DCUSH Unit 2

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Erie Canal

"Clinton's Big Ditch" that transformed transportation and economic life across the Great Lakes region from Buffalo to Chicago. It connected the Hudson River with Lake Erie.

Bill of Rights

1st 10 Amendments. Was created by James Madison to calm fears of anti-federalists who opposed constitutional ratification.

James Monroe

5th pres and last President of the "old school" government. His administration was marked by the acquisition of Florida, the Missouri Compromise (1820), in which Missouri was declared a slave state; and the profession of the Monroe Doctrine (1823), declaring U.S. opposition to European interference in the Americas

Henry Clay (Age of Jackson)

A northern American politician. He developed the American System as well as negotiated numerous compromises.

Manifest Destiny

A notion held by Americans that the United States was destined to rule the from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

Frederick Douglass

A self-educated slave who escaped from Maryland. He became the best-known abolitionist speaker. He edited an anti-slavery weekly, the North Star and wrote an autobiography.

William Clark

A skilled mapmaker and outdoorsman chosen to explore the Louisiana Territory. Led an expedition with (Meriwether Lewis) from St. Louis to the mouth of the Columbia River.

Adams Onis Treaty

Agreement in which Spain gave up all of Florida and the Oregon Territory to the United States

George Washington

America's first president and set precedents for future presidents to abide by. Warned of long term treaties in his farewell address. Agreed with Hamilton (who was federalist).

John Marshall

American jurist and politician who served as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court and helped establish the practice of judicial review. Ruled on many early decisions that gave the federal gov't more power.

Jay's Treaty

British agreed to compensate America for seized cargoes. British would trade w/ Americans and would leave the northwest territory

Washington DC

Capital of the United States. Was moved there from NY as a compromise towards Jefferson from Washington and Hamilton.

Trail of Tears

Cherokee Indians were forced to leave their land by Jackson's Indian Removal Act. Harsh weather, shortage of supplies, and poor sanitation contributed to 4000 (about 1/3rd) deaths.

Joseph Smith

Founder of the mormons

James Madison (New Government)

"Father of the Constitution." Created the Virginia Plan. 4th pres of the US.

Winfield Scott

"Old Fuss and Feathers," whose conquest of Mexico City brought U.S. victory in the Mexican War

James K Polk

"Young Hickory" Last Jacksonian president, goals were annexation of California, to settle the Oregon dispute, and lower the tariff. Was a slave-owning southerner dedicated to the Democratic Party. Was an expansionist. friend of Jackson, opposed Clay's American system.

Cost of Federal Land

$1.25 per acre

John Tyler

10th president, VP to Harrison. "His accidency." Inherited presidency after Harrison's death. he annexed Texas right before Polk became president.

Abraham Lincoln

16th President of the United States saved the Union during the Civil War and emancipated the slaves; was assassinated by Booth. Won a seat in congress as a Whig, opposed Mexican American War. Was against slavery.

Battle of Tippecanoe

1811 Tecumseh and the Prophet attack, but General Harrison crushes them in this battle and ends Tecumseh's attempt to unite all tribes in Mississippi.

Wilmot Proviso

1846 proposal that outlawed slavery in any territory gained from the War with Mexico

John Adams

1st vice president, 2nd president of the US. Defended British Soldiers from the Boston Massacre. Helped Draft the Declaration of Independence.


2 different groups of one party. ex: federalists divided into Adams and Hamilton factions.

Thomas Jefferson

3rd President, from Virginia. Author of the Declaration of Independence. secretary of state, opposes hamilton's program, becomes leader of democratic republic party

Aaron Burr

3rd VP of US. Was one of the leading Democratic-Republicans of NY, and served as a U.S. Senator. He was the principal opponent of Alexander Hamilton's Federalist policies. In the election of 1800, Burr tied with Jefferson in the Electoral College. The House of Representatives awarded the Presidency to Jefferson and made Burr Vice- President. He killed Hamilton in a duel.

James Madison (Democratic-Republican)

4th President of the US. Followed Jefferson's ideal that American government should be very constitutional which was contradictory to Hamilton who wanted government to use its powers to become an economic powerhouse. Strongly supported ratification of the Constitution and was a contributor to the Federalist papers. His presidency was marked by the War of 1812.

