Developmental psych 10, 12, 14, 15, 17

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basic cry

Baby Jonah is hungry. He will alert his mother with a(n)


Bryn loves to see the toys on her bouncer seat move when she kicks her feet. In which of Bergen's play types is Bryn engaged?

a parent

"Of the following, who is MOST likely to abuse a child? "


"People, places or contexts, times, objects, and symbols are all components of a culture's death ________ "

Shelby's ability to reframe a potentially stressful situation

"Shelby's best friend didn't run up to play with her at recess. Instead of getting upset, Shelby thought ""Is she sick?"" and went up to ask her. This is an example of "


. Which of the following hormones is important in the formation of a mother-infant bond?

are ostracized at play grounds and parent groups

A recent study of stay-at-home fathers indicates that they

forms a concept of what is appropriate for males and females.

According the the gender schema theory, gender typing occurs when a child

Irma has a higher risk of death.

Irma is an older adult. Although she has adequate food, health care, and other resources, she lacks non-assistance-related social support such as emotional closeness with others. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding Irma's situation? "

use appropriate words to describe her emotions and what caused them.

Kylie is 3 years old at this age she should be able to

agism and sexism

Older women face the double jeopardy of ______.

social competence

Secure attachment to parents in adolescence may facilitate

natural selection

The idea that women show an adaptive preference for choosing long-term mates who can provide for their offspring is an expression of


Trisha's small group of friends does most everything together. This is her

reduce pain and suffering and help individuals die with dignity

What is the goal of palliative care?

start dating as soon as you can

Which of the following is NOT a recommended strategy for dealing with divorce?

high self-efficacy

Which of the following psychological traits is NOT associated with adolescent suicide?

gender identity

_____ is one's sense of being male or female.


"""I'm physically attracted to him, but we aren't emotionally close. It's fun to be with him, but this probably won't be a long-lasting relationship."" According to Robert Sternberg's triangle theory of love, this is an example of ____. "


"""While my husband and I were eating breakfast today, neither of us talked, but it was a comfortable silence. I love it!"" What type of love does this illustrate? "

show no difference in their adjustment and mental health

"According to research, children of lesbian or gay parents _____ compared with children in heterosexual families. "

They engage in risk-taking and rebellious behavior.

"According to the gender-intensification hypothesis, what is a likely result of adolescent boys attempting to be viewed as more masculine? "


"After months of singing ""Itsy Bitsy Spider"" with her mother, baby Nicole is beginning to do some of the song's actions by herself. This is an example of "

He should be open and honest.

"After speaking to the physician, Pablo understands that his father is dying. How should he communicate this news to his father? "

an effort to use grief to better understand the death.

"After the funeral, three children discuss their mother's death. They talk in detail about her illness and her day-to-day decline. Such conversation indicates "

go immediately to his daughter to sooth his crying

"Alan's infant daughter begins to cry only minutes after she goes down for a nap. According to John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth, Alan should "

aging successfully

"Alex is an older adult who frequently attends community meetings, participates in church activities, exercises, and travels with his wife. Alex is "

stereotypes and prejudice are pervasive in the United States and cut across economic levels.

"Although Kiesha lives in an affluent suburb with parents who are white-collar professionals, she still feels the stress of being an ethnic minority in America because "


"Although Mic is ambivalent about his girlfriend, he is emotional, jealous, and possessive. According to Hazan and Shaver, what style of attachment is Mic displaying? "

ego support

"Anne encourages George-Michael to run for class president, assuring him that he is well-liked and capable. This is an example of which friendship function? "

social cognition

"Another student bumps into Kari in the classroom. As the student turns to apologize, teary- eyed Kari runs back to her seat feeling picked on. Kari has committed an error in "

racism and ageism

"As an African American, George is likely to face __________ in his elder years. "

an easy child

"Baby Natalie is generally in a positive mood. She follows a regular daily routine and is calm during new situations. According to Chess and Thomas, Natalie is "

self reliance; lack of intimacy

"Being single offers the potential advantage of _____, but the potential disadvantage of _____.


