Dat geography Iran
If you wanted to travel from Mashhad to Dezful, in which direction would you head?
400 km
If you were to travel from Tabriz to Kermanshah, roughly how many kilometers would you have to go:4 km, 40 km, 400 km, 4000 km, or 40000 km?
Gulf of oman
The city of Chabahar is by what body of water?
What country borders Iran on the northeast?
What country borders Iran to the east alone the gulf of Oman?
Elburz, Zagros
What is Iran major mountain ranges?
Karun, Karkeh, Zayandeh
What is Iran major rivers?
636,372 square miles
What is the area of Iran?
What is the capital of Iran?
Islamic republic
What is the form of Government?
lake Urmia
What is the name of the large lake in northwest Iran?
Caspian sea
What is the name of the sea that borders Iran to the north?
What is the official language of Iran?
Republic of Iran
What is the official name of Iran?
What money they use in Iran?
Persian gulf
Which Gulf borders Iran to the southwest?
strait of Hormuz
what is the name of the body of water that connect the two gulf south of Iran?
what is the old name for Iran?
why many population in Iran?