Domestic Terrorism and Religion and Terrorism (Week 8 and 9)

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Terrorist acts carried out by terrorist groups

- 1993 simultaneous truck bombings Bombay (re destruction of Islamic shrine) 400 dead. - March 1995 sarin gas attack (Aum Shinrikyo) - 1995 assassination of Yitzak Rabin (Jewish) - 1998 East Africa embassy attacks (AQ) - 9/11/01 attacks (AQ) (Almost 3000 dead)

Examples of Right Wing Terror Groups

- KKK - Aryan Nations - The Order - White Aryan Resistance - National Alliance -World Church of the Creator - Christian Identity - Army of God - Various Patriot Groups

ALF Tactics

- vandalizing (including arson) animal research labs & homes of researchers - "liberating" captive animals (minks,chickens,dogs) - breaking in and videotaping animal abuse - throwing blood on people wearing minks - vandalizing and torching restaurants (esp. fast food)

Kahane Quotes

-"I don't intend to sit quietly by while Arabs intend to liquidate my state - either by bullets or by having babies. It is important that you know what the name "Kahane" means to the Arabs. It means terror." > (elimination of broad categories of enemies) -"Why is it that we do not comprehend that it is precisely our refusal to deal with the Arabs according to halakhic (Jewish religious law) obligation that will bring down on our heads terrible sufferings, whereas our courage in removing them will be one of the major factors in the hurrying of the final redemption?" (Religious duty and divine sanction)

Reverend Roy B. Masker quote

-"are in disobedience to God our Father, Yawey, for allowing the Nation He gave us to become a mongrelized cesspool in which we now find ourselves...Indeed, it is incumbent upon us to build an all white nation! We are under command to do so! And scripture demands it!" (Divine duty or imperative)

Kidnapping of Patricia Hearst

-19 year old college student and Newspaper heiress -Held captive in closet for more than 50 days -Allegedly subjected to physical, psychological and sexual abuse at hands of her kidnappers -SLA demanded that her father -provide $2 million for food for the poor;and -publish some SLA literature espousing their leftist world view in his publications -He agreed to and did do both. -Donald DeFreeze worked on PH and she got Stockholm Syndrome -she joined them, participated in robbery, and helped 2 people escape from shoplifting convent store

Examples of groups where motivations are primarily religious

-Al Qaeda -> bin Laden's pre-recorded speech after US began attack on Afghanistan -Hamas -Hezbollah -ISIS -Aum Shinrikyo -Army of God

ALF attacks

-Animal rights group says it flooded UCLA professor's home > 20,000 damage -firebombed home of biologist at University of California while family was home

AS culmination of End Times

-Asahara cultivated a climate of expectation of the End Times, with a strong sense of good vs. evil, with his followers being on the side of good (as with all religious terrorist groups.) -With all of the fervor of an established religious group, followers were committed to following the edicts of the leadership because they were convinced of the morality of their cause and their leadership

Aum Shinrikyo

-At its height it had over 9,000 followers in Japan, and 40,000 worldwide. -Its mixture of Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity and mysticism, -fused with its notions of apocalyptic redemption -was appealing to young, intelligent, educated, and wealthy Japanese -who were alienated by Japan's cultural obsession with work, success, technology, and making money -In its earlier years, several members of the group, including Asahara, ran for political office and lost. -They blamed the Japanese government for the losses and, feeling alienated from the mainstream political system, took increasingly extremist and apocalyptic positions, and moved inexorably toward terrorism.

American Christian White Supremacists

-Based on the above listed beliefs, Christian Identity adherents believe that Jews, as imposters and children of Satan, must be eliminated. -Thus, these religious beliefs enable people who hold them to carry out terrorist attacks against Jews (e.g. the assassination of Alan Berg). -Other White Supremacist groups have similar attitudes toward all non-white people, whom they refer to as "mud-people." (elimination of broad categories of enemies

Attack on Cave of Patriarchs

-Carried out his attack during Ramadan >Symbolic, the mosque would be full -also during the Jewish festival of Purim, which commemorates a Jew named Mordecai who in the 5th century BC single handedly saved his people from their arch enemy Haman. (More symbolism) -Attacking with an M-16, Goldstein killed 29 and wounded 150 before being attacked and beaten to death by the Muslim worshipers. -Goldsten (an M.D.) and Kahane (a rabbi) both refute idea that terrorists are poor, crazed, uneducated lunatics.

Dome of the Rock Bomb Plot

-Following this incident, the Jewish terrorists decided to simultaneously bomb 5 Arab buses and blow up The Dome of the Rock, the third holiest shrine in Islam. -Goal was to provoke a severe response from the Arabs, perhaps a war by Arab states against Israel. -The Jewish terrorists were confident that Israel's massive response to this war would annihilate the Arabs and settle the question of Palestine once and for all. (Police interrupted this plan before it could be carried out.)

1983 Jewish Arab attack

-In 1983, a Jewish yeshiva student was murdered by Arabs. -A group of Kahane's followers decided to take action by attacking an Islamic school in Hebron. -Before they did so, they sought and obtained Rabbinical blessing for the attack, which resulted in 3 dead and 33 wounded Arabs.

LA 1988 Kahane Speech

-In a speech in LA in 1988, Kahane described Arabs as "dogs," and as people who "multiply like fleas" who must be expelled from Israel or eliminated. -(elimination of broad categories of enemies; compare to Louis Farakhan's recent reference to the Jews as "termites.") -He used language that sought to dehumanize Arabs in an effort to make his extreme approach more tolerable to Jews.

Clerical sanction or approval

-In order to justify violence in the name of religion, most religious terrorists will not act unless they obtain some sort of blessing, approval or sanction from a religious authority within their faith. - This is true of ALL types of religious terrorism, not just Islamic fundamentalist terror. - Increasingly, sanction is "implied and general," rather than specific.

