DMV Practice 3

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Which of the following right-of-way rules is not true?

At an intersection where there is no stop sign, yield sign, or traffic signal, drivers must yield to vehicles coming from the left

Which of the following statements about the right-of-way is incorrect ?

At an uncontrolled T-intersection, the vehicle on the through street must yield to the vehicle on the terminating street.

An _____ is the connection of a freeway to a road or another freeway by a series of ramps.


On one-way roads, yellow lines are used as

left-edge lines.

If a driver extends his or her left arm out horizontally, it indicates that the driver is going to

make a left turn.

On a two-way road way with a center lane, drivers from either direction can _______ from the center lane.

make left turns and U-turns

Car drivers should never be alongside a motorcycle in the same lane even if the lane is wide and the cyclist is riding to one side, because

motorcycles need the full with of the lane.

If you see two solid yellow lines on your way it means that

no passing is permitted

A double solid yellow line on the pavement means that

passing is not allowed in either direction

At an intersection, a steady yellow arrow pointing left indicated to the driver that

the signal is about to change to a green or red light or to a red arrow

A triangular orange sign on the back of a slow-moving vehicle indicates that

the vehicle cannot travel faster than 25 mph

Flag persons are often located on highways and in work zones

to stop, slow, or guide traffic safely through construction areas.

Unless it is prohibited, drivers must use the three-point turn to

turn around on a narrow street

You may not pass another vehicle except

when your lane is separated by a broken yellow line.

Vehicles approaching a roundabout must

yield to the traffic in the roundabout

Which of the following statements about passing a vehicle is NOT true?

you can exceed the speed limit to pass quickly

A two-headed arrow with one head pointing straight ahead and the other pointing to the left means that

you may either proceed straight ahead or turn left.

Do not use you horn

-to honk at a blind person -when you want the driver in front of you to move out of the way -when you are angry or upset -in any of the above situations

What is the correct hand signal for indicating a right turn ?

Hand and arm extended upward

________ occurs on wet roads when your front tires start to ride on water instead of on the road.


If you are parked parallel to the right-hand side of the street, you should _______ before pulling out into traffic.

Signal a left turn and look over your left shoulder

Which of the following are used as left-edge lines on divided highways?

Single solid yellow lines

Passing on the right is NOT permitted

When driving in a lane set aside for left turns

On two-lane highways, you are allowed to pass

When there is a dashed yellow line on your side of the center dividing line

On two-lane roads where traffic moves in opposite directions, you may pass on the left only when

a broken yellow line is in your lane

The primary traveling aids for a blind person include

a white cane and a trained guide dog

When approaching an intersection to make a right turn, you must stay ______ and make the turn close to the right curb.

as far to the right as possible

If you are driving on a two-lane road, it is safest to drive your vehicle _______ of your lane

in the center

While driving, when you see a triangular road sign, you must

reduce your speed and yield

With any turning vehicle, the rear wheels follow a _________ than the front wheels.

shorter path

If someone is following you too closely, you must

slow down and encourage the driver to pass.

If you approach an intersection with a steady yellow light, you must

slow down and proceed with caution, if you cannot stop safely.

Flashing yellow lights on a school bus require other drivers to

slow their vehicles and prepare to stop

A _______ indicated the outer edge of the traffic lane, and it may be crossed only by traffic moving to or from the shoulder.

solid white line

If a pedestrian is in a marked or unmarked crosswalk, you must

stop and wait until the pedestrian has crossed the street

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