Definitions and translation
the secretary of the treasury has ordered the closing of 20 banks
El ministro de hacienda ha ordenado el cierre de 20 bancos.
Julio has returned all the money
Julio ha devuelto todo el dinero
he opened the closet to take out a sweater
abrio el armario para sacar un sueter
i have just spoken to my brother on the phone
acabo de hablar por telefono con mi hermano
al capone eliminated many rivals by hitting them with a baseball bat
al capone elimino a muchos rivales a golpes de bate de beisbol
he added more wood to the fire in the fireplac
anadio mas lena al fuego en la chimenea
before going to sit down, they left their overcoats in the checkroom
antes de ir a sentarse, dejaron los abrigos en el guardarropa
la manzana
apple / block
they murdered/killed the journalist while he was getting out of his car
asesinaron al periodista cuando salia de su choche
el bloque
la cuadra
block or horse stable
Candido is reading a book in his room
candid esta leyendo un libro en su cuarto
did you close/lock the door
cerraste la puerta
He closed the opening of the tent so that the rain wouldn't get in
cerro la abertura de la tienda de campana para que no entrara la lluvia
la clinica
clinic/ hospital
el guardarropa
el ropero
la clausura
closing adjournment
el cierre
closing/ shutting
As it was raining so hard, the highway workers wore rubber raincoats
como llovia tanto, los obreros de la carretera llevaban impermeables de hule
When he finished getting dressed, he opened the patio door
cuando acabo/termino de vestirse, abrio la puerta del patio
When i called her, she had just arrived
cuando la llame, acaba de llegar
la alacena
cupboard, closet ; locker
la clinical dental
dental office
after many months, they opened the museum
despues de muchos meses, abrieron el museo
la consulta
doctors office
el armario
the cook insisted on using a wooden spoon
el cocinero insistia en usar una cuchara de palo
Michelangelos david was created from a large piece of marble
el david de michelangelo fue construido de un gran bloque de marmol
the teacher sent him to the principals office
el maestro lo mando a la direccion
the child took the money his grandfather offered him
el nino tomo el dinero que le ofrecia su abuelo
the hallway in the house was long and narrow
el pasillo de la casa era largo y estrecho
The newspaper had its office on the plaza de armas
el periodico tenia su redaccion en la plaza de armas
The piano is the largest piece of furniture in the living room
el piano es el mueble mas grande del salon / de la sala
the pirate long john silver was known for his wooden peg leg
el pirata long john silver era conocido por tener una pata de palo
Andres job is to keep the horse stable clean
el trabajo de andres es mantener limpia la cuadra
in the airport theres a movie sidewalk made of rubber for transporting passengers
en el aeropuerto hay una acera movil de caucho para el transporte de los pasajeros
in winter the stable/barn is full of cows
en invierno, el establo esta lleno de vacas
In the oncology clinic/ hospital, they treat different kinds of cancer
en la clinica oncologica tratan diferentes tipos de cancer
In sierra del cobre in mexico there are many narrow roads
en la sierra del cobre en mexico hay muchos caminos angostos
wait for me Ill return with/in five minutes
esperame. Vuelvo/regreso dentro de cinco minutos
she was crazy and tried to kill/assasinate the president in san francisco
estaba loca e intento asesinar al presidente en san francisco
el aula
feminine for classroom
la lena
we keep canned fruit in this cupboard
guardamos conservas de frutas en este alacena
They have announced the opening of negotiations to settle the strike
han anunciado la apertura de negociaciones para resolver la huelga
Today the convention of the conservative party is closing
hoy se clausura el congreso del partido conservador
Isabel has opened her law office and devotes herself to her clients business
isabel ha abierto su bufete y se dedica a los asuntos de sus clientes
el bufete
law office
they beat him with a stick for being a thief
le dieron unos palos por ser ladron
el salon
living room/ large room / hall
la sala
living room/ parlo
he was executed in the electric chair and not n the gas chamber
lo ejecutaron en la silla electrica y no en la camara de gas
the children were playing with a rubber ball
los ninos jugaban con una pelota de goma
the enemy soldiers finished off the wounded
los soldados enemigos remataban a los heridos
tomorrow the closing of the summer session is being held
manana se celebra la clausura de la sesion de verano
He killed his friend in a hunting accident
mato a su amigo en un accidente de caza
el consultorio
medical office
My mother was a doctor and director of a social security medical office
mi madre era medica y directora de un consultorio de la seguridad social
my shoes have rubber soles
mis zapatos tienen suelas de goma
la redaccion
newspaper office
There wasn't room for all the students in the classroom
no cabian todos los estudiantes en el aula
dont do it again
no vuelvas a hacerlo
our apartment has three bed rooms, a living room-dining area, kitchen, and bathroom
nuestro piso(spain) tiene tres habitaciones, salon-comedor, cocina y bano
La oficina
la direccion
El despacho
office, study
la aprertura
la abertura
opening, gap; aperture
el palo
pole, stick
mornings maria works in the hospital and afternoons in her office
por las mananas maria trabaja en el hospital y por las tardes en su consulta
el cuarto
la habitacion
el caucho
el hule
rubber ; oilcloth
la goma
rubber ; rubber band
el establo
to close, adjourn
to close, shut, lock
to dawn
volver a + infinitive
to do something again
to execute
to finish off
to kill
to murder/assassinate
to open
to take
to take
to take
to wipe out
they live in the next block
viven en la proxima manzana/ block
he returned to his country to bury his father
volvio/ regreso a su patria para enterrar a su padre
la madera
de palo
yolanda took the papers that were on the table
yolanda cogio/agarro los papeles que estaban sobre la mesa
ill finish/complete the report next week
Acabare/terminare el informe la semana proxima
The boy became sick and threw up right in class
El chico se puso enfermo y devolvio en plena clase