowman's layer c) stroma d) Descemet's layer e) endothelium


Which statement about the eyelids is false? a) the orbital septum is perforated by nerves and blood vessels b) both eyelids have a tarsal plate c) entropian rarely occurs in elderly people d) a cyst of the gland of Moll is translucent e) facial nerve damage can cause ectropian

entropian rarely occurs in elderly people

Certain analogies exist between eye and brain development. In this context, rods and cones are analogous: a) pia mater b) ependymal cells c) dura mater d) marginal cells e) arachnoid mater

ependymal cells

Bell's palsy is caused by damage to the: a) trigeminal nerve b) vestibulocochlear nerve c) facial nerve d) superior colliculus e) pulvinar

facial nerve

Which statement about cell biology is false? a) the epithelia include glands b) the extracellular matrix makes up the bulk of connective tissue c) connective tissue proper can be loose or dense d) fibroblasts secrete cartilage matrix e) the Haversian system is the structural unit of compact bone

fibroblasts secrete cartilage matrix

Which statement about retinal signs is false? a) diabetes and hypertension can cause blood vessel tortuosity b) the appearance of a macular star is explained by fibres of Henlé c) cotton wool spots are caused by ischemia d) flame and dot haemorrhages are a sign of occlusion of the retinal arterioles e) cilioretinal arteries may protect the papillo-macular bundle

flame and dot haemorrhages are a sign of occlusion of the retinal aterioles

Which statement about corneal signs is false? a) acidosis is caused by hypercapnia and hypoxia b) fluid inclusions typically exhibit 'reversed' illumination c) flourescein dye stains areas of missing epithelium d) defective hemidesmosomes are responsible for recurrent epithelial erosion e) oedema that occurs after sleep usually subsides 4 hours after waking

fluid inclusions typically exhibit 'reversed' illumination

Which bone is only found in the roof of the orbit? - maxilla - frontal - zygomatic - sphenoid - ethmoid


Signals are transmitted from the retina to the brain by: - photoreceptors - Muller cells - bipolar cells - horizontal cells - ganglion cells

ganglion cells

Which statement is true? a) the trophoblast forms the embryo b) gastrulation refers to the formation of the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm c) the ectoderm is formed by cells that migrate through the primitive streak d) the notochord forms the vertebral column e) the neural crest and neural tube are derived from the endoderm

gastrulation refers to the formation of the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm

Which statement about the retina is false? a) amacrine cells are involved with lateral inhibition b) the macula contains antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin c) the ora serrata is functionally blind d) glaucoma affects nerve fibres above the horizontal raphe most e) the optic disc lies medial to the macula

glaucoma affects nerve fibres above the horizontal raphe most

Which statement about clinical research ethics is false? a) ethical approval is required before clinical research can be started b) individualized benefit is a goal of clinical research c) good science is not always good ethics d) the Declaration of Helsinki has a requirement for ethical review committees e) beneficence is about maximizing benefits and minimizing harms

individualised benefit is a goal of clinical research

Which statement about biochemistry is true? - ATP synthase makes more ATP from FADH2 than NADH - the pentose phosphate pathway is implicated in cataract formation - glutathione is a reactive oxygen species found in the crystalline lens - insulin stimulates glycogenesis and lipogenesis after a meal - diabetes mellitus causes hypoglycaemia

insulin stimulates glycogenesis and lipogenesis after a meal

Which statement about cell biology is false? a) microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments form the cytoskeleton b) intermediate filaments are involved in amoeboid motion and exocytosis c) the nucleus may have many nucleoli for synthesis of ribosomes d) nucleosomes are chromatin units that contain DNA wound around histones e) hemidesmosomes bind corneal epithelial cells to a basement membrane

intermediate filaments are involved in amoeboid motion and exocytosis

The ophthalmic artery is a branch of the: - internal carotid artery - circle of Willis - external carotid artery - facial artery - common carotid artery

