Digital Storytelling: chapters 1-3

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Mythic model

Hero is summoned to the challenge; faces strenuous obstacles; overcomes them; returns home victorious.


Allows consumers to be a part of the narrative. Create a culture of inclusivity by permitting users to provide real-time feedback. Democratizes the culture of media by giving creatives tools to engage with content.

Old media

Also called "legacy media". Print publications, broadcast and cable TV, radio, music studios, movie studios. Replacement of this is not widepread quite yet; TV and radio are still relevant.

How new media works

Alter the meaning of geographic distance, allow for a huge increase in the volume of communication, provide the possibility for increasing the speed of communication, provide opportunities for interactive communication, allow forms of communication that were previously separate to overlap and interconnect.

Social media and content strategy

Assembling media for distribution and connecting with an audience in a well-trained and effective manner.

New platforms

Bookmarks, image creation, blogging, social networking, etc.

Story core

Central challenge: question, issue, goal; tension is created: story moves forward; characters change in response to problem; problem receives closure.

How the Internet can assist, but not constitute, narrative

Communication, database access, entertainment, socialization, document management.

Cold, warm

Data is ____, stories are ____.


Delve deeper into the story through supplementary context and story experiences. Allows authors and content creators to take different approaches to crafting unique narrative experiences by integrating technology from other platforms into the storytelling process.

Web 2.0

Describes World Wide Web sites that use technology beyond the static pages of earlier websites. Allows users to do more than just retrieve information. Instead of merely reading, a user is invited to comment on published articles, or create a user account or profile on the site, which may enable increased participation. Features include social networking sites, user-created websites, self-publishing platforms.


Emphasizes a representation of life to an audience.

Cross-platform marketing

Enables artists to immerse their brand, music, and identity into other forms of media that are composed of a demographic who may not be familiar with the genre but are engaged by the content strictly because of unique platform services.

Transmedia in music

Enables artists with an engagement strategy, the ability to connect with an audience and gives fans reason to buy music.

Transmedia in gaming

Enables video gaming experiences to expand into mobile, social, TV broadcast, and other multimedia platforms. Offers new approaches to gameplay design and storytelling through the integration of interactive devices that easily connect players to more social networks. Introduces augmented reality as a potential format for new technology.


Engagement is in the foreground and can be_____.

Platform affordances

Every digital story can take advantage of the unique affordances of each digital platform it uses; each digital housing is unique.

Social framework

Every story is ultimately a part of social media; stories engage with social media directly through positioning content on the Web via platforms supporting linking, sharing, commenting, etc.

Social architecture

Exists primarily to connect people with each other; acceleration of distributed conversations.

Freytag sequence

Exposition/introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, dénouement. A story is anything that demonstrates this.


Having seamless connection among all platforms being used and going beyond just replicating content on different devices. Engages a global audience through mass communications.

The Four I's of Transmedia

Immersion, Interactivity, Integration, Impact.


Immersive storytelling, deep media, and multi-platform storytelling.

Five-part definition of digital stories

Include a compelling narration of a story, provide a meaningful context for understanding the story being told, use images to capture and/or expand upon emotions found in the narrative, employ music and other sound effects to reinforce ideas, invite thoughtful reflection from their audience.


Inspiring consumers to take action of some kind (buy a product, support a cause, etc). A strong storyteller can maintain brand loyalty and perpetual patronage. Influence other storytellers to innovate and incorporate news technology to the process.


Long and abstract.

Serial structure

Many digital stories and storytelling approaches arrange content as separate iterations over time, resulting in an episodic style.

Persistent narrative

Narratives are constantly evolving.

Nonfiction storytelling

Personal presence, emotional content, clearly described information, sense of why the subject matters.

New media

Refers to on-demand access to content anytime, anywhere, on any digital device, as well as interactive user feedback, and creative participation. Real-time generation of new and unregulated content. Manipulated, workable, dense, compressible, interaction. Reduces the amount of time spent on Old Media.

Personal presence

Representation of characters are usually in first or third person.

Transmedia in TV and Film

Several great examples of transmedia that grew out of the broadcast space include "Doctor Who" and "Lost". Films include "The Matrix" and "The Dark Knight". Modern TV shows and film often use transmedia components such as social media, mobile media, and the Internet.


Short and concrete.


Small forms and items of content; easier to produce than full-scale sites.


Stories are objects with ____.

A situation; the audience

Storytelling is carrying one part of life, ____, to another, ____.


T or F: A story must be a sequence of content.

Digital storytelling

Telling stories with digital technologies. Includes social media, pictures, film, music.

Transmedia storytelling

The technique of telling a single story or story experience across multiple platforms and formats using current digital technology. Involves creating content that engages an audience using various techniques to permeate their daily lives.

Multiple proscenia

There is no single point of story experience; multiple platforms may be accessed.

Microcontent anecdotes

Too small to be considered full stories, but useful to build stories with.

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