Deviance final study guide

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What does cocaine do for users

(1) provides exhilaration—a sense of elation, well-being, or a voluptuous, joyous feeling; •(2) enhances self-confidence, supplying a sense of mastery and competence in what the user does; and •(3) increases energy and suppresses fatigue, enabling the user to continue physical and mental activity more intensely and longer

corruption hurts the poor more than others because

(a)they spend more on bribes as share of their small income and (b)an enormous chunk of what the World Bank annually loans more to developing countries for the purpose of helping their desperately poor citizens goes to their government officials' pockets.

What are the categories of drugs

-Stimulants -Depressants -Hallucinogens

When was the first attempt to battle drug use

-appeared in the form of a city ordinance against opium dens in San Francisco in 1875

moderate drinking

-typically defined as consuming no more than 1 drink per day for Women and no more than 2 drinks per day for men.

the claim of normality

.which is, simply put: "everyone is doing it";

According to power theory, there are three basic reasons why some corporations and white-collar personnel are more likely than others to engage in deviant activities.

1. Deviant Motivation: Fear of Loss and Greed for Gain 2. Deviant Opportunity: The Benefit of High Position and Power 3. Weak Social Control: Lax Law Enforcement

Techniques of Neutralization (Sykes and Matza)

1. denying the obvious 2. ignoring the deviance 3. accusing the accuser 4. promising to take action 5. Justifying the deviance

Other methods of neutralization include

1. metaphor of the ledger 2. the claim of normality 3. The claim of relative acceptability 4. the claim of entitlement

Causes of Governmental Deviance

1. superabundance of ambiguous laws 2. Governmental complexity and power

Major types of corporate deviance

1.Deviance against employees 2.Deviance against customers 3.Deviance against the government 4.Deviance against the environment

Most employee thieves are middle class and steal for at least four reasons:

1.Large and impersonal corporations promote little or no loyalty, leading to the feeling of stealing from "nobody." 2.A tradition of union-management conflict that promotes a high incidence of employee theft because workers feel exploited by and resentful toward the company. 3.Some employees steal in order to make their jobs interesting and challenging. 4.Employee thieves do not see themselves as criminals because of the popular stereotype of real criminals as those who commit street crime only.

metaphor of the ledger

1.which suggests a balance sheet weighing up all of the official's acts will show that person has done more good than bad, all things considered;


63% drink (mostly moderately) and about 37% abstain. About 6% of Americans are considered to be alcoholics.

What is a drink usually defined as

A drink is usually defined as a 12-ounce can or bottle of beer, a 5-ounce glass of wine or wine cooler, or a 1.5 ounce shot of liquor.

Alcohol and Unintentional Injuries

About 1/3 of people who die from unintentional injuries (e.g., drowning, falls, hyperthermia, hypothermia, etc.) were intoxicated. This excludes motor vehicle accidents.

Accusing the Accuser

Accusing the accuser is another strategy used when an official threatens or actually files a libel suit against journalists who publicize the offenses. This strategy is intended to divert attention from the official's wrongdoing.

Mental and physical impact of drugs

Alcohol is a depressant; it reduces sensorimotor skills. It does NOT improve dancing, sexual performance, or driving!

rate of absorption of alcohol

Alcohol is absorbed in the stomach. If you drink while eating or on a full stomach, the rate of rate of alcohol absorption is slowed, as is the rate of intoxication.

age and drinking

Alcohol problems are highest among young adults ages 18-29 and lowest among adults ages 65 and older. Generally, drinking decreases with age. (see figure 3.1)

alcohol and pregnancy

Alcohol use while pregnant can lead to fetal alcohol syndrome as well as alcohol-related neurological developmental problems in infants. While small amounts of alcohol intake are unlikely to cause these problems, there is NO agreed upon SAFE amount of alcohol consumption for pregnant women.

Treatment options for alcoholics

Alcoholics anonymous, residential treatment, detox and even medications help people remain sober ReVia™ and Antabuse which discourages drinking by making the person feel sick if he or she drinks alcohol. All the same treatments options available for drug abuse.

deviance against customers

Deviance against customers takes many forms. •Dangerous Foods •Unsafe Products •Frauds •Deceptive Practices •Antitrust Violations

deviance against employees

Deviance against employees includes hazards in the work environment and exposure to industrial contaminants.

occupational deviance

Deviance perpetrated by individual white-collar workers for their own gain is usually less costly to the victims but still costs more than street crimes.

