Doctor Zhivago

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:44,1,2 M Chapter Fifteen has this title.


:17,589-90 H These two poems by Zhivago are titled after a biblical figure.

"Mary Magdalene I" and "Mary Magdalene II"

:30,1,2 H Pravda published part of this poem by Boris Pasternak but rejected the next piece.


:28,1,1 M Boris Pasternak gave this speech at a meeting of the Writers' Union in Minsk.

"On Modesty and Daring"

:20,2,2 M This Central Committee resolution expressed tolerance for fellow travelers and a need for proletarian writers.

"On Party Policy in the Field of Literature"

:10,2,0 M Alexander Blok wrote this poem on the 1380 clash of east and west in Russia.

"On the Field of Kulikovo"

:43,1,0 M Chapter Thirteen has this title.

"Opposite the House of Sculptures"

:17,578-9 M This poem by Zhivago seems to be about Lara leaving Varykino.


:43,2,2 H Chapter Fourteen has this title.

"Return to Varykino"

:15,514-5 M Yurii's sketches from his time in hiding always contain a sign featuring these words.

'Moreau & Vetchinkin. Seed Drills. Threshing machines.'

:7,230 M At a train station, Tonia trades a napkin for this item.

Half a roasted hare

:49,1,2- M This critic aligns Roman Jakobson's views on history with Boris Pasternak's poetics and plot.

Krystyna Pamorska

:48 E This character sings a symbolic folk song about the rowan tree.


:13,410 E The logs at Lara's house in Yuriatin come from this place.

Kulabish Dale in Varykino

:45,1,1 M Misha Gordon and Nika Dudorov think this place has been the protagonist of a long story.


:11,2,1 M Boris Pasternak regarded his two cultural identifications in this order.

Muscovite and Russian first, Jewish second

:15,525 M Katia Antipov is gifted with these two talents.

Music and acting

:17,1,3 M Boris Pasternak mostly wrote this volume of poetry during the Russian Revolution in 1917.

My Sister, Life

:40,2,3 H Sections of this chapter are taken from Yurii's notebook.


:17,584 M This thing separates the people in Zhivago's poem "Daybreak"


:11,355 M Yurii originally thinks that he killed this White soldier.

Seryozha Rantsevich

:5,146 H The army takes these two actions to counteract soldiers' apathy and tighten discipline.

Set up war-revolutionary tribunals and reestablished the death penalty

:17,591 E In Zhivago's poem "Mary Magdalene I" Magdalene asks the meaning of these five things.

Sin, death, hell, fire, and brimstone

:4,117 M Pasha has this dream this while living in Yuriatin.

Taking his degree, transferring to some scientific branch, and moving to Petersburg

:5,155 M Lara concerns herself with these two tasks prior to leaving Meliuzeievo.

Taking inventory and finding someone to take over

:3,76 H Anna Gromeko wants to discuss death with Yurii because he has these two traits.

Talent and cleverness

:10,2,0 M This group invaded Russia from the East in the thirteenth century.

The Mongols

:8,277-8 H The partisan army is primarily made up of this social group.

The middle peasantry

:49,2,3 M Yurii Zhivago's story differs from Odysseus's in this one notable way.

Yurii not returning home a conquering hero

:22,1,1 M The first part of Boris Pasternak's autobiography appeared in this journal in 1929.


:17,576-7 E In Zhivago's poem "Winter Night," this line refers to Yurii and Lara's future relationship.

"Crossed fate."

:44,2,2 Style M Chapter Sixteen has this title.


:17,559-61 H This poem was likely influenced by the street fighting Zhivago witnessed in Moscow.


:57,1,2 M This poem by Yurii Zhivago contains the novel's motif of sleeping and waking.

"Fairy Tale"

:38,1,2 M Chapter Five has this name.

"Farewell to the Old"

:16,549 M This poem by Zhivago takes its title from a play by Shakespeare.


:54,1,3 M In this poem by Yurii Zhivago, nature watches the funeral procession of Christ.

"Holy Week"

:17,564 M This poem by Zhivago describes a scene of romance.


:17,555 H This pair of lines in "Holy Week," occurs at the beginning of two successive stanzas.

"It is still the dark of night / And still so early in the world"

:20,1,2 M This poem by Boris Pasternak appeared in the first issue of Left Front of the Arts.

"Kremlin in a Blizzard"

:16,2,1 M In "The Black Goblet," Boris Pasternak identifies these two poles as exhibiting truths independent of experience.

"Lyricism" and "History"

:17,553 H This poem by Zhivago celebrates the coming of spring.


:29,2,1 M Boris Pasternak translated this Shakespearean sonnet that was particularly relevant to his political situation.

"Sonnet 66"

:23,1,1 M This poem by Boris Pasternak conveys well the theme of the city as "the arena of historical events."

"Space" (alternately, "Expanse")

:17,560 M Zhivago uses the image of the "fire of sunset" in these two poems.

"Spring Floods" and "Explanation"

:15,2,1 M Boris Pasternak wrote this paper on the subjectivity of perception and the symbolic essence of art.

"Symbolism and Immortality"

:17,594 M In Zhivago's poem "Gethsemane," Jesus prays for this thing.

"That the cup of death should pass him by"

:27,1,2 M This poem by Boris Pasternak was published in Izvestia and compared Stalin to an artist.

"The Artist"

:42,1,0 H Chapter Eleven has this title.

"The Forest Brotherhood"

:41,1,1 H Chapter Ten has this title.

"The Highway"

:37,2,1 H Chapter Four has this title.

"The Hour of the Inevitable"

:17,1,1 M This poem by Boris Pasternak ends a cycle on disasters in "Above the Barriers."

"The Last Day of Pompeii"

:38,2,2 H Chapter Six has this name.

"The Moscow Encampment"

:33,1,2 M This poem by Boris Pasternak expresses his hopelessness following the publication of Doctor Zhivago.

"The Nobel Prize"

:59,2,1 H In this poem, Boris Pasternak aligns himself with the figures of Christ and Hamlet.

"The Nobel Prize"

:42,2,0 M Chapter Twelve has this title.

"The Rowan Tree"

:37,1,1 H Chapter Three has this title.

"The Sventitskys' Christmas Party"

:17,567 E This poem by Zhivago furthers the views on the afterlife he expresses to Anna Gromeko.

"The Wedding Party"

:23,2,0 E The government forced writers to submit to political authority in the year with this name.

"The Year of Acquiescence"

:39,2,2 H Chapter Seven has this title.

"Train to the Urals"

:57,2,1 M Yurii Zhivago writes this poem about the three days between "entombment" and "resurrection."


:40,2,2 M Chapter Nine has this title.


:16,540-7 E Misha Gordon contemplates this quote after realizing Tania's identity.

"We, the children of Russia's terrible years"

:17,556 H This poem by Zhivago makes plentiful use of urban imagery.

"White Night"

:17,557 M The speaker sits with the "daughter of a small landowner" in this poem by Zhivago.

"White Night"

:3,73 M Yurii chooses to study medicine for these two reasons.

An interest in physics and natural sciences and a belief in doing something useful

:14,452 H When Yurii returns to Varykino, the house bears signs of this kind of disruption.

An intruder

:2,50 H According to Nikolai Nikolayevich, this concept raises up man.

An inward music

:7,263 M Strelnikov has this kind of heart.

An unprincipled heart

:4,116 M Pasha teaches these two subjects in Yuriatin.

Ancient History and Latin

:31,2,2 M Mikhail Sholokhov is known best for this book.

And Quiet Flows the Don

:30,2,2 M This committee secretary instituted new repressions at the beginning of the Cold War.

Andrei Zhdanov

:46 M This character is Yurii's father.

Andrei Zhivago

:31,2,2 H This person won the Nobel Prize in 1947 over the nominated Russian writers.

André Gide

:27,1,0 M These two French socialist writers organized the International Writers' Conference in Paris.

André Gide and André Milraux

:11,355 H With the help of this character, Yurii nurses Seryozha Rantsevich back to health.


:34,2,1 H This person deplored the 2010 translation of Doctor Zhivago for losing the language's spirit.

Ann Pasternak Slater

:19,1,0 H Boris Pasternak met this Acmeist poet in January 1922.

Anna Ahkmatova

:30,2,3 H The government suppressed the works of this friend of Boris Pasternak when the Cold War began.

Anna Ahkmatova

:37,1,2 H Yurii learns of his half-brother from this person.

Anna Gromeko

:47 H This character is Tonia's mother.

Anna Gromeko

:7,260 M Yurii hears about Yuriatin from these two characters before arriving there.

Anna Gromeko and Lara Antipov

:3,95 M This news draws Yurii away from the Sventitskys' Christmas party.

Anna Gromeko's death

:10,1,2 M This serf's grandson exposed the nature of Russian feudalism and rose to the middle class.

Anton Chekhov

:29,1,2 H Boris Pasternak adopted this writer as a literary model during the Great Terror.

Anton Chekhov

:17,587 M Zhivago personifies this thing as knowing a thousand stories of human sorrow in "The Earth."


:7,237 M Entering eastern Russia, the surrounding country has these two elements of discord.

Armed bands in control and recently put down uprisings

:2,31 H Olya suggests this method for killing Komarovsky's dog Jack after it bites Lara's leg.

Dipping crystal and marble Easter eggs in lard and feeding them to Jack

:17,586 E In Zhivago's poem "The Miracle" the road leads to a meeting of these people.


:36,1,2 H Chapter Two opens during this historical period in Russia.

Before the war with Japan ends, when the revolution beginning to take hold

:14,458 M Lara expresses these two fears of staying at Varykino.

Being snowed in and being murdered by bandits

:4,114 M Yurii's coworkers congratulate him for correctly diagnosing this disorder following the birth of his son.


:11,364 E These six characters conspire to capture Liberius Mikulitsyn.

Goshka, Sanka, Koska, Terentii Galuzin, Zakhar, and Sivobluy

:4,118 M Pasha believes that he may mistake this emotion towards Lara for love.


:14,445 M Komarovsky predicts punitive agencies will react in this way to democratic changes in the government.

Greater savagery

:1,20 M This character follows Zhivago and pulls the emergency release when Zhivagojumps from the train.

Grigory Osipovich Gordon (Misha's father)

:2,53 H Komarovsky and Satanidi's conversations are so contemptuous that one could replace them with this noise.


:2,60 M Lara and Amalia Guishar hear this noise as they leave for the Montenegro.


:10,2,2 M These two western writers influenced Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov.

Gustave Flaubert and Émile Zola

:29,1,2 H Boris Pasternak considered this character to be his literary alter-ego.


:58,1,0 E The opening poem of Chapter Seventeen suggests this model for Yurii Zhivago as a reluctant hero.


:59,1,1 E In Yurii Zhivago's poems, this character serves as an icon of an artist struggling against conformity.


:59,1,1 M This person is the presumed speaker in Yurii Zhivago's poem "Hamlet."


:58,1,0 M The hero in Yurii Zhivago's poems is comparable to these two figures.

Hamlet and Christ

:15,501 M This event allows other people to acquire the rights to Yurii's old Moscow home.

His family's deportation

:9,317 H According to Lara, half of the friends of intellectuals in Yuriatin are of this ethnicity.


:3,94 H Lara tries to kill this character at the Sventitskys' Christmas party


:16,545 E Marfa reacts in these two bizarre ways to the bandit's threats from the cellar.

Laughing and winking at Tania

:1,23 M Nika and his mother share a fondness for these two things.

Lofty subjects and paradox

:19,1,1 H In June 1922, Boris Pasternak started a correspondence with this writer who wrote Mileposts.

Maria Tsvetaeva

:27,1,1 H Boris Pasternak met with this old friend while visiting Paris.

Maria Tsvetaeva

:29,2,2 M This friend of Boris Pasternak committed suicide in 1941 following her return to Russia.

Maria Tsvetaeva

:45 E This character appears only during her funeral in chapter one.

Maria Zhivago

:45 E Yurii mourns the loss of this person throughout his life.

Maria Zhivago

:45 M This character is Yurii's mother.

Maria Zhivago

:15,503-4 M This character defends Yurii to her family.


:15,504 M This character could have trained as a singer.


:15,504 M This character is a telegraphist at the Central Post Office.


:15,505 E This character becomes Yurii's third wife.


:15,505 M This character helps Yurii with his housework while he lives at Muchnoy-Gorod.


:48 E This character becomes Yurii's mistress and bears him two children.

Marina Shchapov

:48 H This character is the daughter of Markel Shchapov.

Marina Shchapov

:21,1,1 H Boris Pasternak's correspondence with this writer constituted a virtual love affair and caused marital difficulties.

Marina Tsvetaeva

:23,1,0 M The character Maria in Boris Pasternak's Spektorsky is loosely based on this person.

Marina Tsvetaeva

:7,224 M This servant accuses Yurii's family of keeping him in ignorance.


:3,84 H Lara dreams of doing these two things after leaving the Kologrivovs.

Marrying Pasha and moving to the Urals to teach

:57,2,1 H This philosophy is the antithesis of life and art as Boris Pasternak presents it in Doctor Zhivago.


:7,266 M Samdeviatov subscribes to this political philosophy.


:8,272 M According to Samdeviatov, this doctrine is a science.


:8,274 E According to Yurii, this doctrine is self-centered and far from the facts.


:13,419 M Yurii's second child has this name.


:57,1,1 H Boris Pasternak contrasts the individual as an artist with this historical reality in Doctor Zhivago.

Mass conformism under Soviet rule

:15,2,3 H The poems in Boris Pasternak's first book of poetry have these three features.

Maturity ("realist impressionism"), modernism, and the image of the city

:13,1,3 E Boris Pasternak met this important future colleague while living in Berlin.

Maxim Gorky

:22,2,0 H This writer was exiled after the 1905 Revolution and tried to help struggling writers and artists.

Maxim Gorky

:22,2,0 M Boris Pasternak wanted this writer to stabilize cultural and historical continuity in a dangerous political atmosphere.

Maxim Gorky

:22,2,0 M Boris Pasternak was disappointed in this writer because he could not resolve Russian writers' challenges.

Maxim Gorky

:25,2,1 M Boris Pasternak had hope that this writer would be a positive influence on Stalin.

Maxim Gorky

:28,1,1 M This writer's last piece compared the debate over formalism to the individual's enslavement under fascism.

Maxim Gorky

:26,1,1 M These two writers believed that socialism could serve as a barrier to fascist destruction in Europe.

Maxim Gorky and Nikolai Bukharin

:6,188-9 H Nika Dudorov asks if Yurii has read poems by this writer.


:17,553 E In Zhivago's poem "Hamlet," these two details imply a sense of destiny in life.

That the order of the acts is planned and the end is inescapable

:15,507 H Yurii believes the excessive drama of these two characters comes from their limitations and inadequacies.

Misha Gordon and Nika Dudorov

:35,1,3 E The Epilogue is in the point of view of these two characters.

Misha Gordon and Nika Dudorov

:4,138 M These two characters publish Yurii's book without his permission.

Misha Gordon and Nika Dudorov

:39,1,3 H Yurii notices how these three people have changed when he returns to Moscow.

Misha Gordon, Nika Dudorov and Shura Schlesinger

:15,512 M After Yurii goes into hiding, he sends letters to these three characters.

Misha Gordon, Nika Dudorov, and Marina

:13,426 M Lara believes Pasha's domestic unhappiness derives from this source.

Mistaking social evil for a domestic one

:11,1,0 E This literary movement used heavily formal experimentation and concentrated on interior, psychological space.


:11,1,0 M This literary movement that shaped the non-Russian western world between the world wars.


:16,543 E The bandit that invades Tania's house is after this thing.

Money Vasia earned from the sale of his cow

:9,310 M Yurii is at Varykino for this length of time before he seeks out Lara Antipov.

More than a year

:13,409 M When Yurii returns to Yuraytin, he discovers the government summoned his family to this location.


:13,417 H The government sends all of the supplies in Yuriatin to this place.


:14,473-4 E After Lara leaves Varykino, Yurii resolves to leave for this place.


:53,1,1 M This place is the center of Yurii's life, from his childhood to his death.


:13,434 H According to Sima Tuntseva, these two events in the Old and New Testaments are parallel.

Moses parting the Red Sea and the virgin birth

:4,136 E Lara decides to devote herself to this role upon discovering her husband's death.


:17,574 M In Zhivago's poem "August," a light without a flame usually comes from this location.

Mount Tabor

:15,502 M Yurii moves into this place following his falling out with Vasia Brykin.


:9,314 M According to Lara, the Whites are guilty of these four crimes against the people.

Murder, vengeance, extortion, and blackmail

:17,591 E In Zhivago's poem "Mary Magdalene II" Magdalene washes Jesus's feet with this substance.


:28,2,0 H This critic relegated Boris Pasternak to the role of translator, suggesting his poetic talent evaporated.

N. Izgoev

:46 H This character is Kologrivov's daughter and Nika Dudorov's friend.

Nadia Kologrivova

:4,109 H This character brings Lara a beautiful necklace as a going away present.

Nadya Kologrivov

:16,542 M Tania grows up in this location.


:17,2,2 H Boris Pasternak's book of poetry "My Sister, Life" has this poetic hero.


:51,2,3 E Yurii's poetry is formed by the power of this thing.


:17,2,3 M Boris Pasternak's poem "Spring Rain" combines these three elements.

Nature, freedom, and revolutionary fervor

:11,358 H Liberius Mikulitsyn has this trait that exasperates Yurii.


:9,300 M Yurii believes that this writer's trimeters and dactyls echo the rhythm of spoken Russian.


:16,543-4 E The bandit that invades Tania's house kills this person in the cellar.


:17,589 M In Zhivago's poem "Evil Days," these people seek proofs.


:14,2,4 H This is the study of conscious experience.


:3,73 M Misha Gordon chooses to study this subject.


:11,2,1 M Boris Pasternak's mother practiced this profession.


:6,207 H Yurii tells Tonia that if anything should happen, she should only trust this character.


:10,2,2 M These three literary movements succeeded each other in the 1800s and early 1900s in Europe.

Romanticism, Realism, and Symbolism

:50,1,1 E In Doctor Zhivago, Stalin's rule in Russia echoes the tyrannical rule of this city.


:29,2,2 H Boris Pasternak worked on a translation of this Shakespearean play during World War II.

Romeo and Juliet

:55,2,1 H Yurii alludes to this play in describing his connection to Pasha Antipov.

Romeo and Juliet

:55,2,1 M Taken together, Yurii Zhivago and Pasha Antipov in are parallel to these two Shakespearean characters.

Romeo and Paris

:4,110 M A guest at Lara's going away party believes the necklace she receives contains these gems.

Rose jacinths

:15,495 E Pelagia "Auntie Polya" Tyangunova ignores the romantic advances of this character.

Rotten Kharlam

:15,498 H Vasia Brykin believes that this character killed the widow for whom he worked.

Rotten Kharlam

:4,101 M This character is a woman lawyer who is the wife of a political émigré.

Ruffina Onissmovna Voit Voitkovksy

:4,102 H This character believes that Lara's ravings following her attempt on Komarovsky's life a pretense.

Ruffina Onissmovna Voit Voitkovsky

:11,351 M Pelagia Tiagunova is in Pazhinsk for this reason.

