Describe the followings . # 6

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what jewish belifs begin to change during the tiem of the apocrypha

Christian Fith, Gentiles


Know him as the shortes, but he has more information but lest material

How are the 4 Gospels different

Similarly, the gospels provide quite different and largely incompatible stories about the crucifixion.

Luke statement

but you wil receive power thatn teh Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem in all Judea and samaria and to the ends of the earth.

Which Gospel puts the most emphasis on the preaching of the message of Jesus to all nations?


Which Gospel uses the noun "salvation" more than the others?


Which Gospel uses the verb "to save" more than any other NT book?


Which is the longest Gospel?


Who wrote the most verses in the New Testament?


which of the gospel writers was a Gentile?


Which gospel included less about the content of Jesus' teaching and more about the activity of Jesus?


Which gospel writer wrote with the most detail?


Which is the most Jewish of the gospels?


Where was the book of Mark written?


Matthew's Distinctives

*Jeus as Teacher *interpretation of scripture/law *Dicipleship *God's abiding presence *Histility towards the Jewsish Leaders

What was John's second purpose in writing his gospel account?

"and that believing you may have life in his name"

What was John's first purpose in writing his gospel account?

"these things have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God"

Similarities between the four Gospels

*Cleaning of the Temple *Feeding of the 5000 people *The death and Burial

How is Jesus in the gospel of Jonh?

*Jesus talks alot about himself *beging with big picture *the I am statements * less about petter more about leveled disciple *cleaning of the temple earlier

pauls and james views of taith and the law

*Paul and James agree that both "faith" and "works" are essential parts of Christian life, although they have different roles. *Paul and James also agree that salvation ultimately comes from God and from Jesus Christ, not from us or anything that we do. *Paul stresses that the foundation of our salvation is the death of Jesus, not the laws of Moses * James stresses that Christians must put their faith into concrete action.

What is a Essenes ?

*The Essenes were a Jewish religious sect not actually mentioned in the Bible, but described by Josephus, Philo, and mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls. *Most members lived communal, celibate lives. * They observed Jewish Law very strictly. *They practiced ceremonial baptisms. Essenes were apocalyptic, and they opposed Temple priesthood.

the 4 visions of Jeus from revelation

*The Lord Among the Lampstands * The Lord and the World * The Lord and the Devil *The Lord and His Own

vison one the lord among the lampstands

*The Lord knows and cares about each church. He is aware of a church's faith and its failures. He commends and condemns. He cares about His people. Jesus tells each church what it needs to hear and do. *The Lord is the judge of each church. Each congregation stands or falls before the Lord. Each church's status is determined by the Lord, not by others. *The Lord speaks to each church. Jesus addresses each church with a message tailored just for them. We must try to see ourselves as He sees us, and make improvements and corrections accordingly

What is a Pharisees ?

*The Pharisees were a prominent sect of Jews in Christ's time. *They opposed Jesus and His teachings. *They plotted His death (Matt 12:14). * They were denounced by Him (Matt 23). *Their characteristic teachings included: belief in oral as well as written Law; resurrection of the human body; belief in the existence of a spirit world; immortality of the soul; predestination; future rewards and punishments based upon works

What is a Sadducces ?

*The Sadducees were another prominent Jewish religious sect in the time of Christ. * Their beliefs included: acceptance only of the Law and rejection of oral tradition; denial of bodily resurrection; immortality of the soul; existence of a spirit world (Mark 12:18; Luke 20:27; Acts 23:8). * They supported the Maccabeans. *he Sadducees were a relatively small group, but they generally held the high priesthood. * They denounced John the Baptist (Matt 3:7-8) and Jesus (Matt 16:6,11,12). * They actively opposed Christ (Matt 21:12ff; Mark 11:15ff; Luke 19:47) and the apostolic Church (Acts 5:17,33).