Supportive strategy

Drug Prevention Drug Treatment

liver damage and alcohol

Excessive drinking is related to fatty liver and cirrhosis. Alcohol is processed in the liver so excessive alcohol intake can damage the liver.

Deviant Opportunity: The Benefit of High Position and Power

Great criminal opportunity comes from the white-collar deviant's higher position in a company and easier access to the company's resources. A combination of high position, status, and prestige can provide the greatest opportunity for illegal activities, for both individuals and corporations.

gender and drinking

In general, more men than women drink and are alcohol dependent or have alcohol problems. Among women age 12 and older, 42% were current drinkers and 55% of men were current drinkers. More women today drink than ever before, but heavy drinking is still seen as masculine.

Other ethnic groups and drinking

Irish Americans have very high rates of alcoholism whereas Italian Americans and Chinese Americans have very low rates of alcoholism despite alcohol consumption being part of their culture. Why? How and why people drink. If people eat while eating they are less to get drunk. If people are less likely to drink to get drunk (i.e., drink in moderation), they are less likely to develop problems with alcohol.

why do people drink based on SES

Largely SES/poverty (drinking to escape problems, etc.). Often when we see people drinking to escape problems, they are more likely to develop problems with alcohol—after all, all of the problems they were trying to escape are still there. (see figure)

Ignoring the deviance

Officials ignore the deviance. They will disconnect phones, take a trip, go into hiding, or say "no comment." The government also resorts to evasive responses to avoid action against its officials.

sex of drinker

On average, women get intoxicated more quickly than men. Not only are women smaller, on average, than men, women process alcohol differently from men. Women experience the effects of alcohol more quickly and for a longer time period than men.

what are popular forms of violations of securities law

Popular forms include defrauding customers through sales of worthless securities, sweepstakes schemes, phony Internet stocks, identity theft, and insider trading (buying and selling stocks on confidential information). Most arrests for forgery and fraud do not involve much loss.

promising to take action

Promising an investigation is a response to intense pressure to do something about an incident. Often, there is no real intention to carry out the investigation.

denying the obvious

Public officials tend to deny as frequently and honestly as possible that obvious wrongdoing has occurred. Sometimes they admit they have engaged in an illegal act but deny that it constitutes an offense based on some precedent.

who suffers from deviance against the environment

Residents in poor or minority neighborhoods suffer significantly more than others because of greater exposure to many chemicals, especially lead, which can cause headaches, nausea, and permanent brain damage

Justifying the deviance

Saying the action was necessary is based on the popular belief that the end justifies the means or that the wrongdoing was necessary for achieving worthwhile goals such as protecting national security or solving a financial crisis.

Region and drinking

Southerners are less likely than others to drink but if they do drink, they are more likely to become problem drinkers. Why? SES/poverty like above but also conservative religion traditions. Conservative religions, like Baptist, are less likely to drink but are more likely to develop alc-related problems.

percentage of alcohol in beverage

The more alcohol in a beverage, the more quickly one gets intoxicated. Mixing types of alcohol really has nothing to do with this.

profile of corporate crooks

They are the product of business deregulation that began decades ago and include the following illegal practices: moving corporate headquarters to avoid taxes, overpaying executives, stacking the board of directors, and giving money to candidates of both parties to ensure government favors and tax breaks.

weak social control: lax law enforcement

Weaker social control also encourages white-collar deviance. Law enforcers do not exercise as much control over these criminals as over those in the street. Penalties are minimal. Few persons are arrested, prosecuted, or convicted. This weaker control is partly due to the power of some white-collar criminals, where companies use their considerable resources to avoid regulation, and the government depends on them to provide services to large numbers of welfare recipients. Most white-collar criminals are not caught

Deviant motion: fear of loss and greed for gain

White-collar deviants have stronger criminal motivation, such as fear of loss and greed for gain. Greed for gain is not a psychological abnormality, though. It has to do with being in a higher social position than others, as suggested by power theory.

Unsafe products are

are also the result of the profit motive and show up more in the automotive, drug, tobacco, and other industries.