Rumors of Pritulyev being seen in the neighborhood

:45,1,1 H The stranger who demands money from Tania's foster family meets this end.

Run over by a train by the Red Guard

:16,545 M After Marfa traps the bandit, Tania takes this action.

Runs away

:34,1,1 E Boris Pasternak approved of the Russian Revolution in its efforts to take this action.

Sweep away abuses of an autocratic society

:17,561 M Zhivago's poem "Explanation" features this shift in style halfway through the poem.

Switching from first to second person

:8,271 E Yurii's family does not need to change trains at Yuriatin for this reason.

Switching of the train to another line due to fighting in Yuriatin

:10,2,2 H The poets of this western literary school influenced Alexander Blok.


:15,515 M Yurii compares this school of writing to the juxtaposition of images in the city.


:5,165 M Commissar Gints could escape the deserter mob if not for this personal belief.

That stealing away is beneath his dignity

:17,556 H In Zhivago's poem "Holy Week," the "midnight beasts and men" hear this "spring rumor."

That the Resurrection will vanquish death

:12,391 H This worry inspires Pamphil's psychotic murders.

That the White Army will slowly torture his wife and children

:43,2,1 E Yurii has this worry the summer he lives with Lara in Yuriatin.

That the regime will view unfavorable his gift of intuition

:52,1,1 M Boris Pasternak makes this ironic contrast in the title of the first chapter.

That the train is an express, but it makes an unscheduled stop

:2,50 H According to Nikolai Nikolayevich, that the whole of life is symbolic implies this fact.

That the whole of life has meaning

:49,1,3 H According to Krystyna Pamorska, Boris Pasternak questions the forces of history conditioned by these two things.

The "particular" and the "general

:7,263 H Strelnikov suppresses this regiment that plundered a food convoy.

The 14 th line regiment

:3,90 M Yurii believes a Russian version of this painting the intellectual equivalent of an article on Blok.

The Adoration of the Magi

:6,177 E Tonia gives up part of the ground floor of their home to this organization.

The Agricultural Academy

: 16,2,0 M Boris Pasternak wrote this semi-autobiographical story about a poet searching for his voice.

The Apelles Mark

:16,2,0 M This story was Boris Pasternak's first longer work of fiction.

The Apelles Mark

:5,143 H Blazheiko calls the local council in the independent republic at Zabushino this name.

The Apostolic Seat

:5,149 E Commissar Gints insists that this group is responsible for the disorders in Zabushino.

The Bolsheviks

:6,181 E Nikolai Nikolaievich comes to agree with this group's ideology.

The Bolsheviks

:8,278 E Mikulitsyn was elected a regional delegate to this government body favored by the White Army.

The Constituent Assembly

:8,291 M Komuch is trying to restore this government body.

The Constituent Assembly

:5,164 M Commissar Gints' speech prompts this group to switch to the side of the deserters.

The Cossacks

:17,586 M In Zhivago's poem "The Miracle," the quiet of this place is motionless.

The Dead Sea

:8,272 H Samdeviatov's family supposedly descends from this famous family.

The Demidovs

:50,2,2 M Doctor Zhivago parallels this work in its search for the meaning of life and death.

The Divine Comedy

:50,2,2 M Yurii's sense of being in a dark forest at Varykino alludes to this literary work.

The Divine Comedy

:35,2,2 Stucture/style H This is the earliest use of coincidence in Doctor Zhivago.

The train stopping in the marsh near the Kologrivov estate

:17,587 M In the poem "The Earth," Zhivago personifies the street as making friends with this thing.

The bleary window

:7,256-7 M A fisherman advises a captured Yurii that he must insist on seeing this figure.

The boss

:4,110 M This event awakens Lara the night before she and Pasha move to the Urals.

The break-in of a thief

:17,2,3 H Poetic gatherings flourished in Russia due to a paper shortage during this period.

The café period

:15,526 H This detail of the night Lara asks Pasha Antipov to hasten their marriage inspires Yurii.

The candle in the window

:16,545 E Marfa traps the bandit in this location.

The cellar

:8,271 H This part of Yuriatin remains untouched by fighting when Yurii arrives there.

The center

:17,579 M In Zhivago's poem "Parting," the speaker feels struck by this image.

The chaotic mess in the house

:6,198 H The chemistry demonstrator recommends these two people to sell Yurii firewood.

The church porter and the rat catcher

:44,1,3 M The narrator questions why there is no poem on this topic in Yurii's work.

The city

:23,1,1 M Boris Pasternak found this theme as he revised his earlier poems in the late 1920s.

The city as "the arena of historical events"

:34,1,1 E Boris Pasternak began to doubt the Soviet regime during this event in Russian history.

The civil war following the Revolution of 1917

:7,249 M These two characters argue over stopping the train to look for the escaped prisoners.

The commander of the labor unit and the train commandant

:9,305 M At the Yuriatin library, this group dresses in its best clothes and is noisy.

The common people

:16,534-5 E According to Misha Gordon, serving on the front line is better than living in this place.

The concentration camp

:59,2,1 M This image in Yurii Zhivago's poem "Hamlet" reflects the oppression of life in soviet society.

The conformity to Pharisaism

:7,229 E The men the railway passengers believe are jumping the queue actually belong to this group.

The conscripts

:10,330 H According to Galuzina, following the revolution, this group knew best how to live.

The country people

:2,63 M These two characters argue about the sonata during the Gromeko's concert.

The critic Kerimbekov and Alexander Gromeko

:6,202 M Yurii reads of the establishment of Soviet power in Russia in this location.

The crossroads of Silver and Silent Streets

:6,204 M Yurii first sees the boy with the reindeer cap at this location.

The crossroads of Silver and Silent Streets

:57,2,3 M Through following the seasons through their course, Yurii Zhivago's poems reproduce this cycle.

The cycle of life and love

:2,33 E The strike committee for the Moscow-Brest rail line argues about this topic.

The date of the strike

:6,219 M The poem Yurii writes while sick with typhus has this subject.

The days between entombment and resurrection

:5,173 H Pogorevshikh is actually this character referenced earlier in the novel.

The deaf-mute in Zabushino

:2,39 M This event coincides with Tiverzin's actions and also prompts the strike.

The decision of the strike committee to start the strike that night

:17,587 M The speaker in Zhivago's "The Earth," believes he must ensure this thing not lose heart.

The distances

:2,57 H The Beatitudes that refer to this kind of people resonate with Lara.

The downtrodden

:9,294 M The annex where Yurii's family lives in Varykino used to house these three household staff.

The dressmaker, the housekeeper, and the retired nanny

:1,18 H Misha Gordon is on the train for this reason in the first chapter.

The transfer of his father, Grigory Osipovich Gordon, to a new post in Moscow

:3,73 M Anna Gromeko gives the wardrobe that collapsed on her this nickname.

The tomb of Askold

:52,1,1 E Boris Pasternak often depicts stasis through this occurrence in Doctor Zhivago.

A train breaking down or stalling

:12,381 M Kubrikha wishes to serve the Red Army in this profession.

A veterinary to the cows

:5,165 M In attempt to persuade the murderous mob to stop, Commissar Gints jumps atop this object.

A water butt

:7,244 M Yurii falls deeply asleep aboard the train twice to the sound of this natural phenomenon.

A waterfall

:14,449 H Lara and Yurii plan to stay at Varykino for this length of time.

A week or two or a month

:12,388 H Kubrikha claims that a snowspout is actually this supernatural creature.

A werewolf

:17,578-9 M Zhivago's poem "Meeting" has this object.

A woman

:17,562 M The beginning of Zhivago's poem "Summer in Town" focuses on this central image.

A woman's hair

:8,275 M Samdeviatov claims that there is a gap between theory and practice requiring this revolutionary period.

The transitional period

:9,319 M After Yurii begins spending the night at Lara's, this detail causes him mortal torment.

The unchanged affection of his family

:54,1,0 M Boris Pasternak's description of the country differs from his description of Moscow in this key way.

The use of fictitious place names

:17,594 M In Zhivago's poem "Gethsemane," in the night only this place "was a place for the living."

The vegetable garden

:15,497 M The death of the widow for whom Vasia Brykin works pleases this group of people.

The village kulaks

:5,162 H Commissar Gints' emotional appeal is ineffective because the deserters saw too much of this event.

The war

:2,40 M This war resulted in the wound that put Tiverzin's brother in the hospital.

The war with Japan

:16,1,3 M Boris Pasternak's lyrics focused on this topic during World War I.

The war's devastation

:2,43 H This speaker is the most popular among the demonstrators in Moscow.

The worst orator

:33,1,2 E According to Boris Pasternak, this figure is the "only surviving individualist in a mass age."

The writer

:17,582-4 E The angels coming to visit Jesus in Zhivago's poem "Christmas Star" leave only this trace.

Their steps

:9,296 E According to Yurii, a work of art appeals to us by the presence of these five things.

Theme, subject, situations, characters, and art

:18,1,1 M Boris Pasternak published this volume of poetry in 1923 in Berlin.

Themes and Variations

:18,1,2 H This poetic volume by Boris Pasternak cannot be translated into English due to its technical difficulty.

Themes and Variations

:47 H This doctrine embraces mysticism, human perfectibility, and communion with the spirit world.


:17,561 M In Zhivago's poem "Explanation," the speaker warns the woman that this event may occur.

They may again be thrown together

:50,2,2 H Boris Pasternak wrote Doctor Zhivago from this point of view.

Third person omniscient

:13,421 H Lara does not like this kind of people.

Those who have never fallen or stumbled

:9,313 M According to Yurii, these people are not at home in anything except change and turmoil.

Those who inspired the revolution

:10,348 M Yurii tries to escape from the partisan army this number of times.


:47 E Anna Gromeko appears in this chapter.


:7,240 H It takes this number of days to clear the railway line at Lower Kelmes.


:8,277 M Mikulitsyn's son earns this number of medals in the army.


:18,2,1 H Boris Pasternak would later use characters and themes from this work published in June 1922.

Three Chapters from a Tale

:48 M Evgraf Zhivago appears in these four chapters.

Three, six, nine, and fifteen

:57,2,3 M Yurii Zhivago incorporates his love for Lara in his poems in this way.

Through passionate expressions of love between a man and a woman

:13,431 M Lara wishes to stay in the area near Yuriatin after Yurii returns for this reason.

To wait for and be within reach of Pasha

:2,48 M Vyvolochnov is a disciple of this Russian writer.


:2,49 M Nikolai Nikolayevich disagrees with this writer that devotion to beauty leads away from goodness.


:6,204-5 M Yurii compares the fearlessness of the Soviet Order to the styles of these two writers.

Tolstoy and Pushkin

:1,13 M Uncle Nikolai subscribes to these two dogmas.

Tolstoyism and revolutionary idealism

:47 H This character is Yurii's wife.


:2,48 E These two characters are Yurii's closest friends at the Gromekos'.

Tonia Gromeko and Misha Gordon

:3,79 E Anna Gromeko betroths these two characters to each other.

Tonia Gromeko and Yurii

:15,510 H Misha Gordon warns Yurii that he must straighten out his relationships with these two people.

Tonia and Marina

:14,458 M Lara believes that these two characters are better than herself and Yurii.

Tonia and Pasha

:55,1,3 M In Doctor Zhivago, these three pairs of lovers are star-crossed.

Tonia and Yurii, Lara and Pasha, and Lara and Yurii

:15,511 M Yurii suspects that this development may have led his family to begin writing to him again.

Tonia finding someone else

:8,279 E Yurii's family departs the train for Varykino at this station.


:5,148 M Commissar Gints insists upon this method of dealing with the deserters.

Touching their hearts

:2,34 M Pavel Ferapontovich Antipov has this occupation.

Track Overseer on the Moscow-Brest line

:46 E Lara appears in these twelve chapters.

Two, three, four, five, six, nine, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen

:47 E Tonia appears in these eleven chapters.

Two, three, four, five, six, seven, nine, eleven, twelve, thirteen, and fifteen

:46 E Pasha Antipov (aka Strelnikov) appears in these nine chapters.

Two, three, four, seven eight, nine twelve, thirteen, and fourteen

:47 M Tiverzin appears in these seven chapters.

Two, three, four, six, seven, nine, and ten

:13,415-6 M Yurii falls ill with this disease when he returns to Yuriatin.


:6,210 H Yurii diagnoses the woman in the house on Brest Street with this disease.


:2,29 M This cellist lends his apartment to Madame Guishar so she can receive Komarovsky.


:1,12 M This character shares only the concerns and terminology of the intelligentsia of the revolution.

Uncle Nikolai

:1,16 M .This character cannot hold a civil service position or go to Moscow or Petersburg.

Uncle Nikolai

:10,327 M This character goes up and down the highway making speeches to the new recruits.

Vlas Galuzin

:7,222 E A porter tells Yurii he will not get far by train without this good.


:7,232 H Prokhor Pritulyev's wife leaves for this incorrect location in hopes of finding him there.


:7,231 M This character is the guard of the conscripts in coach fourteen.


:29,1,2 M This theater director commissioned Boris Pasternak to translate Hamlet.

Vsevolod Meyerhold

:9,318 M Lara makes this effort to see Strelnikov when she realizes he is her husband.

Waiting in the "complaints" queue outside his door

:49,1,3 H Boris Pasternak expressed a desire for Doctor Zhivago to be in this novel's epic form.

War and Peace

:11,2,1 M Leonid Pasternak illustrated these two works by Leo Tolstoy.

War and Peace and Resurrection

:9,295 H The first winter at Varykino, Yurii's family reads these five works of literature.

War and Peace, Eugene Onegin, Rouge et Noir, Tale of Two Cities, and Kleist's short stories

:5,164 M Commissar Gints threatens the deserters with putting them before these government bodies.

War-revolutionary tribunals

:14,478 M According to Yurii, these two things are history's organic agents.

Wars and revolutions

:15,502 M Yurii calls on Markel's family to retrieve this resource.


: 16,2,0 H This is a symbol of mastery or a poetic signature.

An Apelles mark

:4,118 M This image inspires Pasha Antipov to join the army.

An army train

:2,32 M This character dances with Lara and kisses her at a name day party.


:16,541 E Tania's mother gives her up to this character.


:16,543 E This character is spiteful because Tania can walk and Petya cannot.


:4,116 E This character is the Antipovs' maid in Yuriatin.


:6,184 H Yurii's son is the living image of this character.

Maria Nikolayevna

:8,274 E Samdeviatov belongs to this profession.


:10,343 H The word sabotaznik has this meaning.

Someone who belongs to the same gang

:13,419 H Lara meets Tonia on this occasion.

The birth of Yurii's second child

:15,2,3 H Boris Pasternak wrote this first book of poetry.

Twin in the Stormclouds

:36,1,2 H This chapter opens in 1905.


:46 E Amalia Guishar appears in this chapter.


:46 M Pavel Antipov appears in this chapter.


:47 H Shura Schlesinger appears in these two chapters.

Two and six

:5,170 M The war separates Yurii from his wife for this length of time.

Two years

:17,570-3 E The horseman in Zhivago's poem "A Fairy Tale" receives this warning.

"'Beware of the water,/Tighten your girth.'"

:17,569 M This poem by Zhivago features a horseman trying to save a girl from a dragon.

"A Fairy Tale"

:35,2,2 M Chapter Two has this title.

"A Girl from a Different World"

:20,1,4 M Boris Pasternak published this story in the journal Russian Contemporary in 1924.

"Aerial Ways"

:40,2,0 M Chapter Eight has this title.


:17,566-7 H This poem by Zhivago seems to speak of his time living with Lara at Varykino.


:17,583 E This poem by Zhivago tells the story of the nativity.

"Christmas Star"

:17,595 M These six poems by Zhivago concern the life and death of Jesus.

"Christmas Star," "Miracle," "Evil Days," "Mary Magdalene I," "Mary Magdalene II," and "Gethsemane"

:35,2,1 H Chapter One has this title.

"The Five O'Clock Express"

:15,517 M Yurii dies in this location.

A tram in Moscow

:2,48 H Yurii and his friends have a mania for this subject in their youth.


:13,433 M Sima Tuntseva does not like these two words.

Culture and epoch

:50,2,1 H This person wrote The Divine Comedy.

Dante Alighieri

:35,2,1 E Chapter One has this number of sections.


:44,1,1 M Strelnikov's blood in the snow looks like this fruit.


:5,144 M This character is the former cook of the Countess Zhabrinskaya.


:17,563 M In this poem by Zhivago, the speaker addresses his loved one after death.


:17,575 M This poem by Zhivago contains the refrain "The candle on the table burned,/The candle burned."

"Winter Night"

:55,1,1 M This poem by Yurii Zhivago highlights the predestination of Yurii and Lara's love affair.

"Winter Night"

:11,359 M Yurii feels that the partisan army forgets this proverb.

"You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink."

:17,568 H In Zhivago's poem "Autumn," the speaker describes the woman as this thing to him.

"a good gift on the road to destruction"

:25,1,3 M Stalin outlined this new artistic method to writers in Maxim Gorky's apartment in 1932.

"socialist realism"

:28,1,1 H Boris Pasternak reinvented this term to include Tolstoy and the rebellious nature of art.

"socialist realism"

:17,580 H In Zhivago's poem "Meeting," this thing will remain in the speaker's heart forever.

"the humility of your expression"

:17,568 M In Zhivago's poem "Autumn," the speaker demands "yesterday's cup of bitterness" be filled with this thing.

"the pain of to-day"

:17,582 M In Zhivago's poem "Christmas Star," this thing "startled the universe."

"the sight of the new star"

:17,585 M In Zhivago's poem "Daybreak" this thing disturbed the speaker "after all these years."

"your voice"

:3,90 M Before leaving for the Sventitskys' Christmas party, Yurii comes up with this line of poetry.

'A candle burned on the table'

:10,337 E This character is a pillar of Russian anarchism and is at the meeting with Lidochka.

'Black Banner' Vdovichenko

:15,515 M Yurii may have written this poem while drawn to urban images.


:6,196 M Yurii keeps a diary of prose and verse with this title upon his return to Moscow.

'Manikins and Men'

:4,107 H Lyudmila Chepurko sings these two songs at the Antipovs' wedding.

'The Vineyard' and the song which began 'Undo the plait, scatter the fair hair'

:6,219 H Yurii writes this poem in while delirious with typhus.


:6,219 H These two lines recur to Yurii while delirious with typhus.

'We are glad to be near you' and 'Time to wake up'

:17,564 E In Zhivago's poem "Wind," the wind will serve this purpose for the speaker's loved one.

A lullaby

:12,387 H Stabbing a snowspout is an element of this spell of Kubrikha's

A spell that makes a man pine for you

:50,2,0 M In reference to the ancient world, Moscow would seem to be this city.

A third Rome

:15,529 H Lara tells a dead Yurii her life has not been worth living since this event.

A three-month hospitalization

:4,103 M Kologrivov offers Lara this amount of money as a bonus for Lipa's graduation.

10,000 roubles

:33,2,1 H Boris Pasternak responded to the Soviets repressing his work by asserting this role in society.

An artist

:5,143 H Blazheiko wishes to establish this sort of order at Zabushino.