internal carotid artery

The sphincter pupillae is found in the: - pars plicata - iris stroma - pars plana - iris epithelium - collarette

iris stroma

What statement about uveal disorders is false? a) carbonic anhydrase inhibitors can reduce aqueous production b) aqueous humour contains more lactate than is found in blood plasma c) intraocular pressure tends to be higher in the morning than in the afternoon d) iris transillumination is a sign of iritis e) aqueous cells may form keratic precipitates

iris transillumination is a sign of iritis

Which statement about the vitreous is false? a) it has retrolental, intermediate and preretinal tracts b) the cortex is a dense layer that surrounds the vitreous gel c) opticin prevents aggregation of collagen fibres d) the vitreous base lies over the pars plana and ora serrata e) collagen fibre breakdown causes floaters

it has retrolental, intermediate and preretinal tracts

Which statement about visual pathway signs is false? a) an aneurysm in the arterial circle of Willis can damage the chiasm b) damage to the optic tract causes incongruous homonymous hemianopias c) quadrantanopias may occur when the optic radiations are damaged d) occlusion of the posterior cerebral artery can cause hemianopia e) lesions of the secondary visual cortex cause optic atrophy

lesions of the secondary visual cortex cause optic atrophy

Which statement about the conjunctiva is false? a) the conjunctival sac is enclosed when the eyes are shut b) the palpebral conjunctiva is tightly bound to the tarsal plate c) the forniceal conjunctiva swells easily d) lid roughness is judged from the appearance of papillae on the bulbar conjunctiva e) glands of Wolfring are found in the stroma of the superior palpebral conjunctiva

lid roughness is judged from the appearance of papillae on the bulbar conjunctiva

Which statement about lens disorders is false? a) presbyopia occurs as the lens becomes less pliable b) chromophore aggregation causes brunescence c) UVB from sunlight can cause cortical cataract d) cataract may occur with Down's syndrome e) limbal incisions made during cataract surgery typically require sutures

limbal incisions made during cataract surgury typically require sutures

Which statement about corneal anatomy is true? a) the central cornea is typically over 1 mm thick b) both corneal surfaces can be described as ellipses that steepen in the periphery c) the limbal arcades are usually between 0.5 - 1.0 mm wide d) long and short ciliary nerves form plexi in the epithelium and stroma e) lipid-rich deposits commonly form in the endothelium as we age

long & short ciliary nerves form plexi in the epithelium and stroma

Which statement about the visual pathway is true? a) crossing upper nasal retinal nerve fibres form the anterior knee of Willbrand b) the optic tract carries nerve fibres that serve the pupil light reflexes c) the lateral geniculate nucleus is found in the occipital lobe of the brain d) retinal ganglion cell fibres synapse in the primary visual cortex e) macula fibres terminate posteriorly in the secondary visual cortex

macula fibres terminate posteriorly in the secondary visual cortex

Which statement about the optic nerve is false? a) the optic nerve has four segments b) optic nerve fibres are myelinated after they pass through the lamina cribrosa c) optic nerve fibre bundles are surrounded by septa d) macular fibres are grouped centrally at the lamina cribrosa e) malinserted optic discs are more common than tilted optic discs

macular fibres are grouped centrally at the lamina cribosa

An abnormal vestibulo-ocular reflex can arise from damage to the: a) frontal eye field b) occipital eye field c) vertical gaze centre d) horizontal gaze centre e) medial longitudinal fasciculus

medial longitudinal fasciculus

Which statement about conjunctival signs is true? a) lid roughness can only be observed with fluorescein b) ciliary flush is a sign of superficial inflammation c) follicles are most likely to arise from dry eye d) oedema can be caused by sneezing or trauma e) melanosis is a benign pigmentation seen in dark skinned races

melanosis is a benign pigmentation seen in dark skinned races

Which statement about corneal physiology is false? a) stem cells migrate to the epithelium from the limbus and the conjunctiva b) stromal glycosaminoglycans are highly hydrophilic c) opacification occurs if stromal collagen fibril separation exceeds 200 nm d) metabolic activity is greater in the epithelium compared to the endothelium e) corneal oedema occurs if endothelial cell density falls below 700-1000 cells/mm2

