Decline and Fall of Israel and Judah

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Habakkuk is the author of the great theological declaration, _______

"The just shall live by his FAITH" as quoted in Romans 1:17, Gal 3:11 and Hebrews 10:38

Who was the last righteous king of Judah and led the nations last revival?

Josiah 641 to 610 bc

Habakkuk was the final prophet given to ______ before the ____

Judah, Babylonian Captivity just as Micah (who ministered to both kingdoms) had been the final prophet given to Israel before the Assyrian Captivity.

Lamentations: Recipients?

Lamentations was written to the captives in Babylon to show that God had faithfully delivered the Coventant Curses on Israel for their sin, even so, He would faithfully fulfill His promises of Restoration for their Repentance.

Zephaniah: Background?

the Northern Kingdom of Israel had already fallen to Assyria by the time of Zephaniah. In the South, the 55 evil years under wicked kings Manessah and Amon had a profound effect upon Judah, from which it never fully recovered. Zephaniah's prophecies helped bring about a temporary revival in 621 bc under King Josiah, but it was far too little and far too late! After Josiah's death, the people quickly turned back to their sin.

Jeremiah: Main Content?

A message of judgement at Judah's final hour. Because of Judah's sin, he was sending Babylon to conquer Judah and carry them into captivity. They were supposed to surrender to the consequences of their sin. Jeremiah proclaimed this message for 40 years.

What is the literary form of Lamentations?

Acrostic. A different Hebrew letter begins each of the 22 verses in chapters 1, 2 and 4.

How was the "flood in the city of Nineveh fulfilled?

An overflowing reservoir broke and sent water under the walls of Nineveh thereby collapsing sun dried brick.

Nahum: Background?

Assyria and its capital city of Nineveh was a bitter oppressor of Israel and Judah, often placing both nations under bondage and tribute. Assyria carried the Northern Kingdom into captivity in 721 BC

What are the implications of Isaiah 28: 9 -13?

Because Israel had rejected the Word of God when it was preached unto them simply in their own language, God would send His Word of Judgement in another "tongue." In Deuteronomy it was warned that one cursing for disobedience was to be spoken to in another tongue which was the language of the nation that would take them captive. This passage also instructs us to teach our children simple line by line and precept by precept teachings.

Why was Jeremiah the most persecuted of all OT prophets?

Because they saw him as a traitor due to him saying that Judah would be defeated bc of God's judgement and therefore should surrender to Babylon.

Quote Jeremiah 1:5

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou comest forth out of the womb I santified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

Quote Jeremiah 33:3

Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known.

Who is Nebuzardan?

Chief of staff of Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar and instructed to treat Jeremiah with kindness after the fall of Jerusalem

Who is Pashur?

Chief temple priest who had Jeremiah whipped and put into stocks.

How does Jeremiah parallel Christ?

Christ wept over the same city some 6 centuries later.

Who is Hananaiah?

False prophet who opposed Jeremiah, declaring God had broken the yoke of Babylon

What is the book of Lamentations composed of?

Five eulogies, or funeral songs.

When was Nineveh first mentioned in the bible?

Gen 10:8-12. The city was first build by Nimrod who also built the Tower of Babel and the city of Babylon. He was also the founder of the world wide false religion Mystery Babylon

Lamentations: Subtitle?

The Wailing Wall of the Bible, Jerusalem's Funeral

Jeremiah: Subtitle?

The Weeping Prophet with a Wrathful Message.

Who and where will the Messiah reign during the Millennium?

The World from His Spiritual Capital in Jerusalem?

Habakkuk: Key Word?


Habakkuk: Main Content?

Habakkuk looks around at the sin of his nation and the cruelty of wicked oppressors and asks the age old question, "Why does God allow the righteous to suffer and sinners to prosper? God answers these questions with His JUSTICE, his TIMING AND his GLORY!

Who was Habakkuk?

Habakkuk meaning, embrace, was the final prophet called to the Southern Kingdom before its fall to Babylon. He was not only a prophet, but also a Levitical chorister in the Temple Choir.

Habakkuk: Background?

Habakkuk prophesied to the sole surviving kingdom of Judah during the death throes of a nation.

Who was Zephaniah related to?

He was the great great grandson of King Hezakiah and like Isaiah he was a prophet of the royal court.

What will the Messiah restore during the Millennium?

He will restore Israel as his Holy People and He will restore the Earth by removing the CURSE of sin from the physical world.

Describe the writing style of Habakkuk.

He wrote in a style more akin to the poetical wisdom literature than the prophets. In fact, the final verse reveals the book was actually a song.

What scripture teaches that the earth is round?

Isaiah 40:22

Who became a vassal of Babylon when Egypt was defeated in 605 bc?


Who was opposed to Jeremiah and took a pen knife to destroy the book of Jeremiah?


What books did Jeremiah write?

Jeremiah, Lamentations and 1 and 2 Kings.

What is the 2nd longest book in the bible?

Jeremiah. Maybe the longest actual book since Psalm is a compilation of songs.

Who is the first and second biblical writer that wrote the greatest amount of scripture?

Moses first, then Jeremiah

Nahum: Main Content?

Nahum is a warning about the danger of spiritual erosion. It reveals the horrible danger of failing to pass the faith along to the next generation.

Who built Nineveh?

Nimrod, Head of the Tower of Babel project and of worldwide false religion.

What is the Joy of Habakkuk?