A millennial kingdom with shared work and property

:2,57 M Lara dreams she has these three anatomical anomalies during her affair with Komarovsky.

A missing right side and left foot and grass sprouting from her left nipple

:1,9-10 M This place is where Yurii and his uncle spend the night following Yurii's mother's funeral.

A monastery where Uncle Nikolai received a room for old time's sake

:17,557 M The couple in Zhivago's poem "White Night" "were held in timid fidelity" to this thing.

A mystery

:17,557 H Zhivago's poem "White Night" features the call of this bird.

A nightingale

:11,359 M Yurii hears rumors that this kind of force sacked Varykino.

A non-Russian force

:17,595 M In Zhivago's poem "Gethsemane," Jesus says the passage of centuries is like this thing.

A parable

:45,2,0 H This version of a father's name identifies a person as a son or daughter.

A patronymic

:17,565 M In "The Wedding Party," Zhivago compares "a girl as white as snow" to this bird.

A peacock

:5,156 H According to Yurii, everyone went through these two revolutions in the war.

A personal one and the general one

:2,37 E This event occurs when Tiverzen confronts Khudolyev about his treatment of Yuspuka.

A physical fight

:17,553 E Zhivago's poem "Hamlet" compares life to this thing.

A play

:38,1,0 E The scene of Galiullin's father's death ends with this literary device.

A prolepsis

:6,199 M Yurii find this person wounded at the crossroads near Silver Street.

A prominent political leader

:2,69-79 E The narrator compares Lara and Komarovsky's connection to that between these two things.

A puppet master and his puppet

:12,392 M This tree comes to represent Lara to Yurii.

A rowan tree

:58,1,0 M The hero in Yurii Zhivago's poems is this kind of figure.

A sacrificial figure

:1,23 H Zhivago gives this last gift to Misha.

A small wooden box of minerals from the Urals

:1,10 M This weather event emphasizes Yurii's isolation following his mother's death.

A snowstorm

:7,225 M This weather event the night before Yurii's family's departure reminds them of their past sorrows.

A snowstorm

:17,558 M The horseman in "Spring Floods" rides towards this location.

A solitary farm in the Urals

:10,346 M Koska believes this kind of person set off the explosion.

A "political" from Pazhinsk

:6,214 M The Borough Council decides to turn the house on Brest Street over to this function.

A Borough Council hostel for visitors from the country

:3,86 E Komarovsky is attending this event when Lara seeks him out to ask for money.

A Christmas party

:5,164 E The deserters fear that Commissar Gints has this actual identity.

A German spy

:4,107 M Komarovsky insists Moscow would become like this place without the Antipovs.

A Sahara

:15,509 H Boniface Orletsov belongs to this profession.

A Tikhonovite priest

:8,287 M Mikulitsyn is among the first to set up this committee.

A Works Committee

:16,543 M This kind of person kills Tania's foster father, Vasia.

A bandit

:10,344 E Terentii and Goshka hide in this location in the chaos following the explosion.

A barn

:9,312 H Yurii expected Strelnikov to be like one of these two figures.

A bashi-bazook or a revolutionary Jack the Ripper

:3,92 M Seeing Komarovsky with a girl at the Sventitskys' Christmas party upsets Lara for this reason.

A belief that she is his next victim

:7,260 E Yurii notices this prisoner as a guard leads him to Strelnikov.

A boy in a school uniform with a wounded head

:5,160 M Yurii and Mademoiselle Fleury mistake the noise of these two objects for a knocking visitor.

A branch against the pantry window and a broken shutter

:6,217 M This event precedes both Yurii's and his patient's cases of typhus.

A broken clock suddenly working

:5,145 M The revolutionary council of Meliuzeievo institutes this kind of movement to counteract Zabushino's influence.

A campaign of enlightenment

:17,581 H In Zhivago's poem "Christmas Star," the child is born in this kind of shelter.

A cave

:15,495 M Vasia Brykin hides in this location during the destruction of his town.

A cave in the quarries

:10,328 M The house at the corner by the timber yard in Holycross contained these seven businesspeople.

A chemist, a notary, a tailor, a watch mender, a cobbler, an engraver, and photographers

:2,38 E Onlookers worry that Khudoleyev will use this weapon to smash Tiverzen's head during their altercation.

A chisel

:17,580-1 E In Zhivago's "Meeting," the person the speaker meets is engraved on his heart with this object.

A chisel dipped in acid

:53,2,1 E Yurii rejects this concept when he leaves Varykino and returns to Moscow.

A complete return to the land

:16,533 E Both Gordon and Dudorov spend time in this kind of place prior to World War II.

A concentration camp

:26,2,1 E The Soviet government ultimately exiled Osip Mandelstam to this place in 1938.

A concentration camp in Vladivostok

:14,463 M Yurii concludes that the poetry he writes in Varykino requires this element.

A connecting theme

:6,189 M This quality in both Yurii and his uncle Nikolai brings them together.

A creative temperament

:54,2,1 M This kind of spirit pervades Doctor Zhivago.

A deeply religious spirit

:14,465 M At Varykino, Lara hears this sound and believes it is a bad omen.

A dog howling

:2,53 H Lara feels like this kind of woman after beginning her affair with Komarovsky.

A fallen woman

:15,507 H Misha Gordon's residence in Moscow used to be this kind of shop.

A fashionable tailor

:5,175 M Pogorevshikh offers Yurii this parting gift.

A fat duck

:2,28 E Lana and Rodion share this fear with children raised in an orphanage.

A fear of the rich

:17,586 M In Zhivago's poem, the man strikes down this thing because it is barren.

A fig tree

:5,144 M The independent republic at Zabushino lasted this length of time.

A fortnight

:11,371-2 M The narrator personifies the rowan tree as this figure.

A foster mother

:12,387 H According to Kubrikha, two intertwined twigs are actually this object.

A garland a water spirit weaves for her daughter

:17,570 M In Zhivago's poem "A Fairy Tale" the village paid this tribute to the dragon.

A girl

:14,488 M Yurii dreams that this sound is his mother's water-color falling from the wall.

A gunshot

:54,2,3 M Shortly before he dies, Yurii compares life to this kind of place.

A hippodrome

:4,109 M Lara notices this animal outside the window at her going away party.

A hobbled horse

:17,571 E In Zhivago's poem "A Fairy Tale," this thing kills the dragon.

A horse's trampling

:8,285 M Yurii's family asks for these three things from Mikulitsyn.

A hut, a strip of land, and a cart-load of firewood from the forest

:13,398 E A proclamation in Yuriatin says that anyone without this object will be prosecuted.

A labor book

:4,103 M This early gift from Komarovsky symbolizes power and wealth to Lara.

A large watermelon

:12,386 E Kubrikha asks for these two rewards for healing Agatha Palykh's cow.

A loaf of bread and her husband

:4,139 M It surprises Lara that she and Galiullin met at this address in their youth.

28 Brest Street

:7,246 E While Yurii sleeps on the train, two men speak of a town fined this amount.

40,000 puds

:3,83 M Lara's brother gambles away this amount of money.

700 rubles

:10,344 M This event interrupts the farewell celebration for conscripts in Kutieny.

An explosion

:5,143 M This group of people supported the independent republic at Zabushino.

Deserters from the 212th line regiment

:9,316 E According to Lara, Military Academy cadets would do this if their instructor was unpopular.

Ambush and shoot him, saying he is a Bolshevik sympathizer

:7,247 H Strelnikov travels in this kind of vehicle.

An armored train

:31,2,2 M Boris Pasternak's work on this book spanned ten years, from 1946 to 1955.


:15,491 H During Yurii's journey from Varykino to Moscow, he obtains food from this source.

Abandoned fields

:6,187 M This character gets into much trouble in the army for these two reasons.

Absent-mindedness and forgetting to salute officers

:11,351 E Pelagia Tiagunova has to leave Veretenniki for this reason.

Accusations of a love affair with Vasia

:7,253 M According to Yurii, the Gromekos lost this trait a generation ago.

Acquisitive passion

:50,2,0 M Doctor Zhivago alludes to this individual upon whom a people's myth and history is founded.


:50,2,1 M Yurii escaping the Forest Brotherhood parallels this episode in The Aeneid.

Aeneas escaping the underworld

:12,383 H This character asks Kubrikha to help her husband.

Agatha Palykh

:8,277 H Mikulitisin marries this Tuntseva sister.

Agrippina Tuntseva

:8,277 M These are the names of the four Tuntseva sisters.

Agrippina, Avdotya, Glaphira, and Seraphima

:7,241 H The country near Lower Kelmes reminds Yurii of the Asia of this artist's sketches.


:12,378 H Yurii requires this substance to dissolve iodine crystals and prepare tincture of quinine.


:6,185 E This product was a common currency during the Russian Revolution.


:6,183 E Yurii's son has this name.

Alexander (nicknamed Sasha)

:2,65 M These three people leave the concert at the Gromekos' with Tishkevich.

Alexander Alexandrovich, Misha Gordon, and Yurii

:13,2,1 H This poet's conception of the Russian city influenced Boris Pasternak.

Alexander Blok

:18,2,2 H In his Autobiographical Essay, Boris Pasternak recalls people insulting and catcalling this author.

Alexander Blok

:31,1,1 E This Soviet mouthpiece of the Writers' Union warned of the "formalist-aesthete's school."

Alexander Fadeev

:10,1,1 E This tsar emancipated the serfs in 1861.

Alexander II

:18,1,2 H This poet had an especial influence on Boris Pasternak's "Themes and Variations."

Alexander Pushkin

:30,2,1 M Stefan Shimanski compared Boris Pasternak's work to this Russian writer's.

Alexander Pushkin

:40,2,3 H Yurii finds inspiration in these two writers at Varykino.

Alexander Pushkin and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

:11,2,2 H This famous Russian writer influenced Boris Pasternak in his youth.

Alexander Scriabin

:14,2,1 H Boris Pasternak gave up his musical aspirations due to lack of support from this composer.

Alexander Scriabin

:21,2,1 H Only these four people stirred Boris Pasternak as much as Marina Tsvetaeva's Poem of the End.

Alexander Scriabin, Ranier Maria Rilke, Vladimir Mayakovsky, and Herman Cohen

:5,148 H Commissar Gints rejects this suggestion for dealing with the deserters.

Allowing a Cossack regiment to surround the deserters

:5,171 H Pogorevshikh's opinions have this tendency.

Always to deny the commonly accepted view

:46 M This character is Lara and Rodion's mother.

Amalia Guishar

:15,530 M Lara meets this fate at the end of the novel.

Arrest and death in a concentration camp

:9,298 H According to Yurii, this characteristic of Crime and Punishment shakes one more than Raskolnikov's crime.


:9,300 M According to Yurii, progress in this discipline follows the example of the most admired predecessors.


:3,73 E Yurii feels drawn to these two subjects in addition to medicine.

Art and history

:7,255 H This sound alerts Yurii to the fact that they are near the front at Yuriatin.


:12,2,1 H Boris Pasternak's father signed this document in May 1905.

Artists' Resolution

:3,95 E Yurii regards God in this way as a child.

As a keeper of the world of adults

:58,2,1 M The image of the stage holds this significance in Yurii Zhivago's poem "Hamlet."

As a metaphor for life

:1,26 M Nadia and Nika Dudorov regard falling into the pond together in this way.

As absurd

:3,97 H In adulthood, Yurii begins to regard the universe in this way in relation to himself.

As on equal footing

:2,34 H Fluflygin dismisses Antipov's concerns about the spare parts for this reason.

As only relevant on main lines or those with a lot of traffic

:5,167 H The youth in Yurii's train compartment pronounces the vowel oo in these two ways.

As the French u or the German ü

:58,2,1 M The Garden of Gethsemane has this biblical significance.

As the place Christ asks to be released from his impending doom

:24,2,3 H In 1932, harsh attacks by RAPP critics led Boris Pasternak to take this action.

Attempt suicide

:6,212 M This character cares for the house on Brest Street where Yurii visits a patient.

Aunt Fatima

:6,214 E This character is actually Galiullin's mother.

Aunt Fatima

:6,216 E This character believes that Galiullin took the wrong road in the revolution.

Aunt Fatima

:17,564 M In Zhivago's poem "Indian Summer," Zhivago personifies this thing as "the old rang-and-bone merchant."


:8,278 M This Tuntseva sister is an assistant at the Public Library and is very shy.

Avdotya Tuntseva

:48 H This character is the estate manager for Varykino.

Averkii Mikulitsyn

:17,559 H In Zhivago's poem "Spring Floods," the storm seems to foreshadow this event.


:50,2,2 M The use of Lara echoes the use of this character in The Divine Comedy.


:13,427 H Lara believes that her husband went to war for this reason.

Because he imagined himself a burden to Lara and Katia

:12,378 E The forest brotherhood plans to send away soldiers' families for this reason.

Because they are considered bad for discipline

:40,2,1 H This legendary figure of the Varykino region made himself a set of iron guts.


:8,280 H This character drives Yurii's family from the train station to Varykino

Bacchus Mekhonóshin

:9,313 H According to Lara, Yurii's attitude towards the revolution changes in this way following the war.

Becomes harsher

:13,418 M Lara says Yurii is in danger for these three reasons when he returns to Yuriatin.

Being the son of a Siberian millionaire, the husband of the daughter of a local landowner, and a fugitive of the partisan army

:8,288 H Mikulitsyn is unhappy at the arrival of Yurii's family for this reason.

Belief that it puts him in danger

:4,105 H Lara tries to end her relationship with Pasha for this reason.

Belief that she is not worthy of him

:13,1,1 H The Pasternak family moved to this place in 1905.


:6,192 H Shura Schlesinger is an old student of this university.


:6,199 M Strange things happen to Yurii at this location.

Between Silver Street and Silent Street

:1,22 M Zhivago questions Misha Gordon's father on these four legal matters.

Bills of Exchange, Deeds of Settlement, bankruptcy, and fraud

:5,142 M This town near Meliuzeievo has the nearest railway junction.


:5,143 M This character sets up the independent republic at Zabushino.


:10,334 H Ksyusha is in love with this character.


:3,88 M The night of the Sventitskys' Christmas party, Yurii ruminates on his article on this author.


:51,2,3 M Rowanberries represent this thing in Doctor Zhivago.


:2,38 H Tiverzin performs this action to prompt the railroad workers to strike.

Blows the horn at the engine repair shop

:17,567 H In Zhivago's "The Wedding Party", these kinds of birds chase the wedding party.

Blue-grey pigeons

:17,569 H In Zhivago's poem "Autumn," this thing is the root of beauty.


:15,509 M This cellmate of Nika Dudorov's during his exile interests Yurii.

Boniface Orletsov

: 28,1,2 M This person recommended patience to see how the new constitution would far in practice in Izvestia.

Boris Pasternak

:28,1,1 M The Writers' Union used this writer as an example of deviation from Soviet doctrine.

Boris Pasternak

:26,1,1 M These two writers came to Osip Mandelstam's defense by personally appealing to Stalin.

Boris Pasternak and Nikolai Bukharin

:15,516 H Evgraf finds Yurii a job at this hospital in Moscow.

Botkin (Soldatenko) Hospital

:13,418-9 M Lara compares Tonia to a work of art by this artist.


:5,169-70 H Yurii attributes the youth in his train compartment's odd speech to this medical problem.

Brain trouble

:33,1,3 M Boris Pasternak's inability to perform this action put his relationship with Olga Ivinskaia in jeopardy.

Break with his family

:30,1,1 M Boris Pasternak visited the war front during World War II at this location.


:2,66 E Misha and Yurii cannot stay outside Madame Guishar's room for this reason.

Broken plates from an accident on the floor in the hallway

:7,263 H Strelnikov makes these two general reforms within the Red Army.

Brought an epidemic of desertions under control and reorganized the recruiting bodies

:12,380 M The female refugees engage in this activity counterproductive to Red Army success.

Building roads through the forest

:6,199 E The rat catcher obtains firewood through this means.

Buying up houses for fuel

:6,200 M The wounded man Yurii helps near Silver Street repays Yurii in this way.

By acting as his protector

:7,264 H Strelnikov accuses Yurii of this crime.

Deserting his army post

:13,441 M Yurii reacts in this way to Tonia's letter that he receives at Lara's house.

By fainting

:4,117 M Lara contributes in this way to Pasha's feelings of oppression while living in Yuriatin.

By fussing over him

:15,515 M Yurii believes that these things inspire truly modern contemporary art.


:17,578-9 M In Zhivago's poem "Partings," a tide of this thing brought the speaker's lover to him.


:5,174 E According to Pogorevshikh, this process is necessary before the government can create a new order.


:2,35 M When Tiverzin sees Fuflygin's wife outside the office, he decides on this course of action.

Calling for his wages later to avoid running into her husband

:35,2,0 E One can separate Doctor Zhivago. into these three parts.

Chapters 1-15, the Epilogue, and Zhivago's poems

:2,62 H The brothers Gromeko have this occupation.

Chemistry professor

:16,532 H Misha Gordon and Nika Dudorov meet in this town in the summer of 1943.


:7,263 H Strelnikov puts down a rebellion at this location where a loyal commander was killed.

Chirkin Us

:29,2,3 M Boris Pasternak eventually evacuated to this city during World War II.


:7,222 H The government pays Alexander Alexandrovich and Yurii with this highest currency.

Chits on the new closed-consumer shops

:1,16 H History began with this person, according to Uncle Nikolai.


:1,16 M Uncle Nikolai believes being true to immortality is the same as being true to this person.


:17,586 M In Zhivago's poem "The Miracle," the man in the poem is presumably this person.


:17,589 M In Zhivago's poem "Evil Days," this person experiences persecution.


:59,1,0 M In Yurii Zhivago's poem "Hamlet," Hamlet merges his identity with this person.


:57,2,2 M Yurii Zhivago's poems frequently use this kind of imagery and symbolism.


:31,2,3 M In 1946, Boris Pasternak began incorporating this philosophy in his work.


:4,133 M According to Misha Gordon, one must apply this philosophy to facts to give them meaning.


:15,509 H This character is Boniface Orletsov's daughter.

Christina Orletsova

:15,509 M This character's father's imprisonment made her a disciple of communism.

Christina Orletsova

:16,532 E This character was hanged for blowing up the German fortress called the Stables.

Christina Orletsova

:16,533 M Nika Dudorov is engaged to this person during World War II.

Christina Orletsova

:16,540 M Evgraf meets Tania when asking questions about this character.

Christina Orletsova

:3,89 E Yurii considers Blok a manifestation of this holiday in modern Russian life and art.


:2,57 H Lara goes to this place during her affair with Komarovsky to find inward music.


:11,351 E Liberius Mikulitsyn has an addiction to this substance.


:35,2,1 H Boris Pasternak uses this method, where incidents occur simultaneously but with unknown significance.


:49,1,3 H According to Krystyna Pamorska, Boris Pasternak uses this method in place of a causal chain.

Coincidence of circumstances

:47 H This character is a young official killed in the 1917 Revolution.

Commissar Gints

:17,555 M In Zhivago's poem "Holy Week," the air tastes like this holy object.

Communion bread

:16,541 H According to Tania, this character is her mother's husband.

