Developmental Psych

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Bobby is seventeen and has been engaging in risky behaviors, such as reckless driving, skipping class, and breaking curfew. Which of the following is an explanation for Bobby's actions that most psychologists support? A Bobby is still developing new neural connections in his brain. B Bobby is rebelling against his peers because he feels left out. C Bobby's temperament makes him prone to risk-taking behavior. D Bobby's parents have an authoritative parenting style. E Bobby is depressed, as most adolescents are.


Gender differences have most often been found in which of the following? A Aggression B Short-term memory C Auditory discrimination D Visual acuity E Pattern matching


Konrad Lorenz found that shortly after a gosling is born, it tends to follow the first large moving object it sees. That is an example of A imprinting B object permanence C observational learning D accommodation E a secure attachmen


Modern research on Jean Piaget's stages of cognitive development indicates that A Piaget underestimated children's abilities B Piaget overestimated children's abilities C Piaget accurately reported children's abilities D the order of Piaget's stages is correct for boys only E the order of Piaget's stages is correct for girls only


Shaquille is 25 years old and is actively dating in order to find someone to settle down with. Which of the following theorists would best be able to explain Shaquille's behavior? A Erik Erikson B Lawrence Kohlberg C Carol Gilligan D Sigmund Freud E B. F. Skinner


When parents set few controls on their children's television viewing, allowing the children freedom to set individual limits, make few demands, and do not punish for improper television viewing, the parents exemplify a parenting style referred to as A permissive B authoritative C authoritarian D rejecting-neglecting E pessimistic


Which of the following is true about gender roles in children? A Children often develop traditional gender roles despite parents discouragement of such roles. B Children are often confused about gender roles when parents discourage them to avoid traditional gender roles. C Children often do not develop gender roles that are similar to those held in their society. D Children most often do not develop specific gender roles. E Research indicates there is a large biological basis for gender roles.


According to Erik Erikson, in late adulthood the individual reaches the eighth and final stage of the life span in which one reviews and evaluates one's life and the choices one has made. Erikson labeled this stage A initiative versus guilt B integrity versus despair C generativity versus stagnation D identity versus role confusion E intimacy versus isolation


Every day Haiying tells her parents something new she would like to be when she grows up. Haiying's parents listen carefully and provide encouraging words. Even if Haiying's ideas are fanciful and impractical, her parents never pass judgment or suggest that she is being irrational. Haiying's parents' responses to their daughter demonstrate which concept? A Scaffolding B Unconditional positive regard C An authoritarian parenting style D Accommodation E Cognitive restructuring


Which of the following describes the different emotional dispositions of infants? A Imprinting B Temperament C Mental set D Instinct E Attachment


Which parenting style is characterized by high demands for obedience and low warmth? A Permissive B Authoritarian C Authoritative D Neglectful E Indulgent


Four-year-old Rebecca states that the two lines in set A have the same number of dots but that the second line in set B has more dots than the first line has. Rebecca's inability to report that the two rows in set B contain the same number of dots reflects a lack of A animism B theory of mind C conservation D accommodation E object permanence


Jerry is not able to tie his shoes on his own, but he is able to tie his shoes with the help of his father. Which of the following theories best explains the interaction between Jerry and his father? A Mary Ainsworth's theory of attachment, because it focuses on whether a child has a secure or insecure attachment B Lev Vygotsky's social learning theory, because it focuses on whether a child has a secure insecure attachment C Lev Vygotsky's social learning theory, because it includes the concept of zone of proximal development D Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, because it includes the concept of zone of proximal development E Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory, because it includes the concept of the Oedipal complex


Lawrence Kohlberg used which of the following techniques to illustrate the stages of his theory? A Presenting people with the three mountain task B Presenting people with a conservation task C Having people solve moral dilemmas D Having people study a law case E Having people think about how they felt about a certain issue


Marion is about to turn 102. The death-deferral theory would predict that A her healthy diet will defer death for a longer period of time B her daily walk will defer death for a longer period of time C she is less likely to die immediately before her birthday D she will defer her death if she is surrounded by loved ones E she will be less likely to die if she has good health care


The most well-adjusted and socially competent children tend to come from homes where parents employ which of the following parental styles? A Minimal supervision B Authoritarian C Authoritative D Indulgent E Permissive


To study differences in the cognitive processing of younger and older adults, Genevieve assessed a group of 30 year olds and a group of 60 year olds using the same cognitive task. She found no significant difference in cognitive processing between the two groups. Which of the following is a true statement that best explains her findings? A Researchers have not documented changes in cognitive ability over the human life span. B Genevieve's participants were most likely women, who do not decline cognitively as they age. C Genevieve's task involved semantic memory, which does not typically show decline among people of the ages she tested. D Most decline in cognitive ability is associated with dementia, which would not yet have occurred in the participants at age 60. E Genevieve's older participants were most likely taking memory medications that prolong the ability to be proficient in cognitive tasks.


