DEC Quiz

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A high level of _______ in a decision ensures that you will probably need to make a nonprogrammed type of decision.

uncertainty? could be risk?

Which of the below is not a symptom of groupthink.

Tendency to rationalize evidence which supports the prevailing sentiment

Brainstorming is a technique managers can implement to reduce the effects of groupthink.


Increased uncertainty leads to increased learning. Those going through uncertainty cannot be reliant on past resources of information to predict the future, they are more receptive to new information, thus allow people to learn faster.


Satisficing is picking the first solution that meets the basic requirements of the decision's needs.


Satisficing is picking the first solution that satisfies the basic requirements of the decision's needs.


Tactical plans are the specific steps and actions needed to execute the Strategic Objectives of an organization.


We are making a decision that involves taking some risk. Decisions that include risk tend to move to the middle of the programmed and nonprogrammed decision spectrum.


When we make non-programmed decisions, we need to use some complex tools, like satisficing and intuition.


Usually, non-programmed decision have more ambiguity.


Group Decision Making is the most effective way to create decision that have: X, Y, and Z Choose the best options for each letter.

X - Broader Perspectives Y - Deeper Understanding of the Problem Z - Deeper Commitment to the Decision

Select the word which is not an environment in which you might be asked to make a decision.


Nobel-Prize economist, Herbert Simon, refers to the less idealized and more realistic version of decision making as _____ decision making.


Usually, _____ will be held in a virtual chat room so that participants can contribute feedback and ideas anonymously.


While leading his team in an effort to keep his team from being stuck on the same ideas they always come up with, Andy tells his team that they will celebrate all ideas, even when the idea ends up being a complete failure. Andy is doing his best to:

change up the environment?? INCORRECT

The process of _____ decision making outlines a rational and methodical process with clear cut steps one can take to make a programmed decision.


If you are not utilizing group decision making, that likely means that when you were working on the analysis, you only had one viewpoint from which to analyze the situation. Group decision making helps avoid this by providing ______ ________

deeper understanding INCORRECT

Dr. Farnsworth is leading two groups who are working on a new strategy for their company to earn new business contracts. Knowing that the discussion could get heated and potentially one-sided, he pulled Philip aside prior to his group's meeting and asked him to begin question and critiquing the solutions produced by the group. Dr. Farnsworth is asking Philip to serve as a(n) ____ Wanting to try a different method for the second group, Dr. Farnsworth assigns Rod and Amy to argue for the implementation of the group's idea, while asking Leela and John to argue against implementation. Dr. Farnsworth is setting up ___.

devil's advocate; structured debate

The US military has a top down hierarchical structure including leadership lines and communication channels. They probably do not have a lot of unstructured problems.


Which of the following is NOT an individual decision?

goal setting

In the criminal justice system, certain offenses are considered especially heinous. To decide the guilt or innocence of these challenging defendants, a jury of the defendant's peers are used. If a jury has a couple members who know each other, share the same opinion on the defendant's guilt, and spend discussion times trying to get as many people on their side as possible while ignoring those who disagree, this jury is likely to fall prey to __________.


Avoid putting undue pressure, celebrate failures, and change up the environment are three elements which will help a manager in their effort to _______ ________.

harness creativity

A tool that experienced managers use when they have to make decisions in a non programmed and high risk environment is_____. It is typically most effective when used by experienced managers.


Operational plans dictate how tactical plans are turned into the day-to-day actions needed to create the organization's products and services. These plans are typically created by

lower level managers

A ________ is a statement that explicitly states what a member of an organization can or cannot do related to a specific issue (i.e. smoking, eating, break times)


Bounded rationality states that although humans have the capacity to be rational, we are severely limited by our ability to consider all the infinite variables in a complex decision.


Match the organizational tool to the appropriate description. 1. A series of slides that tells an employee how make nightly deposits. 2. A sign that says "Employees Must Wash Hands Before Returning to Work". 3. A series of steps that explains the organization's stance on harassment.