What are frauds

are found in the banking, insurance, real estate, and securities industries. These frauds are all extremely lucrative and made possible by inadequate government controls.

what is a hallucinogen (sometimes called psychedelics)

can disturb the nervous system, altering the user's perception of reality

what is medical misconduct

can involve fee splitting, in which doctors receive kickbacks from another for referring patients; unnecessary surgery to maximize profits; fraudulent claiming of payment, especially from Medicaid and Medicare; and sexual exploitation, especially among psychotherapists having sex with their female patients.

what is legal lawlessness

consists mostly of overcharging clients, which provides an abundant opportunity for profiteering. The intangible nature of legal work and the intentional delay in resolving a case are two ways of fraudulently charging fees. Lawyers can hurt poor clients by urging them to plead guilty to shorten the duration of the case, thereby maximizing the number of clients and hence the lawyer's profit.

tax evasion

deviance against the government mostly involves tax evasion. The exploitation of loopholes often breaches the threshold of legality

deviance against the environment

dumping wastes onto the land and into the air and water because the guilty corporations find it too costly to develop ecologically safer alternatives or antipollution devices.

what is the most common form of financial frauds

failure to pay income taxes.

What distinguishes white collar crimes from blue collar crimes

how the act is executed

"bait and switch"

illegal form of advertising is "bait and switch" where an ad offers a certain product for a reduced price but when the customer goes to purchase, the item is out of stock, but the company offers an alternative with inferior specifications and for double the price

most embezzlers are :

in management positions white males in their 30s married top 40% of their income bracket live in residential communities

Biological theories of drug addiction

inborn predisposition to addiction

The concept of white collar deviance broadens the concept of white collar crime to include...

include criminal and noncriminal forms of economic deviance carried out by high-status persons as part of their occupation for personal gain or on behalf of their occupations.

what is accounting abuse

include helping clients falsify their income or deductions in order to pay less in taxes and auditing a corporation's books to make it look healthy and strong.

election improprieties

include the illegal or unethical means used to win elections

Antitrust violations

involve companies conspiring to reduce or eliminate competition.

Employee Theft

is extremely common and costly, causing companies to raise prices. The Chamber of Commerce reports that 75% of American employees admit to stealing from their employer.

violation of securities law is

is less common and usually involves professional stockbrokers and stock traders.

What is deceptive advertising?

is similar to fraud. Companies can make false claims, such as claiming foods appear healthier than they really are, but they are only illegal when they have serious consequences for the consumer.

what is official deviance

is the abuse of power by governmental officials or politicians running for office.

what is political corruption

is the abuse of power for personal gain. It can take the form of an outright bribe or receiving money in return for a favor.

example of antitrust violations

is the baby food industry, where Abbott Laboratories conspired with other companies to prevent new competition from entering the market.


is the stealing of money, costing as much as $27.2 billion in one year and five times the amount lost to armed robbery. Embezzlers range from relatively low-level employees to top executives.

false advertising is illegal if ...

it involves product that can seriously harm the consumer. However, companies are not subject to legal punishment but only have to agree to stop the illegal activity

Most employee thieves are

middle class

size of drinker

on average smaller people get intoxicated more quickly than larger people

the 3 causes of official corruption are :

poverty (where there is not enough tax revenue to pay monitors); large populations (that make surveillance of public officials difficult); and a lack of democracy.

Blue collar criminals lack...

power, influence, or respectability and therefore are more frequently caught

What does insurance fraud involve

premium diversion, phony assets, small-business scams, and offshore reinsurance

more middle class people are abusing...

prescription drugs, especially painkillers

what is green criminology

recently coined to refer to studies of environmental crimes.

what is depressant?

reduce the activity of the central nervous system

What are dangerous foods

result from the food industry seeking greater profits by selling adulterated or contaminated foods.

Factors influencing degree of consumption

size of drinker sex of drinker percentage of alcohol in beverage rate of absorption of alcohol

What is a stimulant?

stimulate the central nervous system

economic deprivation theory

strong link between drug abuse and deprivation

Corporate Deviance

takes place in corporations and is carried out for benefit of the company or an individual. It can be divided into major types according to who the victim is.

The united states as a whole has....

the highest rate of drug use in the world

financial frauds are

very prevalent

the claim of entitlement

where the argument is: "given all of the sacrifices I have made I deserve some special reward."

Claim of Relative Acceptability

which is: "whatever I did, there are other people who are doing worse"; and

Variables that are most useful for explaining drug use

•(1) lack of attachment to conventional persons or institutions, such as parents, teachers, clergy, and employers, or family, school, religion, and work, (2) having friends who use drugs (3) being a member of a drug-using subculture 4) easy access to drugs


•A depressant related to Valium but it's 10 times stronger; it's used in prescription form •Sold over the counter in 60+ countries to treat severe insomnia; now a common date rape drug

Campaign finance abuses

•A final election impropriety is campaign finance abuses, where politicians receive huge donations in return for expected governmental favors. In 2016, the biggest contributions came from groups affiliated with environmentalist billionaire Thomas Fahr Steyer and groups affiliated with Sheldon Adelson, a casino magnate.

