dev psych ch.6

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Both externalizing and internalizing tendencies show problems with:

emotion regulation.

Which fourth grader is the LEAST apt to be the victim of bullying?

Luis, who is friendly and confident

Personality theorist Harry Stack Sullivan believed that friendships in middle childhood are stepping-stones for:

adult romantic relationships.

Voitek is now in the sixth grade and has been the victim of bullying for several years. He also tends to regularly bully the other kids. Voitek probably is:

aggressive, or has externalizing issues.

Which trait is NOT typical of popular children in ELEMENTARY school?

being very physically aggressive

Pablo gets teased for looking different and is pushed around by some classmates almost every day at school. Pablo is the victim of:


When in a mixed-gender group:

children act in a less gender-stereotyped manner.

It is hard to know the impact of pretend play on cognitive development because most studies on the topic are:


At what age does gender-segregated play begin?

early childhood

Research suggests that friendships teach us how to manage:

emotions and conflict.

Milagros is a fifth-grader who has been chronically bullied for several years. As a result, she has become anxious and withdrawn, yet at the same time occasionally lashes out at her tormenters. The school psychologist has evaluated Milagros and suggested that she has comorbid:

externalizing and internalizing problems.

Arthur has _____ because he tends to act on his immediate emotions and behave aggressively.

externalizing tendencies

The _____ states that humans may be biologically programmed to retaliate or strike back when harmed.

frustration-aggression hypothesis

Boys' play is defined by:

high energy, competition, and the effort to establish dominance in larger groups.

Aggressive children may misinterpret other people's behaviors; they believe these behaviors are intentionally bad and directed at them personally. This unrealistic view of the world is called a:

hostile attributional bias.

Four-year-old Reece struggles to take risks. He is anxious and stays close to his teachers at school and his parents at home. He does not participate with the other children on the playground. Erik Erikson might say that Reece is struggling to achieve:


Although Tim is 6 years old, he hides behind his mother's legs every time he is in a social situation and frequently looks depressed. Tim may have _____ tendencies.


Personality theorist Harry Stack Sullivan believed that friendships in middle childhood attempt to fulfill which developmental need?


Children who believe that they are powerless to affect their fate and give up on tasks without trying have developed:

learned helplessness.

Being a bully-victim is _____ being a classic victim.

less common than

Collaborative pretend play refers to:

play in which children fantasize together.

In elementary school classes, children who get many "most liked" rankings and no "most disliked" rankings by their classmates are defined as:


Hurtful behavior initiated to get something or to reach a goal is called _____ aggression.


Thomas tends to discount his academic failures and blame others for his problems. Thomas's teachers should:

reinforce his successes and gently provide accurate feedback about his failures.

Amy is jealous that her friend Beth is getting to know a new girl at school. Amy doesn't want Beth to like the new girl better than her, so she starts a rumor that the new girl has been talking badly about Beth behind her back in the hopes that this will end the relationship. This type of behavior is called _____ aggression. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Which type of aggression rarely involves physical violence?

relational aggression

Trace and Emmitt are running around outside. Their goal is to catch one other, tackle each other to the ground, and wrestle until one of them gets up; then they begin the chase again. They are engaging in:

rough-and-tumble play.

Gender schema theory suggests that when children understand their gender label, they:

selectively attend to the activities of their own sex.

Faila believes that if she works hard, she can do almost anything. Faila has high:


Harry has externalizing problems and often interrupts other children when they are playing. According to the text, the BEST approach for correcting Harry's behavior is:

to gently explain to him that other kids don't like it when he barges in on their games.

Ten-year-old Bella has a best friend named Sophia. Which would be Bella's MOST likely description of why Sophia is her best friend?

"I can tell her anything, and I know she will stand up for me."

Which compliment is MOST apt to increase a child's self-efficacy?

"You are trying so hard!"

Researchers have found that if shy 5-year-old children ______, they become less socially anxious over time.

develop friends in kindergarten or grade one

Rough-and-tumble play is defined as:

excited running around, wrestling, and shoving.

Shame is the _____ feeling when people are personally humiliated, while guilt is a more _____ emotion people feel when they have violated a moral standard or hurt someone else.

primitive; sophisticated

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