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Recall the priority of AC power sources.

- Respective engine driven generator - APU generator - External power - Opposite generator through the AC crosstie relay

Recall the type and quantity of emergency equipment located on the flight deck.

3 Crew Life Vests (orange) 3 Smoke Goggles 1 Protective Breathing Equipment (PBE) 1 Halon Fire Extinguisher 1 Emergency Light Switch 1 Crash Axe 2 Escape Ropes

Specify the number and location of all normal and emergency exits.

3 Normal— Passenger Forward Entrance Door (left forward fuselage), Aft Cabin Door (aft pressure bulkhead) - Normal exit via stairway if opened with normal door release handle, Galley Service Door (right forward fuselage) - normal galley servicing door. 9 Emergency— 2 Sliding Clearview Windows (left and right) in the cockpit. Passenger Forward Entrance Door (left forward fuselage) -emergency slide exit if opened with girt bar installed. Galley Service Door (right forward fuselage) -emergency slide exit if opened with girt bar installed. 4 Overwing Exits (2 left, 2 right) Tailcone through Aft Passenger Entrance Door (aft pressure bulkhead) -emergency slide exit if opened with the tailcone jettison handle. Note: Door opens inward.

Which electrical buses are powered on emergency power?

5 buses are powered when on emergency power: AC Emergency Bus DC Emergency Bus DC Transfer Bus Battery Direct Bus • Battery Bus If the normal AC and DC power distribution systems are not powered, the five emergency power distribution system buses can be powered solely by the aircraft's batteries.

Understand the meaning of the A/P warning light on the instrument warning panel.

A/P RED - Flashes to indicate the autopilot has been disconnected by any means other than the control wheel auto pilot release switch(es). It is reset by pressing either control wheel autopilot release button. Reengaging the autopilot will also reset this light. A/P GREEN - Illuminates to indicate a navigation instrument failure that does not affect autopilot operation. It is reset by pressing the INST WARN RESET button adjacent to the instrument failure warning annunciator.

Recall the conditions requiring the use of engine anti-ice while on the ground.

After engine start, engine ice protection must be used during taxi, engines running deicing, and takeoff whenever the ambient air temp is less than +6°C (+42°F) and visible moisture is present or anticipated. Visible moisture consists of rain, snow, fog, drizzle, sleet, ice crystals, or a temp/dewpoint spread of 3°C (5°F) or less.

Understand the significance of an amber L/R AIR COND SUPPLY TEMP HI annunciator light.

An amber L/R AIR COND SUPPLY TEMP HI light indicates the pneumatic supply temperature is too high due to a malfunctioning augmentation valve.

Identify the location and function of anti-collision light switches:

Anti-Collision Lights Switch - Glareshield, Right Side OFF—Anti-collision lights not illuminated ON—Anti-collision lights illuminated Wing Landing Lights Switches

When is an upper wing inspection is required?

Any of the following conditions exist: If lower wing frost or ice on either wing is noted while performing the preflight exterior inspection or Outside air temperature is +10°C (+50°F) or less and visible moisture is present. Note: Visible moisture consists of rain, snow, fog, drizzle, sleet, ice crystals, or a temperature/dewpoint spread of 3°C (5°F) or less.

Understand the function of the Air Conditioning Auto Shutoff Switch - ARM.

Arms the automatic shut down system. Both air conditioning systems will automatically shut down when a significant differential pressure is sensed between the left and right engine 13th stage compressor bleed air.

What causes the MASTER CAUTION and MASTER WARNING lights to illuminate and how to reset these lights?

Both Master Warning lights will illuminate when any red light on the overhead annunciator panel illuminates. Pushing either light will extinguish both Master Warning lights and reset the system for subsequent indications. Both Master Caution lights will illuminate when certain caution messages are displayed on the overhead annunciator panel. Pushing either light will extinguish both Master Caution lights and reset the system for subsequent indications.

Understand the function of the Air Conditioning Auto Shutoff Switch in OVRD.

Deactivates automatic shutdown of air conditioning packs. Note: Failure to place the AIR COND AUTO SHUTOFF switch to the OVRD position during climb could result in the shutdown of both air conditioning systems and the subsequent loss of pressurization. This would happen if an engine failed, a leak occurred in the sensing lines or ice blocked the sensing lines. Note: Following an engine failure, this switch must be in OVRD to ensure proper Thrust Computer Indicator logic.