Lucretia Mott

A Quaker who attended an anti-slavery convention in 1840 and her party of women was not recognized. She and Stanton called the first women's right convention in New York in 1848


A Shawnee chief who worked to unite the Northwestern Indian tribes against the whites. The league of tribes was defeated by an American army led by William Henry Harrison at the Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811. Tecumseh was killed fighting for the British during the War of 1812.

Battle of New Orleans

A battle during the War of 1812 where the British army attempted to take New Orleans. Due to the foolish frontal attack, Jackson defeated them, which gave him an enormous popularity boost. However, the Treaty of Ghent had already ended the war before the battle started but the news hadn't reached the US.

Gabriel's Rebellion

A literate black slave that lived in the Richmond area launched a large scale slave revolt. The plan leaked right before and authorities executed 35 of them including Gabriel.


A movement which placed emphasis on life, and transcending form animal or worldly impulses to more spiritual impulses

Report on Manufactures

A proposal written by Hamilton promoting protectionism in trade by adding tariffs to imported goods in order to protect American industry. Encouraged industry. he wanted to turn the US into an industrialized economic country

Second Great Awakening

A series of religious revivals starting in 1801, based on Methodism and Baptism. Stressed a religious philosophy of salvation through good deeds and tolerance for all Protestant sects. The revivals attracted women, Blacks, and Native Americans.

Federalist Papers

A sophisticated defense of the Constitution written by John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison. Regarded as America's most important contribution to Western political philosophy.


A state's refusal to recognize an act of Congress that it considers unconstitutional

Spoils system

A system of public employment based on rewarding party loyalists and friends.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton

An American suffragist, social activist, abolitionist, and leading figure of the early women's rights movement. Organized the Seneca Falls Convention with Lucretia Mott

Elastic Clause

Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution, which allows Congress to make all laws that are "necessary and proper" to carry out the powers of the Constitution.

Judicial Review

Authority given to the courts to review constitutionality of acts by the executive/state/legislature; est. in Marbury v. Madison

Stephen Kearny

Commander of the Army of the West in the Mexican War, marched all the way to California, securing New Mexico. Captured Santa Fe without firing a single shot

Sam Houston

Commander of the Texas army at the battle of San Jacinto; later elected president of the Republic of Texas. fought for independence for texas from mexico.

Treaty of Ghent

December 24, 1814 - Ended the War of 1812 and restored the status quo. For the most part, territory captured in the war was returned to the original owner. It also set up a commission to determine the disputed Canada/U.S. border.

Henry Clay

Developed the American System and negotiated the Missouri Compromise. Won the election of 1824 through the "corrupt bargain" election

XYZ Affair

Diplomatic event involving US and France. During John Adams' presidency. 3 french officials demanded a bribe from America's diplomats as the price of beginning negotiations for the dispute over the Jay Treaty and other issues


Economic policy of Alexander Hamilton where the central government would assume the debts of all the states. It would tie the states closer to the federal government. gives the federal government some power or leverage over the states

Hartford Convention

Federalists met after war of 1812 to list its complaints against the ruling republican party. Wanted to add 2/3 vote for major items. Wanted to repeal 3/5 count for slaves

Alexander Hamilton

First Secretary of the Treasury. He advocated creation of a national bank, assumption of state debts by the federal government, and a tariff system to pay off the national debt. Was disliked by Thomas Jefferson

National Bank

First bank of the United States," part of Hamilton's economic plan to help rebuild the nation after the Revolutionary War. The bank provided the government a safe place to keep money, make loans, and issue bank notes (paper money); It was partly owned by the government and by investors. It was opposed by Madison and Jefferson because the Constitution did not give the government power to set up a bank.

John Humphrey Noyes

Free love/ socialist. Founder of the Oneida community, was kicked out of Vermont and went to NY to practice his religion of complex marriage and free lover. Basically anyone could fu*k anybody.

DeWitt Clinton

Governor of New York who began the Erie Canal project

Whiskey Rebellion

In 1794, farmers in Pennsylvania rebelled against Hamilton's excise tax on whiskey, and several federal officers were killed in the riots caused by their attempts to serve arrest warrants on the offenders. In October, 1794, the army, led by Washington, put down the rebellion. The incident showed that the new government under the Constitution could react swiftly and effectively to such a problem, in contrast to the inability of the government under the Articles of Confederation to deal with Shay's Rebellion.

The Bank War

Jackson was determined to destroy the Bank of the United States because he thought it was too powerful. He felt the Bank was unconstitutional and only benefited the rich.