Comrade Komarov

:16,541 M Tania's mother keeps Tania's existence from this character due to his hatred of children.

Comrade Komarov

:10,338 H Kostoyed Amursky has these two underground names.

Comrade Lidochka and Berendey

:9,319 M Yurii wishes to assuage his guilt for his affair by taking these three actions.

Confess to Tonia, beg her for forgiveness, and never see Lara again

:13,1,1 H The Artists' Resolution called for these five freedoms.

Conscience, expression, press, assembly and meeting, and personal immunity

:3,76 H Yurii defines this word as a beam of light that lights the way ahead of us.


:7,229 M Yurii marvels at the juxtaposition of people from all walks of life within this group.


:12,374 H Yurii witnesses the execution of characters accused of these two crimes.

Conspiracy and distilling vodka

:2,52 H This character joins Komarovsky on his morning walks.

Constantine Illarionovich Satanidi

:1,20 E Misha Gordon has this kind of attitude towards grownups in the first chapter.


:49,1,1 M This is the attribute of one item being next to another.


:49,1,1 Terms M According to Larissa Rudova, Boris Pasternak uses this technique rather than similarity, contrast, or causality.


:5,144 H The hospital at which Yurii works in Meliuzeievo is the former residence of this character.

Countess Zhabrinskaya

:2,34 M Pavel Antipov expresses a concern to Fluflygin that spare rail parts will suffer this problem.

Cracking in winter

:8,276 M Samdeviatov insists that Mikulitsyn will not turn Yurii's family away because Mikulitsyn has this trait.

Criminal kindness

:16,536 M Christina Orletsova expresses her love to Dudorov through this action while a student.

Criticizing him

:16,1,1 H This literary school used theme of modern technology and civilization, often using shocking images.


:7,223 H Most of the Yurii's family's luggage is intended for this use.


:1,14 M According to Uncle Nikolai, this word is another word for life.


:5,144 M Blazheiko's assistant has this unique trait.

Deaf-muteness with speech granted at certain times

:17,574 H In the poem "August," Zhivago personifies this thing as standing like a government surveyor.


:3,97 H Yurii believes that art has these two preoccupations.

Death and creating life

:57,2,2 M Yurii Zhivago's poems have these two overriding concerns.

Death and resurrection

:1,24 H This character is Nika Dudorov's father and a terrorist condemned by hanging.

Dementii Dudorov

:13,437 H In Yuriatin, Yurii receives a letter from Tonia saying that his family suffers this misfortune.


:6,214 H Tiverzin suffers this fate during the revolution.


:1,19 M Yurii is in this type of mood throughout most of the first chapter.


:7,239 E Lower Kelmes commits these three crimes.

Dissolving their Poor Peasants Committee, refusing to supply horses, and resisting the mobilization decree

:28,1,0 H This composer wrote the opera Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk.

Dmitry Shostakovich

:15,498 E Rotten Kharlam accuses Vasia Brykin of these three crimes.

Dodging the labor service, killing the old woman, and stirring up the village

:33,1,2 M Boris Pasternak discussed taking this action with Olga Ivinskaia due to worries of forced exile.

Double suicide

:15,530 H Lara reassures a dead Yurii that she has not taken up this bad habit.


:14,477 M After Lara leaves Varykino, Yurii engages in these two activities.

Drinking vodka and writing about Lara

:1,22 H Zhivago suffers these three ailments in the months prior to his suicide.

Drunkenness, insomnia, and torments when he did not drink

:11,356 E Yurii feels that the educational work of the partisan army resembles these communities' teachings.


:17,554 H In Zhivago's poem "March," this substance is the "life-giver."


:12,380 H The Red Army sends refugees to this town.


:30,1,3 H Boris Pasternak published this volume of poetry near the end of World War II.

Earthly Expanse

:48 M Samdeviatov appears in these four chapters.

Eight, nine, thirteen, and fourteen

:17,2,1 H Boris Pasternak's infatuation with this woman inspired his poetry around the time of the revolution.

Elena Vinograd

:2,52 H This character is Komarovsky's housekeeper.

Emma Ernestovna

:17,592 M In Zhivago's "Mary Magdalene II," Magdalene predicts that she will be pushed down into this thing.


:29,2,1 H Boris Pasternak's mother and sisters moved to this country during World War II.


:49,2,1 M Doctor Zhivago has these five elements in common with Tolstoy's work.

Epic structure, symbolism, mysticism, religion, and coincidental conjunction

:15,1,0 Terms M This is the study of how humans construct knowledge.


:31,1,0 M This person received the Nobel Prize instead of Boris Pasternak in 1954.

Ernest Hemmingway

:2,50 H According to Nikolai Nikolalyevich, people assume these two things are the most important in the Gospels.

Ethical teachings and the commandments

:19,2,1 M This person is Boris Pasternak's first child.

Evgenii Pasternak

Boris Pasternak married this daughter of a prominent Jewish family in Petrograd in February 1922.

Evgeniya Lerye

:15,513 M This character helps Yurii go into hiding in Moscow.


:15,523 E This character confirms to Lara that Pasha Antipov committed suicide.


:15,530 H Lara tells this character an important fact before she leaves Kamerger Street.


:16,548 M This character compiled Yurii's writings into a book.


:3,79 H This character is Yurii's half-brother.


:6,220 E This character suggests that Yurii's "go back to the land."


:6,220 H The boy with the reindeer cap is this character


:9,301 M This familiar character comes to visit Yurii's family at Yuriatin.


:9,303 E This character has more influence than Samdeviatov and has mysterious work and connections.


:9,303-4 E According to Yurii, this character is almost symbolical and comes unsummoned to the rescue.


:47 H This character is Yurii's half-brother.

Evgraf Zhivago

:48 E This character is the son of Andrei Zhivago and Siberian Princess Stolbunova-Enrici.

Evgraf Zhivago

:48 E This character mystically appears in the narrative when Yurii and Lara need help.

Evgraf Zhivago

:55,2,2 M This character serves as Yurii's shadow.

Evgraf Zhivago

:49,1,1 M Yurii meets these two characters in passing before they become a major part of his life.

Evgraf Zhivago and Lara

:15,520 H These two characters appear reconciled with Yurii's death at his funeral.

Evgraf and Lara

:16,546 M These three characters realize Tania's true identity.

Evgraf, Misha Gordon, and Nika Dudorov

:11,353 H Yurii notices that both Red and White soldiers carry this talisman.

Excerpts from the ninetieth Psalm

:7,236 H This fate would come to Voronyuk if he let Vasia Brykin escape.


:1,11 E Yurii remembers these four things named after his family.

Factories, a bank, a tie pin, and a cake

:2,30 M This character is the senior cutter at Levitskaya's and is Madame Guishar's assistant.

Faina Silantyevana Fetisova

:25,1,2 H That the Soviets paid no heed to this calamity among the people angered Boris Pasternak.


:16,537 E Nika Dudorov believes that Tania's name must be a corruption of a word with this meaning.


:5,142 M Yurii plans to speak to Lara following her return to Meliuzeievo for this reason.

Fear that his behavior towards her has been ambiguous

:3,85 E Lara wants to leave the Kologrivovs for this reason.

Feelings of being superfluous in the household

:11,1,0 E These Russian writers were not strictly Marxists and only published at the whim of the government.

Fellow travelers

:44,1,3 H This chapter spans approximately 1922-29.


:4,129 E According to Yurii, the Russian Jews suffer these six injustices during World War I.

Fighting in their Pale of Settlement, punitive taxation, destruction of property, pogroms, insults, and accusations of lack of patriotism

:16,1,1 M The Cubo-Futurists in Russia rebuffed this visitor, wanting to claim their own space in the theory.

Filippo Marinetti

:16,1,1 M This person was the leader of futurism in Italy.

Filippo Marinetti

:6,180 M Yurii wants to send Tonia to this place to avoid the forthcoming famine and cold.


:17,587 M In Zhivago's "The Earth," these two things are "in the open air and in homely comfort."

Fire and uneasiness

:45,2,1 Terms E The Russians use this form of semi-formal address.

First name and patronymic

:47 M Commissar Gints appears in this chapter.


:47 M Pogorevshiek appears in this chapter.


:56,1,3 M The sign "Moreau and Vetchinkin. Seeders. Threshers." appears this number of times in Doctor Zhivago.


:47 M Mademoiselle Fleury appears in these two chapters.

Five and fifteen

:48 H Pamphil Palykh appears in these three chapters.

Five, eleven, and twelve

:2,55 M Lara feels these three emotions regarding her affair with Komarovsky.

Flattery, horror at herself, and hatred for him

:51,2,2 M The whiteness of a rowan tree represents this thing in Doctor Zhivago.


:12,377 M During Yurii's final winter with the partisans, there is a shortage of these three goods.

Flour, potatoes, and winter clothing

:14,444-5 H According to Komarovsky, Yurii is in danger of arrest for this reason.

Flouting the communist style openly

:2,70 H Yurii first sees Lara on this occasion.

Following her mother's suicide attempt

:6,193 E Moscow's people suffer from a lack of these two supplies the winter following Yurii's return.

Food and firewood

:3,77 M Anna Gromeko's condition takes this kind of turn following her conversation with Yurii about death.

For the better

:12,386 M According to Kubrikha, there is a war between these two forces in the forest.

Forces of evil and the angelic hosts

:11,2,0 H Doctor Zhivago is modern in these two aspects.

Form and theme

:7,234 H The head of the convoy cannot release Vasia Brykin for this reason.

Formal difficulties in the way of him doing anything until they arrived

:11,1,1 M The Soviets censored this literary school that paid attention to literary forms and structures.


:17,576 M In Zhivago's poem "Winter Night," the refrain repeats this number of times.


:47 M Galuillin appears in these five chapters.

Four, five, six, nine, and thirteen

:2,47 M This guardian of Yurii's spends the money intended for Yurii's upkeep on himself.

Freddy Ostromyslensky

:7,229 M This group of people occupies the middle compartment of the train from Moscow.

Free passengers

:10,2,0 H Like much of the Russian aristocracy, Alexander Pushkin grew up speaking this language.


:13,2,2 H Boris Pasternak had contact with these six symbolist writers.

Friedrich Nietzsche, Oscar Wilde, Charles Baudelaire, Stéphane Mallarmé, Arthur Rimbaud, and Paul Verlaine

:17,585; M In Zhivago's poem "The Miracle," the man walks from this location to this location.

From Bethany to Jerusalem

:10,2,2 M Russian literature made this important shift following the Russian Revolution.

From focus on the Western writers and styles to focus on the proletarian masses

:17,580 H The final stanza of Zhivago's poem makes this shift in point of view.

From second person to first person plural

:14,478 M Yurii likens the course of history to images of from this category.

From the vegetable kingdom

:34,1,3 M Ann Pasternak Slater acknowledges Richard Pevear and Larissa Volohonsky's accomplishments translating these two writers.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky and Leo Tolstoy

:5,149 M This character tries to dissuade Commissar Gints from the plan for dealing with the deserters.


:5,158 M The mob that lynches Commissar Gints chases this character out of town.


:7,246 E Yurii hears that this character leads the White forces in the Urals.


:4,125 H These four characters witness the death of Private Gimazetdin.

Galiullin, Lara, Misha Gordon, and Yurii

:47 H This character is an acquaintance of Pasha Antipov and eventually becomes a White Army general.


:10,324 M This character is the grocer's wife in Holycross and leaves church early on Maundy Thursday.


:10,344 M The word vataga has this meaning.


:2,46 H Nikolai Nikolayevich meets with these three writers while living in Petersburg.

Gapon, Gorky, and Witte

:4,123 E Galiullin starts in the army in this position.

Garrison commander in a small town at the rear

:6,220 E Tonia and her father have his primary motivation to move to the Varykino estate.

Getting a plot to grow vegetables until the new land tenure system is established

:32,1,1 M Doctor Zhivago was first published by this publisher.

Giangiacomo Feltrinelli

:2,39 M This character warns Tiverzin that the police have been asking questions about him.

Gimazetdin (Yuspuka's father)

:57,2,1 E Misha Gordon insists that the Jews must take this action.

Give up their communal identity

:13,407 H This character cuts Yurii's hair when he returns to Yuriatin.

Glasha Tuntsev

:8,279 M This Tuntseva sister is a hard worker and has had a variety of careers.

Glasha Tuntseva

:2,59 M The seamstresses at Madame Guishar's shop do this because everyone else is doing it.

Go on strike

:13,434 H According to Sima Tuntseva, man has these two parts.

God and work

:18,2,1 H Boris Pasternak translated these two authors to supplement his income in the early 1920s.

Goethe and Ben Johnson

:6,191 H This character has the nickname 'the Tapeworm' due to his height and thinness.


:9,301 M According to Yurii, these three writers looked for the meaning of life and prepared for death.

Gogol, Tolstoy, and Dostoyevsky

:17,575 M The last three stanzas of Zhivago's poem "August" begin with this word.


:7,237 M The driver refers to the sailors as "stormy petrels" in reference to this writer's story.


:10,340 M According to Vdovichenko, the Convention's demise arose from this failing of France's Jacobin dictatorship.

Hammering in civic institutions from above, rather than letting them grow up from below

:33,1,4 E The Soviets possibly arrested Boris Pasternak to remove him before the arrival of this person.

Harold Macmillan

:34,2,1 M These two people did the 1958 English translation of Doctor Zhivago.

Hayward and Harari

:6,198 M Yurii discusses these two philosophers with the stove specialist.

Hegel and Croce

:8,278 E This character enjoys peppering visitors with random trivia questions.

Helen Mikulitsyn

:8,278 E This character is Mikulitsyn's second wife.

Helen Mikulitsyn

:8,288 M Yurii suspects that that this character acts silly because she does not like something about herself.

Helen Mikulitsyn

:47 M This person founded Theosophy.

Helena Blavatsky

:6,219 H While delirious with typhus, Yurii believes these seven things to be near him.

Hell, corruption, dissolution, death, spring, Mary Magdalene, and life

:14,2,4 H The works of these two writers exposed Boris Pasternak to aesthetic theory.

Henri Bergson and Edmund Husserl

:37,2,2 H Pasha Antipov is never truly able to forgive Lara for this part of her life.

Her affair with Komarovsky

:3,84 M Lara feels tied to staying with the Kologrivovs for this reason.

Her debt to them

:40,1,1 H Varykino once belonged to this relation of Tonia's.

Her grandfather Krueger

:8,279 M The fact that Tonia so closely resembles this relative worries Yurii as they near Varykino.

Her grandfather Krueger

:3,93 M Tonia gives Yurii this token at the Sventitskys' Christmas party.

Her handkerchief

:17,561 M In Zhivago's poem "Explanation," the speaker admires these four body parts of a woman.

Her hands, back, shoulders, and neck

:17,572 M This characteristic of the girl in Zhivago's poem "A Fairy Tale" is purposefully ambiguous.

Her position in life

:5,157 H Yurii worries about this quality in Lara.

Her sad, absent look

:11,351 M Pelagia Tyunova is of this relation to Galuzina.

Her sister

:17,592 M In Zhivago's poem "Mary Magdalene II," Magdalene waters Jesus's feet with this substance.

Her tears

:15,1,0 Terms M Boris Pasternak studied under this world-renowned neo-Kantian philosopher.

Herman Cohen

:10,348 H Colonel Strese wants to find Terentii because Strese believes Terentii's family commits these two crimes.

Hides political criminals and holds illegal meetings

:5,176 M Yurii's observations of the market in Smolensky Square reflect this wartime economic reality.

High inflation

:17,561 H In Zhivago's poem "Explanation," the speaker compares himself and the woman to this object.

High-tension cables

:15,505 E Yurii notes that a person for whom he chops wood reads a booklet by this character.


:15,512 M Yurii sends Marina money so that she can do these two things.

Hire a nanny and return to work at the Post Office

:17,595 M In Zhivago's poem "Gethsemane," Jesus says this person could defend him from the murderers.

His Father

:2,30 M The seamstresses call Komarovsky these four names.

His Lordship, Amalia's heartache, old goat, and lady killer

:11,2,0 M Doctor Zhivago is deeply conflicted due to these two characteristics of the author.

His allegiance to Russia and his class of intelligentsia

:48 E Pamphil Palykh kills his family with this implement.

His axe

:2,28 M This lawyer serves as Madame Guishar's advisor and mainstay.


:15,510 M Yurii believes he loses contact with his family in Paris for this reason.

His family's discovery of his relationship (and children) with Marina

:30,2,0 M These two relations of Boris Pasternak died in 1945.

His father and his stepson

:2,41 M Tiverzin takes in Pasha Antipov for these two reasons.

His father's arrest and his mother's hospitalization with typhus

:17,592 M In Zhivago's poem "Mary Magdalene II," Magdalene cloaks this part of Jesus with her hair.

His feet

:5,163 E The deserters dislike these two personal characteristics of Commissar Gints.

His foreign name and his Baltic accent

:17,595 M In Zhivago's poem "Gethsemane," Jesus says he will go freely to this place.

His grave

:14,443 E Komarovsky believes that Yurii takes most after this person.

His mother

:9,298 M Yurii worries about the inheritance of heart problems from this family member.

His mother

:2,40 M Tiverzin lives with these two relations prior to the strike.

His mother and his married younger brother

:35,2,1 E Yurii has this worry the night following his mother's funeral.

His mother sinking lower and lower into the ground

:1,10 H Yurii does not live with his parents for these two reasons.

His mother's death from consumption and his father's abandonment

:5,149 M This characteristic of Commissar Gints embarrasses Yurii.

His naiveté

:37,2,0 M Anna Gromeko's death reminds Yurii of this earlier event.

His own mother's death

:50,1,1 H Yurii is heroic not through his actions, but through this means.

His poetry

:3,99 M Komarovsky worries about these two things following Lara's attempt to kill him.

His position and his reputation

:3,75 E Misha Gordon has this trait that plays into his extremist views.

His racial origin

:35,1,3 E The poems at the end of the novel come mostly from this period of Yurii's life.

His second stay at Varykino

:14,444 M Komarovsky points out these two points of commonality between Yurii and his father.

His temper and his stubbornness

:7,265 E Strelnikov wonders if these two family members are still in Yuriatin.

His wife and daughter

:12,392 M Pamphil kills these four people in his madness.

His wife and three children

:1,16 M Uncle Nikolai defines this word as the systematics of death, with a goal of overcoming death.


:7,232 M The militia arrests Prokhor Pritulyev for this reason.

Holding a fourth-class ration-book

:4,106 H Lara attempts this symbolic gesture at her wedding to give Pasha authority in their household.

Holding her candle lower than his

:24,1,1 M Boris Pasternak was shocked by seeing this quality in the people of the Urals.


:9,318 M Lara believes that her husband wants to return to her with these two qualities.

Honor and glory

:17,564 E In the poem "Intoxication," Zhivago uses a pun in which this word also means intoxication in Russian.


:7,241 H The passengers receive this desired food while working to clear the railroad track.

Hot fresh bread

:15,501 H Markel has this new position when Yurii returns to Moscow from Varykino.

House-manager at Muchnoy-Gorod

:15,524 M Lara questions Evgraf on his knowledge of this matter.

