Disciplinary actions in the workplace

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what are some features/tools to address in your hand book?

policies, procedures, and rules. workplace culture. employee benefits. attendance policy. work schedule and pay practices. safety at-will statement harassment policy.

harassment happens in the workplace subconsciously. clearly stating the policy in the handbook is a way for employees to have an idea


harassment is a form of discrimination.


after the meeting, what is the general guideline?

work with manager in attendance regarding diagnosis of complaint, meet with others involved, form a decision, and establish the solution.

if there is an employee complaint,

your solution is to settle a win-win situation. have manager or another HR staff join you and make sure you take detailed notes. have template of ?'s if that helps.

define the two types of harassment.

1. Quid pro quo - literally "this for that" An exchange 2. Hostile environment - creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment. (this is the most common form of sexual harassment)

progressive discipline does NOT incorporates punishment

FALSE. it does

sexual comments and physical acts like hugging at full arms is a Quid Pro Quo harassment example.

False. it is a Hostile Work Environment

all steps of the warning system are the same. (i.e. verbal, 1st written, 2nd written, suspension, & termination).

False. steps can fluctuate depending on the seriousness of the offense.

the two types of harassment:

Hostile work and Quid Pro Quo

this affirms a more mature approach for mature employee when dealing with discipline.

Positive Discipline.

there are two types of discipline. what are they?

Progressive and Positive.

When you are conducting a training on harassment at your workplace, what is something that is addressed?

a. defining what sexual harassment is. b. providing past and present discrimination. c. answering their questions and concerns. d. obtain signature as proof of training. e. all the above e.

when the moving party quits or resigns, they are the

a. employer b. employee c. both A and B d. manager b

which of these statements is TRUE about absenteeism

a. least common use of progressive discipline. b. there is no wrong with being absent. c. it costs the employer. d. it is not a big deal if the ee reports being absent consecutively. c.

which are successful keys to employee relations

a. management wants a positive environment. b. team building c. quality circles d. surveys e. all the above e.

which of the following is FALSE about the process of termination:

a. must provide term packet. b. never notify remaining employees. it is held confidential what happens in the HR department. c. select a neutral location at the end of the day. d. escort if applicable. b.

progressive discipline

consists more of a formal document.

policies are

general guidelines

during the process of termination, you must notify the employee and the reason behind it.


this consists of 3-5 warnings

progressive discipline.

this type of discipline becomes progressively more stringent.

progressive discipline.

what is the difference between rules and procedures

rules are more restrictive as for procedures are more specific. ex: "non smoking rule" is more restrictive.

the overall goal of discipline:

to retain employees or terminate them.

positive discipline

treats the employee as an adult, allowing them to take ownership in the resolution.

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