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frederick jackson

His theory was that it was the frontier experience that had helped make America great.

What was the purpose of the "subtreasury plan"?

It allowed farmers to secure low-interest government loans and gave the farmers some latitude concerning when to sell.

Pancho Villa

Mexican revolutionary who raided the United States

From the Virtual Reader: What point is the author making in the political cartoon, "Looking Backward?"

Often, those who currently opposed immigration were once immigrants themselves.

economy of scale

Once the mega-businesses of the late 1800's reached ____________________, they were able to buy the goods and services they needed at greatly reduced prices.

By the 1920's, the KKK had taken positions against all of the following groups EXCEPT ONE. Which of the following groups WAS NOT attacked by the Klan?

Protestant Christians


The assassination of this country's arch-duke triggered the start of WWI.

Emilio Aguinaldo

led the Filipino independence fight against Spain and later the United States

If the success and continuation of the Populist Party is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing in your life, should you--as a Populist Party member--nominate William Jennings Bryan as your presidential candidate in 1896?


Woodrow Wilson

non-Mexican who opposed the Huerta takeover of the Mexican government

Both government and industry recruited women to work in:

port cities' loading docks, on railway crews, and in factories.

By 1900, the section of the country with the poorest system of public education was among the __________ states.


In major cities, politics was often a form of public entertainment.


In the war between Spain and the United States over Cuban freedom, the first place the U.S. sent its naval fleet was to . . . .

the Philippians

A major factor in Woodrow Wilson's victory in the 1912 presidential campaign was the fact that:

the Republican party had split in two.

From the Virtual Reader: The most recent major investigation of the sinking of the U.S. Maine came to the conclusion that:

The explosions were caused by an internal coal-bunker fire.


this island country annexed by the United States was a major producer of sugar and tropical fruits

Congress passed the Homestead Act:

to encourage settlement of the western lands.


treaty ending the First World War

Membership in the American Federation of Labor at first:

was limited primarily to skilled, white, male craftsmen.

george custer

This ambitious man overestimated his military skills, while underestimating his enemy's numbers.

Andrew Carnegie utilized the Bessemer process that enabled a dramatic increase in steel production.


The political cartoon, "Mexican Revolution," suggests that the Mexican people had to endure one violent political revolution after another.


<p>"The chief business of the American people is business."</p>

calvin coolidge

William Seward

engineered the purchase of Alaska for the U.S.

The educated, career-minded woman was generally considered an essential resource for society during the late 1800's.


The frontier Indian wars began with the closing of the frontier in 1890.


After 1896, most immigrants were:

from southern and eastern Europe.

Progressives generally believed government should not interfere with big business.



Most attempts at organizing labor into unions failed during the 1800's, because there were always more __________ than there were available jobs.

The United States acquired all of the following as a result of the Spanish-American War EXCEPT:


You are from a wealthy Protestant family, involved in manufacturing. Your family has been in the United States for several generations. You would like to see limits or an outright ban on alcohol consumption. To which political party do you belong in the late 1800's?


The Progressive Era was clearly a movement ______________ the laissez-faire philosophy of government.

away from

<p>Hit 60 home runs to set a record in Major League Baseball.</p>

babe ruth

You run a small manufacturing plant that directly competes with British and German industry. Which candidate will get your vote in 1896?

William McKinley

In the late 1800's, you live on an absolutely fixed income (retirement plan). Should you oppose the unlimited coinage of silver?


You have many skills, a broad variety of work experiences and a college degree. Do you favor the Pendleton Act?


The major themes in the song, "Over There," (Virtual Reader) were ___________ and ____________.

duty and patriotism

In his 1920 campaign for president, Warren G. Harding said the country needed a return to:


The title of the novel that described the terrible conditions of the meatpacking industry was:

the jungle

Boxer Rebellion

uprising among Chinese nationals in an attempt to expel foreign exploiters

In the area of conservation, Theodore Roosevelt:

used the Forest Reserve Act to protect over 170 million acres of forest.