metabolic activity is greater in the epithelium compared to the endothelium

Which statement about membrane physiology is true? a) ionotropic receptors are G protein-linked complexes b) GMP is an example of a primary messenger c) metabotropic receptors allow signal amplification d) transducin is a secondary messenger e) vitamin C is oxidized to make 11-cis retinal

metabotropic receptors allow signal amplification

The brain stem is made up from the: a) cerebrum and cerebellum b) diencephalon c) midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata d) pons and medulla oblongata e) spinal cord

midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata

Which is not a sign of oculomotor nerve damage? a) ptosis b) poor motility c) miosis d) loss of accommodation e) exotropia


What type of tear flow is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system? a) normal b) emotional c) reflex to irritation d) reflex to smell e) 'crocodile' tears


Which statement about lacrimal disorders is false? a) lacrimal tumours are most often benign b) oculomotor nerve palsy can cause lacrimal pump failure c) Sjögren's syndrome can cause dry eye d) conjunctival fluorescein staining can be a sign of dry eye e) epiphora refers to watering eyes

oculomotor nerve palsy can cause lacrimal pump failure

All of the following penetrate the sclera expect the: - aqueous drainage channels - vorticose veins - long and short ciliary arteries - optic nerve - ophthalmic artery and vein

ophthalmic artery and vein

Which is not involved in the pupillary light reflex pathway? a) optic nerve b) chiasm c) optic tract d) lateral geniculate nucleus e) pretectal nuclei

optic nerve

One example of a passive transport process is: - pinocytosis - osmosis - receptor mediated endocytosis - sodium potassium pump - vesicular transport


Which statement about cell biology is true? a) the trochlear pulley is made of elastic cartilage b) osteoblasts break down bone matrix to maintain calcium homeostasis c) contraction of all muscle types involves sliding of myosin and actin filaments d) motor units are not found in smooth muscles e) oligodendrocytes support neurons in the peripheral nervous system

osteoblasts break down bone matrix to maintain calcium homeostasis

Which statement is false? a) parametric statistical tests are powerful because they are robust b) the mean is susceptible to outliers c) percentiles are used to calculate the interquartile range d) confidence limits are derived from the standard error e) epidemiological data are often dichotomous

parametric statistical tests are powerful because they are robust

Which statement about the visual system is true? - efferent nerves conduct signals to the brain - autonomic nerves control voluntary muscles and glands - parasympathetic nerves can be efferent and afferent - the long posterior ciliary arteries form the arterial circle of Zinn - arterial blood drains into the cavernous sinus

parasympathetic nerves can be efferent or afferent

What statement about aqueous production is false? a) blood plasma leaks into the stroma of ciliary processes b) the ciliary epithelium absorbs blood plasma c) carbonic anhydrase generates bicarbonate ions d) the sodium potassium pump transports sodium out of the epithelium e) parasympathetic regulation of adenylate cyclase alters ion transport

parasympathetic regulation of adenylate cyclase alters ion transport

Ciliary processes are found in the: - ora serrata - ciliary body stroma - choriocapillaris - suprachoroid - pars plicata

pars plicata

Which statement about biochemistry is true? - there are hundreds of different types of amino acid - pentose sugars are found in nucleic acids - steroids are proteins - adenine are cytosine are purines - DNA replication produces two newly synthesised strands

pentose sugars are found in nucleic acids

Acetylcholinesterase is inhibited by: - atropine - pilocarpine - cyclopentolate - phenylephrine - physostigmine