alcohol and violence

•About 42% of violent crimes were committed under the influence of alcohol, including 52% of negligent manslaughter, 45% of murders, and 75% of spousal abuse. (in text) •Nearly one-half of the cases of child abuse and neglect are associated with parental alcohol or drug abuse

binge drinking

•About 44% of college students engage in binge drinking (consuming 5 drinks in a row or short time—usually 2 hours). •Only about half of the binge drinkers did so frequently (3 or more times a week). •Who? They tend to be white, male, under 23, and a resident of a fraternity. •Why? To get drunk, because of peer pressure and academic stress, status associated with drinking, and the culture of alcohol consumption on campus.


•Abuse has steadily increased over the past decade •Leading to widespread abuse and intensified regulation

Abusive Management of Public Funds

•Abusive management of public fund includes depositing public money in banks in which the politician has a financial interest.


•According to National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ( alcoholism is defined by a strong craving, loss of control (one beer turns into 10, even when after it causes them to be ill or harmed), physical dependence (may get ill when drinking stops), and tolerance (takes more alcohol to get intoxicated or to just function).

Drugs and socioeconomic status

•According to drug enslavement theory, drug users are forced into a life of crime because they cannot afford to pay for their prohibitively expensive drug habits unless they rob or steal to get the money for their next fix •There is a strong connection between higher status and marijuana •Although heroin remains a popular drug among lower-status people, particularly those who live in poor, inner-city neighborhoods, there seems to have been a shift in this trend •Cocaine has long been associated with affluent people because of its high cost.

Cognitive association theory

•Addict's continuing interest in the drug has to do with its elimination of withdrawal distress; rather than its production of euphoria

Cocaine description

•Also known as "coke," "snow," and "flake," (or perhaps "llelo" in Spanish) •Cocaine comes from coca plants that are mostly grown in Columbia


•Alters moods, leads to feelings of happiness and connection with others •A new perspective on life; excessive doses may cause brain damage due to extreme overheating

Meth (methamphetamine) description

•An injectable stimulant also known as speed, crank of crystal; •Leads to suppression of appetite, euphoria and a burst of energy; •Negative side effects include depression and paranoia

Problems with binge drinking

•Binge drinkers are more than 20 times as likely than non-binge drinkers to have: been injured, engaged in unplanned sexual activity, not used protection when having sex, gotten in trouble with campus police, damaged property, missed class, and driven a car after drinking.

Race/ethnicity drinking

•Blacks/African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos are less likely to drink than whites but are more likely to abuse alcohol. • •As a result, they suffer from a higher rate of alcohol-related disorders.

What are the 3 kinds of treatments for drug addicts

•Chemical treatment •Psychological therapy •Therapeutic community

differing health effects for men & women: alcohol

•Chronic alcohol abuse takes a heavier physical toll on women than on men. Women metabolize alcohol differently than men. As a result, alcohol dependence and related medical problems, such as brain, heart, and liver damage, progress more rapidly in women than in men.

Crack description

•Crack is a less pure form of cocaine; it produces an intense high because users typically smoke rather than snort it

Reasons for the soaring price prevalent prescription drug abuse

•Drugs are easily available •Mistake that prescription drugs are safe

How does Edward Sutherland define white collar deviance

•Edwin Sutherland first defined the concept of white-collar crime as crime committed by "the upper, white-collar class, which is composed of respectable, or at least respected, business and professional men." •He emphasized that it is occupationally related, and the criminal is a relatively respectable, upper-class person, especially business managers and executives.

Heroin and other drug users typically go through 4 stages

•Experimentation •Occasional use •Habitual or regular use •Futile efforts to break the habit •Among the users of various drugs, heroin users seem most likely to escalate into the last, fourth stage (addiction)

When did drug use in America decline

•For America as a whole, drug use declined from 1980 to 1992 and has since remained steady

Herion description

•Heroin was first produced in 1898 as a painkiller •Heroin is physically and psychologically addictive •Although heroin is addictive, most users do not become addicts

alcohol & motor vehicle crash deaths

•In 2012, alcohol-related motor vehicle crashes accounted for 1/3 of all traffic-related deaths. •Over half of children who die in motor alcohol-related motor vehicles crashes were riding with the drinking/drunk driver.