Once we have truly been in the presence of God, we can truly learn to have joy in the Lord in any circumstances! As was the case with Job, once we truly see God in His Glory, all of our questions are replaced with total TRUST in His power, His wisdom and His love!

Jeremiah: Key Chapter?

31: The New Covenant

How many people were saved at the revival of Nineveh?


Jeremiah: Time of Writing?

627 bc to 570 bc. 60 years

List the 3 events that form the background of Jeremiah.

721 bc - Assyria conquers Israel and then is prevented from conquering Judah only by the miraculous intervention of God in answer to prayers of Isaiah and Hezekiah, 605 bc - first Babylonian invations of Judah when Daniel is taken captive., 597 bc - 2nd Babylonian invasion of Judah. Ezekiel is carried captive to Babyln. Babylon had marched against Egypt itself and suffered a major defeat. Judah had then switched allegiance to Egypt and was punished with this invasion. 586 bc - 3rd Babylonian invasion Judah. Judah attempts its final rebellion against Babylon and suffers defeat. Jerusalem is destroyed. The temple is burned and Jeremiah is temporarily taken captive but allowed to return to Jerusalem.

What are God's answers to Habakkuk?

God will judge all Injustice. God will judge the wicked - according to His appointed time.

Where does tradition say Jeremiah wrote Lamentations?


Who was Johanan?

Ruled as governer after Gedaliah and against Jeremiah's warnings, attempted to flee with a Jewish remnant to Egypt taking Jeremiah with them as their prisoner.

What message did Habakkuk gather from God's answers?

Stop complaining! Stop doubting! God is not accomplish his divine purpose. Habakkuk was to stand in humble silence.

Zephaniah: Main content?

Tells of the Day of the Lord, a Day of Judgement and a Day of Restoration.

What does Isaiah 53:5 tell us?

That He was wounded (meaning to bore) and bruised mean "to beat until it crumbles to peaces for our transgressions and iniquities.

What does Nahum 2:6, 8 predict?

That Nineveh will be destroyed by a "flood" when the "gates of the rivers" are opened and that the 100 foot stone walls and stone palace would literally dissolved.

What does Isaiah 53:3c say about the Messiah?

That he was a man of SORROWS and acquaintd with grief because of his early mission.

What make Nineveh different from other ancient gentile cities in the bible?

That it knew God under the preaching of Jonah, but had complete apostatized into paganism.

What did Isaiah 53:2-3A predict?

That the Messiah would be despised.

What did Isaiah 53:3b predict?

That the Messiah would be rejected because of His Message.

What does Isaiah 53:4b describe?

That the nation of Israel would look upon the cross as a righteous sentence imposed by God himself upon a blasphemer named Jesus of Nazareth!

What does Isaiah 53:6 tell us?

That we are ALL guilty and that Christ died for ALL men.

Nahum: Subtitle?

The Destruction of Nineveh

Habakkuk: Subtitle?

The Doubting Thomas of the Old Testament

What did Isaiah 53:1-3 predict?

The Messiah to be rejected by Israel

What does Isaiah 53:7-9 describe?

The Messiah's suffering in SILENCE, his DEATH for our sin, His CROSS BETWEEN THEIVES, and his BURIAL in a RICH man's tomb.

What will be rebuilt in Jerusalem?

The Temple

What is the subtitle for Zephaniah?

The day of the Lord - A Day of Wrath and Restoration.

What is the message to us in Habakkuk?

There is a time to silence our questions and TRUST our God.

What is Nahum an example of? Hint: Fulfillment of Gen 15:16

The justice of God.

What does Isaiah 53:4a describe?

The key word is OUR. It shows the Substitutionary Atonement and Sacrifice of Christ described in the Old Testament and describes that Christ died for our sins. "Surely He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows..."

What is the strength of Habakkuk?

The presence of God gives us the strength to stand in the midst of the Valley or upon the mountain top!

Discuss the New Covenant

The promise of the New Covenant guaranteed that the Old Covenant and the Law would pass away; it was inaugurated at the death of Christ, but will see it's ultimate fulfillment in the complete restoration of the Jews as God's Covenant people in the Millenium; it is unconditonal, unchangeable, unending, enabling, atoning, gives new hearts rather than new rules through the regeneration of the Spirit and it brings the forgiveness of sins.

Zephaniah: Theme?

The restoration of Israel in the Day of the Lord

Zephaniah predicts the reversal of the curse of _____

Tower of Babel

What is Jeremiah known for and what does his name mean?

Weeping prophet. Name means Jehovah hurls down or Jehovah establishes a foundation.

What are Habakkuk's Two Main Questions?

Why does God allow Suffering and Injustice? How Can God use the Wicked?

What are Habakkuk's Great Questions to God?

Why doesn't God hear my prayers? Why doesn't God solve my problems? Why does God allow the wicked to prosper? Why does God allow the righteous to suffer?

List 9 things the Messiah will "usher in" during the millennium.

Worldwide peace, Unparalleled joy, Personally minister to and comfort every need, Age of holiness, Universal outpouring of the Holy Spirit, Perfect Understanding, Perfect Unity, Marvelous Light, natural and glorified bodies.

Quote Isaiah 26:3

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

Quote Jeremiah 29:13

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

What vassal king saw his sons killed and then was blinded?


What book mentions the Day of the Lord more than any other book?


What will restoring the earth include during the millennial reign? 4 things

healing of all sickness, healing of all deformed, no natural death, no accidents or disasters

Zephaniah: Key Word?

the DAY of the Lord

Zephaniah: Destination?

the southern and sole surviving kingdom of Judah

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