Stephen F Austin

Known as the Father of Texas, led the second and ultimately successful colonization of the region by bringing 300 families from the United States.

Daniel Webster

Leader of the Whig Party, originally pro-North, supported the Compromise of 1850, famous senator who runs and loses, spokesman for nationalism and the union.

McCulloch v Maryland

Maryland tried to tax the bank of the US but John Marshall ruled that power of federal govt was supreme that of the states and the states couldn't interfere. Basically the Bank of the US was constitutional.

Nueces and Rio Grande Rivers

Nueces was the Mexican claim and the Rio Grande was the American claim in the border dispute with Mexico.

Samuel Morse

Patented the telegraph and created the Morse Code which revolutionized communication

Barbary Pirates

Plundering pirates off the Mediterranean coast of Africa; Jefferson's refusal to pay them tribute to protect American ships sparked an undeclared naval war with North African nations, didn't ask congress to declare war.

Corrupt Bargain

Refers to the presidential election of 1824 in which Henry Clay, the Speaker of the House, convinced the House of Representatives to elect Adams rather than Jackson.

Alien and Sedition Acts

Signed into law by John Adams. It increased requirements for US citizenship, allowed the deportation of people who were believed to be unsafe to the US, and restricted criticism of the government. Was designed to weaken the democratic republican party.

John Quincy Adams

Son of President John Adams and the secretary of state to James Monroe, he largely formulated the Monroe Doctrine. He was the sixth president of the United States and later became a representative in Congress. he drew up the adams-onis treaty and got florida.

John C Calhoun

South Carolina Senator who advocated for state's rights, limited government, and nullification. supported slavery

Tariff of Abominations

Tariff passed by Congress in 1828 that favored manufacturing in the North and was hated by the South. It raised the prices for imported goods and South Carolina decided not to collect it.

Panic of 1837

The economic crisis that followed Andrew Jackson's transfer of national funds into state banks leaving America without a central bank. Martin Van Buren had to deal with all these problems that Jackson had created.


The most diverse ethnicity of immigrants and were more skilled than their counterparts


These immigrants generally came with little money and few skills but made skilled traders and successful entrepreneurs. Supported the democratic party.

War Hawks

They had a strong sense of nationalism and wanted to take over British land in North America and expand. Henry Clay and Calhoun, one of the members of congress from the south and the west called for war with Britain prior to the war of 1812.

Marbury v Madison

This case establishes the Supreme Court's power of Judicial Review

Seneca falls

Took place in NY. Women and even some men went to discuss the rights and conditions of women. There, they wrote the Declaration of Sentiments, which among other things, tried to get women the right to vote.

Guadalupe Hidalgo

Treaty which ended the Mexican War; Mexico recognized Texas as part of the U. S. and the Rio Grande as the border between the nations; Mexico also gave up the Mexican Cession; U.S. agreed to protect the 80,000 Mexicans living in Texas and the Mexican Cession

Missouri Compromise

Under this compromise, Maine entered as a free state and Missouri entered as a slave state and a line was drawn at the 36'30'' line

Harriet Tubman

United States abolitionist born a slave on a plantation in Maryland and became a famous conductor on the Underground Railroad leading other slaves to freedom in the North

Martin Van Buren

Was Jackson's VP/ Secretary of State. Advocated lower tariffs and free trade, and by doing so maintained support of the south for the Democratic party. He succeeded in setting up a system of bonds for the national debt. Had to deal with all the problems that Jackson had created.

Zachary Taylor

Whig president who was a Southern slave holder, and war hero (Mexican-American War). Won the 1848 election. Became the 12th president. Surprisingly did not address the issue of slavery at all on his platform. He died during his term and his Vice President was Millard Fillmore.

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

Written anonymously by Jefferson and Madison in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, they declared that states could nullify federal laws that the states considered unconstitutional.

Monroe Doctrine

an American foreign policy opposing interference in the Western hemisphere from outside powers

Oregon Trail

main route to get west long path along which thousands of Americans journeyed to the Willamette Valley in the 1840's.

The American System

three part plan created by Clay that stressed strong banking system, protective tariffs, and road/canal networking. His plan was essential in developing a profitable home market, which enabled the US to become a self-sufficient, isolated country.

Rachel Robards

wife of Andrew Jackson who caused an accidental bigamy scandal with her botched divorce

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