Cancer and alcohol

•In general, the risk of cancer increases with increasing amounts of alcohol. •This is true for breast cancer as well as throat, pancreatic, and liver cancers, and more.

sociological theories of drug addiction

•Interpret drug use as stemming from social forces •Such as drug subcultures or peer influence

Drugs and AIDS

•Intravenous injection of an illegal drug can spread HIV •Most drug users with AIDS are addicted to heroin and they have caught the deadly disease from sharing needles with other addicts

heart disease and stroke

•Light to moderate drinkers are generally healthier and live longer and suffer less from heart disease. •Heavy drinkers on the other hand face an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

What are the characteristics of most drug users

•Males are considerably more likely to use drugs regularly •And extremely more likely to use drugs heavily •They are relatively young, especially those free from parental control and responsibilities •They are likely to have parents who use legal drugs and friends who first gave them drugs •They have likely skipped school more often and stayed home less often

effects of binge drinking on others

•Many college student report experiencing at least one adverse consequence of another student's drinking during the school year, including: •having their sleep or study interrupted, •having to take care of an intoxicated student, being insulted or humiliated, •having experienced an unwanted sexual advance, •having had a serious argument, •having had property damaged, •having been pushed, hit or assaulted, and •having had been the victim of a sexual assault or date rape.

Marijuana description

•Marijuana fits into all three categories •Marijuana is most widely used illegal drug in the United States •Many argue that there are serious health hazards, short-/long-term, in smoking pot •Others argue moderate use is less dangerous than alcohol or smoking

Receiving kickbacks from businesses

•Officials receive kickbacks from businesses through outrageous bills or bills for work that is not done. •An example is the "Fat Leonard" case where Leonard Glenn's company, GDMA, plied officers of the Seventh Fleet with cigars, liquor and other gifts including prostitutes and in return, the officers threw business to GDMA, who overbilled the U.S. government of tens of thousands of dollars.

superabundance of ambiguous laws

•One explanation is the superabundance of ambiguous laws, which is one of several explanations given for political deviance. The lack of clear-cut laws for controlling official action creates a discretionary wilderness in which government officials are relatively free to rely on their own judgment to interpret the law, which is likely done to serve their self-interests.

Why do drugs take the terrible risk of HIV infection

•One theory is that they are drug addicts rather than occasional drug users. Their craving for drugs is so overwhelming that they must shoot up right away and cannot be bothered with taking precautions •Another argument is that the essence of the addict's lifestyle is risk taking: "Their habit alone is daily dalliance with mortality. Given a life filled with risks—overdoses, hepatitis, jail—the threat of dying from AIDS seems, to many, merely redundant"

Drinking at early ages increases chances of a drinking problem

•People who start drinking at an early age--for example, at age 14 or younger--greatly increase the chance that they will develop alcohol problems at some point in their lives.

Drugs and crime

•People who use illegal drugs generally commit more crime than those who do not

Drinking and socioeconomic status

•People with higher SES more likely to drink than those from lower SES, but those from lower SES are more likely to have drinking problems. • •This has to do with why people are drinking (to escape problems vs social facilitator). When people drink to escape problems, they are more likely to develop alcohol problems.

Political dirty tricks

•Politicians also use unethical campaign tactics or dirty tricks to ensure victory, including spreading rumors, defacing billboards, stealing campaign mails, and having persons disrupt opposition candidates' rallies by heckling or asking embarrassing questions. In 2016, they sent Internet message telling Democrats to vote by text message or through Twitter, which is not possible so they were throwing away their vote.

other effects of cancer

•Premature aging, impaired memory, alcoholic myopathy (muscle disease which causes swelling and cramping).

Problem drinking

•Problem drinking or alcohol abuse occurs when some of the aspect of the individual's life, usually more than one, is negatively affected by his/her drinking. In other words, their drinking causes problems in their personal relationships, their health or at work/school. This may lead to alcohol dependence.

War on drugs consists of two basic strategies: Punitive, Supportive

•Punitive—using law enforcement to stop the supply of drugs •Supportive—using drug prevention and treatment to solve the drug problem

becoming an alcoholic

•Social drinker •Psychological addiction •Physical addiction •Hitting bottom

societies relative indifference

•Society is relatively indifferent to white-collar deviants and makes little effort to catch or punish them. Recently, regulatory agencies have become more active in prosecuting large corporations for their illegal activities and punishing executives for employee deaths or harm. But justice is still not collar-blind; not a single white-collar offender has been sentenced to death for causing the death of their workers or been punished as severely as street criminals. It is also doubtful that the government can wage an all-out war on white-collar crime because many criminals are just too powerful, influential, or respectable, and the general public does not feel as threatened by white-collar deviants as by violent street criminals. Judges are typically lenient with white-collar offenders because they were never in trouble before, their criminal intent is hard to find, and their juries have difficulty determining guilt.