How to trace a child brought up by strangers

:15,1,1 M Boris Pasternak might be declaring his love to this woman in his poem "Marburg."

Ida Vysotskaya

:13,430 M Yurii's students accuse him of these four philosophies when he mentions mimesis in his lecture.

Idealism, mysticism, Goethe's nature philosophy, and neo-Schellingism

:17,581 H In Zhivago's poem "Meeting," on this thing is left of "all those years."

Idle talk

:38,1,3 H In Meliuzeievo, this kind of imagery foreshadows Yurii and Lara's love affair.

Imagery of nature

:42,2,2 H Yurii hides the items necessary for his escape from the partisan army in this location.

In a rowan tree

:29,2,2 E Boris Pasternak was mobilized in this military role during World War II.

In an anti-aircraft brigade

:7,235 M The peasant population is in this condition50-100 miles away from the railway line.

In revolt

:8,277 H Mikulitsyn's first wife dies for this reason.

Inability to stand the stock of her son joining the army

:15,2,3 H The poems in Boris Pasternak's first book of poetry had this element of futurism.

Inclusion of the technology of the city and urban life

:34,1,3 M The 2010 translation of Doctor Zhivago has this supposed advantage.

Increased faithfulness to the original

:1,13 and 25 H This historical reality prompts Voskoboinikov to revise his book on the land question.

Increasingly strict censorship

:6,186 H Yurii notices that that with the loss of privilege, people lose this habit.

Independent thought

:17,572 M Zhivago's "A Fairy Tale" ends with the horseman and the girl in this condition.

Injured and struggling to awake

:4,117 E Pasha suffers from this disorder while living in Yuriatin.


:13,435 H According to Sima Tuntseva, this quality replaces compulsion in the New Testament.


:2,68 M Madame Guishar uses this substance to poison herself.


:5,153 H Lara performs this task during her conversation with Yurii a week before she leaves Meliuzeievo.


:31,2,0 H Doctor Zhivago was first published as a whole in this country.


:6,188 M Nika Dudorov writes books on these two historical figures.

Ivan the Terrible and Saint-Just

:14,448 H This character's warning of Yurii's forthcoming arrest prompts Yurii and Lara to leave Yuriatin.


:26,1,0 E This second most important paper in the Soviet Union increasingly offered space to cultural issues.


:11,351 M Vlas Galuzin suffers one of these two fates.

Jail or shooting

:17,588 M Zhivago's poem "Evil Days" begins with a man entering this city.


:17,591 M In Zhivago's poem "Mary Magdalene I" Magdalene prepares this person for burial.


:1, 9-11 and 18 E Misha Gordon feels humiliation because he is of this ethnic origin.


:18,1,3 H Boris Pasternak would later translate these two authors whom he evokes in Themes and Variations.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and William Shakespeare

:26,2,1 M In 1934, this government official called Boris Pasternak to discuss the Mandelstam affair.

Josef Stalin

:27,1,1 M This person commanded Boris Pasternak to attend the International Writers' Conference.

Josef Stalin

:50,2,0 M When Nikolai Nikolaievich refers to "pockmarked Caligulas," he alludes to this contemporary figure.

Josef Stalin

:4,131 M Yurii expresses frustration at this group of people at the front.


:15,527 M Both Lara and Yurii hold this concept as highest and most ravishing.

Joy in the whole universe

:17,594 H In Zhivago's poem "Gethsemane," this person leads the rabble of slaves and thieves.


:12,376 E Conspirators condemned to death call Sivobluy these two names.

Judas and Christ-killer

:17,595 M In Zhivago's poem "Gethsemane," Jesus says he will take this action against the centuries.

Judge them

:15, 513-4 E While in hiding, Yurii lives at this location.

Kamerger Street

:9,321 M This person conscripts Yurii as a medical worker.


:15,506 H Yurii has these two children with Marina.

Kapka (Capitolina) and Klazhka (Claudia)

:2,57 E An allusion to this literary character describes Lara's feelings during her affair with Komarovsky.

Katerina in The Storm

:4,116 E This character is Lara and Pasha's daughter.

Katia Antipov

:7,251 M Pelagia Tiagunova pushes this character off the train.

Katie Ogryskova

:7,251 E Vasia Brykin insists to Pelagia Tiagunova that these two characters will catch up to them.

Katie Ogryskova and Prokhor Pritulyev

:11,352 M Yurii has these two chief assistants while working for the partisan army.

Kerenyi Lajos and Angelar

:39,2,1 H Evgraf has eyes common among this nationality.


:9,323 M Political prisoners with technical qualifications could settle in this place following their term of hard labor.


:12,392 M It surprises Yurii that Pamphil does not take this action in his psychosis.

Kill himself

:1,25 M Nika Dudorov entertains these three dark fantasies in the first chapter.

Killing Nadia, quitting school, and running away to his father to start a rebellion

:2,44 M The dragoons take this action towards the marchers at the demonstration in Moscow.

Killing them

:3,90 M This character leads the cotillion at the Sventitskys' Christmas party.

Koka Kornakov

:3,91 H Lara dances with this character at the Sventitskys' Christmas party.

Koka Kornakov

:3,91 M This character is the son of the assistant public prosecutor.

Koka Kornakov

:3,92 M Lara learns that the girl with Komarovsky at the Sventitskys' Christmas party is this figure.

Koka Kornakov's sister

:41,2,2 H This person has taken the title Supreme Rule at the beginning of Chapter Ten.


:10,331 M These two groups try to butter up Galuzina's relations.

Kolchak's people and commissars from the forest army

:1,11 M This silk manufacturer and arts patron allows Voskoboinikov to live on his estate.


:3,83 M Lara receives the money to pay her brother's debt from this character.


:5,161 H This character is the telegraphist in Biriuchi.

Kolya Frolenko

:5,166 M Mademoiselle Fleury threatens this character to find Yurii a seat on the train to Moscow.

Kolya Frolenko

:13,422 E This character has a tragic influence on both Lara and Yurii.


:13,422 H Lara says that she does not have vision due to her past with this character..


:13,423 E Yurii says he will always be jealous of this character.


:13,442 M The arrival of this character in Yuriatin upsets Lara.


:36,2,0 M This scene occurs in contrast to the theme of sexual abstinence in The Kreutzer Sonata.

Komarovsky and Satanidi telling each other bawdy stories

:8,290 E This is the army of the Siberian Government.


:3,93 H This character makes a fanatical speech at the trial of the railway men on strike.


:3,94 E Lara injures this character at the Sventitskys' Christmas party.


:10,348 M These four characters need to take refuge from Colonel Strese in the forest.

Koska, Terentii Galuzin, Sanka Pafnutkin, and Goshka Ryabikh

:7,232 M This conscript is a grey-haired revolutionary of the labor co-operative party.


:7,234 M This character calls Vasia Brykin's situation to the attention of the head of the convoy.


:7,234 H The Zhivagos invite this conscript to dine on roasted hare with them.


:7,249 M Those in charge blame this conscript for letting the prisoners escape.


:10,327 E This character is the daughter of Galuzin's first wife by another marriage.


:48 H This character is a healer and witch who follows the movements of the partisan camp.


:48 M This character seems to have mystical knowledge.


:10,333-4 H The soldier's wife who whispered away Galuzina's pain goes by these three names.

Kubarikha, Medvedikha, and Zlydarikha

:12,383 H Yurii jokingly refers to this character as his rival.


:12,388 M This character says, "the more we love, the more the object of our love seems a victim."


:10,341 M This town along the highway hosts a farewell party for new recruits conscripted by Kolchak.


:10,340 M The river Pashinka separates these two villages.

Kuteiny Posad and Maly Yermolay

:7,235 M Yurii needs to believe that the peasants are better off now for this reason.

Lack of anything else to believe in

:3,78 M Yurii declines his legacy for these two reasons.

Lack of real money in the estate and the complication of other claimants

:3,76 H The concept of resurrection does not appeal to Yurii for this reason.

Lack of room in the universe for all of the souls collected over the years

:4,124 H Galiullin does not originally inform Lara of her husband's death for this reason.

Lack of time and later lack of address after she left for the front

:27,2,1 E The Soviet government's attack on formalism began with a critique of this opera.

Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk

:1,12 H Uncle Nikolai's question of whether the peasants own the land reflects this common pre-revolution concern.

Land reform

:11,362 M Yurii whispers this name "addressing the whole of life, all God's earth, all the sunlight..."


:46 H This character is the great love of Yurii's life.


:50,1,1 M Yurii finds a home in this character.


:51,1,1 M This character inspires Yurii to write.


:6,216 M Olya Demina and Aunt Fatima update Yurii on her most recent contact with this character.


:12,389 H Kubarikha's talk of love spells makes Yurii think about this character.

Lara Antipov

:13,415 M Yurii has a dream about this character ignoring him.

Lara Antipov

:9,305 M Yurii sees this familiar character while reading at the public library.

Lara Antipov

:9,307 M Yurii dreams of this character's voice during the winter at Varykino.

Lara Antipov

:9,309 M This character says, "I never stop half-way, I never leave what I do unfinished."

Lara Antipov

:9,314 M This character emphasizes to Yurii that people change roles in society throughout their lives.

Lara Antipov

:48 E These two characters work together on Yurii's papers and publications following his death.

Lara and Evgraf Zhivago

:5,141 E Yurii writes Tonia that he and these two characters will return home the next week.

Lara and Galiullin

:13,416 M Man's textbook admirations and forced enthusiasm repels these two characters.

Lara and Yurii

:51,1,3 E The rowan tree represents these two things to Yurii in Doctor Zhivago.

Lara and the inspiration to write

:5,159 M Mademoiselle Fleury concludes one of these two characters knock at the door late at night.

Lara or Galiullin

:3,84 H Pasha Antipov studies these two subjects for an Arts degree.

Latin and Greek

:5,165 H The mob reacts in these three ways to Commissar Gints falling into the water butt.

Laughing, shooting him in the neck, and thrusting their bayonets into his body

:17,565 M In "Indian Summer," Zhivago describes this sound in both the first and last stanzas.


:3,74-75 M Nikolai Nikolaievich wrote books while living at this location.

Lausanne, Switzerland

:3,73 H Tonia Gromeko chooses to study this subject.


:7,229 M These two groups of people could use influential relations to get them out of conscription.

Lawyers and stockbrokers

:39,2,1 M The "men of iron will" who carry out the Bolshevization of life have these two characteristics.

Leather jackets and Mephistophelian smiles

:20,1,2 H This is the name of Vladimir Mayakovsky's publishing group.

Left Front of the Arts (LEF)

:10,1,1 M This Russian writer's work ironically displayed the hypocrisy and superficiality of the nobles.

Leo Tolstoy

:11,2,1 M Boris Pasternak's father was friends with this famous writer.

Leo Tolstoy

:14,2,2 H Boris Pasternak's earliest writings appear following the death of this writer.

Leo Tolstoy

:26,2,2 M Boris Pasternak told the All-Union Writers' Conference that writers should be loyal this writer's values.

Leo Tolstoy

:11,1,1 H These four Russian authors influenced Boris Pasternak in addition to his contemporaries.

Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Ivan Turgenev, and Anton Chekhov

:19,2,1 M This prominent Soviet leader summoned Boris Pasternak to discuss his work with him.

Leon Trotsky

:29,1,2 H This son of Boris Pasternak was born during the Great Terror.

Leonid Pasternak

:11,2,0 M These two people are Boris Pasternak's parents.

Leonid and Rosaliya Pasternak

:1,27 M Madame Guishar buys this shop to stop the drain on her resources.

Levitskaya's, a dressmaking establishment

:8,278 E This character is Mikulitsyn's son.

Liberius Avercievich

:8,278 M This character, also known as Comrade Forester, leads the Forest Brotherhood.

Liberius Avercievich

:10,339 H This character believes the changes described by Kostoyed Amursky are the ravings of an amateur.

Liberius Mikulitsyn

:11,356 H This character keeps Yurii up at night while Yurii is in the partisan army.

Liberius Mikulitsyn

:48 E This character is found of Yurii and forces his companionship upon him.

Liberius Mikulitsyn

:48 H This character is the Bolshevik leader of the Forest Brotherhood.

Liberius Mikulitsyn

:10,335 H This character is a representative of the Central Committee.


:15,530-1 M Misha Gordon achieves this rank in World War II.


:21,1,0 H Boris Pasternak wrote this narrative poem on a man executed for mutiny during the 1905 Revolution.

Lieutenant Schmidt

:21,1,1 H Boris Pasternak wrote this poem that evokes the martyrdom of such figures as Jesus Christ.

Lieutenant Schmidt

:54,2,3 M The Russian root "zhiv" has this meaning.


:54,1,1 M Doctor Zhivago reflects on these two major themes.

Life, death, and art and predestination and coincidence

:55,2,2 E Evgraf's appearances in Doctor Zhivago are always connected with one of these two things.

Life-giving aid or premonitions of death

:5,150-1 H In the poem "Summer in Town," Zhivago personifies these things as frowning "for lack of sleep."


:4,120 E Lara leaves her daughter in this character's care when she leaves to find Pasha.


:37,1,2 H This character is Lara's charge as a governess.

Lipa Kologrivova

:15,2,2 H Boris Pasternak worked for this publishing company from 1912 to 1913.


:4,121 M The last address that Pasha gave Lara is in this town.


:3,75 E Yurii's observations lead him to believe that Anna Gromeko is dying of this disease.

Lobar pneumonia

:9,304 E The readers in the Yuriatin public library are of these two groups.

Local intelligentsia and those of more humble origin

:17,568-9 H In Zhivago's poem "Autumn," this emotion fills the speaker's heart.


:10,338 H The Central Committee chooses Kostoyed Amursky for the position of speaker for these three traits.

Long military service, ordeals in tsarist prisons, and knowledge of the peasants in Siberia

:2,31 M This action of Komarovsky's makes Lara uncomfortable while growing up.

Looking at her in a way that "made her blush"

:5,153 M Ustinya confuses the conclusion of her legend about a she-ass with this Biblical character's fate.

Lot's wife

:17,589 M In Zhivago's poem "Evil Days," "hearts are not to be moved" by this emotion.


:1,16 M According to Uncle Nikolai, the Gospels contain these three pieces of spiritual equipment.

Love of one's neighbor, free personality, and life as sacrifice

:33,1,4 H Boris Pasternak died of this disease.

Lung cancer

:41,1,0 H Yurii diagnoses a patient with this disease while in Varykino.


:4,106 H This character makes the arrangements for Lara's wedding.

Lyudmila Kapitonovna Chepurko

:3,79 M Yurii's father's legacy has these two other claimants.

Madame Alice Zhivago and Princess Stolbunova Enritsi

:2,60 E This character thinks that the seamstresses are ungrateful because they go on strike.

Madame Guishar

:2,51 H According to Nikolai Nikolaievich, Christ has this effect that cures Rome of its beastliness.

Made it so that there were neither gods nor peoples, just men

:15,517-8 M Yurii notices this "lady in lilac" during the last moments of his life.

Mademoiselle Fleury

:47 H This character was once a governess in the home of a countess, which is turned into a hospital.

Mademoiselle Fleury

:47 M This character is present at Yurii's death, but does not recognize him.

Mademoiselle Fleury

:5,145 M This character believes that Yurii and Lara are bound to love each other.

Mademoiselle Fleury

:5,145 M This character brought up Countess Zhabrinskaya's daughters.

Mademoiselle Fleury

:5,161 M This character knew Kolya Frolenko well as a child.

Mademoiselle Fleury

:16,532 H Nika Dudorov achieves this rank in World War II.


:16,538 H Evgraf achieves this rank in World War II.


:4,107 H Lara takes this action on her wedding night with Pasha that causes him despair.

Makes confessions

:20,1,2 H Boris Pasternak asks "rhymes" to reveal their place in an age of censorship in this poem.

Malady Sublime

:20,1,3 M Boris Pasternak describes his memory of Vladimir Lenin in an extension of this poem.

Malady Sublime

:15,2,1 H Boris Pasternak decided to abandon philosophy and focus solely on literature in this place.

Marburg, Germany

:15,500 E Yurii works in this job at the Palaces of Thought and Academies of Artistic Ideas.

Medical consultant

:17,563 M This poem by Zhivago contains imagery similar to that of his time in this town.


:4,140 E The army evacuates Yurii's hospital to this town.


:9,308 E Lara lives at this address in Yuriatin following the revolution.

Merchant Street opposite the House of Sculptures

:49,1,1 M Critic Roman Jakobson identifies these two modes of artistic expression.

Metaphor and metonymy

:48 E According to Larissa Rudova, Boris Pasternak makes extensive use of this literary device.


:49,1,1 M This literary device is the representation of the part for the whole.


:49,1,1 Terms M Roman Jakobson expands upon this literary device to represent contiguity.


:7,252 M The sailors on the train are a mixture of these two groups of people.

Middle-aged working men and boys just out of naval college

:33,2,1 E Doctor Zhivago finally appeared in print in Russia under this leader.

Mikhail Gorbachev

:31,2,2 E This socialist realist author was nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1947.

Mikhail Sholokhov

:7,221 M This character is the old manager at the Varykino estate.


:10,342 H According to Goshka Ryabikh, this character's speechmaking cannot be compared to Vlas Galuzin's.


:14,447 M Komarovsky has an interest in Outer Mongolia because it has this resource.

Mineral wealth

:14,446 M Komarovsky has this position in the new Far Eastern government.

Minister of Justice

:6,189 M These two Social Revolutionaries share the views of Nikolai Nikolaievich

Miroshka Pomor and Sylvia Coterie

:17,578 M In the poem "Parting," Zhivago personifies this thing as gnawing them, bones and all.


:15,510 E This character urges Yurii to give up idleness and return to medicine.

Misha Gordon

:15,511 M Yurii disappears after spending time at this character's residence.

Misha Gordon

:16,535 E According to this character, "collectivization was both a mistake and a failure."

Misha Gordon

:31,2,3 M This Jewish character in Doctor Zhivago occasionally acts as Boris Pasternak's alter-ego.

Misha Gordon

:4,121 H This character comes to visit Yurii at the army Divisional hospital.

Misha Gordon

:45 H This character is Yurii's lifelong friend and lives with the Gromekos while Yurii is there.

Misha Gordon

:46 M This character provides insight into the prejudice against Jews in Russia.

Misha Gordon

:6,186 H This character tries to be jolly even though he never viewed life as entertainment.

Misha Gordon

:9,317 M Yurii thinks that Lara thinks like this friend of his.

Misha Gordon

:25,2,1 M Boris Pasternak urged his family to leave Germany in the 1930s for this reason.

News of persecution of the Jews

:17,557 M In "White Night," Zhivago personifies this thing as "hugging the fences like a barefoot tramp."


:1,14 and 18 H Yurii looks forward to seeing this character in Duplyanka.

Nika Dudorov

:15,507 M This character's interrogator politically re-educates him during his exile.

Nika Dudorov

:2,44 E Nikolai Nikolayevich sees this friend of Yurii among the demonstrators in Moscow.

Nika Dudorov

:45 H This character is Yurii's childhood acquaintance who becomes his friend later in life.