Locate the flight deck indications for entry, service, access, emergency and cargo doors.

Door lights located on the right two columns of the annunciator panel. These lights illuminate if any of the following doors are not closed and/or latched: FWD ACCESSORY COMPT DOOR—ceiling of the nose gear wheel well MAIN CABIN DOOR STAIRWAY DOOR—below passenger forward entrance (main) door ELECT COMPT DOOR—access door on bottom of the fuselage GALLEY DOOR FWD CARGO DOOR AFT CARGO DOOR AFT CABIN DOOR—aft entrance door AFT STAIRWAY DOOR —aft entrance stairs In addition, the TAILCONE annunciator light on this panel indicates the tailcone is removed, jettisoned, or either the internal or external tailcone jettison handle is moved. Note: The door annunciator lights cannot be dimmed

Recall THNDRSTRM lighting is available on _____: Turning the THNDRSTRM light switch ON ______. THNDRSTRM lighting is powered by the ___ and is available on ____.

Emer Power, overrides all instrument panel floodlight rheostats and selects all instrument panel incandescent and fluorescent floodlights to full brightness, DC Transfer Bus, emergency power

Explain the operation of the radio rack cooling fan with the switch in the FAN position.

FAN -Turns on the radio rack cooling fan and closes the venturi valve. Supplemental electric heating is provided for the cargo compartment when in flight. The fan can operate on the ground or in flight.

T/F Cabin pressure must is controlled automatically on emergency power. How powered normally? How powered on emergency power?

False, The digital pressurization controllers and outflow valve actuators are powered by normal DC. With a complete loss of normal DC, the system must be operated manually. The actuator used by the manual pressurization mode is powered by the DC Transfer Bus, which is available on emergency power.

What essential equipment may be powered after a loss of all gens with the EMER PWR switch to ON?

Fire warning and protection All pitot static instruments CA ADI, CA HSI, CA CDI, FO RMI, VHF 1,NAV 1 N1, N2 and EGT gauges (self generating)

What is the normal preflight for the crew oxygen system and where is it located? Masks?

Flight crew oxygen is supplied from a cylinder located behind the FO seat to individual oxygen pressure regulators at each crew station. The cylinder is equipped with a manual shutoff valve and a direct reading pressure gauge. Minimum flight crew oxygen system pressure is 1300 psi. Quick-donning masks are suspended from the ceiling above each flight crew station by a quick-release hanger. EMERGENCY TOGGLE—Pinned in the NORMAL position DILUTER TOGGLE—100% OXYGEN SUPPLY TOGGLE—ON and safety wired

Understand the normal and emergency operation of the passenger entry doors.

Fwd Cabin Door-- Norm Op - Remove and stow the evacuation slide girt bar. Rotate internal door handle clockwise. Push the door outward and forward through the jamb opening. Ensure the hold-open latch is engaged. Emer Op - Assess area through the door window. With the girt bar installed, rotate internal door handle clockwise. Push the door outward and forward through the jamb opening. The slide pack will pull out from its container and hang over the doorsill. Ensure the hold-open latch is engaged. Pull the red slide inflation handle to inflate the slide. Aft Passenger Entrance Door -- Norm Op - Rotate the door handle in the direction of the handle (clockwise) to unlatch the door. Swing the door inboard and secure it with the hold-open latch. Stairway is operated from the external control panel. Emer Op - Assess conditions through the viewing port. Pull the door handle inboard and rotate clockwise to unlatch the door. Open the door and secure it with the hold-open latch. If ceiling is in the UP position, manually lower the ceiling to form the catwalk to the tailcone area. From within the cabin, pull the tailcone jettison handle on the stair control panel. Slide will inflate when tailcone is released. Pull the inflation handle if the slide fails to inflate automatically. Although a second tailcone jettison handle is located at the left aft portion of the catwalk, if the handle on the stair control panel fails, flight attendants are advised to redirect passengers to forward or overwing exits.

What does the Autopilot Mode Annunciator display when armed to capture an ILS glide path?

GP ARM - Indicates the autopilot is armed for automatic capture of the glidepath.

What does the Autopilot Mode Annunciator display at glide slope capture?