William Howard Taft:

was Roosevelt's choice as his successor.

Which of the following terms is not compatible with the other terms on the list?

"hands off" governmental attitude

natural resources

Industry was aided in the U.S. by a generous supply of labor, a favorable governmental attitude, and an abundance of _________.

Booker T. Washington

The black leader who offered the theory of "realistic accommodation" as a survival strategy for African Americans following Reconstruction.

It is the late 1800's. You are deeply in debt. Why do you prefer bimetallism (unlimited coinage of silver)?

The resulting inflation will allow me to pay back my debt with money that is worth less than what I borrowed and is easier to come by.

Adjusted for inflation--at his peak earning period--Andrew Carnegie had more wealth than today's Bill Gates, Sam Walton, and Warren Buffett combined.


From the Virtual Reader (website): In addition to being the renowned home run slugger, Babe Ruth was an outstanding baseball pitcher earlier in his professional career.


The Roaring Twenties pitted a cosmopolitan, urban America against the values of an insular, rural America.


The most likely reason why Woodrow Wilson won the presidential election of 1912 was because the Republican Party split in half, allowing Wilson and the Democrats into the White House.


When the 19th Amendment was passed, it meant that an otherwise qualified citizen of the United States could not be denied the right to vote on account of their gender.


Wilson's Fourteen Points endorsed all of the following EXCEPT:

U.S. colonies in Africa and Asia.

In the poem from the Virtual Reader, "Booker T. and W.E.B.," W.E.B. DuBois was critical of blacks who pursued what he considered pointless educational pursuits, instead of putting their focus on making a decent living.


The main goal in passing the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 was to swindle the Indians out of their remaining lands.


Political and social radicalism arose after World War I because:

postwar culture was entering an era of bewildering change.

One major task in big cities was disposing of horse waste.


Andrew Carnegie

Scottish immigrant who became the leader in the steel business and a role model for other immigrants.

Which political party enjoyed OVERWHELMING POLITICAL DOMINATION between 1876 and 1896? (Be careful.)

The Democrats and Republicans were almost perfectly equal in political results during the era.


Because of the scarcity of wood in the Great Plains region, many cabins were made of this material.

Of the following presidents, which one served as vice president?

Calvin Coolidge

All of the following were laws enacted at the national level during the Progressive Era EXCEPT ONE. Which of the following was not enacted during the Progressive Era?



Factory work featured long hours, low pay, and ____________ working conditions.

From the Virtual Reader of the United States: By 1897, Andrew Carnegie controlled almost all of the railroad companies in the United States.


In the late 1800's, the general public whole-heartedly supported the formation of labor unions for workers.


All of the following EXCEPT ONE served as President of the United States during the 1920's. Which is the EXCEPTION?

Franklin Roosevelt

The American city that first converted its elected local officials to unelected, professional commissioners was:


Which nation suffered the most casualties during WWI?


sussex pledge

Germany's promise to identify ships before sinking them with a submarine torpedo

John D. Rockfeller

He was a ruthless master of "horizontal integration," driving many smaller competitors out of business, ultimately taking over their resources.

As a result of the Scopes trial:

John T. Scopes was found guilty of teaching evolution but was only charged a small fine.

Now that you have read a number of resources relating to the meat-packing practices of this era, what does this political cartoon tell us about sausage-making in the late 1800's and early 1900's?

Just about any ingredient could end up in a sausage product

As a result of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia:

Lenin concluded a separate peace with Germany.

Your railroad line has made a fortune through questionable practices such as rebates, rate discrimination, and pooling agreements. Do you support the Interstate Commerce Act?


From the Virtual Reader ("The Death of Sitting Bull"): All of the following EXCEPT ONE are examples of a very racist attitude that the newspaper writer had against Native Americans. Which example below WAS NOT mentioned in the article?

The Native Americans were said to be natural-born cannibals.