Nika Dudorov

:6,187 M This character hastily proposes to a woman in a fit of absent-mindedness.

Nika Dudorov

:16,547 M The novel's final scene features these two characters.

Nika Dudorov and Misha Gordon

:2,58 H These two characters participate in the Presnia rising.

Nika Dudorov and Pasha Antipov

:1,24 M This character is a Georgian princess of the Eristov family.

Nika Dudorov's mother

:26,1,1 M This person was the editor of the Soviet paper Izvestia.

Nikolai Bukharin

:26,2,1 M This person tried to prevent Mayakovsky's "canonization" and the homogenization of Soviet art.

Nikolai Bukharin

:26,2,2 M This person's speech at the All-Union Writers' Conference made Boris Pasternak a central figure in Soviet literature.

Nikolai Bukharin

:14,1,0 H These two writers had a conception of St. Petersburg similar to Alexander Blok's.

Nikolai Gogol and Fyodor Dostoyevsky

:19,1,1 M This person was Anna Ahkmatova's husband who was executed for conspiracy in August 1921.

Nikolai Gumilyov

:3,75 H This character influenced Misha Gordon to study philosophy.

Nikolai Nikolaievich

:36,2,0 H This character finds it ironic that he came to Moscow to find peace to write.

Nikolai Nikolaievich

:6,181 H Upon his return to Moscow, it pleases Yurii that this character is back in town.

Nikolai Nikolaievich

:45 E This character is Yurii's uncle.

Nikolai Nikolaievich Vedeniapin

:1,9 E This character is unfrocked at his own request and works for the local progressive paper.

Nikolai Nikolaievich Vedeniapin (Yurii's uncle)

:57,1,4 M These two characters in Doctor Zhivago expound upon Boris Pasternak's religious philosophy.

Nikolai Nikolaievich and Sima Tuntseva

:6,200 M These two characters inform Yurii of the Cadets fighting the Bolsheviks in the streets.

Nikolai Nikolayevich and Misha Gordon

:13,429 H Sima Tuntseva follows the philosophy of this writer.

Nikolay Vedenyapin

:48 M Liberius Mikulitsyn appears in these three chapters.

Nine, ten, and eleven

:20,2,3 H Boris Pasternak wrote this chronicle of the 1905 Revolution in verse form.

Nineteen Five

:17,556 M Zhivago's poem "Holy Week" alludes to this Old Testament story.

Noah's Ark

:2,52 M Komarovsky has this unspoken agreement with his housekeeper.

Not receiving anyone at home incompatible with her "serene old-maidenly world"

:11,352 E The soldiers conducted themselves in this way in battle, resulting in their deaths.

Not running or throwing themselves to the ground

:11,353 M Due to a limited supply of cartridges, the partisan army has these two combat rules.

Not to engage superior forces and to fire only at short range

:2,56 M Lara has this reaction to Komarovsky's insistence that he would marry her.

Not to listen

:8,292 E Yurii keeps the fact that he is a doctor quiet while in Varykino for this reason.

Not wanting to restrict his freedom

:5,147 H Commissar Gints has this kind of accent.

Petersburg, with a slight Baltic intonation

:12,389 H Kubarikha quotes the opening passage of an ancient passage of one of these two places.

Novgorod or Ipatyevo

:21,2,2 M This extension of the LFA convinced Boris Pasternak the publication was hypocritical and servile.

Novy Lef

:33,2,1 M In Russia, Doctor Zhivago first appeared in this publication.

Novy Mir

:4,119 M Lara trains in this profession in order to track down Pasha.


:2,53 M Komarovsky regards Lara as a toy so he will not experience this sort of feeling.


:5,170 M These two clues foreshadow the true identity of the youth in Yurii's train compartment.

Odd speech and not responding to Yurii in the dark

:11,2,1 H Boris Pasternak's parents grew up in this nineteenth century Jewish cultural center.


:49,2,3 H Yurii's efforts to evade the Bolsheviks echo this episode in The Odyssey.

Odysseus's efforts to evade Scylla and Charybdis

:49,2,3 M The witch Kubarikha casting spells on Pamphil Palykh's wife's cow echoes this episode in The Odyssey.

Odysseus's enchantment by the witch Circe

:7,243 H Yurii and Tonia hear these two characters arguing on the other side of the train.

Ogryskova and Tyagunova

:30,2,3 H This person would be Boris Pasternak's mistress until his death.

Olga Ivinskaia

:31,1,2 H The Soviet government sent this person to a prison camp for her relationship with Boris Pasternak.

Olga Ivinskaia

:33,2,1 E The Soviets arrested this person with power over Boris Pasternak's literary affairs following his death.

Olga Ivinskaia

:2,29 M This character is Madame Guishar's favored apprentice and likes Lara very much.

Olya Demina

:6,215 M The delegate visiting the house on Brest Street is actually this character.

Olya Demina

:14,2,3 M Boris Pasternak fell in love with this cousin who resisted his efforts to shape her thoughts.

Olya Freidenberg

:17,593 M In Zhivago's poem "Gethsemane," Jesus renounces these two things.

Omnipotence and the power to work miracles

:30,1,1 H Boris Pasternak published this volume of poems in 1941, which critics received well.

On Early Trains

:35,2,1 Structure/syle M This chapter spans Yurii's childhood from age ten in winter 1902 to summer 1903.


:46 H Komarovsky appears anonymously in this chapter.


:46 M Andrei Zhivago appears anonymously in this chapter.


:13,420 M Yurii says he would not be jealous of this kind of rival.

One he looks up to

:16,1,2 M This medical condition saved Boris Pasternak from the draft during World War I.

One leg being shorter than the other from a riding accident

:45 M Nika Dudorov appears in these six chapters.

One, two, four, six, fifteen, and sixteen

:46 M Nadia Kologrivova appears in these four chapters.

One, two, three, and four

:46 M Misha Gordon appears in these nine chapters.

One, two, three, four, six, nine, thirteen, fifteen, and sixteen

:46 E Komarovsky appears in these six chapters.

One, two, three, four, thirteen, and fourteen

:45 E Nikolai Nikolaievich Vedeniapin appears in these five chapters.

One, two, three, six, and thirteen

:7,235 M According to Kostoyed-Amursky, both the tsarist and the revolutionary states do this to the peasants.

Oppress them

:3,74 E Yurii believes that these two qualities alone can give reality to a work of art.

Originality and vigor

:26,1,1 M This poet and close friend of Boris Pasternak was arrested for anti-Stalinism in 1934.

Osip Mandelstam

:10,347 H This character tries to dissuade Colonel Strese from searching the barn where Terentii hides.


:16,542 M This character is Tania's crippled foster brother.


:17,1,1 M Boris Pasternak presents the world as the spokesperson for the poet in this poetic volume.

Over the Barriers (also translated Above the Barriers )

:2,51 H According to Nikolai Nikolaievich, Christ delivers Rome from beastliness caused by this problem.


:12,375 H Gunfire at the execution Yurii witnesses injures this character.


:10,347 H Colonel Strese wants to find these four people dead or alive.

Pafnutkin, Ryabikh, Nekhvalenikh, and Terentii

:11,2,1 M Boris Pasternak's father practiced this profession.


:11,362 M Kerenyi Lajos brings this character to Yurii's attention as a case of psychiatric illness.

Pamphil Palykh

:11,368 M This character believes that he suffers from "the creeps."

Pamphil Palykh

:11,371 M This character feels tremendous guilt about shooting Commissar Gints.

Pamphil Palykh

:48 E Boris Pasternak describes this character as a monstrous figure that is almost bestial.

Pamphil Palykh

:48 H This character is a member of the Forest Brotherhood partisan army who suffers from depression.

Pamphil Palykh

:48 M This character appears anonymously in chapter five.

Pamphil Palykh

:48 M This character is terrified the White Army will torture and kill his family.

Pamphil Palykh

:24,1,3 M Boris Pasternak first traveled to the Caucasus on the invitation of this writer.

Paolo Yashvili

:16,537 M At the time of her separation from Dudorov, Christina Orletsova is training for this position.


:13,440 M Yurii's family plans to settle in this location outside of Russia.


:35,1,2 M This section of Doctor Zhivago. dates from 1902 to the beginning of the Revolution of 1917.

Part One

:35,1,3 E This section of Doctor Zhivago. dates from summer 1917 to the late 1940s/early 1950s.

Part Two

:13,424 H Lara says she would crawl to the ends of the earth to this character's light.

Pasha Antipov

:15,521-2 E This character previously lived at Yurii's residence on Kamerger Street.

Pasha Antipov

:2,58 H This schoolboy falls in love with Lara in the second chapter.

Pasha Antipov

:3,86 E Lara stops to see this character when she breaks down on the way to see Komarovsky.

Pasha Antipov

:4,116 M In Yuriatin, this character turns out to be an "incorrigible metropolitan."

Pasha Antipov

:4,122 E Galiullin believes that this character died in combat.

Pasha Antipov

:46 H This character is Lara's husband.

Pasha Antipov

:55,2,1 M This character serves as an alter ego or negative double for Yurii.

Pasha Antipov

:8,292 E Strelnikov is actually this character from earlier in the novel.

Pasha Antipov

:8,292 H Helen Mikulitsyn learns science from this character.

Pasha Antipov

:47 M These two characters grow up together, but fight on opposite sides of the civil war.

Pasha Antipov and Galuillin

:3,89 M Near the time of Anna Gromeko's death, Yurii begins experiencing this emotion towards Tonia Gromeko.


:17,596-9 M Tsars took this kind of attitude towards managing the population.


:2,36 M Tiverzin discusses the possibility of starting the railroad strike himself with this character.

Pavel Antipov

:46 H This character is Pasha Antipov's father.

Pavel Antipov

:46 M This character is a district manager of the railway who has dealings with the strikers.

Pavel Antipov

:47 M These two characters were involved with the Revolution of 1905.

Pavel Antipov and Tiverzin

:11,349 M Yurii meets this former acquaintance in Pazhinsk.

Pelagia Tiagunova

:7,249 M Vasia Brykin runs off with this character following his escape.

Pelagia Tiagunova

:7,233 H These two rivals chose to accompany Pritulyev aboard the train.

Pelagia Tiagunova and Ogryskova

:29,1,1 M During the Great Terror, Boris Pasternak lived in this place.


:13,436 H According to Sima Tuntseva, Christianity brings a doctrine of these two things to the fore.

Personality and freedom

:17,595 E In Zhivago's poem "Gethsemane," this disciple resists the murderers.


:5,173 H Pogorevshikh reminds Yurii of this literary character.

Peter Verkhovensky from Dostoyevsky's The Possessed

:10,1,1 M This seventeenth century tsar brought reforms to make Russia an equal of western European nations.

Peter the Great

:23,2,1 H Boris Pasternak compares Stalin to these two people in his poem in which there is a dialogue with Stalin.

Peter the Great and Nicholas I

: 16,2,0 M This writer coined the term "apelles mark."

Pliny the Elder

:21,2,1 M Marina Tsvetaeva wrote this poetic rendering of the end of her affair with Konstantin Rodzevitch.

Poem of the End

:54,2,3 M Doctor Zhivago reinforces a belief in resurrection through this means.


:47 H This miraculous character is a deaf-mute with the power of speech.


:10,334 H They arrested the soldier's wife who whispered away Galuzina's pain for these three crimes.

Practicing abortion, making powders, and making pills

:27,1,0 M Maxim Gorky was increasingly under attack in this publication in early 1935.


:32,1,0 H This publication printed attacks on the poems from Doctor Zhivago.


:9,296 H Yurii suspects this condition in Tonia following their first winter at Varykino.


:4,102 M Ruffina Onissimovna is a sworn enemy of this type of attitude.


:36,2,1 H The Guishar flat is located in this Moscow district.


:15,500 H Vasia Brykin specializes in these three trades.

Printing, binding, and book design

:7,232 M This character was a cashier at a government wine shop in Petersburg before conscription.

Prokhor Pritulyev

:7,232 M These two conscripts come from the Vyatka province.

Prokhor Pritulyev and Vasia Brykin

:7,247 M These five characters escape from the train.

Prokhor Pritulyev, Vasia Brykin, Pelagia Tiagunova, Ogryskova, and Voronyuk

:20,2,1 M In the early 1920s, the Russian literary scene split into these two groups.

Proletarian writers and fellow travelers

:17,591-3 E In Zhivago's poem "Mary Magdalene I" Magdalene once practiced this profession.


:2,41-42 E This character tells the Tiverzins of the Tsar granting the peasants land and equality.

Prov Afanasyevich Sokolov

:15,499 H Vasia Brykin escapes from jail in this way.

Pulling up one of the floorboards

:2,71 E Anna Gromeko develops this disease following an accident with a wardrobe.

Pulmonary weakness

:13,423 M Lara feels drawn to Pasha in her childhood because he has this characteristic.


:9,298 M Yurii believes that this writer's tetrameters are units on a yardstick measuring Russia's life.


:9,301 M Yurii likes the childlike Russian quality of these two writers.

Pushkin and Chekhov

:1,16 M This action of Yurii's foreshadows the suicide of his father.

Putting off praying for his father after praying for his mother

:3,82 E This character asks Larato appeal to Komarovsky for money to pay his debt.


:10,337 M This trapper friend of Vdovichenko is present at the meeting with Lidochka.


:7,264 H Yurii tells Strelnikov that he seeks these three things at Varykino.

Quiet, retirement, and obscurity

:12,378 M Yurii only retains these three medicines his final winter with the partisan army.

Quinine, Glauber salts, and iodine

:24,2,0 E In 1932, this organization was painted as the source of mediocrity in contemporary Russian literature.


:17,595 E In Zhivago's poem "Gethsemane," Jesus compares the centuries to these two things.

Rafts down a river and a convoy of barges

:12,1,0 H This poet made a deep impression on Boris Pasternak in his early youth.

Rainer Maria Rilke

:21,2,1 H Boris Pasternak's father wrote him that this person mentioned Boris's verses favorably in 1926.

Ranier Maria Rilke

:9,311 M In her house on Merchant Street, Lara has problems with these creatures.


:7,263 E Strelnikov has this nickname.

Razstrelnikov ('the Executioner')

:7,257 M Sentries capture Yurii at this train station.


:16,540 M According to Tania, her mother has this name.

Raïsa Komarova

:16,536 M According to Misha Gordon, this menace is a blessing compared to Soviet lies' inhuman power.

Real death

:16,545 E Tania informs these men of the bandit's attack.

Red Army soldiers

:23,2,1 M The last two chapters of Safe Conduct appeared in this Soviet journal.

Red Virgin Soil

:2,28 and 31 E This reward motivates Lara to do well in school.

Reduced fees for the best pupils

:5,162 M Kolya Frolenko takes these two actions that perhaps cause Commissar Gints' fatal end.

Refusing to call Gints when Galiullin calls Gints and delaying the Cossacks' train

:7,223 H Yurii's family had to do this to their flat so that they may return to it.

Register it

:4,113 M Yurii experiences this feeling following his son's birth.

Relief that Tonia is out of danger

:4,124 M Galiullin earns a promotion for this reason.

Requesting a transfer to the front and showing good qualities in his first engagement

:28,1,2 M André Gide wrote this exposé of Soviet society.

Retour de l'U.R.S.S.

:12,389 E The White Army commits atrocities against the forest brotherhood for this reason.

Retribution for similar atrocities committed by a Red unit unrelated to the brotherhood

:12,382 E Refugees arrive at Dvory and do one of these two things.

Returned to the Red Army or went to the Whites

:1,21 H Widow Tiverzina seems to deem these two afflictions as causes of Zhivago's suicide.

Rich living and mental illness

:34,1,1 M These two people completed a new translation of Doctor Zhivago. in 2010.

Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky

:13,2,1 M Boris Pasternak became familiar with this composer while living in Berlin.

Richard Wagner

:17,559 H Zhivago's poem "Spring Floods" alludes to the legend of this character.


:10,2,1 M Russian writers must deal with these two major concerns.

Russia's position between Europe and Asia and the divide between nobility/intelligentsia and peasant/serf

: 16,2,0 Terms M Boris Pasternak links these two literary schools of thought in "The Black Goblet."

Russian Futurism and European Post-Impressionism

:31,2,3 H In 1946, Boris Pasternak began attending this kind of church.

Russian Orthodox

:16,541 M According to Tania, her mother's husband has this occupation.

Russian cabinet minister

:10,2,1 M This feature is the "music" of Alexander Pushkin's poetry.

Russian vernacular

:12,374 M This character fires a gun at Sivobluy at the conspirators 'execution.


:21,1,3 M Boris Pasternak wrote this autobiography.

Safe Conduct

:25,1,3 M The Soviet government banned this book by Boris Pasternak in March 1933.

Safe Conduct

:13,411 H Yurii worries that Lara began a relationship with this character.


:48 H Yurii meets this Bolshevik on the way to Yuriatin.


:9,294 E This character is just as at home with Dostoyevsky's Possessed as with The Communist Manifesto.


:9,294 M This character is Yurii's family's mainstay in Varykino.


:9,319 M When Yurii spends the night at Lara's, his family believes he slept at this location.

Samdeviatov's inn

:14,450 M Lara and Yurii pass these four characters as they leave for Varykino.

Samdeviatov, Komarovsky, Glasha Tuntseva, and Sima Tuntseva

:14,479 H Yurii believes one of these three people approach the house when he hears Strelnikov's approach.

Samdeviatov, someone come to arrest him, or Mikulitsyn

:10,345 E This character inspires several conscripts to flee after refusing to undress at the recruiting office.

Sanka Pafnutkin

:13,412 M Yurii dreams about locking this character out of a sense of duty to Lara.


:6,184 M This character slaps Yurii when Yuri returns to Moscow from the war.


:6,201-2 M This character becomes very ill while the Cadets and Bolsheviks fight in Moscow.


:6,182 M Before Yurii returns from the war, he only saw Sasha on this occasion.

Sasha's birth

:9,300 H According to Yurii, progress in this subject follows the laws of repulsion.


:15,509 M Yurii suffers from this disease upon his return to Moscow from Varykino.

Sclerosis of the heart

:5,157 M Lara responds in these two ways when Yurii lets slip his newfound feelings for her.

Scolds him and tells him to be sensible

:24,2,0 M In this volume of poetry, Boris Pasternak achieves a new simplicity of style.

Second Birth

:24,2,1 H This volume of poetry by Boris Pasternak lacks conceptual frame and links to create a sequence.

Second Birth

:24,2,1 H This was Boris Pasternak's least favorite volume of poetry that he wrote.

Second Birth

:17,557 H In the last line of "White Night," Zhivago personifies the white night performing this action.

Seeing so much

:29,2,1 H Boris Pasternak published this volume of translations of German, English, and French writers.

Selected Translations

:3,85 M Pasha Antipov begins to develop this trait that irritates Lara.


:42,1,1 H Yurii tells Liberius Mikulitsyn that life is this principle.


:16,542 E Marfa knows Tania's mother through performing this activity in the town.

Selling milk and vegetables

:3,83 M Lara has these three secret expenses while living with the Kologrivovs.

Sending money to Pasha's father, helping Pasha's ailing mother, and reducing Pasha's rent

:31,1,0 H This Italian communist came to the USSR to find Russian literature for the Western reader.