Which of the following is more associated with environmental effects than with genetic influence? A Fetal alcohol syndrome B Prenatal maturation C Temperament D Rooting reflex E Sequence of motor development


Which of the following scenarios best describes what Erik Erikson thought someone might experience in early adulthood? A Frances was a good student who socialized mostly with other good students, but recently she has started socializing with a different crowd and places less importance on her grades. B Liz has tried to do things independently but has not been successful, so now she feels bad about herself. C Mohammed has dated a few people but has not been very successful, so he has decided to give up on dating. D Thomas has a difficult time trusting people. E Jazmin feels like she is unfulfilled and living a mundane life.


Based on the bar graph above, which of the following conclusions is most accurate? A Genes alone determine intelligence. B The environment alone determines intelligence. C Identical twins are more intelligent than fraternal twins. D The more genetically related people are, the more similar their intelligence scores. E There is no difference in similarity between two fraternal twins and two nontwin siblings.


Darien's father dictated who Darien's friends should be and what classes he should take, and he set an extremely early curfew. If Darien went against his father's wishes, the repercussions were harsh and swift. What type of parenting did Darien experience? A Permissive B Rejecting-neglecting C Authoritative D Authoritarian E Self-regulation


Jeremy happily played with his colorful blocks while his mother was nearby. When his mother left the room, he became upset, but he quickly stopped crying and began to play with the blocks again. When his mother returned, he greeted her happily. Which of the following patterns of attachment reflects Jeremy's actions? A Avoidant B Anxious ambivalent C Resistant D Secure E Disorganized disoriented


Of the following cognitive milestones, which ability tends to be acquired last? A Telegraphic speech B Use of schemas C Object permanence D Hypothetical thinking E Assimilation


Sexual orientation is most likely developed as a result of A parenting style B gender identity C the overgeneralizations society makes about people of different genders D a combination of genetics, prenatal hormones, and social influences E a combination of developmental norms, socialization, and gender constancy


Shamir wants to be a doctor like both of his parents when he gets older. He never thought of doing anything else. Which of the following best explains Shamir's decision? A He has not fully developed his identity. B His parents have a permissive parenting style, which has left him with an underdeveloped identity. C He is in a moratorium state of identity. D He is identity foreclosed. E He is in a state of identity diffusion.


Ten-month-old Jacqueline is seated on a couch. A researcher takes a toy from her hands and hides it under a blanket. Jacqueline reaches for the toy under the blanket. Which of the following concepts is being tested in this study? A Conservation B Egocentrism C Animism D Object permanence E Artificialism


Which of the following research findings supports a strong biological basis for behavior? A Presenting a loud sound just before presenting a neutral stimulus eventually produces fear of the neutral stimulus. B Including misinformation in a question about an event decreases the accuracy of memory for the event. C Observing an aggressive model leads to aggressive behavior by the observer. D Identical twins who are reared apart have similar levels of intelligence. E Individuals working in a group put forth less effort than they put forth when working alone.


A one-year-old child learns that the furry animals with bushy tails she sees outside her window are squirrels. Later she sees chipmunks outside the window and believes those are also squirrels. Which Piagetian concept is the child demonstrating? A Equilibration B Conservation C Object permanence D Accommodation E Assimilation


Carol Gilligan's critique of Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development focuses primarily on A the order in which stages of moral development occur B the key events that mark the transitions between stages of moral development C the number of stages in moral development D how the course of moral development might be altered within certain cultures E differences between males and females in the course of moral development


Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning is best described by which of the following? A Personal conscience is innate and all human beings develop it at the same rate. B By adulthood, all people judge moral issues in terms of self-chosen principles. C Ethical principles are defined by ideals of reciprocity and human equality in individualistic societies, but by ideals of law and order in collectivistic societies. D Children grow up with morals similar to those of their parents. E Children progress from a morality based on punishment and reward to one defined by convention, and ultimately to one defined by abstract ethical principles.


Mr. and Mrs. Stanley are very strict with their children. They do not spend a lot of time talking with them, except to tell them what to do. Which of the following theorists would be most likely to study this type of parenting behavior? A Albert Bandura B Konrad Lorenz C Harry Harlow D Mary Ainsworth E Diana Baumrind


Tina's mother often entertains Tina by bouncing a bunny puppet back and forth along the side of Tina's crib. Initially, Tina pays close attention to the puppet but after a while, she begins to ignore it and continues doing what she was doing before the puppet appeared. Which of the following psychological concepts best explains Tina's change in behavior? A Attachment B Discrimination C Maturation D Accommodation E Habituation


Which developmental milestone must be reached before an infant experiences separation anxiety? A Imprinting B Theory of mind C Conservation D Egocentrism E Object permanence


Which of the following statements is supported by research on homosexuality? A There is a correlation between sexual orientation and early childhood problems. B There is a correlation between the sexual orientation of a child and the sexual orientation of his or her adoptive parents. C There is a correlation between sexual orientation and the size of the cerebellum. D It is possible that high levels of dopamine influence sexual orientation. E Studies of twins have shown a genetic predisposition to homosexuality.


Four-year-old Maria knows that she has eaten all her peanuts, but she also realizes that Robbie, who cannot see inside her bag, may not know the peanuts are gone. Her awareness demonstrates that Maria has A a self-concept B conservation C formal operational thought D theory of mind E egocentric thinking

Theory of Mind

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