Which statement about the limbus is true? a) sympathomimetics reduce uveoscleral outflow b) pilocarpine increases trabecular outflow c) a bleb can be seen on the eyeball after laser trabeculoplasty d) angle closure is unlikely if the van Herrick ratio is 1:0.25 e) the eclipse method involves holding a torch at 60 degrees to the eye

pilocarpine increases trabecular outflow

Which statement about membrane physiology is true? - the glycocalyx is found on the inner surface of the plasma membrane - a hypertonic solution causes cells to swell - the resting potential is maintained by myelin - graded potentials occur when voltage gated channels open - proxymetacaine blocks Na+ ligand gated channels

proxymetacaine blocks Na+ ligand gated channels

Which statement about light transduction is true? a) rhodopsin is an ionotropic receptor b) inactive rhodopsin contains all-trans retinal c) dark currents keep Ca++ channels closed in the rod synaptic ending d) Na+ channels in the rod outer segment open after a photon activates rhodopsin e) reduced neurotransmitter release from rod cells signal the arrival of a photon

reduced neurotransmitter release from rod cells signal the arrival of a photon

Which pair of muscles is being tested when the patient is asked to look up and to the right? a) right and left superior recti b) right superior rectus and left inferior oblique c) right and left superior obliques d) right superior oblique and left inferior rectus e) right inferior oblique and left superior rectus

right superior rectus and left inferior oblique

Which statement about the visual pathway is false? - rods and cones are evenly distributed over the retina - the vitreous body is found in the posterior segment - the visual axis passes through the nodal points - the eyelids assist tear distribution and drainage - eye muscles include four pairs of recti and two pair of opliques

rods and cones are evenly distributed over the retina

Which statement about the sclera is false? a) the lamina fusca contains many melanocytes b) it is not truly layered c) it has profuse sensory innervation d) scleritis is not sight threatening e) collagen diseases can make the sclera appear blue

scleritis is not sight threatening

which statement about the uveal tract is false? a) smooth muscles are found in the iris and ciliary body b) closed fenestrations are found in blood vessels of the ciliary body and choroid c) blood-aqueous barriers are found in the iris and ciliary body d) the iris and ciliary body have two epithelial layers e) the suprachoroid passes material to and from the retina

smooth muscles are found in the iris and ciliary body

Which statement about cell biology is true? a) neutrophils, eosinophyls and basophils are agranulocytes b) smooth muscles are non-striated c) autonomic nerves supply skeletal muscles d) load bearing muscles have small motor units e) the axons of a nerve conducts impulses towards its cell body

smooth muscles are non-striated

Which statement about membrane physiology is false? - sodium ions rush into the presynaptic neuron when an action potential arrives - neurotransmitter is ejected into the synaptic cleft by exocytosis - neurotransmitter opens ligand gated ion channels in the postsynaptic membrane - postsynaptic potentials can be excitatory or inhibitory - integration in the postsynaptic neuron involves temporal and spatial summation

sodium ions rush into the presynaptic neuron when an action potential arrives

Which statement about spinal cord development is true? a) interneurons are derived from the ventrolateral plate b) the neurocoel eventually disappears in the developing spinal cord c) white matter in the spinal cord is derived from the neural crest d) some nerves of the eye synapse in the superior cervical ganglia e) motor neurons pass to the spinal cord in the dorsal root

some nerves of the eye synapse in the superior cervical ganglia

Which statement about the facial nerve is true? a) it has motor, sympathetic and sensory nuclei b) some of its nerve fibres synapse in the pterygopalatine ganglion c) its motor nerve fibres enter the orbit in the maxillary nerve d) its sympathetic nerve fibres pass around the abducent nerve nucleus e) nerve fibres from its sensory nucleus supply the lacrimal gland

some of its nerve fibres synapse in the pterygopalatine nerve

The thickest layer of the cornea is the: a) epithelium b) Bowman's layer c) stroma d) Descemet's layer e) endothelium