Sergio D'Angelo

:48 E Averkii Mikulitsyn appears in these six chapters.

Seven, eight, nine, ten, thirteen, and fourteen

:10,343 H Animal electricity has these two manifestations according to the anarchist speaker Goshka Pyabikh hears.

Sex and character

:36,2,1 H These two themes intertwine in chapter two.

Sexuality and chastity

:7,259 H Yurii notices these objects in Razvilye that Moscow no longer has.

Shop signs

:2,62 H This character is Anna Gromeko's close friend and confidante.

Shura Schlesinger

:47 H This character is a friend of Tonia's mother.

Shura Schlesinger

:47 M This character has been married several times and is a Theosophist.

Shura Schlesinger

:4,130 H Yurii is horrified that the Tsar has these two characteristics.

Shyness and weakness

:32,1,1 H Soviet officials had this response to the publication of Doctor Zhivago abroad.


:13,433 M If something happens to Yurii and Lara, Lara wants this character to raise Katia.

Sima Tuntseva

:8,279 M This Tuntseva sister has a religious mania.

Sima Tuntseva

:11,367 H This character in the partisan army has the nickname 'the hetman's ear.'


:11,367 M This character plays the role of agent provocateur in the conspiracy to capture Liberius Mikulitsyn.


:7,229 M Whether it is worthwhile to disembark at a train stop is based on these three factors.

Size of the station, length of the stop, and likelihood of profitable barter

:57,1,3 M This motif in Doctor Zhivago. highlights the struggle to remain free of Soviet conformism.

Sleeping and waking

:52,1,2 H Yurii is more at peace with nature when he travels by this mode of transportation.


:1,12 M These three actions of local Russians referenced in the first chapter reflect pre-revolution class tensions.

Slitting a merchant's throat, burning down a zemstvo man's stud farm, and shooting police in Petersburg

:15,509 M Yurii believes constant, systematic duplicity causes an epidemic of this disease among the people.

Small cardiac hemorrhages

:5,146 M These three groups in Meliuzeievo do not regard the legends from Zabushino as absurd.

Small craftsmen, soldiers' wives, and former servants

:7,238 H The train must stop at Lower Kelmes for this reason.

Snow covering the tracks

:2,65 H Alexander Alexandrovich puts off telling Tishkevich of the crisis at the Montenegro for this reason.

So he can finish the piece

:11,2,0 H Doctor Zhivago is representative of this necessity of these two processes in Russian history.

Social change and revolution

:17,565 M In the poem "Indian Summer," Zhivago relies on the repetition of this word.


:15,514 M Yurii engages in these two activities while Evgraf tries to find him a job at a hospital.

Sorting through earlier poems, and writing new articles and poems

:3,77 M Yurii defines this word as your self in others.


:7,230 H The sailors organize to fight these two forbidden things in the new Soviet state.

Speculation and the free market

:20,2,2 H Boris Pasternak wrote this verse narrative about a prewar intellectual who anticipates the coming revolution.


:15,506 M Yurii and Marina move together to this location.

Spiridonovka Street

:17,586 M In Zhivago's poem "The Earth," this thing as "bursts impertinently into Moscow houses."


:37,2,1 M Yurii believes that all great art continues the Revelation of this person.

St. John

:58,2,1 M Pevear and Volokhonsky replace the word "boards" with this word in their translation of "Hamlet."


:14,446 M The communists in the Far Eastern Republic plan to eventually take this action.

Stage a coup d'état

:54,1,1 M Boris Pasternak largely leaves this portion of Russian history out of Doctor Zhivago.

Stalinist Russia

:6,195 E At the hospital in Moscow, Yurii is in charge of this administrative task.


:30,2,1 M Boris Pasternak's international reputation grew due in part to an article by this British critic.

Stefan Shimanski

:30,2,1 M This writer did the first English translations of Pasternak's work.

Stefan Shimanski

:1,22 E The narrator likens the blood on Zhivago's face to these three things.

Sticking plaster, a streak of mud, and a wet birch leaf

:13,418 H This non-party soldier is doomed because he got too near the top and knew too much.


:14,480-1 H This character hides out in the house at Varykino before Yurii and Lara arrive there.


:14,489 M This character commits suicide shortly after visiting with Yurii at Varykino,


:43,1,1 H Yurii tells Lara he will stand aside if she decides to leave him for this character.


:56,1,1 M This character symbolizes the "faceless abstraction of a revolution insisting upon lockstep conformity."


:7,239 E This character punishes the town of Lower Kelmes.


:7,261 M Yurii thinks this character's gift may not necessarily be originality, but rather imitation.


:7,265 M This character predicts that he will see Yurii again after their first meeting.


:9,313 H According to Yurii, this character went mad from life and suffering rather than by books.


:9,315 M This character secretly looks out for Lara and her daughter.


:15,500 M Vasia Brykin studies at this institute in Moscow.

Stroganov Institute

:13,436 H Sima Tuntseva points out these two alternate meanings of the word passion in the Bible.

Suffering and lusts and vices

:5,167 M On his way back to Moscow, Yurii changes trains in this town.


:6,209 M People given small private contracts for supplying various goods have these three names.

Suppliers, concessionaires, and agents

:2,69 H The narrator implies this impetus for Madame Guishar's suicide attempt.

Suspicion of Lara and Komarovsky's affair

:16,532 H This character is the laundry girl in Cherny.


:16,537 H This character is a friend of Christina Orletsova in Cherny.


:16,544 E Marfa tells the bandit that he can take this character with him into the cellar.


:6,196 H Yurii and the chemistry demonstrator discuss this jack-of-all-trades turned Marxist.


:17,566 M The sounds of gaiety in Zhivago's "The Wedding Party" drop down to this mythical location.


:30,1,3 H Boris Pasternak's 1945 trip to this place impelled him to write about his generation.

Tbilisi, Georgia

:46 E Both of Yurii's parents die when he is this age.


:52,1,1 E Trains, trams, railways, and railtracks appear in this number of the chapters in Doctor Zhivago.


:48 M Kubarikha appears in these two chapters.

Ten and twelve

:48 M Terentii Galuzin appears in these four chapters.

Ten, eleven, twelve, and thirteen

:12,375 H This character condemned to death pleads to see his mother one last time.

Terentii Galuzin

:13,398 M Yurii sees this character he thought dead on the way to Varykino.

Terentii Galuzin

:14,484 M This character reveals Strelnikov's hiding place to the local Cheka.

Terentii Galuzin

:44,2,4 M The stranger who kills Tania's crippled foster brother looks suspiciously like this character.

Terentii Galuzin

:45,1,1 H This character is a villain wherever he appears and escapes arrest and execution.

Terentii Galuzin

:48 E This villainous character seems to lead a charmed life.

Terentii Galuzin

:48 H This character is the son of Vlas Galuzin, a shopkeeper.

Terentii Galuzin

:48 M This character escapes execution by the Forest Brotherhood.

Terentii Galuzin

:10,324 M Galuzina worries about the conscription of this person.

Teryoshka Galuzin

:17,582- 4 and 586 and 589-95 M The original version of Zhivago's poem "Fairy Tale" is written in this meter.


:2,36 M Khudoleyev is a drunk and torments the apprentices because this character scorned his love.

Teverzin's mother Marfa

:10,327 M This character faced expulsion in the eighth form.

Teyoshka Galuzin

:2,50 H According to Nikolai Nikolayevich, this fact is the most important thing in the Gospels.

That Christ speaks in parables from daily life

:13,441 M Tonia makes this observation about Lara to Yurii in her letter to him in Yuriatin.

That Lara is her exact opposite

:14,472 E Komarovsky uses this information to persuade Yurii to convince Lara to leave with him.

That Strelnikov was shot, so Lara and Katia are in danger

:15,524 E Lara considers this detail of Pasha Antipov's death a "pre-ordained coincidence."

That Yurii and Pasha got to know each other before Pasha's death

:14,466 M At Varykino, Yurii overhears Komarovsky trying to convince Lara of this piece of information.

That Yurii is not to be trusted

:7,255 M The sentry at Razvilye station captures Yurii because he has this belief.

That Yurii is someone else

:5,142 E Tonia has this response to Yurii's casual mention of Lara in his letter home.

That Yurii should run off to the Urals with Lara

:14,470 M Komarovsky comes to Varykino to convey this piece of information to Yurii and Lara.

That a train of the Far Eastern Government leaves from Yuriatin the next day

:13,439 E Tonia's letter to Yurii in Yuriatin makes this implication about his love for her.

That he unconsciously takes care not to realize that he does not love her

:5,157 M While living in Meliuzeievo, Yurii betrays burgeoning feelings for Lara with this comment.

That he would knock down a friend or husband of hers

:14,454 M Lara expresses dismay at this reality of living at Varykino.

That it feels like they are pretending

:17,572-3 E In Zhivago's poem "A Fairy Tale," the concluding stanza denotes this quality in the poem.

That it transcends time and space

:7,260 M En route to Strelnikov, Yurii wants to shout this message to the prisoners.

That salvation lies in throwing away their uniforms

:14,449 H Yurii imagines that Lara wants to tell him this information before they leave for Varykino.

That she is pregnant

:14,484 E Yurii reveals to Strelnikov that Lara feels this way about him.

That she loved him more than anyone in the world

:4,102 H Ruffina Onissimovna keeps a copy of this programme in her chest of drawers.

The Ehrfurt programme

:7,242 H A sign at the Lower Kelmes rail station dates from this historical event.

The February Revolution

:26,2,1 Historical H At this event in 1934, Boris Pasternak was prominent in the surveys of Soviet literature.

The First All-Union Writers' Conference

:7,238 H A sailor uses the word "thermidor" in reference to this historical event.

The French Revolution

:4,134 H Yurii and Misha must leave the army Divisional hospital at night for this reason.

The Germans breaking through

:4,132 M According to Misha Gordon, these texts tell us that there are no nations, only persons.

The Gospels

:29,1,1 M Boris Pasternak did his earliest work on Doctor Zhivago during this political time period.

The Great Terror

:2,48 H Yurii spends most of his youth following his time with his uncle Nikolai with this family.

The Gromekos

:7,261 M Strelnikov suppresses this group of peasants who resisted food levies.

The Gubassovo peasants

:34,2,1 M USAD uses this translation of Doctor Zhivago.

The Hayward/Harari translation

:7,222 M Alexander Alexandrovich consults for this government agency.

The Higher Economic Council

:17,589 E In Zhivago's "Evil Days," these people come to meet Christ as he enters the city.

The Hosannahs

:4,112 H Yurii works at this hospital around the time of his son's birth.

The Hospital of the Holy Cross

:9,309 M This building's facade has statues of Muses holding cymbals, lyres, and masks decorating it.

The House of Sculptures

:4,120 M Lara gets a job on a hospital train going to this location.

The Hungarian border

:27,1,1 E Boris Pasternak was a director of this writers' union.

The International Association of Writers in Defense of Culture

:27,1,1 H This congress intended to show that culture co-existed with socialism much more easily than with fascism.

The International Writers' Conference

:10,330 H Galuzina thinks this group is not important enough to affect Russia's destiny.

The Jews

:9,317 M Lara finds it strange that this group cannot liberate itself from an obsolete philosophy.

The Jews

:33,2,1 M This group of people took Boris Pasternak's manuscripts after his death.


:3,81 E Lara becomes a governess for this family.

The Kologrivovs

:31,2,3 E Boris Pasternak's translation of Hamlet appeared for the first time at this theater in 1954.

The Leningrad Pushkin Theater

:10,343 M In Pazhinsk, Goshka Ryabikh listens to a speaker lecture on this topic.

The Liberation of Personality

:22,1,1 H Maxim Gorky worked on this unfinished epic novel during the 1920s and 1930s.

The Life of Klim

:17,572-3 H Zhivago's poem "August" takes place on this holy day.

The Lord's Transfiguration

:17,584 M In Zhivago's poem "Christmas Star," Mary only let this group in to see the Jesus.

The Magi

:14,445-6 M Komarovsky plans to join a new government in this location.

The Maritime Province on the Pacific coast

:2,42 M The demonstrators in Moscow sing these three songs.

The Marseillaise, 'Warsaw', and 'Victims they Fell'

:2,48 E Yurii and his friends immerse themselves in these two novels in their youth.

The Meaning of Love and The Kreutzer Sonata

:2,59 E The Guishars plan to move to this place when their house is in danger.

The Montenegro (a hotel)

:29,2,0 E Before its repression, Boris Pasternak's translation of Hamlet was set to appear at this theater.

The Moscow Art Theater

:14,1,1 H Boris Pasternak studied at this place after completing his studies at the gymnasium.

The Moscow University Faculty of Law

:14,490 E Yurii returns to Moscow from Varykino during the period of this Soviet economic program.


:31,2,1 E In 1947, English supporters nominated Boris Pasternak for this award.

The Nobel Prize

:33,1,1 M Boris Pasternak turned down this prize in 1958.

The Nobel Prize

:11,358 H Yurii is not enthused by the idea of social betterment ever since this historical event.

The October Revolution

:39,1,3 H Yurii meets his half-brother during this historical event.

The October Revolution

:49,2,2 H Doctor Zhivago echoes these three epics of world literature.

The Odyssey, The Aeneid, and The Divine Comedy

:20,2,1 H Boris Pasternak worked for this organization compiling a bibliography of foreign press articles on Lenin.

The Party Central Committee's Lenin Institute

:17,582 M In Zhivago's "Christmas Star," there is a vision of a variety of things inspired by this event.

The birth of Christ

:8,291 M Mikulitsyn gets sought-after goods through a friend who serves on this council.

The Provincial Economic Council

:10,339 M The forest brotherhood must accept the Central Committee's changes if they want this group's support.

The Red Army

:15,499 H The carelessness of this group of people results in Vasia Brykin's village burning down.

The Red Army

:12,397 M Yuriatin is in the power of this group when Yurii returns.

The Reds

:10,341 M According to Vlas Galuzin, one should mark the rise of these three entities.

The Reds, Germany, and Austria

:17,593 M In Zhivago's poem "Mary Magdalene II," Magdalene predicts that she will "grow up" to this event.

The Resurrection

:13,428 H Yurii lectures at this institute in Yuriatin.

The Rosa Luxemburg Institute

:23,2,1 M This association acted for the parting in disbanding fellow traveler literary groups.

The Russian Association of Proletarian Writers (RAPP)

:17,1,1 H This event prevented Boris Pasternak's "Above the Barriers" from receiving the recognition it deserved.

The Russian Revolution

:4,139 H This historical event begins at the end of chapter five.

The Russian Revolution

:55,2,2 M In Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak frames this historical event as predestined.

The Russian Revolution

:10,1,2 M The "Rus" part of Russia derives from this group who came to Kiev in medieval times.

The Scandinavian Vikings

:6,206 H Under the Soviets, Yurii's hospital in Moscow operates under this new name.

The Second Reformed

:7,263 M The name Strelnikov has this meaning.

The Shooter

:30,1,1 H Boris Pasternak received a nomination for this highest Soviet literary award.

The Stalin Prize

:2,46 M Nikolai Nikolayevich lives with this family while in Petersburg.

The Sventiskys

:15,501 M Muchnoy-Gorod is the residence of this family before Yurii's family leaves for Varykino.

The Svetitsksys

:15,515 H Yurii's poems and articles center on this theme while he is in hiding in Moscow.

The Town

:9,311 H Lara had to move out of the school building following its takeover by this agency.

The Town Housing Department

:3,88 M Yurii spends the winter of Anna Gromeko's death working on an essay for this competition.

The University Gold Medal competition

:3,78 E Anna Gromeko enjoys telling Tonia and Yurii about her childhood in this place.

The Urals

:10,324 M This group retained power over the highway near Yuriatin at the time of Yury's conscription.

The Whites

:2,61 M The narrator alludes to this artwork to describe how Lara becomes like art.

The Woman or the Vase

:51,1,1 E An omniscient narrator allows Boris Pasternak this power in framing his narrative.

The ability to tell the reader of future events

:10,342 H Goshka Ryabikh would like to join this group.

The anarchists

:4,124 H Galiullin requests a transfer to the front for this reason.

The appearance of his former tormenter Khudoleyev among his men

:12,378 M Pamphil's condition improves with this event.

The arrival of his wife and three children

:4,111 H Moscow hospitals experience overcrowding following this military event.

The battle of Lutsk

:38,1,1 H This event ends Part One of the novel.

The beginning of the Revolution of 1917

:12,379 H Peasants from the local countryside wish to join the peasant army for this reason.

The belief that they are their natural protectors

:17,554 H Zhivago's poem "Holy Week" personifies these four things.

The earth, trees, the Psalms, and the Acts

:4,117 M Pasha develops a passion for this while living in Yuriatin.

The exact sciences

:3,88 H Yurii takes an interest in studying this piece of anatomy.

The eye

:3,97 H Yurii falls asleep in this location before Anna Gromeko's funeral.

The far corner of the library behind the bookshelves

:17,589 M In Zhivago's poem "Evil Days," Christ remembers these five events in his life.

The flight from Egypt, being tempted by Satan, the wedding feast at Cana, walking on water, and waking a man from the dead

:6,220 M Yurii and his family retreat to this place the spring following his return home.

The former Varykino estate, near Yuriatin

This event opens the novel.

The funeral of Maria Nikolaievna (Yurii's mother)

:7,225 M The sailors look down on Yurii for previously belonging to this class.

The gentry

:17,591 H In Zhivago's poem "Mary Magdalene" Magdalene compares growing one with Jesus with this phenomenon.

The graft growing one with the tree

:14,448 H According to Komarovsky, Russia has influence over this group in Mongolia.

The hamjils (the Revolutionary Association of Insurgent Shepherds)

:17,576 M In Zhivago's poem "Winter Night," this thing "raised two wings in the form of a cross."

The heat of temptation

:49,1,3 H According to Krystyna Pamorska, Boris Pasternak makes these two principles overlap in their function.

The historical and the psychological

:10,332 M According to Ksyusha, these three people tried to ease Galuzina's pain.

The homeopath Stydobsky, the Hungarian doctor Kerenyi Lajos, and a soldier's wife

:14,448 H According to Komarovsky, Japan has influence over this group in Mongolia.

The hoshuns (local princes)

:4,118 M Pasha believes that Lara loves this trait in herself rather than him.

The image of her own heroism

:12,376 M The forest brotherhood has this factor on their side while fighting the Whites in winter.

The impenetrability of the forest

:10,339 E Tiverzin finds this detail of the speaker's agenda disquieting.

The inclusion of military specialists among committee membership

:50,2,2 H While Dante travels through Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, Yurii remains in this stage of Dante's journey.

The inferno

:34,1,0 M Boris Pasternak's experiences growing up follow those common of this class of Russian society.

The intelligentsia

:14,479 M According to Yurii, art always witnesses to this concept.

The joy of existence

:15,519 M The narrator notes that this kingdom is the nearest neighbor of the kingdom of death.

The kingdom of plants

:6,186 H This sad fact dampens the atmosphere of Yurii's homecoming party.