Marijuana users go through 3 steps:

•The first step is learning the technique to get high •Becker's second step is learning to recognize the drug effects •The third step is learning to enjoy the drug effects

Governmental complexity and power

•The intricate, complex nature of the government causes a lack of information and responsibility regarding roles in the organization, which can lead to unintentional deviance. But some officials do know what they are doing when they abuse their power, and do so anyway (intentional deviance). •According to power theory, their actions are caused by a stronger deviant motivation based on a sense of relative deprivation, by a greater deviant opportunity, and by weaker social controls due to official deviants' loftier positions in society.

Abusing the Frank

•The most common form of official corruption is abusing the frank, or the privilege of sending mail free of charge, usually for sending out campaign information.

Denial of voting rights

•The popular vote does not choose the President of the United States, the Electoral College does. Officials have been accused of various voter suppression tactics, including 17 states who implemented new laws to restrict the number of citizens allowed to vote.

Who smokes?

•The prevalence of smoking is three times higher among people with less than 12 years of education compared to those with more than 16 years of education •Ethnic groups with less education are thus more likely than other groups to smoke •There is also a gender factor in smoking: within most ethnic groups, there are many more male smokers than female smokers, the exception being that, among white teenagers, females are just as likely to smoke

Does alcoholism run in families

•The risk for developing alcoholism does indeed run in families. •Why? Both genes and lifestyle factors. • •However, risk is not destiny! Just because alcoholism tends to run in families doesn't mean that a child of an alcoholic parent will automatically become an alcoholic too. Some people develop alcoholism even though no one in their family has a drinking problem. By the same token, not all children of alcoholic families get into trouble with alcohol.

the victims unwitting cooperation

•The victim's unwitting cooperation is another distinguishing feature of white-collar deviance. The victim does not bother to check the work history of a fraudulent company that solicits them, purchases goods through the mail without checking the reputation of the firm, believes in the word of salespeople, and buys dangerous products off the shelf.

Deviants Respectable Self-Image

•The white-collar deviant's noncriminal self-image, which involves seeing oneself as a respectable person, is made possible by the victim's cooperation and society's indifference. The deviants maintain this image with certain rationalizations, such as regarding their behavior as serving a worthwhile purpose for the nation's economy by stabilizing prices, considering their embezzlement as a form of borrowing rather than stealing money, or seeing themselves as victims. They therefore deny criminal intent and see their behavior as a mistake, not a crime.

psychological theories of drug addiction

•Trace causes to specific personality traits such as low self-esteem

Who smokes around the world

•While smoking has declined in the United States since 1960, it has increased in the developing countries •Due to a lack of required warning and restrictive ads •Women and youth smoking has increased around the world •In both developed and developing countries, men are more likely than women to smoke

who has the highest rate of drug use as an age group

•Young adults (ages 18-25) have the highest rate of drug use and teenagers (ages 12-17) the second highest

Ermann and Ludman reasons for deviance against the employee

•corporate concern with profit maximization, •the corporate structure that encourages and rewards short-term success, and •the federal government's lack of earnest efforts to deter the crimes.

Alcohol does not...

•does NOT cause people to insult or harm others. Alcohol lowers inhibitions but that is not the same as saying it is the cause of behavior. •This is more of a self-fulfilling prophecy—we expect it to make us a certain way, so it does. The same alcohol that you drink to relax is the same that you use to party. • Some may excuse people's bad behavior because they are drunk.

Examples of occupational deviance

•employee theft •embezzlement •financial fraud

Smoking is the leading cause of...

•preventable death in the country

Practice of dangerous foods includes

•selling unsafe meat, •repackaging and reselling returned items, and •adding chemicals to make food look better (but are suspected to cause cancer and other diseases).

most popular program of drug prevention

•the Project D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education)

what are the most distinguishable characteristics of white collar deviance

•the use of power, influence, or respectability to minimize detection; •the rational execution of the deviance to maximize profits; and •these 3 less obvious features: 1.The Deviant's Respectable Self-Image 2.The Victim's Unwitting Cooperation 3.Society's Relative Indifference

most embezzlers steal because:

•they encounter what they perceive to be an unshareable financial problem, •have become aware of an opportunity to secretly solve this financial problem, •most importantly, rationalize away the criminal nature of embezzlement.

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