Which has actions that include abduction, depression & intorsion? - lateral rectus - inferior rectus - inferior oblique - superior rectus - superior oblique

superior oblique

The oculomotor nerve enters the eye through the: - optic canal - zygomatic foraminae - inferior orbital fissure - ethmoidal foraminae - superior orbital fissure

superior orbital fissure

Which is at the top of the hierarchy of research evidence? a) randomized control trials b) case studies c) cohort studies d) case-control studies e) systematic reviews

systematic reviews

Which statement about the sclera is true? a) it may appear yellowish if it is thin and choroid pigment shows through b) it is thinnest at the equator c) tenon's capsule covers the sclera anteriorly d) it is strongly attached to the choroid e) one layer of blood vessels covers the sclera

tendon's capsule covers the sclera anteriorly

Which statement is false? a) unpaired t-tests can be used to compare mean values found in males versus females b) the Friedman test is the non-parametric equivalent of the one-way ANOVA c) the Kruskall-Wallis test is non-parametric d) the Pearson correlation test is used for continuous data e) the Chi-square test is ideal for testing the association between exposure and disease

the Friedman test is the non-parametric equivalent of the one way ANOVA

Which statement about the visual system is true? - the limbus secretes aqueous humour - the iris, ciliary body & choroid form the inner layer of the eye - the ora serrata is the light sensitive part of the retina - the aqueous humour is responsible for intraocular pressure - the anterior segment has a volume of 0.06ml

the aqueous humour is responsible for intraocular pressure

Which statement about the uveal tract is false? a) the ciliary body extends from scleral spur to ora serrata b) ciliary processes are a lens zonule attachment site c) the pars plana of the ciliary body may form vitreous components d) the choroid nourishes the inner retina e) Bruch's membrane is attached to the retina

the choroid nourishes the inner retina

Which statement about the visual system is true? - the retina is nourished by aqueous humour - the ciliary body is involved in accommodation - rods are mainly involved in identification - the anterior chamber is divided by the iris into two segments - the optic axis passes to the fovea

the ciliary body is involved in accommodation

Which statement about the uveal tract is true? a) the collarette separates the ciliary and pupillary zones of the iris b) the pupil is centred in the iris c) the border layer of the iris has two epithelial layers d) contraction of the sphincter pupillae brings about mydriasis e) the ciliary epithelium lacks tight junctions

the collarette separates the ciliary and pupillary zones of the iris

Which statement about development of the visual system is true? a) the lens placode buds from the optic vesicle b) the neural retina develops from the outer layer of the optic cup c) three mesenchymal waves form the corneal epithelium, stroma and endothelium d) the embryonic lens has a blood supply e) the macula is fully mature at birth

the embryonic lens has a blood supply

Which statement about the bony orbit is false? a) the optic nerve enters the eye within the common tendinous ring b) lacrimal fossae are found in the roof and medial wall of the orbit c) the infraorbital fissure connects the orbit to the pterygopalatine fossa d) the eyeball is least vulnerable to trauma laterally e) thyroid eye disease can cause exophthalmos

the eyeball is least vulnerable to trauma laterally

Which statement about retinal signs is false? a) retinal venules are most affected by totuosity b) hypertension is the main cause of arteriosclerosis c) exudates occur when the inner blood-retinal barrier is disrupted d) cotton wool spots represent accumulated axoplasmic debris e) the fovea is difficult to see after arteriolar occlusion

the fovea is difficult to see after arteriolar occlusion

Which statement about the extraocular muscles is true? a) the inferior rectus makes an angle of about 51 degrees to the visual axis b) the superior rectus and oblique have similar lines of action c) the inferior oblique has its origin on the anterior orbital floor d) contraction of the levator palpebrae superioris lowers the upper lid e) the facial nerve innervates the levator palpebrae superioris

the inferior oblique has its origin on the anterior orbital floor

Which statement about ocular haemodynamics is true? a) watershed zones are borders between overlapping collateral vascular beds b) ocular blood flow is highest in the central retinal artery c) the choroidal blood supply is almost entirely autoregulated d) the inner and outer retina have separate blood supplies e) colour Doppler imaging measures blood flow from perfusion of dye

