DFST 4353 midterm

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The global revolution in family and personal life is characterized by what?

world wide concern over the future of the family

Is antagonism towards homosexuality still widespread while attitudes towards sexuality have changed?


Regardless of class, race, or ethnicity were women interviewed willing to surrender their autonomy for a traditional marriage?


Summarize the features of the improvement of women's status since the 19th century


Was variation found among children who grew up in apparently similar family types?


Which two models attribute the decline in family values to women's increased participation in the labor force?


Would the familyservean important social function in Plato's Republic?


What are young adults today who grew up with mothers who marched into the workplace and parents who forged innovative alternatives to traditional marriage called?

"children of gender revolution"

Is to create tougher divorce laws a conservative solution to a breakdown in family structure?


Know about 'Alternative' family farms in Finland and Spain


Know about UrieBronfenbrenner asd the "biological perspective"


What have we learned about the scope ans focus of assumptions in reference to the feminist frame?

women's experience is central

On Election Day in 1960, newspapers across the nation noted that for the first time in the Nation's history, were there likely to be more women than men casting their ballots for president?


Was birth control giving women ans employers more confidence about a woman's ability to plan for a career?


When we think the family of the family as a social group in what ways do families differ from such groups as co-workers ans networks of close friends?

families last longer inter generational contain both biological

How is the traditional mother who stays at home perceived?

nurturing ans self sacrificing

According to author, is male dominance inevitable despite the rise in women's status?


Are personal relationship and emotional satisfaction very important in modern family life?


Are stay at home moms and working moms ambivalent about their current positions?


Do experiments in communal living attempt to create new types of family relationships?


Understand both the expressive and instrumental functions of the society

although the family is usually thought of as an expressive or emotional social unit, it serves as an instrumental agency for the larger social structures and all other institutions and agencies depend upon its contributions

Do most men prefer a modified traditionalism that recognizes a mother's right to work but puts their own career first?


Do most people believe that many needs of the whole society are served by the family?


How are the modern mothers influenced by the ideology of intensive mothering?


How do feminists think of the role of community in improving conditions for families?


Know about the three periods that have dramatically changed women's place in the society

1840-1890 era of separate spheres 1890-1940 era of egalitarian illusions 2015 assimilation WWII

Have the passage of Women Suffrage Amendment considerably changed women's status?


Over the 1970s and 1980s, the weekly earnings of non-management workers fell by what percentage?


In what year did the birth control pill go on the market?


The "glass ceiling" women's domestic duties are an example of which era?

1990 residual inequities

Which amendment to the US Constitution granted women the right to vote?

19th Amendment

How does Anthony Giddens describe the 1950s family?

2 parent household, transition period

In the 1960s as the economy was constantly creating employment, what percentage of those jobs went to women?

2/3, 66.7%

Based on the author's research, what percentage of women plan to build a non-negotiable base of self-reliance and an independence identity in the world of paid work?

3/4, 75%

In mid 1950s, Americans made up of only 6% of the worlds population, yet produced what percentage of the world's good?


After the war, thanks to an economic boom and generous federal spending in the 1950s, what percent of American families achieved middle class status?


What percent of women plan to build a non-negotiable base of self reliance ans independent identity in the world of paid work?


Where does the idea of a declining American family stem from?

Anxiety over the divorce rate XXX

The concept of "pure concept"

Based on communication and trust

Do most sophisticated studies of the family confirm what we already know as common sense?


Know about the conditions of families in China today

Chinese divorce rate low, arranged marriage

According to the author's research findings, children grew up in what kinds of families were at least ambivalent about their parent's family structure arrangements?

Dual earner

What is the image of supermom in contemporary society?

works and care of children

What do Plan A and Plan B mean?

Plan A unreachable Plan B insurance against "worse case" fear

During WWII, women were asked to go work to fill vacancies created by the men who left to go to war. What name were these women collectively refereed to?

Rosie the Riveter

What is the distinction between gender and sex?

Sex-biological gender-culture/learned components

In which country, National Law grants homosexual couples the right to marry and adopt children?