Complete the following progression: AGRARIAN DISCONTENT; the GRANGE ASSOCIATIONS; FARMERS' ALLIANCES; _____________.

The Populist Party

plessy v. ferguso

The Supreme Court case that declared "separate but equal" accommodations for the races was not unconstitutional.


The people in this occupation sold their goods in an unprotected market, but made many of their major purchases in a protected market.

Vertical Integration

The practice of controlling every possible aspect of production from the raw materials to the retail market.

Horizontal Integration

The practice of merging with, closely cooperating with, or taking over companies within the same industry.

wounded knee

The site where the 7th Cavalry slaughtered many Native Americans who had gathered together to do the "Ghost Dance."


The term used to describe a government that generally takes a "hands off" policy concerning regulation of business or industry.


The western Natives' culture became difficult or impossible to maintain after the elimination of the ___________.

Who was president when the United States acquired the right to build a canal across Panama?

Theodore Roosevelt


This country acted very aggressive prior to WWI, by mobilizing its army for fighting--even before any war had been declared.


This country showed little remorse when one of its citizens assassinated a rival nation's leader.


This country was the first country to actually attack another at the start of the First World War.


This island-country was one of the leaders of the "Allied" powers.

grandfather law

This law permitted poor and illiterate white men to vote, even when they were unable to meet poll tax or literacy requirements.

Gustavus Swift

This man was a major supplier in the meat market and a masterful user of vertical integration.

American Federation of Labor

This organization succeeded because of the select makeup of its membership and the limited goals of its agenda.

gold and silver strikes

This phenomenon sped up the settlement of areas in the West that had previously been only sparsely populated.

Scientific Management

This practice encouraged using fewer workers to perform simpler tasks at faster speeds.

From the Virtual Reader website on Andrew Carnegie: What did Andrew Carnegie mean when he stated, "the man who dies thus rich, dies disgraced?"

Those of wealth should use much of their excess income to help others.

In the 1920s, many investors bought stocks on margin—that is, with borrowed funds.


In the late 1800's, because of the lack of government laws and rules, open competition in industry was often eliminated due to consolidation by monopolies or oligopolies.


From the Virtual Reader: According to Jacob Riis in "How the Other Half Lives," (excerpt) what was a "street Arab?"

a homeless child

Platt Amendment

allowed the U.S. to maintain significant control over Cuba, without actually annexing it

In the late 1800's, one of the items below was not likely to exist at the same time as the other four. Which of the following does not belong on the list?

an increase in wages and salaries.

Herbert Spencer:

applied the phrase "survival of the fittest" to humans, as well as the animal kingdom.

going "over the top"

attempting to dislodge the enemy soldiers from their WWI trench

Woodrow Wilson

author of the "14 Points"

The Seventeenth Amendment:

authorized the popular election of U.S. senators.

Treaty of Paris

awarded Guam and Puerto Rico to the U.S.

Treaty of Best-Litovsk

awarded huge amounts of territory and natural resources from Russia to Germany

Part of the reason for the stock market crash was the:

buying of great amounts of stock on the margin (on credit).

<p>Was the first person to make a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean.</p>

charles lindberg

By the early part of the 1900's, it had become clear that several of the most popular sports would have to undergo some rules and policy changes in order to become more profitable for the professional sports leagues that controlled over 90% of all U.S. sporting activities.


From the Virtual Reader article, "The Death of Sitting Bull": The Native wives of the dead tribal policemen complained that their husbands were mistakenly killed by the white soldiers, who thought they were members of Sitting Bull's war party.


Hired by the railroad companies, the Buffalo Soldiers were largely responsible for reducing the number of wild buffalo in the American West during the late 1800's.


During the Progressive Era, a "muckraker" was another name for city sanitation worker.


If the United States did not annex the Philippines, it is most likely that France would have.


In the early 1900's, the United States twice sent troops into Mexico, triggering an all-out war between the two nations.