vison two the lord and the world

*These series have other scenes around them and some interwoven with them *Breaking seven seals, 6:1-8:5 *Blowing seven trumpets, 8:6-15:4 *Pouring out 7 bowls of wrath, 15:5-16:21

vison three lord and the devil

*This vision is described as "the judgment of the great harlot" Babylon is doomed and thrown down (18:1-19:9) Two beasts are defeated and thrown into the lake of fire (19:11-21) The dragon is bound and cast into the lake of fire (20:1-10)

vision four the lord in his own

*Vision Four is described as "the bride, the wife of the Lamb" *Beauty and symmetry (21:11-21) *Life and light (21:22-27) *River and ruler

Jonh I am statement

*bread or life *way *resurection life *door /gate *light of the world *vine

Theological themes fo Luke

*worship and prayer * fellowship over meals *ministry to the poor, depressed, excluded * present availability of salvation *forgiveness of sins

Canonical relationship between Pauline epistles and Catholic epistles


Where was the book of Matthew written?

Antioch of Syria

According to John, why is Jesus worth following?

Because He is God and longs to be your friend and to have a loving relationship with you

According to Luke, why is Jesus worth following?

Because He is a friend of sinners, the poor, the needy, those ignored, and those deemed insignificant, and because you need a friend like that.

According to Mark, why is Jesus worth following?

Because He is the powerful and compassionate Messiah and because He is a perfect example of following God's way

According to Matthew, why is Jesus worth following?

Because he is the Perfect King

Where was the book of John written?


How does each one of the four Gospels tells the life of Jesus

Each of one have have diffeent ways to tell the story surch as the mean idea of cleaing the temple , feeding of the 5000 peole and the death and buriel.


Gentile doctor and traveling companion of Paul; wrote Luke and Acts

Where does Matthew stars ?

He stars in the begingin of the bible

What is the big idea in Matthew?

Jesus is the King of Israel

What is the Big Idea in Luke?

Jesus is the Savior of the world

What is the big idea in Mark?

Jesus is the powerful, suffering Son of God

What is the big idea of the Gospels?

Jesus is worth following

Which Gospel writer referred to himself as "the disciple whom Jesus loved"?


Which is the most theological of the gospels?


Which of the four gospels was written last?


Which of the gospels stands apart from the others because it contains so much unique material?


In Jonh who does Jesus raise?

John also tells of two sisters, Mary and Martha, and of their brother Lazarus, whom Jesus really did raise from the death

Was John written first?

John's Gospel was the last to be written and differs significantly from the other three gospels in the New Testament

Which Gospel records the most of Jesus' parables?


Who does Luke mention in the death and resurrection?

Luke talks of two sisters, Mary and Martha, as well as Lazarus; it tells a parable about the hypothetical death and resurrection of Lazaru

Which gospel was probably written first?


Did mark report any appearances af the risen of Jesus?

Mark did not originally report any appearances of the risen Jesus, but the other gospels, once again, provide three quite different accounts of Jesus' appearances after his resurrection.

Did mark mention the childchood of Jesus ?

Mark's Gospel did not mention the birth or childhood of Jesus

Which book can be described as having "a Jewish perspective with an eye toward the world"?


Does Matthew and Luke privide the same story of infancy of Jesus ?

Matthew and Luke each provides a quite different infancy story, as well as different genealogies for Jeseph

How is Mattew and Luke

Matthew's Gospel and Luke's Gospel are recognised by scholars as largely based on Mark's Gospel, so much of Matthew and Luke is consistent with Mark, although with some embellishments and other changes. Matthew and Luke are also believed to have used a hypothetical sayings document, called the'Q' document, as a secondary source for sayings and parables attributed to Jesus


is the one who the other Gospels follows to wirte their stories.

To whom did Luke write his account of the gospel?


The I am statements in John and how they are like/ unlike the parable

They basically talks about the semethings in metaphor but in the parbles Jesus doesnt use the I am word.

When does John places the episode of Jesus attacking the Temple?

Whereas Mark, Matthew and Luke record Jesus as attacking the Temple moneychangers shortly before his arrest and trial, John places this episode at the beginning of his ministry

What was Matthew before he was a disciple?

a tax collector


good news converted by teaching


good news is that the kingdom of God has came hear in the suffering of the son of men


good news proclaimed to the poor and the outcast

The Modern Study of the Gospels has been shaped by _________

the Enlightenment

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