GP CAP - Indicates the autopilot has captured the glidepath. (GP ARM light extinguishes.)

Identify the location and function of wing landing light switches:

Glareshield, Left Side RET—Landing light is retracted and off EXT OFF—Light is extended and off EXT ON—Light is extended and on

Recall the cockpit indications of an incoming cabin or ground call.

If the PILOT call button on the FA panel or the PILOTS CALL button on the External Power Receptacle Panel is pressed, a chime sounds on the flight deck indicating an attendant or mechanic to pilot call. In addition, a blue ATTND CALLING light on the overhead panel illuminates when the FA PILOT call button is pressed.

Explain the meaning of the amber CABIN PRESS AUTO FAIL annunciator light in flight. On the ground.

In flight, illumination of the CABIN PRESS AUTO FAIL light and the MASTER CAUTION lights indicates both channels have failed. On the ground, illumination of the CABIN PRESS AUTO FAIL light indicates that one of the control channels has failed. Illumination of the CABIN PRESS AUTO FAIL light and the MASTER CAUTION lights indicates both channels have failed.

Explain the meaning of the amber RADIO FAN OFF annunciator light, in flight.

In flight, the switch is in the FAN position and the radio rack cooling fan is not operating. The supplemental electric heater in the forward cargo compartment will also be inoperative without the radio rack fan.

Recall the conditions requiring the use of engine and airfoil anti-ice in flight.

In icing conditions, engine ice protection must be ON for takeoff. Airfoil ice protection must be placed ON at the engine failure cleanup altitude (normally 800 feet HAA). In flight, the engine and airfoil ice protection systems must be used whenever the RAT is less than +6°C and either visible moisture is present or if ice buildup occurs on windshield wipers or edges of the windshield. Use both systems together while in flight. The airfoil and engine ice protection may be placed OFF during climb and cruise when the RAT is -20°C or less (colder) provided there are no indications of icing.

Recall the function of the EMER PWR switch.

In the event of complete loss of power, the ship's batteries will provide both AC and DC emergency power when the EMER PWR switch is ON. The DC Emergency Bus will be powered by the batteries through the Battery Direct Bus. The AC Emergency Bus will be powered by the Emergency Inverter, which is powered by the batteries through the Battery Direct Bus.

What is the meaning of the blue light APU PWR AVAIL?

Indicates APU generator power is available and within normal limits for connection to the left and/or right Generator Bus.

What is the meaning of the blue light APU L/R BUS Power in Use lights?

Indicates APU power is connected to the respective Generator Bus.

What is the meaning of the blue light EXT PWR L/R BUS Power in Uselights?

Indicates external power is connected to the respective Generator Bus

What is the meaning of the blue light EXT PWR AVAIL?

Indicates the external power connected to the external receptacle is in phase and has a minimum of 95 volts.

What is the purpose of the AC Cross Tie Relay?

Installed between L and R AC sys. The ACTR allows both AC systems, to be powered by 1 gen. Controlled by AC fault protection logic and/or the AC BUS XTIE switch. If a sys fault is sensed by the AC fault protection logic, the ACTR will be locked in the open position, the operating gen will not crosstie, & amber AC CROSSTIE LOCKOUT annunciator light ON. The A/C BUS X TIE Switch is a two-position switch. 1)OPEN Opens the AC Crosstie Relay if it is closed or prevents closure if it is open. Normally in the AUTO pos. AUTO- Allows automatic AC Crosstie Relay closure if power is lost to the left or right Generator Bus due to a generator fault. The relay remains open (locked out) if power is lost to the left or right Generator Bus due to a system fault.

What does the Autopilot Mode Annunciator display when armed to capture a VOR or localizer course?

NL ARM - Indicates the autopilot is armed for automatic capture of VOR or localizer beams.

What does the Autopilot Mode Annunciator display when the VOR or localizer is captured?

NL CAP - Indicates the autopilot has captured the VOR or localizer course. (NL ARM light extinguishes.)

With the NAV SELECTOR switch in NAV/LOC or ILS, will the autopilot capture the localizer or glideslope if the TURN knob is out of the detent.

No, Placing the NAV SELECTOR switch to ILS arms the autopilot to automatically capture and track the localizer and glideslope signals selected on the Captain's NAV control panel and Captain's navigation instruments. However, when NAV/LOC or ILS is selected with the TURN knob out of the detent, automatic capture will not occur until the knob is returned to the detent.