"Brad's group of friends is known as the ""smart kids"" at school. This is his "


"Bronfenbrenner terms the setting in which the individual lives, such as family, peers, school, and work a(n) "

families that reassure children of their safety and security

"By 10 years of age, most children are able to use cognitive strategies to manage stress. In which of the following types of families would children BEST cope with stress? "


"Candie is a cheerleader. She hangs out with the ""in crowd,"" but many of her peers don't like her. What is Candie's peer status? "


"Charlie is well liked by many of his peers. He has high self-esteem, controls his temper, and is generally cheerful. What is Charlie's peer status? "

more; intimate

"Compared to adult men, adult women tend to have _____ close friends and friendships that are more _____. "


"Courtney is often left to entertain and manage herself. When she approaches her mother, she is brushed aside and made to feel a nuisance. This is an example of which of Baumrind's parenting styles

both men and women

"Divorce contributes to higher rates of psychiatric disturbance, depression, and alcoholism for "


"Fifty-year-old Denise complains of nausea and fatigue, and her doctor notes a sharp decrease in estrogen levels. What is MOST likely happening to Denise? "

put death into a perspective they can understand and accept.

"Following an accident, homicide, or suicide, individuals discuss details surrounding the death in an attempt to "

peers will reject each individuals behaviors

"Gina loves to play rugby, and Josh is enrolled in ballet lessons. What is the likely reaction of their peers? "

establishing love maps

"Gloria notices an article that she thinks would interest her husband. She emails it to him, and they discuss it later at dinner. This is an example of which of Gottman's marriage principles? "

She is experiencing ""prolonged grief"" and may benefit from therapy.

"Holly's friend, Lori, died 3 years ago. Holly suffers from sleep problems, restlessness, and irritability. She often weeps uncontrollably because she misses Lori so much. Which of the following is TRUE of Holly's grieving process?

brain dead

"If all electrical activity of the brain has ceased for a specified period of time, an individual is

are death avoiders and death deniers.

"In contrast to those of many other cultures, people in the United States "


"In his social skills training group, Travis is asked to role-play and discuss possible reactions to hypothetical negative encounters with peers. What is Travis' peer status? "

all answers are correct

"In order to be emotionally competent, one needs "

It can soften the emotional impact of impending death.

"In some cases, denial of death may be a positive response. Which of the following could be a reason for this? "

large group

"In what type of play is DeLeon, a 7-year-old boy, MOST likely to engage? "

sudden or untimely.

"Individuals more often experience intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, and problems in concentrating when a loved one's death is "


"Infant Nathan is smiling and ""talking"" with short, loud noises. His mother responds each time Nathan expresses himself by smiling and talking. This interaction is described as "

encourage Bonnie to reminisce and talk about happy memories.

"Janae worries, ""I should go see Bonnie, but I have no idea what to say to someone who is dying."" What should Janae do?

disenfranchised grief.

"Jim is an older adult who has been divorced from his wife for more than 30 years. When Jim's son calls to tell him that his ex-wife has died, Jim experiences "

emotional competence

"John does not recognize when, or understand why, his wife gets frustrated when he leaves his dirty socks and other laundry on the bathroom floor. John is lacking "


"Karri spends time finding positive, interesting activities for her 15-year-old daughter, Brooke. Karri encourages Brooke to offer input and choose among the activities. Karri's parental role is best described as "


"Kierra is a young, single parent who is emotionally distant to her children. When she does interact with them, she often gets frustrated and sends them away from her. What type of attachment are her children likely to form? "


"Kristin and Greg have been dating each other for several years. Although much of the passion has faded from their relationship, Kristin explains that she feels a deep sense of caring for Greg and desires to have him near. According to Robert Sternberg, Kristin and Greg's love is "


"Kylie loves to watch her older sister playing computer games. She giggles every time the alphabet monster eats a letter. In which type of play (Sumaroka & Bornstein, 2008) is Kylie engaged? "


"Matt and Tamela reward good behavior and ignore bad behavior when possible. When punishment is required, they calmly employ techniques like time-outs and verbal reasoning. Which of Baumrind's parenting styles do Matt and Tamela employ? "

privacy from loved ones.

