Demonstrative Adjectives / Los demonstrativos
Aquel libro no es mío.
That book (over there) isn't mine.
Ese libro no es mío.
That book isn't mine.
¡Aquella sopa es muy sabrosa!
That soup (over there) is very delicious!
¡Esa sopa es muy sabrosa!
That soup is very delicious!
Estos chicos son altos.
These boys are tall.
Estas mujeres son españoles.
These women are Spaniards.
Este libro no es mío.
This book isn't mine.
¡Esta sopa es muy sabrosa!
This soup is very delicious!
Aquellos chicos son altos.
Those boys (over there) are tall.
Esos chicos son altos.
Those boys are tall.
Aquellas mujeres son españoles.
Those women (over there) are Spaniards.
Esas mujeres son españoles.
Those women are Spaniards.
aquel, aquella
that one over there
ese (s,m) esa (s,f) esos (p,m) esas (p,f)
that, those (indicates something at a distance, such as "there")
aquel (s,m) aquella (s,f) aquellos (p,m) aquellas (p,f)
that, those (indicates something far away, as in "way over there)
estos, estas
este (s,m) esta (s,f) estos (p,m) estas (p,f)
this, these (indicates something close, such as "here")
esos, esas
aquellos, aquellas
those over there