Is the autopilot is available on emergency power?

No, The autopilot is powered by the Right AC Radio Bus and is not available on emergency power.

Is airfoil ice protection available on emergency power?

No, The ice protection pressure regulator valve controls the flow of air from the pneumatic center manifold into the airfoil ice protection system. The valve requires normal DC power to open and springs closed with a loss of power.

Describe the relationship of the nose, wing and tail during a turn.

Nose clearance guarantees the wing tip will clear. However, the tail turning arc is greater than either the nose or wing tip arc.

How are the nose lights are affected when the landing gear handle is moved to the up position?

Nose lights automatically extinguish when the landing gear handle is moved up. The light circuit is interlocked so the nose lights only illuminate when the landing gear handle is in the DOWN position and the NOSE LTS switch is in DIM or BRT.

Recall the function of the WINSHIELD anti-ice switch.

OFF - Deactivates the windshield anti-ice system. ON - Provides electrical heat to the outside of the three windshields. The anti-icing system heats the outer surface of the Captain's, Center, and FO windshields.

Explain the function of the 3 positions of the flight deck EMER LTS switch.

OFF-- Emergency lights are not illuminated. Emergency lights battery packs charged by the DC Transfer Bus. EMERG LIGHT NOT ARMED annunciator light illuminated. ARM-- If DC Emergency Bus powered: Emergency lights are not illuminated. Emergency lights battery packs charged by the DC Emergency Bus. EMERG LIGHT NOT ARMED annunciator light not illuminated. If DC Emergency Bus not powered: Emergency lights are illuminated. Emergency lights battery packs providing power for emergency lights. EMERG LIGHT NOT ARMED annunciator light not illuminated. ON-- Emergency lights are illuminated. Emergency battery packs providing power for the emergency lights. EMERG LIGHT NOT ARMED annunciator light illuminated.

Explain the meaning of the amber RADIO FAN OFF annunciator light, on the ground.

On the ground, the switch is in the VENTURI or FAN position and the radio rack cooling fan is not operating.

Understand the system functions and cockpit indications when the Air Conditioning Supply Switches are moved out of OFF on the ground.

Placing an Air Conditioning Supply Switch to HP BLD OFF (HIGH PRESSURE BLEED OFF) or AUTO-Completes the circuit to the respective heat exchanger cooling fan when the aircraft is on the ground. To verify the operation of the heat exchanger cooling fan, the electrical load meter should indicate an increase in load. • Removes power from the respective supply pressure regulator and flow control valves. To verify both valves opened, the supply pressure indicators should indicate a rise in supply pressure. In addition to the above, placing the Air Conditioning Supply Switches to AUTO arms the respective 13th stage augmentation valve for pressure augmentation.

How do you connect the APU generator to the electrical system?

Placing the L/R APU BUS Switch to ON selects APU power to the respective generator bus unless a higher priority source is in use.

Identify the location and function of position, light switches:

Position/Strobe Lights Switch - Glareshield, Right Side OFF—Position and strobe lights not illuminated POS—Position lights only illuminated BOTH—Both position and strobe lights illuminated when ground control relays are in flight mode

Understand the three positions of the L/R GEN switches on the electrical control panel.

RESET (momentary) - Resets the generator control relay (GCR). OFF - Opens or prevents closure of the respective generator relay (GR). ON - Allows the respective generator relay (GR) to close connecting the gen output to the respective Generator Bus.

Recall the tail ice protection cycle.

Tail ice protection must be used: At approx 20 minute intervals in continuing icing conditions. Approx one minute prior to selection of landing flaps (normally at gear extension). When icing conditions no longer exist.

Where do you read voltage, frequency and amps?

The AC VOLTS Meter and FREQUENCY Indicator are located on the Electrical Power Panel of the Forward Overhead Panel. DC Volts and Amps are read on a single VOLT/AMP Indicator below the AC indicators.

Understand the significance of the amber AIRFOIL ICE PROT PRESS ABNORMAL annunciator light.