Spain, true

Do working mothers have desire to stay at home with their children while traditional mothers are pulled by the pressure of the outside world?


Has the ideology of intensive mothering been the dominant model of child rearing in the US?


According to Robert Max Jackson, what is the most significant factor in the decline of gender inequality?


Does the Feminist Model of family breakdown focus on changes in the economy and less parental time at home?


Have the recent changes in family forms had the greatest negative consequences for children?


Social exchange theory


The features of each period refer 6.1


What are the features of the era of separate spheres?


What are the influences of the passage of the Women Suffrage Amendment?


What are these propositions?


When studying the social exchange and rational choice framework the textbook outlines some basic assumptions. What are some of these assumptions?


Family system theory has been proved useful in which areas of family studies?


What were the bases of the ideal family in the 20th century?

all of the above

What do we know about the scope of assumptions of system theory?

all parts are interconnected

"Familistic package"

all the above

In the past 150 years, changes in which aspects have led to women's rising status?

all the above

The general focus of symbolic interactionism can be summed up as being the acquisition ans generation of meaning. What does this mean?

all the above

Has the high divorce rate in the US resulted in the decline of marriage?


What does the Feminist Model of family decline emphasize?

brought on decline in community and co-operation

How the fertility rate changed in Finland during the 1980s when 'family policy' was intensity developed?


Is the symbolic content of any culture constantly static and never changes?


What are the images of supermoms when pitted against traditional mothers in the mommy wars?

career woman vs stay @home

How was the family defined in pre-industrial times?

children worked

What are the basic parts of a theory?

concepts, relations, prepositions

Describe the traditional/conservative idea of family in Spain and Finland

conjugal male, caretaker female

Where does the conservative model of family breakdown focus on?

culture and more values change in economy effect of religion in society women's contribution to family

According to the current marriage law, is it easy or difficult for couples to obtain a divorce in China?


Are traditional mothers unaffected by other women's workforce participation?


As people moved from rural areas into the cities and developed higher expectations for next generation, did children move from being an economic drain to a plus?


Compare the features of the Finnish and the Spanish labor market, and the influences on women's career.


Did Finland and Spain shift from egalitarianism to a male breadwinner/female homemaker family model in the latter 20th century?


Did the young women and men interviewed by the author tend to be more focused on what form their families took than how well their parents met the challenges of providing economic and emotional support?


The different patterns of family formation and fertility between Finland and Spain

fertility rate has risen

In explaining the propositions of the feminist framework the textbook includes major propositions that contribute to scholarly work. What are these propositions?

gender structures our experience gender structures in all societies women as a class are devalued

According to conservative critics of the family, what is the solution to the breakdown in family in family values?

give marriage, family and parenting a higher priority

The view that the current family crisis stems from structural more than cultural changes is characterized by which model?


What form of traditionalism for men supports a mother's right to work but protects men's claim that their work prospects should come first?

modified traditionalism

The family ideologies in Spain

national law grant law same sex couples the right to marry

Do women and children have much control over their own lives in traditional families?

no, false

What is the symbolic framework basically concerned with?

people's behavior

Functions of the family theory?

precision guidance accumulation connectedness interpretation predictions explanation

How to define a theory?

process that systematically formulate and organizes ideas to understand a particular model

In author Sharon Hays' study, how did stay at home moms imply working mothers?

put their own interest before

Main concepts of social exchange theory

reward and cost profit or max utility rationality

The feature of sexuality in contemporary society

sexuality disconnected from reproduction

Where did feminist thought originate?

social movement for change

Know the 2 kinds of functions of family in the society

socialization and economic support

In reference to system framework, what have you learned?

system theory is the most recent

Basic concepts of framework theory

systems have boundaries, needs feedback and equilibrium all the above

Where have the mommy wars resulted from?

tensions b/t traditional notions about change in gender roles true

What is the most important reason that the family still holds a central position in modern society?

the child is first socialized to serve the needs of the society, not only its own needs

Why is the family theoretical significant?

the family is the only social institution other than religion that is formally developed in all socities

Preconceptions about the family

there's only a modest association between divorce and having kids

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