Discrimination and Harassment

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What are three examples of organizational cost impacts of sexual harassment?

1. Absenteeism 2. Turnover 3. Lost productivity

What are five negative workplace repercussions to workplace incivilities?

1. Absenteeism 2. Turnover 3. Stress 4. Lack of productivity 5. Violence and safety concerns

What are two aspects of resume whitening?

1. Adopting an English name or nickname and using that on your resume 2. Removing relevant experience like involvement in an ethnic or religious club/organization

What are three examples of covert hostility (workplace harassment)?

1. Being excluded from meetings 2. Events 3. Someone taking credit for your work

What are three examples of individual-psychological impacts of sexual harassment?

1. Depression 2. Distress 3. Anger

What are five different forms of discrimination?

1. Direct 2. Covert/subtle 3. Systemic 4. Intentional 5. Unintentional

What were four findings of Gaddis' audit study?

1. Elite university grads received more call-backs 2. White respondents received more call-backs 3. Black applicants from elite universities had similar call-back rate to Whites from mid-tier; Black mid-tier lowest 4. Black applicants offered lower salaries, lower-prestige jobs

What were three findings of Kang et al.'s study on resume whitening?

1. Found many people do this (some refuse) 2. Found individuals are less likely to do this when the job ad states the employer values diversity 3. Whitened resumes received more call-backs, especially in pro-diversity organizations

What are 4 findings on LGBT experiences of work?

1. Gay men are slightly over-represented in female-dominated jobs, and often report these are more welcoming 2. Lesbian women may be slightly over-represented in male-dominated jobs 3. Gay men earn less on average than straight men (occupational segregation could be a factor), but more than lesbian and straight women 4. Recent studies suggest bias against bisexual workers; lower pay for bisexual men

What are three examples of physical hostility (workplace harassment)?

1. Hitting 2. Pushing 3. Object thrown at

What are 6 examples of sexual harassment?

1. Inappropriate touching 2. Offensive jokes or comments 3. Sexual requests or suggestions 4. Staring or unwelcome comments 5. Displaying sexually offensive pictures 6. Verbal abuse

What are three kinds of impacts of sexual harassment?

1. Individual - economic 2. Individual - psychological 3. Organizational cost

What are four examples of individual-economic impacts of sexual harassment?

1. Job loss 2. Income loss 3. Lack of promotion 4. Lack of career advancement

What are three examples of manipulation (workplace harassment)?

1. Leaving hostile notes 2. Turning others against you 3. Bribes or threats

What are 4 impacts of discrimination?

1. Less opportunities 2. Lower incomes 3. Job security 4. Negative treatment

What were Gaddis' audit study?

1. Matched resumes for white and black graduates of Ivey league universities and respected but more mid-tier US universities 2. Using birth records selected common black and white US names 3. Varied cover letters and applied for 1008 jobs on national job search website

What are two examples of organizational chaos?

1. Poor organization 2. Ineffective rules

What are four examples of racial harassment?

1. Racial slurs or jokes 2. Ridicule and insults 3. Cartoons or pictures 4. Name-calling

What were two components of Tilcik's US study on sexual orientation?

1. Sent matched resumes out, applicants were men 2. 1 group had college involvement as treasurer in LGBT student club; control group as treasurer of 'progressive and socialist alliance' type club

What are the two types of sexual harassment?

1. Sexual coercion 2. Sexual annoyance

What are three forms of workplace incivilities?

1. Supervisor bullying 2. Worker-customer conflict 3. Co-worker infighting

What are 4 methods of explaining unequal outcomes?

1. Supply-side explanations 2. Demand-side explanations 3. Homophily 4. Recruitment methods

What were 3 findings of Tilcsik's study?

1. Those who were not gay received more call-backs (biggest gap in Texas, big gaps in Florida and Ohio) 2. Gap in call-backs strongest in jobs requiring 'masculine' traits: aggression, assertiveness, decisiveness 3. Stereotypes also at play, shaping ideas about who is 'ideal' or most suitable worker

According to Rospenda and Richman, what are the four types of workplace harassment?

1. Verbal hostility 2. Covert hostility 3. Manipulation 4. Physical hostility

What were the two findings of Henry and Ginzberg's study in Toronto?

1. White men and women received 3 times more job offers than comparable black workers 2. Whites were treated more courteously, given chance to fill out application, given higher starting wages

What are four examples of verbal hostility (workplace harassment)?

1. Yelling 2. Swearing 3. Belittling 4. Criticism

When did discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation become illegal in Canada?


Canadian studies find that what range of women experience sexual harassment?


What is Rospenda and Richman's definition of workplace harassment?

