Dark Romanticism

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"The Minister's Black Veil" - conflicts


"The Minister's Black Veil" - imagery


"The Minister's Black Veil" - major plot events


"The Fall of the House of Usher" - point of view

first person nameless describes what he sees

"The Fall of the House of Usher" - elements of Gothic fiction

pessimistic dark and colorless depressing death

"The Fall of the House of Usher" - thematic focus

terminal illness madness incest

"The Minister's Black Veil" - allegory


"The Minister's Black Veil" - reflections of Puritanism


"The Minister's Black Veil" - symbolism


"The Minister's Black Veil" - theme


Define Romanticism: Major Ideas

An escape from reality, usually escapes to nature. focuses on individualism, emotion, nature, the supernatural used to learn about the psychology of people no logic or science

Define Romanticism- Dark Romantics vs. Transcendentalists

Dark Romantics used gothic stories and settings, less optimistic and depressing, focused on sin and evil, what secrets or veils do we wear. transcendentalists had an optimistic vision. glass is half full.

"The Devil and Tom Walker" - theme/moral

Greed leads us down the wrong path, down to hell.

"The Devil and Tom Walker" - allegory

Old Scratch personifies evil and temptation. Tom Walker represents hypocrisy

Authors--Give important biographical information for the following authors: Washington Irving

Wrote "Devil & Tom Walker" wrote "sleepy hollow" 1st american fiction writer to achieve international fame people criticized irving so harshly from "The Devil & Tom Walker" that he stopped writing fiction after. he gave up after rejection had a pen name/pseudonym "dietrich knickerbocker" writes about strange characters took folk stories from europe ( primarily in germany ) and put wrote it for america

"The Minister's Black Veil" - reflections of Romanticism

black veil focuses on the human psyche.

"The Fall of the House of Usher" - imagery surrounding Madeline

dual nature in humanity, two sides to everything.

"The Fall of the House of Usher" - imagery surrounding Roderick

dual nature in humanity, two sides to everything.

"The Fall of the House of Usher" - imagery surrounding house

eye-like windows, mansion like a castle shut off from society..in nature, needs to cross a bridge, barely gets out alive.

"The Fall of the House of Usher" - major plot events

narrator goes to ushers' house: an old mansion encircled by a small tarn. narrator crosses the tarn via bridge Usher receives the visitor, him and his sister are near death narrator provides company to roderick while he paints and plays the guitar madeline is buried in a large vault by roderick stormy night, narrator comes to usher's bedroom, reads him stories stories are "The Mad Trist" and "Ethelred" hears similar noises in the house like the noises in the stories madeline is alive roderick and madeline fall dead house collapses in two narrator barely escapes

what do all stories focus on?

sins of the main characters D+TW=Greed TFOTHOU=Incest THMB=Murder

"The Devil and Tom Walker" - regionalism

taking the german folk story to america.

"The Devil and Tom Walker" - symbols

the bible being buried under the mortgages the indian fort symbolizes hell the swamp symbolizes an ill chosen shortcut the trees symbolize the greedy people, appealed on the outside, rotten on the inside, and easy to fall.

"The Devil and Tom Walker" - Romantic characteristics

the devil is a supernatural being the city is where he becomes religiously corrupted goes to hell as an escape from reality.

"The Fall of the House of Usher" - symbolism

the tarn reflecting the mansion madeline as the twin of roderick, reflecting his image and personality the desire of the Ushers to isolate themselves from the outside world bridge over the tarn is Usher's only link to the outside world the name Usher, stands for doorkeeper, opens the door to a frightening world for the narrator the storm, the turbulent emotions experienced by the characters the collapsing mansion, the fall of the Usher family

"The Devil and Tom Walker" - major plot events

tom takes a shortcut, goes in swamp, meets Old Scratch, Scratch tells Tom about Kidd, Scratch offers a deal to Tom, Tom goes home and explains to wife, wife wants money, tom is hesitant, wife goes to swamp, tom wonders where wife is, goes to swamp, finds out wife is dead, fine with it, Scratch and Tom make a deal, Tom becomes rich from robbing people as a usurer, becomes religious by carrying a bible and going to church, one day bible is under mortgages, Scratch arrives, Tom is taken by Scratch to Hell.

Authors--Give important biographical information for the following authors: Nathaniel Hawthorne

very secretive about his life, hidden but we don't really know about it. he writes a lot of depressing stuff, married his whole life, died of a sudden illness, his great great grandfather was a man that didn't apologize at the salem witch trials, he's very affected and bothered by this. writes most of his works in the puritan time in salem. writes in black and white wrote "scarlet letter"

Authors--Give important biographical information for the following authors: Edgar Allan Poe

wrote with Unity of Effect tormented, depressing life alcoholic, abused drugs wrote poetry before short stories wrote the raven wrote the fall of the house of usher father of modern mystery married his cousin

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