"Modern care providers are concerned with helping individuals experience a ""good death,"" which generally includes all of the following EXCEPT "


"Mr. Carter will retire next month. He has slowly been removing his mark from the company, as well as lessening his interest and activity in the community. This is an example of the pattern predicted by which theory of aging? "

spend most of her time with familiar friends and family members

"Now that Rosie is in late adulthood, the socioemotional selectivity theory predicts she will "

role strain

"Pablo feels pressure to be a strong, independent provider. His wife, however, complains that he is not sensitive enough. According to Pleck, Pablo is experiencing "

social cognitive

"Paulo unconsciously knows what it means to be a boy. He interacts with others, chooses activities, and interprets information in accordance with this cognitive representation of ""maleness."" This is an example of which gender development theory? "

sharing information; making a personal connection

"Report talk involves _____, while rapport talk involves _______. "


"Ron and Sheri lived together for 2 years, became engaged, and then married. Compared to those who do not cohabit, Ron and Sheri are more likely to "

practice play

"Running, jumping, sliding, and throwing balls are examples of "

neglected child.

"Sam is participating in a social skills group that focuses on teaching the children how to join in with peers and make friends. In regard to peer status, Sam is most likely a(n) "

They more than likely moved in together for companionship rather than for love

"Sixty-year-old Wanda has moved in with her 62-year-old friend, Mike. Which of the following is MOST likely true regarding their decision to cohabit? "

playful companionship

"Steve and Haley rarely go out anymore. Haley is becoming bored and depressed. According to Sullivan, what is the relationship lacking?


"The restrictive, punitive parenting style in which parents exhort the child to follow directions and be respectful is termed by Baumrind as "

ignore her so the crying won't be reinforced

"Todd's infant daughter begins to cry only minutes after she goes down for a nap. According to John Watson, Todd should "


"When Gehrig is left at preschool, he cries and will not play with the other children for some time. According to Chess and Thomas, what type of temperament does Gehrig exhibit? "

social comparison

"When José talks to his friend, he realizes that his feelings about his brothers and sisters are normal. This is an example of which friendship function? "


"When asked who he is, Lee responds that he is a member of the Chaiox family, belongs to the chess club, and is on the soccer team. What type of perspective does this represent? "


"When asked who she is, Lucy responds that she is a medical student, a volleyball player, and a volunteer at a local soup kitchen. What type of perspective does this represent? "

turning toward each other instead of away

"When she is angry or stressed, Jackie confides in her best friend rather than her husband. Which of Gottman's marriage principles does this violate? "


"Whenever Heidi and Melissa get together, they end up discussing problems they are having with their other friends, boyfriends, and parents. This is an example of "

child sex play is common in early childhood

"Which of the following statements regarding child sex play, exhibiting or inspecting the genitals, in children is TRUE? "

they go out in group settings

. Eleven-year-old Julie and 12-year-old David are dating. Which of the following is most likely true of this relationship?


. Infant Jay starts with a sudden long, initial loud cry, followed by a long period in which Jay holds his breath until the next crying sound comes out. This is a(n) ____ cry. "


A cognitive structure that allows for categorization and associations and in turn guides an individual's perceptions is a _____.

genetic, hormonal, environmental and cognitive factors

A persons sexual orientation is most likely determined by


Alli is 8 years old. Which of the following presents the greatest risk of death for her?

arial is the daughter of a teenage mom

Arial is 15 years old and pregnant. Which of the following factors is the MOST likely contributing factor?

She should discuss the topic honestly and at an age-appropriate level.

Arlene is not sure how to handle her son's questions about his grandfather's death. How would a psychologist advise Arlene?

physician can disconnect him from life-sustaining equipment.

Arnold has signed an advanced directive. This means that his

cognitive factors

Attention problems and lack of self-regulation are _____ linked to sexual risk-taking in adolescence.

split up in 5 years

Barton and Alonna just moved in together. They will MOST likely

a social convoy

Belle and Frank still get together with the friends they associated with as newlyweds. They have received and given much emotional support over the years as each couple has faced different challenges. This is an example of


Brenda is surprised that her chemotherapy has not been more effective. ""I can't die not me."" Which of Kübler-Ross' stages of dying does this illustrate?


Brent and Kegan are about the same age and maturity level. They are

gender stereotypes

Broad impressions and beliefs about females and males are termed


Car accidents, suicide, and homicide cause the most deaths to those in "

report talk; rapport talk

Charlie disputes Helen's complaint that they never talk. ""What do you mean? I just gave you my work schedule and evening plans for the week."" Charlie engages in _____, whereas Helen desires _____. "

emotion dismissing

Cherilyn's parents often ignore her emotions or try to explain that her problems should not upset her. Cherilyn's parents can be described as ______.