1. Procedure 2. Rule 3. Policy

________ Plans follow the S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Accepted, Relevant, Time-bound) format. Choose all which apply.

Strategic Tactical

Consider the following scenario, A restaurant manager is getting ready for their Saturday dinner service. They are a pizza place. She just purchased a new wood fired oven to make their food. She hopes that this will increase their business. Where on the spectrum would you classify the environment in which the manager made that decision?

Between Risky and Uncertain ????

_______ rationality states that although humans have the capacity to be rational, we are severely limited by our inability to consider all the infinite variables in a complex decision.


The concept that tries to explain humans limited capacity for understanding decisions is:

Bounded Rationality

Consider the following scenario, In order to get the best ideas from her team, a manager decides to dedicate a portion of their weekly meeting to having them take turns reading customer comment cards. Each week a team member reads the cards and they list out potential recommendations on the whiteboard. This addition to the status meeting is what type of technique? Group of answer choices


Consider the following scenario, A manager has to decide which copier to purchase. They have to look at price, size, and connection features. When looking at the two copiers they are relatively the same price and size. One printer has a wired connection and the other has a wired connection + wireless capability. The manager chooses to go with the machine that has more connectivity. How would you classify the environment in which the manager made that decision?


You are a manager leading a team through the group decision making process. You want to help instill commitment in the team members by involving them throughout the decision making process. You are seeking to gain:

Deeper Commitment to the Decision

Consider the following scenario. Choose the best response. A supervisor is in charge of several employees at a fast food company. One of the employees is continually forgetting to add ketchup to the burgers. The supervisor noticed this pattern and brought the employee to his office. During the discussion he asked several questions about why he forgot the ketchup and what he was thinking while assembling the burgers. Turns out because the ketchup was placed on the holding rack below the table, he always seemed to forget that step. The supervisor encouraged the employee to place the ketchup on the table at the start of his shift from now on. The supervisor was helping the employee to become more:


A single person makes an individual decision with limited input or permission needed from other parties. A high level manager is permitted to make nearly any decision he or she wants by making an individual decision.


Lower level managers do not make decisions which impact a company's success.


The situation in which you have a high degree of certainty is ideal, and these situations are quite common in a business.

False??? The situation in which you have a high degree of certainty is ideal. However, these situations are rare in a business environment.

Match the position title to the management level of decision making which it best fits in. General Manager First Line Manager Department Head Manager Board of Directors

General Manager: strategic First Line Manager: operational Department Head Manager: tactical Board of Directors: strategic

The Stage of Decision Making that involves brainstorming and researching best practices is:

Generate Solutions

Irving Janis coined the phrase _________ after studying mistakes made in American political policy - specifically the team whose decisions lead to the Bay of Pigs.


Consider the following scenario, Mary is not a fan of the new marketing strategy. She thinks that the company should still use the phonebook ad in addition to the new digital strategy. However, when she is at the team meeting, she keeps this information to herself because the other group members all agreed that they did not need to keep the phonebook ad. This situation could be an example of: Group of answer choices


Being able to make decisions and grow our experience base in an organization may help us to develop ______ in the workplace.


__________ plans dictate how the tactical plans are then turned into the day-to-day actions needed to create the organization's products and services.


In __________ decision making processes, the priority is to weigh the satisfaction of individual members' opinions over the need for overall consensus.

Pessimistic Attitude

_____ are a set of principles and values used as an aid to guide a manager's decisions, not necessarily dictate them.


In the Stages of Decision Making discussion, this stage allows you the opportunity to list all of the suggested solutions in order of their ability to meet the demands of the decision criteria. This stage can often feel counter-intuitive because it does not use past experience or intuition.

Rank Solutions Against Selection Criterion

Which following is not a stage in the decision-making process used to generate a decision?


Reorganizations, layoffs, offshoring are interventions which tend to increase profits in the _____ . This kind of satisficing often results in larger expenses and downturns in productivity in the ____.

Short run; long run

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