The Progressive Era saw the creation of professional standards and certification of teachers, lawyers, musicians, artists, and doctors.


<p>His assembly line process dramatically reduced the build time and process of the automobile.</p>

henry ford

<p>promised that with his election, the Republican Prosperity" of the 1920's would continue for 4 - 8 more years.</p>

herbert hoover

"Nativists" believed that:

immigrants threatened the traditional American culture and way of life.

In the early 1900's, inflated currency actually came to the country through an increase in the gold supply. Earlier, William Jennings Bryan had sought inflation by ____________.

increasing the amount of silver coinage and silver-backed paper money.

<p>His teaching of Darwin's Theory of Evolution cause his arrest and led to the famous "Monkey Trial."</p>

john scopes

(From the Virtual Reader) The author of the song, "I'm Going to Leave Old Texas Now," plans to leave Texas. What is his destination?


The Open Door policy:

proposed that foreign powers keep the China trade open to all nations on an equal basis.

The Platt Amendment did all of the following EXCEPT:

provide for the American annexation of Cuba.

From the Virtual Reader: According to Jacob Riis (How the Other Half Lives), the key to the success of the Children's Aid Society was ________.

self help

The Platt Amendment:

sharply restricted the independence of Cuba's new government.

<p>claimed that the three elements of human personality were the id, ego, and super-ego</p>

sigmund freud

Pago Pago

small island, whose primary value to the United States was for a naval base.


stood for Women's Christian Temperance Union.

A major source of urban pollution at the turn of the century (1800's to 1900's) was the solid waste produced by workhorses.


According to the Social Darwinists--business monopoly owners, political bosses, and the super rich all had claim to being "superior" humans.


William "Boss" Tweed was not a model for efficient, fair, and honest city management.


How successful was President Wilson at getting the U.S. Senate to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?

the Senate never ratified the treaty of Versailles.

What agency best organized United States industry to provide materials for the military during World War I?

the War Industries Board


the leader who urged Mexico to wage war against the U.S., in exchange for the return of former territories

Teddy Roosevelt

the president at the time the United States "took over" Panama

William McKinley

the president during the Spanish-American War

Harding's administration is most remembered for:

the scandals that plagued it.

Why did the United States fight a war in the Philippines after the Spanish-American War?

to quell an insurrection of Filipinos that opposed annexation by the United States

According to the theory of the "White Mans' Burden," the more advanced and civilized nations should strongly encourage ideas such as democracy, Christianity, and modernization to the less advanced nations.


In their political platform (Virtual Reader), the Populists of 1896 sought to increase the usage of silver as part of the money supply.


<p>Died from a heart attack before finishing his term as president.</p>

warren harding

The movement of southern blacks to the North:

was called the "Great Migration," or often the "Great Black Migration."

The de Lôme letter:

was critical of the U.S. and referred to President McKinley as a weak and cowardly leader.

Emilio Aguinaldo:

was the Filipino rebel leader.

Russian participation in World War I ended:

with the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

For industrial workers in Gilded Age America:

working and living conditions remained precarious.

All of the following were quality of life improvements provided by towns and cities in the Progressive Era, EXCEPT ONE. Which of the following is the EXCEPTION?

workmen's compensation


This practice practically guaranteed that agricultural prices would remain low.


This thing was the biggest health threat to the cowboys of the late 1800's.

Porfirio Diaz

long time right wing dictator of Mexico

united states

This country delayed entry into the war as long as possible--about three years after the start.

barbed-wire fencing

A major reason why the open range cattle industry began to collapse by the 1880's.

The Democrats lost 113 seats in the House of Representatives in the CONGRESSIONAL ELECTIONS of 1894. Why did this most likely happen? (Think about it.)

A severe economic depression began in 1893 while the Democrats were in power.

W.E.B. DuBois

African-American leader who helped establish the NAACP and promoted immediate social and political equality for the "talented tenth."

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