Christie allows her children many freedoms with very few limits and believes their creativity will be enhanced this way. Her children lack self-control and are domineering with peers. Which of Baumrind's parenting styles does Christie employ?

higher levels of long term compliance

Corporal punishment by parents is associated with all of the following EXCEPT

not true because sexual ability may decline but it is possible to have sexual intercourse throughout a person s life span.

The notion that very old adults have no sex life is


The parenting style that encourages a child to be independent but still places limits and controls on their actions is termed by Baumrind as

The behaviorist view

The pediatrician warns a mother that responding to her baby's every cry will reward and increase cry. Which view does this doctor hold?


The psychoanalytic theory purports that gender typing occurs


The support that parents provide one another in raising a child together is called


Three-month-old Elizabeth smiles whenever her mother smiles at her. Researchers call this a _____ smile.


Three-week-old baby Alex smiles mostly during sleep and not in response to his mother's kind expressions. These smiles are


Todd is playing in his room making creations with building blocks. In which type of play is he engaged?

mainstream contact with both the gay and heterosexual mainstream

What advice about bicultural identity would psychologist Laura Brown give to a gay or lesbian couple?

Younger adults feel cheated.

What is the main difference between the feelings of younger adults and those of older adults who are dying?

sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

What is the most common cause of infant death in the United States?

recognition of aging

What spurs an adult to become more conscious of death?

young adult.

What would you do if you had only 6 months to live?"" Brett answers this hypothetical question by indicating that he would visit the pyramids in Egypt. Brett is likely a(n)

part of the normal process of detaching oneself from the world and others.

When a person is dying of a terminal illness, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross believed that depression is

females are superior to males

When reviewing factors related to school achievement, such as class participation, attentiveness, and academic success


Which developmental approach argues that different environmental pressures in primeval times forced the separation of gender roles?

structured voluntary activities

Which of the following activities has been shown to increase an adolescent's optimal development?

a disruption in education

Which of the following factors is the MOST common negative result of being an unmarried adolescent mother?

Expose the child to situations that make them uncomfortable so they can work on overcoming their fears.

Which of the following is NOT a recommended parenting strategy to use in relation to a child's temperament?

pressure by mainstream culture to preserve ones cultural identity

Which of the following is NOT a stressor often experienced by immigrant families?

Children in remarried families have similar adjustment problems to those in divorced families.

Which of the following is TRUE regarding remarriage and blended families?

Americans' sexual lives are more conservative than portrayed in the medi

Which of the following is a finding of Robert Michael's extensive interview study regarding Americans' sex lives?

They have time to reflect on their lives and make decisions about dying

Which of the following is an advantage of an individual knowing that he or she is dying?

parents are likely to be more mature

Which of the following is an advantage of having children later (in their 30s)?

It allows people to deny or avoid the certainty of death.

Which of the following is an unintended consequence of the medical community's emphasis on prolonging life?


Which of the following is by far the MOST common form of child maltreatment?

consistency in positive caregiving over years

Which of the following is likely to be an important factor in connecting attachment style with later functioning?


Which of the following is more characteristic of love in a mature relationship than in a new relationship?

viewing sexually explicit tv

Which of the following is positively correlated with increased sexual behavior in adolescents?

emotional abuse

Which of the following is usually present when other forms of maltreatment are identified?

" denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance"

Which of the following lists Kübler-Ross' stages of dying in the correct order?


Which of the following terms refers to an individual's tendency to consider his/her own group superior to others?

death of a child

Which of the following was given the highest rating on a scale measuring life stressors that require the most adjustment?

social cognitive theory of gender

Which theory of gender emphasizes the role of peers in gender typing?

sex and ethnicity

Which two factors appear to be associated with greater poverty in old age?

stepfather family

Xavier's divorced mother married a man with no children. What type of family does Xavier live in?

balancing of social roles

Young children's pretense/symbolic play fosters which of the following capacities?

characteristics of people as females or males.

gender is the

process by which children acquire the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are considered appropriate for being female or male in a particular culture.

gender typing is the process

"Females are most likely to be stereotyped as _______, whereas males are most likely to be stereotyped as ______. "

sensitive and warm; aggressive and independent.

socioemotional selective theory

th decides to socialize with fewer friends than she did when she was younger, but each relationship is deeply satisfying and enjoyable to her. This is an example of " Selected Answer: socioemotional selectivity theory.

