Davinci Resolve 17 Color Certification
A features that enables the transfer of grading information from one timeline to another.
What does the pivot in the adjustment controls do?
Adjusts contrast balance
Manual ColorTrace
Allows you to identify matched clips by selecting them yourself. using this method, you can assign grades when the original filenames or metadata were changed between edits.
Output sizing
Applies sizing changes to the entire timeline
What is a creative grade?
Apply both primary and secondary grading techniques to revoke emotion or tell story.
Automatic ColorTrace
Attempts to locate the same clips used in both timelines based on source name, regardless of any change in position or trim
When performing an automatic shot match, you might right-click the clip you have selected and not see a shot match to this clip in the contextual menu. Why?
Because you need to have the reference clip selected and then right click the one you want to change.
Grading does not come across in migration files unless the project is sent as a DRP file or it includes accompanying LUTS or ___ data.
CDL (color decision list)
What does File>Reconform from bins allow you to do
Change the source of the media based on a different bin in the media pool.
How do you add additional control points to curves?
Click on line, shift-click to not move line
How can you filter the timeline to show only clips with a flag?
Click the "clips" button and choose "flagged clips"
How can you access stills saved in other projects and databases on the workstation?
Click the gallery view button to access the expanded gallery
Which group level is ideal for performing shot matching?
Clip mode is ideal for performing shot matching
Which magic mask feature can be used to mask a pair of gym shorts?
Clothing (bottom)
Primaries Wheels
Controls the tonal and chromatic values of an image on the basis of three luminance ranges: highlights, mid tones, and shadows
What are the two types of files you need in order to export a grade to give to another editor?
DPX and DRX files
Under what menu will the user find the option to set up Project Backups?
Davinci Resolve > Preferences
When adjusting project-wide RAW debayer settings, where do you indicate the camera format>
Davinci automatically detects the camera format of imported RAW media
What is a Primary Grade?
Establishes visual continuity: color balance, color correction
What effect can enhance facial features?
Face refinement effect
Once a scene has been imported into Davinci Resolve you can no longer perform a scene cut detection.
True or False? A clip can belong to more than one group
False. Adding a clip to a group will remove it from any previous group it was in.
True or False? If you change the timeline resolution of a project, you will need to go over your secondary grade nodes and manually resize all the power windows to fit the new resolution.
False. Davinci resolve is resolution independent, so all secondary tools automatically resize themselves to fit a new project resolution.
True or False? Render cache should always be disabled when grading.
False. Disable to review your final grade and deliver it, but during grading enable to help with faster playback.
True or False? Placing clips into groups allows you to bypass the normalizing/balancing stages of the grading workflow.
False. If the clips in a group do not match each other, their differences will continue to be evident when a group grade is applied.
True or False? Noise reduction should be applied to only Node 01 of any clip
False. Noise reduction can be applied to any node in the pipeline, based on necessity
Where would the editor find the option to upload their own LUTs into Davinci Resolve
File>Project Settings
What is the default keyboard shortcut to add a Flag to a clip in the timeline on the color page?
Custom Curves
Gives precise controls over the chromatic values of an image based on RGB and luminance curves.
How do you designate a video file as an offline reference movie?
In the source viewer, disable live media preview and activate offline mode. Any clip you drag from the media pool into the source viewer will be associated as a reference clip with the currently active timeline.
How do you flag an image?
In the timeline, right-click clip 04, and choose flags>green
What does the Hue vs Lue HSL curve do?
Increases or decreases the brightness of a selected color.
What does the Lum vs Sat HSL curve do?
Increases or decreases the saturation of a selected brightness
What does the red attention badge icon mean?
Indicates a potential metadata clash with another clip in the media pool.
What does the hue vs hue HSL curve do?
It changes the hue of a selected color
Where in the clip should you start your track?
It is best to start from the center or the end of the clip and work backwards.
Where can you animate the sizing and color properties of a clip?
Keyframes palette
What are dynamic keyframes?
Keyframes that gradually change a value between two points in time
Which setting affects the widest tonal range?
What does the Y in the YRGB represent?
Luminance value
What tab in the project settings would the user find the options to configure the cache quality?
Master settings
What does banking accomplish in the HDR palette?
Navigating between the tonal zone wheels in the HDR palette
Would adding a vignette to a clip cause smart cache to render the clip?
No, primary and secondary grading tools are not considered processor-intensive to prompt a smart cache render. However, the clip that was set to render cache color output, any change, including a vignette, would trigger a re-cache.
Can a corrector node have multiple RGB inputs?
No. a corrector node can have only a single RGB input, though it can have multiple RGB and key outputs
What is a secondary grade?
