Dialect, Slang, and Jargon
Dialect example
"Howdy, y'all" vs "Hey, guys."
Jargon example
Slang definition (simplified)
The way you speak based on how old you are
Dialect defintion (simplified)
The way you speak based on where you live
Jargon defintion (simplified)
The way you speak because of the group(s) you belong to
Dialect definition
a form of language spoken by people in a particular region or group
Slang definition
an informal, often short-lived kind of language used in place of standard words
Slang example
lit, dude, chill, tea
Slang example 2
ratchet, woke, slay (2)
Jargon example 2
scalable solution, next gen, wearables (2)
Dialect example 2
soda vs pop vs coke (2)
Jargon definition
special words, abbreviations, or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.