The lack of availability of the luxuries they enjoy that night to others

:7,257 H When the sentries capture Yurii, he believes he must not be doomed for this reason.

The lack of concern of the staff at Strelnikov's office

:14,448 H According to Komarovsky, China has influence over these two groups in Mongolia.

The lamas and the khutukhts

:5,154 H According to Lara, all the peasants care about is this issue.

The land question

:44,1,3 H Chapter Fifteen spans this period of Yurii's life.

The last eight or ten years of his life

:2,70 E Misha Gordon reveals Komarovsky is actually this figure.

The lawyer on the train with Yurii's father on the day of his suicide

:9,307 E Conversation with Lara seems to cure this character of hay fever.

The librarian, Tuntsev

:9,305 M This group of readers at the Yuriatin library is mostly female and dresses poorly.

The local intelligentsia

:17,568 M In the poem "Autumn," Zhivago personifies these things as being sad.

The log walls

:6,183 E Yurii's family moves into this room in the house when he returns from the war.

The lumber room

:5,171 H Yurii is loyal to the revolution in the sense that these two groups accept it.

The middle class and the students who followed Blok

:5,166 M Yurii cannot get a seat on the first train out of Meliuzeievo for this reason.

The mobbing of trains by the rebels

:54,2,3 M These two key elements of Doctor Zhivago highlight the feeling of predestination in the novel.

The motif of the candle in the window and Evgraf's fateful appearances

:16,541 M According to Tania, Komarov sends her mother away on a special train for this reason.

The movement of the Reds to the chief town of the Whites

:13,428 H Yurii holds his main job at this place upon his return to Yuriatin.

The out-patients' department of the Army Section

:8,278 H The Forest Brotherhood is a unit of this army.

The partisan army

:17,562 H In Zhivago's poem "Explanation," this "opposing pull" is stronger than the speaker's pain.

The passion to break away

:17,559 H In Zhivago's poem "Spring Floods," it seems the nightingale will come meet these people.

The patrols of the partisan army

:8,275 M According to Samdeviatov, the Russian Revolution was a historical inevitability for these three reasons.

The people's anger, their desire for justice, and their search for truth

:44,1,3 H According to Doctor Zhivago, this period of Soviet history is the most hypocritical.

The period of the New Economic Policy (NEP)

:10,335 M According to Lidochka, only through the Soviets can these two groups achieve an alliance.

The poor in the towns and the poor in the country

:54,1,1 M The names of locations in Moscow reflect this time period in Russian history.

The pre-Stalin era

:11,1,0 M Following the Russian Revolution, the government expected writers to serve this group.

The proletariat

:9,304 E Yurii begins going to Yuriatin to visit this building.

The public library

:12,387 H According to Kubrikha, a red banner is actually this object.

The purple kerchief of the death woman

:4,110 E These two military events occur the autumn that Tonia gives birth to Yurii's son.

The retreat of Brussilov's Eighth Army and the army pulling out of Galicia

:52,2,1 M In Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak uses the movement of trains as a symbol for this event.

The revolution

:8,277 H These two groups formed the partisan army, according to Samdeviatov.

The revolution's political leadership and soldiers who disobeyed the army upon losing the war

:7,241 H The country near Lower Kelmes reminds Yurii of this figure from literature.

The rising of Pugachev as seen by Pushkin

:49,2,2 H Both Doctor Zhivago and War and Peace have this central focus.

The role of the individual within history

:7,227 E This group of people occupies the special coach on the train from Moscow.

The sailors

:7,237 M These people chase the driver when he stops the train at a dangerous stretch.

The sailors

:49,1,3 H According to Krystyna Pamorska, Boris Pasternak rejects this schema.

The schema of causal ties

:17,576-7 H In the poem "Parting," Zhivago makes repeated use of images of this thing.

The sea

:17,588 M In Zhivago's poem "The Earth," this thing may warm the cold of life.

The secret stream of suffering

:10,1,1 E This group in society provided the manpower for the reforms of Peter the Great.

The serfs

:57,1,1 H The diminishing visibility of this object represents the death of the Russian pre-Revolution lifestyle.

The sign that reads "Moreau and Vetchinkin. Seeders. Threshers."

:57,1,1 H This object represents the intersection of the past, the present, and the future of Russia.

The sign that reads "Moreau and Vetchinkin. Seeders. Threshers."

:4,133 M According to Misha Gordon, politicians persecute Jews due to these two characteristics of their condition.

The small size and restricted status of their group

:17,575 M In Zhivago's poem "August," all can hear this prophetic voice.

The speaker's past voice

:54,1,1 M The survival of Yurii's poetry reflects the survival of this spirit in Russian history.

The spirit of Moscow

:6,212 and 218 M Delirious from typhus, Yurii believes that the boy with the reindeer cap is this spirit.

The spirit of death

:17,591 M The speaker in Zhivago's poem "Mary Magdalene I" learns to embrace this thing.

The square shaft of the cross

:58,1,1 E These two controlling images echo through all three translations of Yurii Zhivago's poem "Hamlet."

The stage and the Garden of Gethsemane

:49,2,3 M The almost magical appearances of Yurii's half-brother Evgraf parallel these episodes in the Odyssey.

The supernatural interferences of the gods

:2,50 H According to Nikolai Nikolaievich, science makes this group of writers anachronistic.

The symbolists

:4,112 H Tonia's labor does not begin until this day of her stay in the hospital.

The third day

:29,1,1 H This Georgian poet and friend of Boris Pasternak died from beatings in prison.

Titsian Tabidze

:2,37 E Khudoleyev dislikes Yuspuka because this character looks out for him.


:36,1,2 H This character's mother appeared at the scene of Yurii's father's suicide.


:46 H This character is a friend of Pavel Antipov and a worker on the railroad.


:6,214 M The house Yurii visits on Brest Street once belonged to this character.


:13,431 H Lara worries for herself and Katia when these two characters join the local revolutionary tribunal.

Tiverzin and Pavel Antipov

:10,336 M These two veterans of the revolution of 1905 are present at the meeting with Lidochka.

Tiverzin and old Antipov

:2,41-42 M These two characters join the demonstrations in Moscow following the Tsar's manifesto.

Tiverzin's mother and Pasha

:10,331 E These four political exiles live in Khodatskoye.

Tiverzin, Antipov, 'Black Banner' Vdoichenko, and 'Mad Dog' Gorsheny

:36,1,2 H This character is injured in the street demonstrations in Moscow.


:3,86 H Lara seeks out Komarovsky years after their affair for this reason.

To ask for money to pay her debt to Kologrivov

:6,208 H Tonia's friend recommends this idea to cover the cost of fuel for the big stove.

To bake bread in the Dutch oven to sell

:17,585 M In Zhivago's poem "Daybreak," this is the speaker's only victory.

To be a part of the people

:216-7 E Olya Demina believes Rodin Guishar suffered this fate.

To be shot by the Bolsheviks

:17,592 M In Zhivago's "Mary Magdalene II," Jesus's arms spread out on the cross to perform this action.

To embrace too many

:9,300 H Yurii believes all men are born Fausts because they long to do these three things.

To embrace, to experience, and to express everything in the world

:1,26 M Nika Dudorov harbors this dearest wish at the end of the first chapter.

To fall in the pond again with Nadia

:2,47 H Nikolai Nikolayevich leaves Petersburg for Moscow for this reason.

To find peace and quiet in order to write a book

:14,481 E Terentii Galuzin offers to work for the local Cheka for this reason.

To get his mother released from prison

:3,87 M Lara asks Pasha Antipov to take this action the night of the Sventitskys' Christmas party.

To hasten their marriage

:15,525 H According to Evgraf, we have these two duties in misfortune.

To hope and to act

:15,501 M Yurii calls on the government to take these two actions while living with Vasia Brykin.

To issue the political orders and provide the documents that would allow his family's return

:3,86 M Lara plans this action if Komarovsky refuses or humiliates her when she asks for money.

To kill him

:7,235 M According to Kostoyed-Amursky, the peasants have this ancient dream.

To live anarchically

:59,1,1 M Yurii Zhivago's poem "Hamlet" implies that both Hamlet and Christ have this task.

To meet their destinies and fulfill them

:1,25 H Nadia asks Nika Dudorov for help with her square root equations for this reason.

To mock him for claiming to be ready to quit school

:2,43 H The ringleaders of the Moscow demonstrators plan this tactic to avoid the Cossacks' ambush.

To occupy a public building and warn the people to scatter

:10,336 M According to Lidochka, the poor in the towns and the country have this common goal.

To overthrow the hateful autocracy of admirals and hetmans

:2,64 H The night of Madame Guishar's suicide attempt, Tishkevich is at the Gromeko residence for this reason.

To perform as a musician

:1,24 M Voskoboinikov desires to take this action that Nika Dudorov regards as meddlesome.

To petition the Tsar to change Nika's name to his mother's

:15,497 M Vasia Brykin works for a widow who wishes to hide her surplus potatoes for this reason.

To prevent the state from taking them

:9,320 M Yurii is returning to Yuriatin for this reason when the partisan army conscripts him.

To return to Lara after breaking things off with her

:16,540 M Evgraf promises to take these two actions for Tania.

To reveal himself to be her uncle and to send her to college

:14,446 E Komarovsky makes this promise to Lara at Yuriatin.

To save Strelnikov

:2,49 H Vyvolochnov asks this favor of Nikolai Nikolayevich.

To speak at a school in aid of political prisoners

:15,499 M Vasia Brykin has these two goals when he arrives in Moscow.

To study and to draw his mother's picture from memory

:4,101 M Komarovsky feels compelled to help Lara in this way following her attempt to kill him.

To take a room for her

:14,446 M Komarovsky comes to Yuriatin to make this offer to Yurii and Lara.

To take them with him to the new Far Eastern republic

:52,1,0 M Boris Pasternak often depicts motion in Doctor Zhivago through the movement of these things.


:52,2,1 H This object serves to link the country to the city in Doctor Zhivago.


:52,2,1 M In Doctor Zhivago, Boris Pasternak uses this symbol of the mechanization of a dysfunctional government.


:15,1,0 Terms M This is the study of the perception of things as they appear to the observer.

Transcendental idealism

:31,2,3 E This British journal's view of Christianity's role in the modern world inspired Boris Pasternak.


:29,1,1 H Boris Pasternak engaged in these two activities during the Great Terror.

Translating Shakespeare's sonnets and writing a novel

:2,55-56 M Because she lacks this trait, Lara will not give away Komarovsky's seduction.


:17,555 H In Zhivago's poem "Holy Week," Zhivago compares these objects to the worshippers in the church.


:7,235 H Yurii sees these two pieces of evidence of prosperity among the peasants.

Trees and fences not chopped down for firewood and markets at the rail stations

:50,2,1 M Aeneas flees this city just as Yurii flees Moscow.


:35,2,0 E The novel opens during this period of Russian history.

Tsarist Russia under Nicholas II

:17,1,0 H Boris Pasternak belonged to this publishing group around 1917.


:28,2,1 H Boris Pasternak refused to support the death penalty for this Soviet general in1937.


:7,263 H Strelnikov puts down a rebellion of defecting Razin soldiers in this town.


:16,1,4 E Boris Pasternak supported himself in these three ways during World War I.

Tutoring, writing lyrics, and translation

:12,382-3 M The refugee women cut this length of road in the forest.

Twenty miles

:45,2,0 H Chapter Seventeen contains this number of poems.


:1,13 M These four things in the first chapter remind Yurii of his mother.

Uncle Nikolai, Duplyanka, the calls of the birds, and the buzzing of the bees

:1,20 E Zhivago's travelling companion has this kind of reaction to Zhivago's suicide.

Unconcerned, attributing it to his alcoholism

:14,478 M Yurii adds this element to his work by not wishing to expose his personal experiences.


:5,145 M This character is the daughter of the local sorcerer and knows countless spells.


:5,152 E This character explains to Commissar Gints that the Bolshevik message is godly.


:13,400 M Lara leaves a letter for Yurii in Yuriatin saying that she left for this location.


:11,350 E Pelagia Tiagunova stays with this character's family immediately following her escape from conscription.


:16,542 H Tania calls this character Pappy.

Vasia (Marfa's husband)

:16,543 E This person trades two sacks of money for a cow and brags he is rich.

Vasia (Tania's foster father)

:15,492 M Yurii meets this former acquaintance on his way from Varykino to Moscow.

Vasia Brykin

:15,500 E The character prints the booklets that Yurii writes.

Vasia Brykin

:7,232 M This character is a sixteen-year-old boy who was apprenticed to an ironmonger before conscription.

Vasia Brykin

:7,234 M This character's aunt and uncle leave him to be a conscript in his uncle's place.

Vasia Brykin

:7,243 M Tyagunova is angry because she sees Ogryskova making eyes at this character.

Vasia Brykin

:15,496 M A widow near Buyskoye hires these two characters to help her dig up her potatoes.

Vasia Brykin and Rotten Kharlam

:7,233 M This person accidentally enters the office of the Labor Corps selection board and is conscripted.

Vasia Brykin's uncle

:15,502 M The relationship between Vasia Brykin and Yurii deteriorates for this reason.

Vasia finding fault with Yurii's ideology and efforts to find his family

:15,495 M This character drowns herself in the river, believing Vasia Brykin carried off by the Reds.

Vasia's mother

:11,359 M Kerenyi Lajos believes that young people will nominate this person for joint command.


:12,380 M It shocks Svirid that the Red Army executes this character.


:15,495 E Vasia Brykin comes from this village.


:50,2,1 M This person wrote The Aeneid.


:46 E This character is the seducer and lover of Amalia and Lara Guishar.

Victor Komarovsky

:46 H This character is Andrei Zhivago's lawyer and advisor before his death.

Victor Komarovsky

:11,1,1 M These three people led the Russian Formalist critics.

Viktor Shklovsky, Roman Jakobson, and Boris Eichenbaum

:12,390 M The troops of this White Army generally torture members of the forest brotherhood.


:12,379 M The White Army has these three head generals.

Vitsyn, Quadri, and Bassalygo

:16,1,0 M This person led the "Cubo-Futurists" in Moscow.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

:16,1,1 H This person's influence led Boris Pasternak to give up Symbolism and focus on Russian Futurism.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

:21,2,3 H Upon Boris Pasternak's resignation from the LEF, his friendship with this person came to an end.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

:23,1,1 H Boris Pasternak dedicated the third part of his autobiography to this person.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

:23,1,3 M Boris Pasternak viewed this person's suicide as an act of rebellion against an oppressive state.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

:26,2,0 M In 1934, Soviet writers moved to make this writer's work the standard for orthodox art.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

:28,1,0 H The Writers' Union used this writer as an example of adherence to Soviet doctrine.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

:16,536 M Nika Dudorov falls in love with Christina after meeting her in this context.

When she was his university student

:4,105-6 M Lara and Pasha marry on this day.

Whit Monday

:16,541 M According to Tania, her mother's husband is in hiding in this location.

White Mongolia

:6,219 H Yefgraf brings Yurii's family these seven valued goods while Yurii is sick.

White bread, butter, tea, coffee, rice, currants, and sugar

:10,2,2 M These two western writers influenced Alexander Pushkin.

William Shakespeare and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

:40,1,1 M On their first meeting, Strelnikov regards Yurii in this manner.

With suspicion

:14,461-79 E A group of this kind of animal stalks the house upon Yurii's return to Varykino.


:43,2,3 H These animals become a theme indicating hostile force, linked with the Soviet government.


:17,554 E In Zhivago's poem "March," this action seethes in the hands of spring.


:13,402 E Yurii tells the woman who cuts his hair that he has this occupation.

Working for the former union of credit cooperatives as a travelling inspector

:16,536 M According to Misha Gordon, after this event, the causes of the revolution cease to have power over the people.

World War II

:29,2,2 M Outside pressure during this historical event impelled the USSR to slacken its oppression.

World War II

:44,2,4 H Chapter Sixteen takes place during this world event.

World War II

:3,74 M Yurii dreams of one day accomplishing this goal.

Writing a book of prose on his impressions of life

:3,99 H At Anna Gromeko's funeral, Yurii decides to commemorate her life and death through this action.

Writing a poem

:15,500 M Yurii engages in this activity when he first returns to Moscow from Varykino.

Writing booklets

:3,91 M Tonia and Yurii find the Sventitskys completing these two tasks at the Sventitskys' Christmas party.

Writing names on cards for presents and seats and numbers on tickets for a lottery

:14,459 M Upon his return to Varykino, Yurii spends his nights primarily engaged in this activity.

Writing poetry

:2,65 E This character informs Alexander Alexandrovich that a friend of Tishkevish's is dying at the Montenegro.

Yegorovna (Agrafena Egrorovna), the Gromekos' servant

:4,110 M The necklace Lara receives as a going away present contains these gems.

Yellow sapphires

:10,341 M Colonel Strese resumes his examination of those liable to conscription in this highway town.


:35,2,1 E Yurii Zhivago goes by this name as a child.


:4,115 H The Antipovs move to this town in the Ural mountains.


:7,246-8 M Yurii receives word aboard the train that the White Army will soon seize this town.


:1,9 E This character climbs up on the burial mound and sobs at Maria Nikolaievna's funeral.


:15,508 M This character believes that men who are not free always idealize their bondage.


:15,516 H This character thinks of human lives as trains that run parallel at different speeds.


:16,537 M Misha Gordon and Nika Dudorov note Tania is the same Russian type as this character.


:3,94 M This character feels the need to help Lara after she tries to kill Komarovsky.


:6,192 H This character makes a speech predicting that Russia will be the first socialist country.


:7,221 E This character is hesitant about moving to the Varykino estate.


:35,1,3 E Chapters 1-15 are in the point of view of this character.

Yurii Zhivago

:45 E This character is a deeply sensitive man who feels the beauty of nature and the seasons.

Yurii Zhivago

:45,2,1 M This character is the novel's protagonist.

Yurii Zhivago

:7,251 M These two characters on the train receive saws to cut down timber for fuel.

Yurii and Alexander Alexandrovich

:4,135 E These two characters recognize Lara from childhood when they meet her in the army hospital.

Yurii and Galiullin

:16,547 M The novel implies that Tania is the daughter of these two characters.

Yurii and Lara

:16,548 M This object seems to support and confirm the happiness in the novel's final scene.

Yurii's book

:52,1,1 H This event at the novel's conclusion frames Andrei Zhivago's suicide in the first chapter.

Yurii's death aboard a train

:4,122 E Galiullin has this name earlier in the novel.


:5,143 M This town near Meliuzeievo trades corn and is administratively subordinate to Meliuzeievo.


:11,367 H This character denounces the chief vodka distillers be reprieved from his involvement with them.


:30,2,1 H This term described the climate of repression in the Soviet Union in summer 1946.


:18,2,0 H This fragment of a novel by Boris Pasternak appeared in a journal in 1922.

Zhenya Luvers' Childhood

:1,21 M This character gives the impression that he benefits from Andrei Zhivago's agitation.

Zhivago's travelling companion

:23,2,0 M Boris Pasternak left his first wife for this person.

Zinaida Neuhaus

:6,190 H Alexander Alexandrovich accuses Nikolai Nikolaievich of using this logical fallacy in his argument for socialism.

non sequitir

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