The AIRFOIL ICE PROT PRESS ABNORMAL light illuminates when: -low or unbalanced pressure is sensed in one or both wing anti-ice ducts during wing anti-ice operation -low pressure is sensed in the tail de-ice duct during tail de-ice operation -the ice protection pressure regulator valve fails to close after both the L and R AIR FOIL switches are OFF -the ice protection pressure regulator valve is closed due to a duct leak protection signal.

When must the Air Conditioning Auto Shutoff switch be in ARM or OVERRIDE?

The Air Conditioning Automatic Shutoff system must be ARMED for all takeoffs and in OVERRIDE above 14,000 feet.

What is the function of the BATT switch?

The BATT switch is a two-position switch. OFF - Opens the battery relay, disconnecting the batteries from the Battery Bus. ON (with normal power) - Closes the battery relay, connecting the batteries to the Battery Bus and allows the battery charger to charge the batteries through the charger and transfer relay. ON (without normal power) - Closes the battery relay, connecting the batteries to the Battery Bus through the battery relay and to the DC Transfer Bus through the charger and transfer relay.

What is the significance of the amber BATTERY CHARGER annunciator light?

The BATTERY CHARGER light illuminates when BATT switch is ON and: the battery charger is not powered, or the battery charger has failed, or the batteries have failed, or the batteries have been disconnected from the charger for 5 minutes or more. Note: Takeoff is prohibited if the BATTERY CHARGER annunciator light is illuminated.

What is the function of the DC BUS X TIE switch?

The DC Bus X Tie Switch is a two-position switch. CLOSE -- Closes DC cross-tie relay and connects the left and right DC buses. Allows one DC sys to power the opposite sys. A fuse is installed in the DC crosstie line to prevent crosstieing an operating DC bus to a faulty bus. OPEN (Normal position) DC cross-tie relay is open and L and R DC buses are isolated. Buses are powered from respective TRs

What is the basic circuits powered by the Ground Service Bus?

The Ground Service Bus provides power to only those circuits necessary for ground servicing.

What is the location of the Ground Service Bus switch?

The Ground Service Bus switch is located on the overhead panel. The APU PWR switch and EXT PWR switches, both located on the overhead panel, connect their respective power to or remove it from the Ground Service Bus.

Understand the significance of the amber L/R ICE PROTECT TEMP LOW annunciator lights.

The L/R ICE PROTECT TEMP LOW lights illuminate when the temp in the pneumatic center manifold is too low due to low engine power or due to a malfunction in the respective augmentation valve. It is normal for these lights to illuminate for up to one minute after the airfoil ice protection system is initially turned on.

Understand the function of the L/R pneumatic X-FEED valve levers.

The L/R PNEU X-FEED valve levers are located on the center pedestal. OPEN - Mechanically opens the respective X-FEED valve. On the ground, it allows APU bleed air or air from a pneumatic ground source to enter the pneumatic center manifold for operation of one or both air conditioning packs and for engine start. Opening both valves allows for a crossbleed engine start. In flight, it allows engine bleed air to enter the pneumatic center manifold for airfoil ice protection. CLOSED - Mechanically closes the respective X-FEED valve. Pressure in the pneumatic center manifold is isolated from the left and right air conditioning systems and engine start valves. Left and right engine bleed air is also isolated from the airfoil anti-ice system.

What is the purpose of the Mach trim compensator?

The Mach trim compensator provides longitudinal stability in the speed range of .80 to .84 Mach by compensating for the nose down pitch change that occurs as Mach speed increase.

Explain the purpose of the Maintenance Interphone switch.

The Maintenance Interphone switch, located on the overhead panel, is used to connect the maintenance interphone jacks throughout the aircraft to the service interphone.

What will manual inputs to the TURN knob or VERT SPEED wheel after VOR, LOC or GS capture will cause the NAV SELECTOR switch to do?

The NAV SELECTOR switch will automatically return to the TURN KNOB position if: TURN knob is manually moved from the detent after VOR or LOC capture VERT SPEED wheel is manually moved after glideslope capture.

Recall which navigation receiver supplies inputs to the autopilot.

The NAV-1 receiver supplies navigation inputs to the pitch and roll computers of the autopilot.

What are two ways the passenger oxygen system door latches may be activated?

