Domain 4 - Chapter 5: Construction Documents & Specifications
Quaranty (Black's Law Dictionary)
A collateral agreement for performance of another's undertaking
Reference Standard
A document established by consensus providing rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results. (standards incorporated by reference into the specifications)
Performance Method of specifying
A method of specifying results but not heir means of achievement
Reference Standard of specifying
A method that utilizes a reference to a published standard in lieu of specifying detailed requirements
Descriptive Method of specifying
A prescriptive method in which products and processes are specified but the results are not
Proprietary Method of specifying
A prescriptive method in which products and processes are specified by specifying a manufacturer's product, system, or assembly
Key Plans
A small diagram that symbolically shows the relationship of a portion of the project to the whole. It is usually in combination with a plan view when the larger-scale plan presents only a portion of the project
Performance Specification
A statement of required resulted with criteria for verifying compliance but without unnecessary limitations on the method for achieving the required results.
Levels H & J of Performance Specifying
Broadest levels of specifying only used in design-build contracts
Levels F-J of Performance Specifying
Degrees to which systems of projects can be performance specified using PerSpective
Incomplete Coordination
Duplications, omissions, discrepancies, division 01 responsibility, terminology differences
Division 01
General Requirements: Expands on the contract provisions by specifying admininistrive and procedural requirements. Examples include Temporary facilities and controls, performance requirements, life cycle actives including commissioning, facility operation, facility maintenance. They cover general requirements for execution of the work and should be written in language board enough to apply to specifications in division 02-49
Contract Drawings
Graphic illustrations of what an aspect of a project will look like when the construction is completed. They show the quantitate extent and relationships of elements to one another.
Help simplify communication by presenting data in a tabular form or matrix and supplement the specifications. may include data about materials, products and equipment; and may be placed in the specifications or on the drawings examples: room finish schedules, door schedules, and equipment schedules
Proprietary Specifications
Identify the desired products through manufacturer's name, brand name, model number, type designation, or other unique characteristics
Open Proprietary Specification (Controlled Substitutions)
In this type of specification, specific products are named but substitutions are allowed under specified procedures. A requirement may be met with the specified item or by a similar product that is comparable in performance. This method saves time during the development of specifications because only one product needs to be investigated and specified for each requirement The principal problem with this type of specification is that attempts are made to substitute materials of different characteristic or requirements than those specified
Clarifications and Proposals
Includes documents initiating changes or clarifications that have not been incorporated into the contract by formal contract modifications. These documents include requests and proposals
Contract Modification
Includes modifications after the construction agreement has been signs. Additions to, deletions from, or modifications of the work to be done are accomplished by change orders, change directives, and minor changes.
Pre-Contract Revisions
Includes revisions made prior to signing the agreement. written addenda or graphic information int he original procurement documents clarify, revise, add to or delete information in the original procurement documents or in previous addenda
Division 02-49
Individual specification sections, each addressing a distinct work results area.
MasterFormat Divisions
MasterFormat arranges related construction practices, or work results, into a series of titles.
MasterFormat Sections
MasterFormat part of the project specifications covering one portion of the project requirements. Individual sections dealing with related items are grouped together under the appropriate divisions and have either a 6 or 8 digit number with a unique title.
Shop Drawings
May be prepared by the contractor, subcontractor, or material/equipment supplier and show how an aspect of the work is to be fabricated and installed in compliance with the information provided and the design concept described in the contract documents. Not considered contract documents
Levels D-G of Performance Specifying
Middle levels of speccing used in traditional construction documents. Functional elements of the project are identified as systems, subsystems, assemblies or components. Statements of functional requirements are attached to these elements and qualified with technical criteria
Supplementary Conditions
Modifies the general conditions then necessary to fit the needs of a specific project
Levels B & C of Performance Specifying
Narrowest levels of performance specifying are practical for use in most construction but in some cases may be too restrictive to allow the manufacturers to be innovative. Specific components or products are identified and statements of technical criteria are tailored to that type of component
Resource Drawings
Not included in the contract but show record drawings of existing structures, show existing conditions or construction related to the work
Project Team Coordination
Organization (establishing management procedures) execution (production of construction documents) quality assurance (meetings, checklists, communication, and checking CDs)
Pre contract revisions
Contracting Requirements
Procedures for establishing an agreement between the owner and the contractor for the work of a project. examples: -forms & supplements -project forms -conditions of the contract -construction bonds -construction insurance
Procurement Requirements
Procedures for soliciting pricing for the work of a project. Examples: -advertisements & invitations -instructions -available information -forms and supplements
Division 00
Procurements and Contracting Documents: This section is not a specification section and describe the conditions of the contract.
General conditions
Provisions that are general in nature and have wide applicability to almost all projects. They are available as standardizes forms published by professional associations
Show arrangements of special system components and connections generally not possible to clearly show in scaled viewed. Engineering disciples often use diagrams to show entire project systems in a single drawing that allows all of the system components and their relationships to be seen at once. example: plumbing riser diagrams
Closed Proprietary Specification
Specification lists one product or name several products as options with no substitutions allowed. This permits the design to be completed to a high level of detail. This reduces variables and promotes accurate pricing.