Any negative workplace interpersonal interaction that affects the terms, conditions, or employment decisions related to an individual's job or creates an intimidating, or offensive working environment

What was Quadlin's study on gender?

Audit study varying gender, specialty, and GPA

How might employers discriminate?

By indulging their beliefs about the relevance of gender, race, etc. to employment

What is 'resume whitening'?

Concealing or downplaying racial cues in job applications

What was Kang et al.'s study on resume whitening?

Conducted an audit study on various whitening strategies (no whitening, altering first name, altering experience, both)

What kind of harassment is easier to combat?

Contra-power harassmen

What are some factors of disability discrimination?

Disabled barriers to access, employment

What is covert/subtle discrimination?

Discrimination may not be blatant, but may be hidden: flagging all minority applicants and putting them at the bottom of the pile, for instance

What is the Ontario Human Rights Commission definition of gender identity?

Each person's internal and individual experience of gender. It is their sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum

What is the supply-side explanation for unequal outcomes?

Education and human capital determines outcomes

What is systemic discrimination?

Embedded in organizational practices and policies

What have other studies found evidence of in terms of gender?

Evidence of women being hired into low-status positions, being granted less pay, than men with similar credentials

What basis of discrimination has more recently been prohibited in Canadian provinces?

Gender identity and gender expression, to protect the rights of transgender individuals

What are common grounds of discrimination?

Gender, race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, height, and weight

What is racial harassment?

Harassment based on race, colour, ancestry, citizenship, language, or religion

What is sexual coercion?

Harassment that has a direct consequence to the worker's employment status or some gain or loss of tangible job benefits

How often does discrimination happen?

Hard to assess, since it is typically covert, hidden

What was the bad findings that came out of Quadlin's study?

High performing women in science and engineering actually received fewer call-backs than men (high performing or other), and fewer than less-high-performing women

What is the Ontario Human Rights Commission definition of gender expression?

How a person publicly presents their gender

What is linked with bullying (workplace incivilities)?

Job insecurity

What is unintentional discrimination?

Lack of tolerance for religious diversity; lack of accessibility for disabled; believing that people from some backgrounds are more capable

How does gender shape experiences of sexual orientation harassment?

Lesbian women are highly sexualized, while gay men are treated as feminine

According to Rospenda and Richman, what is the prevalency of workplace harassment for men and women?

Men: 30% Women: 55%

What women are rates of discrimination higher for?

Minority women

What is Roscigno et al.'s definition of workplace incivilities?

Negative relational dimensions of employment with consequences for worker integrity and dignity

What encourages all three forms of workplace incivilities?

Organizational chaos

What is linked with infighting (workplace incivilities)?

Organizational size

What are proximate causes of unequal outcomes?

Personnel practices of work organizations can constrain or permit attitudes and stereotypes that lead to discrimination

What is intentional discrimination?

Policies whereby certain groups don't get promoted; policies placing a quota on the number of minorities who can be accepted

What is sexual harassment often an expression of?


Sexual coercion is predominantly done by who over who?

Predominantly by a person in a position of power over a subordinate

What is the demand-side explanation for unequal outcomes?

Proximate causes - personnel practices of work organizations can constrain or permit attitudes and stereotypes that lead to discrimination

What is the recruitment methods explanation for unequal outcomes?

Recruitment methods can determine the nature and diversity of applicant pool - broader strategies means more diversity

What are audit studies?

Send out paired resumes where experience, education is identical, but vary key markers of race, gender, sexual orientation

What kind of workplace harassment do research and media focus on and what does this leave potential for?

Sexual harassment - leaves potential for general workplace harassment to be ignored

What is sexual annoyance?

Sexually related conduct that is hostile, intimidating, or offensive to the employee but has no direct link to job benefit or harm

What was the good findings that came out of Quadlin's study?

Similar call-backs for men and women in arts

What is contra-power harassment?

Subordinate harassing someone in power

How does height and weight factor into discrimination for men?

Taller men are more favoured in employment, more likely to get job offers, be in high-status jobs

What is the homophily explanation for unequal outcomes?

Tendency for individuals to interact with others like themselves

What did a telephone test find?

Those with "Canadian accents" offered many more jobs than those with Eastern European, West-Indian, or Indo-Pakistani accents

What is the formal Human Rights Commission definition of discrimination?

Treating people differently, negatively, or adversely because of their race, age, religion, sex, etc.

What is discrimination?

Unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice (in hiring, employment)

What is sexual harassment?

Unwanted behaviour of a sexual or gender-related nature

What is direct discrimination?

When an employer or organization acts (in a direct way) on their intention to exclude or devalue members of certain groups

What are some factors to age discrimination?

Younger and older - stereotypes about capability - grey area in the law

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