The PASS OXY MASK Switch is located behind F/O Seat. With the switch in NORM - Door latches on all oxygen compartments above each seat row, in each lavatory, and above each flight attendant station will open automatically any time cabin altitude reaches approx 14,000 ft. Switch to EJECT (momentary) - Uses normal AC power to release door latches and opens all oxygen compartment doors above each seat row, in each lavatory, and above each flt att station at any altitude. Holding the switch in EJECT in excess of 5 seconds may damage the latches.

What are two ways the passenger oxygen system door latches may be activated? Where is sw? Power source? When deploy?

The PASS OXY MASK Switch is located behind F/O Seat. With the switch in NORM - Door latches on all oxygen compartments above each seat row, in each lavatory, and above each flight attendant station will open automatically any time cabin altitude reaches approx 14,000 ft. Switch to EJECT (momentary) - Uses normal AC power to release door latches and opens all oxygen compartment doors above each seat row, in each lavatory, and above each flt att station at any altitude. Holding the switch in EJECT in excess of 5 seconds may damage the latches.

Explain what effect each position of the YAW DAMP Switch has on system operation.

The YAW DAMP Switch on the overhead panel has two positions. OFF - Power is removed from the yaw damper provided the autopilot is disengaged. The yaw damper will operate with the YAW DAMP switch OFF if the autopilot is engaged and the A/P SERVOS RUD switch is in the RUD position. ON - The yaw damper will operate independently of autopilot engagement, provided the A/P SERVOS RUD switch is in the RUD position.

Recall which trim system the autopilot uses for pitch trim.

The alternate trim motor is used by the autopilot for pitch trim.

Significance of an amber L/R GEN OFF annunciator light?

The amber L/R GEN OFF lights indicate the respective generator relay is open.

When is the battery is charged?

The battery charger will operate when: BATT switch is ON EMER PWR switch is OFF AC Ground Service Bus is powered .

Recall the lights associated with an activated passenger oxygen system.

The blue CABIN OXYGEN ON annunciator light indicates all passenger (cabin) oxygen door latches have been activated.

Understand the purpose of emergency lighting and how long the battery packs will provide power.

The emergency lighting system provides minimal illumination of the flight deck, cabin, and exit areas to facilitate the evacuation of the aircraft. The emergency lighting system uses incandescent bulbs powered by rechargeable battery packs which will provide power for a minimum of 15 mins.

Explain the functions of the flight and service inter phone systems.

The flight interphone system is activated by depressing the INT microphone selector pushbutton and extending the INT audio selector pushbutton on the audio control panel. This allows the crew to communicate between flight deck positions, the ground power receptacle station, and the E & E compartment. The service interphone system is activated by depressing the CSV microphone selector pushbutton and extending the CSV audio selector pushbutton on the audio control panel. This allows the crew to communicate between flight deck positions, flight attendant stations and various service and maintenance areas.

Specify the recommended pavement width for a 180 degree turn.

The recommended pavement width for a 180 degree turn is 125 feet. The minimum taxiway width for a 180 degree turn is 82 feet.

Recall at what cabin altitude the red CABIN PRESS annunciator light will illuminate. How long remain illuminated?

The red CABIN PRESS (CABIN ALT on some aircraft) light and MASTER WARNING lights will illuminate if the cabin altitude reaches 9,500 feet (-0 feet/+500 feet). The light will remain illuminated as long as the cabin altitude remains at or above this altitude.

What is the condition indicated by the red TAIL COMP TEMP HI annunciator light?

The red TAIL COMP TEMP HIGH annunciator illuminates to indicate the temp in the tail compartment has exceeded a preset value.

What is the purpose of Standby Lighting and when will it illuminate? How powered? How long last?

The standby lighting system provides minimal cabin lighting in the event of the loss of normal electrical power and consists of cabin ceiling lights and a forward aisle fixture light. Standby lighting is powered by the aircraft's batteries which, when fully charged, will provide a minimum of 45 minutes of lighting. The standby lights illuminate when the EMER PWR switch is placed to the ON position.

Will engine anti-ice be available on emergency power?

Three valves are used to control the flow of bleed air for engine anti-icing. These valves are motor driven and powered by their respective AC Buses. In the event of an AC power loss, the valves will remain in the last selected position.

T/F: The EMER LTS switch on the cockpit overhead panel can be overridden and the emergency lights switched ON using the red guarded EMERGENCY switch at the forward flight attendant's panel regardless of the position of the cockpit switch.


