Dental indices

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what indice classifies individual or group periodontal treatment needs quickly and efficiently; Gingival recession does not result in a higher score

CPITN, CPI or PSR: Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs

what does CPITN, or CPI, PSR mean

CPRITN: Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs

what does DDE mean

DDE: Development Defects of Dental Enamel

what indice Scores enamel opacities regardless of origin of opacities to avoid any bias

DDE: Developmental Defects of Dental Enamel

what indice Determines status of dental caries activity of decayed, missing, or filled teeth or surfaces of permanent dentition; DMFT stands for total number of teeth, whereas DMFS stands for total number of surfaces and can only be completed with the use of radiographs

DMFT, DMFS: Decayed, Missing or Filled Permanent Teeth or Surfaces

what indice Rates fluorosis within a population; is sensitive to mild through severe cases

Dean's Index of Fluorosis

what does DMFT or DMFS mean

Decayed, Missing or Filled Permanent Teeth or Surfaces

what does EIBI mean?

EIBI: Eastman Interdental Bleeding Index

what indice Measures papillary bleeding after interproximal stimulation as indicator of inflammation in papillary gingiva - can use a wooden pick to test

EIBI: Eastman Interdental Bleeding Index

what indice Assesses fluorosis, particularly the specific time of enamel formation

Fluorosis Risk Index

what indice Records presence or absence of gingival inflammation as determined by bleeding from interproximal gingival sulci

GBI: Gingiva Bleeding Index

what does GBI?

GBI: Gingival Bleeding Index

what does GI stand for?

GI: Gingival Index

what indices Assesses severity of gingivitis of facial, lingual, mesial, and distal aspects of each tooth based on color, consistency, and bleeding when probed

GI: Gingival Index - looks for gingival changes

what does GPI stand for?

GPI: Gingival Periodontal Index

what indice Combination of Gingival Index and Periodontal Index discussed previously to assess gingivitis and pocket depth in dentition

GPI: Gingival Periodontal Index

what indice is Two components both the debris index and calculus index; Measures existing plaque an d calculus as an oral cleanliness indication

OHI: Oral Hygiene Index

what does OHI, DI or CI stand for

Oral Hygiene Index

what indice Records presence of plaque on each surface

PCR: Plaque Control Record

what does PDI mean?

PDI: Periodontal Disease Index

what indice Assesses prevalence and severity of gingivitis and periodontitis and shows the periodontal status of an individual or a group

PDI: Periodontal Disease Index

this indice Assesses extent of plaque and debris over facial surfaces of incisors and maxillary molars and lingual surface of mandibular molars

PHP: patient hygiene performance

what indice assesses thickness of plaque in gingival area in evaluating each of four tooth surfaces—distal, facial, lingual, and mesial—for plaque retention

PI I - Plaque Index

what does PI stand for

PI: Periodontal Index

what indice Measures periodontal disease in populations based on the clinical exam alone or combined with radiographic evaluation

PI: periodontal index

What does PHP stand for?

Patient Hygiene Performance

what does PCR stand for

Plaque Control Record

what does PI I stand for

Plauqe Index

qhat does RCI mean?

RCI: Root Caries Index

what indice Calculates ratio of teeth with carious lesions of the root and/or restorations of the root to teeth with exposed root surfaces

RCI: Root Caries Index

what indice Locates areas of gingival sulcus bleeding upon gentle probing

SBI: Sulcular Bleeding Index

what does SBI mean

Sulcular Bleeding Index

what does TPI mean?

TPI: Treatment Priority Index

what indice Measures malocclusions according to the Malocclusion Severity Estimate (MSE) and records results; mesio, nuetro, and disto occlusion measured keeping nuetro-occlusion constant

TPI: Treatment Priority Index

what does TSIF mean

TSIF: Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis

what indice Rates fluorosis within a population more sensitively than Dean's Index

TSIF: Tooth Surface Index of Fluorosis

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