John is an older adult who is adjusting to the recent death of his wife. What is likely to help him through this difficult time?

volunteering, religiosity, and psychological coping skills

continue to interact differently with sons and daughters, often fostering behaviors that reinforce traditional gender roles.

with regard to gender stereotyping, recent research shows that parents

the social role theory

Dr. Estrada attributes gender differences to the possibility that women's lower-status positions in society have encouraged them to become more cooperative and less dominant than men. Her view most closely matches


Dr. Janz is comparing various aspects of several countries and religions. This type of study is termed

emerging adults

During which life stage is the rate of suicide the highest in the U.S.?

more likely than

Emerging adults are _____ adolescents to commit suicide.

she will most likely grow closer psychologically to her parents

Emily is an emerging adult and has moved out of her childhood home and into an apartment near her college campus. Which of the following is TRUE regarding her relationship with her parents?

seperation protest

Fifteen-month-old Teri cries when her mother drops her off at day care. Baby Teri is displaying

loneliness and reduced sense of self-worth

Fifteen-year-old Ash doesn't have a close friend. What is a likely outcome of this circumstance?

Katherine benefits from the presence of her stepparent.

Fifteen-year-old Katherine is in a long-established simple stepfamily. Which of the following MOST likely describes Katherine's relationship with her stepparent?

concerned about loss and separation and striving to understand death.

Five-year-old Matthew asks many questions about the recent death of his grandmother. Kastenbaum would say that he is

Electrical activity in the higher and lower portions of Gary's brain has ceased.

Gary was in a serious automobile accident. The physician informs the family that Gary is brain dead. What does this mean?

emotion dismissing

Gayle insists that her daughter is being silly and should not be upset by a friend's insensitive comments. Gayle is practicing

set of expectations that prescribe how females and males should act, Answer: think, and feel.

Gender roles are the


Glen and Margie are emotionally close, committed to making their relationship work, and still maintain a passion not often found in long-lived marriages. According to Robert Sternberg, Glen and Margie's love is "

complex, evolving process with multiple dimensions, including separation Answer: anxiety, pining, and sadness.

Grief is a

emotional coaching

Hannah and Sarah are arguing. Their mother sympathetically helps each girl manage her emotions while they talk about solutions. This is an example of

the smiling face of a caregiver

Hannah is 3 months old. To which of the following would Hannah show the most positive emotion?

in the middle of the process of adjusting to death.

Harold knows he will not live much longer. He asks God to prolong his life and promises to make amends with his estranged children. Kübler-Ross believed that this type of reaction tends to occur

make the end of life as free from pain and anxiety as possible.

Hospice is a program designed to

They should be sensitive, honest, and open with Pamela.

How should Pamela's parents share the news of her grandmother's death with her?


In which social context does reciprocal socialization take place?


Jacene is never bored with her friends. They seem to attract adventure. This is an example of which friendship function?

social referencing

Jackson checks his mother's expression before venturing toward the sidewalk. This is an example of

emotional self-regulation.

Jake responds calmly when his friend teases him about his haircut. Jake is showing competence in


Jeff and Amber demand respect and immediate obedience from their children. They use spanking as a primary form of punishment. Which of Baumrind's parenting styles do Jeff and Amber employ?

minor problems the majority of children in divorced families do not have significant adjustment difficulties

Jeff's parents are getting a divorce. What kinds of problems will he most likely suffer?

intimacy in friendship

Jessica and Nicole feel secure disclosing private thoughts and personal information to each other. They have a high degree of


Joanie is unhappy unless she has a boyfrien She is very possessive and demanding with her peer relationships and constantly seeks to make someone her new best frien What type of attachment is Joanie displaying?


Jorge retires next month. He has promised to return to train new employees when needed and is looking forward to being more politically involved in the community and devoting more time to his hobbies. This is an example of which aging theory?

a traditional religious sexual transcript

Kyle and Angie have decided to wait until they are married to have sex. They hold to

Maternal employment may actually have a positive effect on her children if it results in personal satisfaction for the mother.

Lana is a working mother who worries about the effects of her employment on her children. What does research indicate on this topic?

sensitive responsive parenting

Lori and Spencer have a loving and supportive marriage. What is a likely indirect result of their satisfied relationship?