Only a part of the image is altered
Which tool can you use to create a vignette?
Power window
Where do you activate Davinci YRGB Color Management?
Project settings>color management> set color science to Davinci YRGB color managed
Provide graphic readouts of the luminance and chrominance values of an image for the purpose of balancing and matching.
Green nodes
RGB inputs and outputs
What is a cross process?
Reference to older photo development techniques by introducing two opposite colors on the curves.
Input sizing
Reflects the sizing changes made to a clip in the color page
Edit sizing
Reflects the transform changes applied to a clip in the inspector of the edit page
How do you save a custom render preset?
Render settings>options menu>save as new preset
What does color management do?
Resets everything to the same color space. changes the output standard that you are delivering to.
How do you create a new local version of a grade?
Right-click, choose local versions>create a new version (command Y)
In the color warper, how would you pin a specific saturation range of the hue-saturation grid?
Saturation is represented by the grid rings. To lock them off, first select any point in the desire saturation range, then in the tools sidebar, click select ring, click convert selected to pin.
How to you prevent changes made to one color channel from affecting the waveform trace of the other two channels?
Set luminance mix to 0.
How would you disable data-burn in from the render settings panel?
Set the data-burn in parameter to none
Which tonal range is wider? Shadow or Highlight?
Which tool in the toolbar would one use to Resize a clip in the viewer on the color page?
In the key palette, what does the key output gain affect?
The opacity of a selected node
What is the difference between the primary wheels and log controls?
They target different tonal ranges of the image.
What effect can mimic a shallow depth of field?
Tilt-shift blur effect
During project migration, what is a translation error?
Translation errors occur when inconsistencies appear in a reconstructed timeline between programs.
True or False? You can change the ISO and white balance of RAW media at anytime
True or False? You can continue to view and grade media in the lightbox.
True, if you enable color controls and have an external monitor
True or False? Track data generated in the tracker palette can be coped and pasted onto another window or node.
True, the function to copy and paste data is found in the options menu of the tracker palette.
True or False? It is possible to continue editing a render job after it has been added to the render queue
True. Clicking the pencil icon in the upper right corner of a render job allows you to continue modifying its settings.
True or False? The delivery page supports roundtrip workflows with other NLE programs
True. The presets at the top of the render settings panel allow you to select a NLE program for a roundtrip delivery of individual clips and XML timeline
True or False? A node key can be connected to the input of a node that is in the same parallel or layer mixer stack.
True. a node output can be linked to any other input further down the pipeline, as well as to other nodes in a mixer stack.
True or False? You can add additional RGB inputs to mixer nodes?
True. rick-click a mixer node to add more inputs.
What does the A/B function do in the top right corner of the viewer?
When the highlight button is enabled. A/B allows you to see the highlight difference.
How is Data-Burn In enabled?
Workspaces>Data Burn In
What are the two file types used to migrate timelines between a different software application?
Does a Davinci Resolve archive (.DRA) contain the original project media?
Yes, archived projects consolidate all related project media within a single folder that can be restored through the project manager.
Yes or no? It is possible to use a timeline clip as a reference in the viewer without first creating a still.
Yes, right-click a clip in the timeline and choose "wipe timeline clip"
Yes or no? you can create keyboard shortcuts for your favorite grades and stills.
Yes, you can create grade keyboard shortcuts in the form of project memories.
Node sizing
applies sizing changes to the selected node
In the upper-right corner of the color warper, what is the box grid icon?
chroma-luma button
What is a shortcut for switching the order of two nodes?
command-drag or ctrl-drag
Which shortcut resets a clip's entire grade?
What is the shortcut to toggle the wipe on and off?
command-w or ctrl-w
Blue nodes
key inputs and outputs
What is the shortcut to enlarge the viewer?
option-f or alt-f
What is the shortcut for inverting a wipe to see a reverse reference view?
option-w or alt-w
What is the shortcut to toggle between primaries wheels and log contols?
option-z or alt-z
When doing a colortrace, what do the color results represent?
red- no match was found blue- multiple potential matches were found green- a match was found
What is a DRX file?
represents the node pipeline (metadata of the color grade)
What is a DPX file?
represents the visual components
How do you copy just one node from the node tree of a still in the gallery?
right-click the still and choose display node graph. then drag the necessary node into the node editor of the active clip.
Which viewer mode allows you to see multiple clips in the viewer at the same time?
split screen
Where would the editor click to view only the clips in the current group in the timeline on the color page?
the clips tab
When loading an XML file, why would you opt to "ignore file extensions when matching?"
to specify differently formatted versions of transcoded media offline or online to use in timeline reconstruction.