Discuss the pros and cons of using a 24-hour recall vs. a three-day diet record to assess nutrient intake. In which settings would each be most appropriate? What other methods of nutrient intake assessment are out there (name at least two), and when w

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In which settings would 24 hour recall be most appropriate?

The 24 hour recall is useful when trying to obtain a quick idea of an individuals nutrient intake, and can be useful to collect information from a large group quickly

Discuss the pros and cons of using a 24-hour recall

24 hour diet pros, quick, can reach a lot of people, maybe used remotely. Cons, based on memory, only gives an overview of one day, may not truly depict participants normal diet.

What is a cohort study and when would it be appropriate?

Cohort study collects information from multiple generations and can be used for medical research.

In which settings would three day diet record be most appropriate?

The 3 day diet would be useful in an office setting to help determine a client's needs

what is the food frequency questionnaire and when would they be appropriate?

The food frequency questionnaire would be useful for a research company trying to collect information from a large population, To obtain frequency and, information about food and beverage consumption over a specified period of time, typically a year

a Discuss the pros and cons of usin a three-day diet record to assess nutrient intake

Three day diet pros: gives a larger more accurate overview of a persons diet. not memory based. cons: people tend to eat better when tracking food, may get lazy and not record little things

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