Nonrestrictive Specifications
Specifications that may be developed from descriptive, performance, reference standard, or proprietary specifications, or from a combination of these four methods
MasterFormat Groups
The procurement and contracting requirements groups has a single division, (division 00) and the specifications group has the remaining divisions
MasterFormat Subgroups
The specifications group is divided into subgroups that tie together related divisions. The project manual's table of contents should include all subgroups. If no divisions within a subgroup are used, than the subgroup title should be listed in the table of contents with the label "Not Used."
Open Proprietary Specification (Request Proposals)
This specification defines the materials in the same way as a closed specification (only one brand in named for material/item) Alternates to the specified products are named in the specification
Open Proprietary Specification (Proposed Substitutions)
This specification is prepared similar as a specification requesting alternates. However no alternates are named in the specifications. the bid or proposal must be based on the specified materials. The bidder or proposer is permitted to submit request for substitutions, provide the bidder or porposer indicate she resulting difference in cost should the substitution be accepted
Narrative Specifications
This type of specification define major project elementary, systems and subsystems in their basic construction sequence using Uniformat as an organizational structure. A/E prepares concept documents for the review of, and us by, the owner. Project comments descriptions are presented in a narrative form and briefly list the major elements, assemblies, and systems included int he project design. At this stage, product selections and detailed technical information are not necessary. Project Phase: Design Concept
Full-Length Specifications
Type of specification that should be used for almost every project and are essential for the complete understanding of the design intent and scope of work graphically shown by the drawings. This type uses MasterFormat and SectionFormat Project Phase: DD & CD
Sheet Specifications
Type of specification typically used for very small projects where having a formal project manual is not appropriate. When used, they are imported into the software being used to produce the drawings. They are grouped together, in a logical sequence, on drawing sheets at the back of the set. Project Phase: DD & CD (for small projects)
Shortform Specifications
Type of specification used for projects of limited scope and extent needing less detailed specification than those that would be provided by full-length specifications. that provides a concise set of construction specifications commensurate with the size and extent of the project and to reduce the level of detail where it is appropriate Project Phase: DD & CD (for small to medium sized projects)
Levels A-E of Performance Specifying
Typical Specification using MasterFormat
Conditions of the Contract
Written provisions that define the basic rights, responsibilities, and relationships of the parties associated with the construction of the project (general conditions and supplementary conditions)
Implied Warranty
a promise arising by operation of law that something that is sold shall be merchantable and fit for the purpose for which the seller has reason to know that it is required
Warranty (Black's Law Dictionary)
a promise that a proposition of fact is true
Express Warranty
a promise, ancillary to an underlying sales agreement, which is included in the written or oral terms of the sales agreement under which the promisor assures the quality, description, or performance of the goods
Constructability Review
a review of the design to determine if it is practical to construct with the means, methods and products available at the proposed time of construction, within the owner's budge, and within the proposed time requirements for the project. Identifies areas of the design that may be difficult or impractical to execute and recommends options to the A/E or owner to make the design more practical. an evaluation of the overall design.
Quaranty (Construction Law)
a separate contract by a third party (analogous to a surety bond) who assumes responsibility in case the principal fails to perform
Warranty (Construction Law)
an assurance by the principal that it will assume stipulated responsibilities for completed portions of the project
Contracting forms
conditions that define the relationships and terms involved in the design and construction of a project
Record Drawings
contract drawings modified to identify changes incorporated into the work during construction as well as actual locations of items shown diagrammatically. these drawings also include field changes, modifications and supplemental drawings
Project Forms
forms related t the contracting requirements that guarantee contractor performance (performance bond), certify compliance (certificates), and assist in the administration of the contract
Procurement Documents
include procurement and contracting requirements, specifications, contract drawings, specifications, resource drawings and pre contract revisions (addenda)
includes certificates of insurance and certificates of compliance with applicable laws and regulations
legal instrument executed but he owner and the contractor binding the parties to the arms of the agreement; it defines the relationships and obligations between the owner and contractor
name given to that which is prepared by the A/E and then delivered to the owner in fulfillment of the contractual obligations of processional services
provides a system of numbers and titles for organizing information into a standard hierarchical order
provides a uniform standard for arranging specification text in each of the project manual's sections using a three-part format. Within each of the three parts, content is structured using articles, paragraphs and subparagraphs
provides guidelines for the display of specification text in addition to: -margins -page arrangement -headers & footers -title zone -part designation -articles, paragraphs & subparagraphs -indentations -text justification -"END OF SECTION" text
something that is named for which alternative pricing is requested
something that is not named in the specification and is requested to replace an item as specified
type of drawing the illustrates objects as they appear to the eye, with reference to relative distance and depth
type of drawings that shows horizontal and vertical surfaces not in perspective, but equally foreshortened in all three dimensions.
Extended Warranties
warranties or guaranties, which cover products and workmanship. (not provided in standard general conditions and should be specified int he respective specification section)
Purchase Warranties
warranties that cover products only
written details for the work that need to be completed in a construction project. These details include information such as scope of work, materials, and installation process. A specification is deviled into subgroups by work results or construction practices in accordance with MasterFormat listing