Marc's doctor informs him that he has an incurable sexually transmitted disease. Which disease does Marc have?

passive euthanasia.

Marilyn suffers a severe stroke and irreversible brain damage. Her husband decides to remove all life support and, subsequently, Marilyn dies. This is an example of

They share and ask for useful information in the form of practical solutions to problems.

Mark and Brennan are good friends. Which of the following statements MOST likely characterizes their relationship?

social knowledge.

Mia plays alone at recess. The school counselor teaches Mia how to introduce herself and how to join in with peers. The school counselor is trying to increase Mia's

are focused mostly on their careers and family

Middle-aged Paul and Abby do not have sex as often as they did when they were younger. This is MOST likely because they

possible, although it may be more difficult for Mr. Martin to gain an erection and have an orgasm.

Mr. Martin is 84 years old and has no major health problems. Sexual function in someone as old as Mr. Martin is

autonomy and attachment

Much of adolescent parent conflict is born of a need to balance


Nan holds the remote control to her ear and pretends to speak on the phone. In which of Bergen's play types is she engaged?

more irritable and inattentive to his children

Neil works in a high-stress office with frequent conflicts among co-workers. His boss is a micro- manager and gives employees little autonomy. How do these conditions MOST likely impact Neil's parenting skills?


Not all friendships are healthy or positive. Which of the following friend characteristics is NOT developmentally advantageous?

chronic diseases

Older adults are MOST likely to die from

fear death more.

Older and middle-aged adults differ in their views on death in that middle-aged adults

helps adolescents become autonomous

One benefit of everyday adolescent parent conflict is that it

might achieve; have

Patients who are dying experience different feelings. Younger adults are likely to grieve what they _____; older adults grieve losing what they _____.

societal pressure to marry

Patricia is single and just turned 30. She is likely to feel

the gender-intensification process

Psychological and behavioral differences tend to increase during adolescence because of increased social pressures to conform to traditional gender roles. This is

higher levels of social acceptance

Recent research on adolescence showed that a high frequency of dating was linked to which of the following?

people with secure attachment to parents have secure attachments to romantic partners.

Research on attachment indicates a likelihood that

acutely aware and concerned about separation and loss

Robert Kastenbaum and John Bowlby agree that young children are

popular tv shows and movies

Santiago waited until he was married to have sex. Which of the following did NOT influence his decision to wait?

7 8; 15

Separation protest is initially displayed around ____ months and peaks at about _____ months.

hospice care

Shane knows he will die soon. He is ready to go but wants to die with dignity and little suffering. Which of the following would be a good fit with his desires?

is similar to her other friends and family members.

Sheri is an emerging adult with a new boyfriend. Sheri's boyfriend most likely

a reciprocal reaction

Sheri's infant daughter mimics facial expressions and hand gestures. This is an example of

They often get together just to talk.

Sheryl and Lynda are close friends. Which of the following statements MOST likely characterizes their relationship?


Six-year-old Britton probably sees death as

observation, imitation, and the rewarding and punishment of gender-related behavior."

Social cognitive theory attributes psychological differences between men and women to

4-6 weeks

Social smiling occurs as early as _____ of age in response to a caregiver's voice.

reciprocal socialization.

Steven now recognizes the signs indicating that his infant daughter needs a nap. This is an example of

unfamiliar settings

Stranger anxiety is positively correlated with

prenatal exposure to androgens most strongly influences gender identity

Studies following XY children with pelvic field detects indicate that

Older parents and grandparents have lost some of the socializing role in the family.

Subtle changes in a culture can have a significant influence on the family. What is one effect of increased urbanization and mobility in our society?

Rational aggression

Tammy is a fifth grade student who frequently spreads rumors about her least favorite classmates this behavior is

not engaging in more leisure activities

Ted is a U.S. adult looking back on his life. He most likely regrets which of the following?

The impact on Denise will depend on factors such as the quality of her relationship with her father and on the nature of his death.

Ten-year-old Denise has just suffered the death of her father. What impact will this have on her life?

All of these answers

Ten-year-old Maria has experienced frequent physical abuse throughout her childhood. She is at risk for which of the following?

bias and assimilation

The double disadvantage suffered by ethnic minority individuals consists of

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