the inner and outer retina have separate blood supplies

Which statement about the extraocular is false? a) they have small motor units b) intermediate diameter muscle cell types are involved in pursuit movements c) the medial rectus is the strongest extraocular muscle d) the lateral rectus makes an angle of about 23 degrees to the visual axis e) the common tendinous ring is the origin of the superior rectus

the lateral rectus makes an angle of about 23 degrees to the visual axis

Which statement about the lens is true? a) the anterior lens surface is steeper than the posterior lens surface b) the lens capsule is impermeable to glucose and lactate c) the lens epithelium only covers its front surface d) lens fibre production ceases at birth e) the posterior lens surface is responsible for maintaining water content

the lens epithelium only covers its front surface

Which statement about the eyelids is true? a) the upper and lower eyelids are equally mobile during blinking b) the lower edge of the cornea is more vulnerable to injury than the upper edge c) the plica semilunaris contains hairs that trap particles in tears d) the subcutaneous layer of the eyelids is resistant to oedema e) preseptal cellulitis is more serious than orbital cellulitis

the lower edge of the cornea is more vulnerable to injury than the upper edge

Which statement about the precorneal (tear) film is true? a) tears become more acidic when the eyes are open b) tear osmolarity is approximately 0.7 (NaCl equivalent) c) the mucin layer is usually the thickest of all of the tear layers d) the middle aqueous layer retards tear evaporation e) the outer lipid layer defends the ocular surface

the mucin layer is usually the thickest of all the tear layers

Which statement about brain development is true? a) it forms the entire central nervous system b) the neurocoel forms ventricles and canals c) the prosencephalon is a primary and secondary brain vesicle d) flexures, gyri and sulci increase the surface area of the diencephalon e) the optic radiations and occipital cortex are derived from the hindbrain

the neurocoeal forms ventricles and canals

Which statement is true???????????????? a) some oculomotor nerve fibres synapse in the ciliary ganglion b) internuncial neurons in the midbrain are involved with convergence c) near synkinesis involves accommodation, convergence and mydriasis d) the occipital eye field is involved with near synkinesis e) damage to the oculomotor nerve affects the eye on the opposite side

the occipital eye field is involved with near synkinesis

Which statement is false? a) the oculomotor nerve is located in the midbrain b) the Edinger-Westphal nucleus is the accessory oculomotor nucleus c) the oculomotor nerve is susceptible to aneurysms in the arterial circle of Willis d) the oculomotor nerve passes through the cavernous sinus e) the oculomotor nerve has four divisions

the oculomotor nerve has 4 divisions

. Which statement about the conjunctiva is false? a) the conjunctiva is continuous with eyelid skin at the mucocutaneous junction b) the palpebral conjunctiva lies over the sclera c) the forniceal conjunctiva is attached to fascial sheaths of the rectus muscles d) the bulbar conjunctiva lies over Tenon's capsule e) mucus secretors include the crypts of Henle and the glands of Manz

the palpebral conjunctiva lies over the sclera

Which statement about the eyelids is true? a) the palpebral sulcus divides the eyelids into orbital and tarsal parts b) the palpebral fissure is formed by insertions of the levator palpebrae superioris c) there is one tarsal gland opening on both eyelid margins d) the glands of Zeis and Moll open onto the surface of the lid margin e) the subcutaneous tissue of the eyelid is devoid of elastin

the palpebral sulcus divides the eyelids into orbital and tarsal parts

Which statement about the retina is false? a) the subretinal space lies between the retinal pigment epithelium and neural retina b) photoreceptor outer segment discs are formed and shed throughout life c) the retina has more cones than rods d) amacrine cells alter bipolar cell output e) there are about 100 photoreceptors per ganglion cell

the retina has more cones than rods

Which statement about the sclera is false? a) the sclera consists of regular dense connective tissue b) scleral blood drains into the anterior ciliary veins c) scleritis is more painful than episcleritis d) effected blood vessels do not move over the sclera with scleritis e) jaundice can cause the sclera to appear yellow