What are the locations of the audio panels in the cockpit?

Two audio control panels are located on the center pedestal. One audio control panel for the Observer is located on the overhead panel.

Explain the operation of the radio rack cooling fan with the switch in the VENTURI position.

VENTURI - In flight, opens the venturi valve and turns off the fan. In this case, no forward cargo compartment heating is available. On the ground, regardless of switch position, the radio rack fan will operate and the venturi valve will close. Note: If live animals are being carried in the forward cargo compartment and the radio rack fan fails, land at the nearest suitable airport.

Which VHF NAV and VHF COMMs are available on emergency power?


How do you set the cabin pressure controller panel during preflight for normal operation?

Verify Mode Selector to AUTO-APT ELEV. Set digital display to elevation of destination airport (round up to next 50ft increment).

What is the normal AC power voltage and frequency for the engine driven generators? Normal DC Power voltage?

Voltage= 115 +/- 8 volts, Freq= 400 +/- 20 cycles per second, Normal DC power voltage: 26 +/- 4 volts

How long will the batteries will last on emergency power?

When fully charged, the batteries will supply power to the emergency power system for a minimum of 45 mins.

Recall the annunciator panel indications when engine anti-ice is in use.

When selected ON, the amber (L/R) ENGINE VALVE light illuminates indicating the three anti-ice valves are in transit and disagree with the switch position. When at least one valve is fully open, the blue (L/R) ENGINE ANTI-ICE ON light illuminates. When all three valves are fully open, the amber light extinguishes and the blue light remains illuminated indicating normal system operation.

What will cause the autopilot to immediately capture the glideslope?

When the NAV SELECTOR is depressed and rotated to the MAN G/P position, immediate glide path capture is forced, bypassing the automatic ILS glideslope capture sequence. Caution: Selection of MAN G/P with an above or below glideslope deviation can result in an abrupt pitch maneuver to capture the glideslope.

Recall the function of the TAIL De-Ice button.

When using airfoil anti-ice, pushing the TAIL De-Ice button energizes a timer that closes the shutoff valve to the wing and opens the shutoff valve to the tail to allow 2.5 minutes of tail de-ice. The blue TAIL DE-ICE ON annunciator light illuminates when tail de-ice de-icing has been selected. The system automatically reverts to the wing anti-ice function following the 2.5 minutes of tail de-ice function.

When is high pressure (HP) available? What stage air HP & low pressure? What regulates HP bleed air? When happen?

With the Air Conditioning Supply Switches in AUTO but not in HP BLD OFF: Pneumatic pressure is supplied by 8th stage (low pressure) and 13th stage (high pressure) bleed air. Augmentation valves automatically regulate the flow of 13th stage bleed air into the pneumatic system when the air pressure and/or temperature supplied by the 8th stage compressor are not sufficient to satisfy system requirements. The augmentation valves are armed for pressure augmentation through the Air Conditioning Supply switches. With the Air Conditioning Supply Switch set to HP BLD OFF (HIGH PRESSURE BLEED OFF), the respective 13th stage augmentation valve is not armed for pressurization augmentation. With the Air Conditioning Supply Switch set to AUTO, the respective 13th stage (high pressure) augmentation valve is armed for pressure augmentation.

How are the strobe lights are affected when the aircraft becomes airborne?

With the POS/STROBE Lights Switch positioned to BOTH, the strobe lights are activated when airborne. Wing tip strobes operate only when POS/STROBE switch is in BOTH and the ground control relays are in the flight mode.

Explain how to manually control the cabin altitude. Deicing Fast Close? Close rates?

With the pressurization mode selector in the MAN position, moving the valve toggle switch to the right or left allows opening or closing of the outflow valve at a slow rate (it takes approximately 75 seconds to move the valve from full OPEN to full CLOSED). For deicing purposes, a Fast Close option has been installed that allows the outflow valve to close in approximately 10 seconds. The Fast Close function is activated by selecting AUTO-APT-ELEV and setting -1000' elevation. In 3 seconds the outflow valve will start to close and will be fully closed in 13 seconds.

Moving the selector for METER SEL & HEAT to any position except OFF _____________ while on the ground.

energizes all heater circuits except the RAT probe

Are the PA and flight interphone operative on emergency power?

the PA and flight interphone are operative on emergency power

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