CWV Topic 6
How do the first four of the Ten Commandments differ from the last six? a. The first four are positive and the last six are negative - "Thou shalt not..." b. The first four describe our duty to God and the remaining six our duty to people. c. The first four apply only to the Old Testament age, while the last six apply for all time. d. Both a) and b) are true.
The Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5-7) begins with the Beatitudes. Which of these blessings is most emphasized by Jesus? a. Blessed are the merciful. b. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness. c. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. d. Blessed are those who mourn.
What is the difference between General Revelation and Special Revelation? a. General Revelation focuses on what can be known through the senses and Special Revelation focuses on what can be discovered through ideals and reason. b. General Revelation refers to what God reveals through nature while Special Revelation mainly refers to what God reveals through Scripture. c. General Revelation is truth that applies to everyone and Special Revelation is truth that applies to a small, select group of people. d. General Revelation is naturalistic and Special Revelation is humanistic.
In the Gospel of John chapter 11, the story of Lazarus teaches many truths. Identify which of the following lessons can be learned from this story: a. Jesus knew what was going to happen to Lazarus. b. Jesus felt the grief of others deeply. c. God has the power to raise the dead. d. Death is not the end for those who believe in Jesus. e. All of the above are true. f. Only a), b), and c) are true.
According to the Christian worldview, a lot of suffering happens because God's attention is occupied elsewhere and so He is not able to take care of every individual's problems. True or False
God explains to Job why Job has suffered? True or False
Consider this statement: "All roads lead to the same path; no one religion has the whole story, and every religion adds to our full understanding." This statement is most consistent with: a. Pluralism b. Secular Humanism c. Exclusivism d. Theism
Which of the following is not mentioned in the lecture as an explanation for suffering? a. Suffering is God taking revenge for our disobedience. b. Suffering causes us to long for our future restoration. c. Suffering strengthens our character. d. Suffering makes us more compassionate.
According to the lecture, "Without God ..." a. There can be no morality. b. There can be no moral and spiritual absolute truths. c. There can be no absolute truth. d. None of the above
Friedrich Nietzsche had his own view of truth, saying, "There is no truth, only _________." a. Ideas b. Interpretations c. Possibilities d. Opinions
The term theodicy is defined as: a. The Christian odyssey toward knowing and being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ regardless of circumstances. b. A Christian journey that explains the challenges and convictions necessary to know God in a deep fashion in spite of suffering and pain. c. The Christian defense of God's infinite goodness and power despite the presence of evil and suffering. d. All of the above
Christians do not think that suffering compromises a belief in God's goodness and power because: a. Humanity, through the fall, is primarily responsible for suffering. b. God could only avoid suffering for humanity by removing free will, but this would avoid love as well. c. Suffering seems to represent a great injustice, but God will fulfill all justice at the right time. d. All of the above. e. None of the above.
In Raphael's famous painting School of Athens, how are Plato and Aristotle depicted? a. Plato is pointing up, referring to ideal forms that define universal truths. b. Aristotle is gesturing horizontally, referring to the belief that particular examples lead to universal truths. c. Plato and Aristotle are both agreeing that universal truths come only from particular examples. d. Both a) and b) are true.
Jesus said that the two great commandments were which of the following? a. Be kind to one another and forgive one another. b. Do not murder and do not steal. c. Love God with all your heart and do not judge others. d. Love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself.
According to the Christian worldview, since this is God's universe and God is good, God can do what He wants and is not obligated to explain Himself to humanity. True or False