the sclera consists of regular dense connective tissue

Which statement about the sclera is true? a) the sclera is thinnest at the equator b) anterior ciliary arteries enter the eye via the optic nerve c) the lamina cribrosa allows aqueous to drain out of the eye d) the sclera is not truly layered e) the lamina fusca is a vascular covering of the sclera

the sclera is not truly layered

Which statement about the limbus is false? a) it is the transition zone between the cornea and sclera b) the internal scleral sulcus contains the canal of Schlemm c) the scleral spur is a sieve-like structure d) intraocular pressure pushes aqueous into the canal of Schlemm e) aqueous veins can be seen with a slit lamp

the scleral spur is a sieve-like structure

Which statement about membrane physiology is false? - cell adhesion molecules are found in the glycocalyx - the sodium potassium pump transports ions down their concentration gradients - the Na+ activation gate opens during the depolarising phase of the action potential - the relative refractory period increases action potential firing rate for strong stimuli - saltatory conduction occurs in myelinated nerve fibres

the sodium potassium pump transports ions down their concentration gradients

Which statement about the retina is true? a) the neural retina is strongly attached to the retinal pigment epithelium b) tight junctions in the retinal pigment epithelium form a blood-retinal barrier c) cones are most dense in the mid periphery d) cone:bipolar cell ratios tend to be larger that rod:bipolar cell ratios e) parvo-cellular receptive fields are sensitive to contrast and motion

tight junctions in the retinal pigment epithelium form a blood-retinal barrier

Which nerve enters the orbit outside the muscle cone formed by the common tendinous ring? a) optic b) oculomotor c) trochlear d) abducent e) mandibular


During the motility test, the left superior rectus and right inferior oblique are tested when looking: a) down and to the left b) up and to the left c) down and to the right d) up and to the right e) up or down to the left or right

up and to the left

The visual pathway does not include: - visual cortex - optic nerve - lateral geniculate nucleus - chiasm - uveal tract

uveal tract

Which statement about the limbus is false? a) the scleral spur is attached to the trabecular meshwork and the ciliary muscle b) trabeculae of the trabecular meshwork thicken with advancing age c) most of the aqueous passes into the canal of Schlemm by passive transport d) collector channels and aqueous veins drain aqueous from the canal of Schlemm e) uveoscleral outflow is the main route by which aqueous leaves the eye

uveoscleral outflow is the main route by which aqueous leaves the eye

Which statement about the lens is true? a) the nucleus has a lower refractive index than the cortex b) varying capsule thickness governs lens shape during accommodation c) lens sutures are inverted anteriorly d) ciliary muscle contraction increases zonular tension during accommodation e) glucose enters the lens by active transport

varing capsule thickness governs lens shape during accommodation

Which statement about ocular haemodynamics is false? a) the numbers 120/80 refer to systolic/diastolic pressure b) venous pulsation in the eye is abnormal c) raised intracranial pressure can cause venous congestion in the eye d) all capillaries in the eye lack pores e) central retinal blood vessels are segmented and end arterial

venous pulsation in the eye is abnormal

Which statement about the vestibulocochlear nerve is false? a) it is involved with balance and hearing b) it receives impulses from the semicircular canals and cerebellum c) it coordinates eye movements d) it coordinates head movements together with the pulvinar e) vertical gaze centres are involved in the vestibulo-ocular reflex

vertical gaze centres are involved in the vestibulo-ocular reflex

Which is the name for drug induced deposits in the corneal epithelium? - blebs - polymegathism - bedewing - vortex keratopathy - guttae

vortex keratopathy

Which statement about the visual system is false? - the arterial circle of Willis surrounds the optic chiasm - some branches of the ophthalmic artery supply the nose, face & sinuses - vorticose veins drain blood from the choroid - raised intracranial pressure can cause papilloedema - vorticose veins drain directly into the cavernous sinus

vorticose veins drain directly into the cavernous sinus

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