Prime Minister Aldo Moro

-Italy's most influential politician -Kidnapped by six Red Brigade terrorist's disguised as airline pilots -five bodyguards were killed -Led to huge demonstrations for law and order throughout Italy -millions of workers walked off their jobs to protest the murders and the kidnapping -Political violence struck in Italy on an average of every four hours and six minutes -Labor unions declared a 13-hour strike of protest -left body to symbolize that Moro's efforts to bridge the gap and follow the middle road would fail -vivid example of the symbolic design and intent of some terrorist acts

Elimination of broadly defined categories of enemies

-Large scale violence causing the demise of large numbers of enemies is justified as necessary for the attainment of their divinely inspired goals. - This explains the callous disregard for "collateral damage" and the desire to obtain WMDs and other unconventional and high yield weapons. (Cosmic War!)

American White Supremacist Terrorists Titles

-Many of the leaders of American domestic right wing terror groups use the title Reverend or Pastor, thus justifying to themselves and to others the divine legitimacy of their extreme views. -Paul Hill used the title Reverend. - "Reverend" Richard Butler headed AN - "Pastor" Norman Olson of the Michigan Militia

Black power

-Non-violent advocacy of political independence, economic self-sufficiency, and cultural awakening -Tremendous controversy arose at the Mexico City Olympics in 1968 when two African-American medal winners raised their fists in the Black Power salute during the playing of the National Anthem. -Colin Kaepernik has not really invented anything new

Abortion Shootings

-Paul Hill assassinated Dr. John Britton while he was wearing bulletproof vest getting out of car -Dr. Barnett Slepian killed by James Kopp -Dr. George Tiller killed by Scott Roeder -Scott Roeder killed Dr. Tiller

Violence as a sacramental act or divine duty

-Perpetrators are able to disregard political, social, and moral constraints that may effect other types of terrorists because the act or acts are either ordered by or approved of by God or some other divine power. - Violence is not merely sanctioned; It is divinely decreed. The killing of those described as "infidels" by the Shi'a, "dogs" by the Jews, or " "children of Satan" by the Christian Patriots, is a sacramental act.

Kahane Assassination

-Rabbi Meir Kahane was assassinated by a jihadist, El-Sayyid Nosair, after giving a speech at a Hilton Hotel in Manhattan on 11/5/90. -It was later determined that he was a member of the Al Qaeda cell responsible for the '93 WTC attack and the Landmarks Conspiracy.

Black Panther Party

-Really straddled the line between social activist group and terrorist group. -Got into numerous gun battles with law enforcement officers, whom they saw as oppressors of African Americans. (Is history repeating itself?) -Numerous Black Panthers and police officers were killed in these gun battles -A group of Black Panthers being rousted and strip searched by the Philadelphia Police. Note two things about this Photograph. 1) indignity 2) LEO with shotgun appears to be African American -openly carry and display their long guns. Is this the threat of violence in furtherance of political or social change

Three examples of religious cults

-Rev. Jimmy Jones and the Peoples Temple -Rajneeshees - Rajneeshpuram, Oregon, early to mid 1980s (only known use of biological weapons by a terrorist group in the United States) -Aum Shinrikyo (Supreme Truth) used sarin gas in the Tokyo subway system in 1995, killing 12 and injuring 5,000 to 6,000

History of Domestic Terrorism

-Revolutionary War -Whiskey Rebellion -Civil War/Assassination of Lincoln -Rise of the KKK, post Civil War, Late 1800s,1920s, most virulent group -Assassination Pres McKinley -LA Times Building -Case o Erich Muenter -1919 simultaneous bombings -Wall Street Bombing -FDR assassination attempt -Assassination attempt on Truman -US House of Reps attack -Assassination of RFK -US Capitol building in 19771 and 1983 -Rajneesheepuram attack -Abortion Doctors -Unabomber -Eric Rudolph -Vali Ski Resort -Anthrax attacks -Charles County arson attack -Little Rock attack -Fort Hood attack

Right wing terror groups inspirations

-Second Amendment/Gun Rights - Anti Federal government - Tax resistance - Anti-Semitism - White supremacy - Anti-globalization - Warped Christian Fundamentalist or Christian Identity thinking

Police Raid of AS Results

-Several weeks after the police raided the group's laboratories and properties -recovered enough sarin gas to kill 4.2 million people -they had produced or had plans to develop at least half a dozen other chemical and biological agents.

Siege of Mecca

-Siege lasted for two weeks -Saudi government completely evacuated the entire city of Mecca. -Numerous assaults were made on the Grand Mosque, but not until obtaining permission from Islamic authorities. -Casualties among hostages and hostage takers, and counterterrorism personnel were significant. -The Islamic fundamentalists intended to cause the fall of the Saudi government which it saw as apostate, and to install a theocracy. -The significance of this event was that it indicated the strength, ability, and commitment of Islamic fundamentalist groups -The Grand Mosque was eventually retaken with the aid of 3 French counterterrorism experts who were required to convert to Islam to enter Mecca. -The exact number of casualties is unknown due to the secrecy of the Saudi government, but estimates range from 600 to 1500. -A good number of the terrorists were captured, tried in secret, and 67 men were publicly executed by beheading in 4 cities in Saudi Arabia. -Saudi government also tightened up on religious requirements to try to avoid similar incidents. (Terrorism worked!)

Special Interest or Single issue Terrorism

-Single issue terrorists and terror groups are extremely moralistic, believing fervently in the righteousness of their issue and that it trumps every other issue and all other issues combined. Examples of Single Issue Terrorist Groups -Anti-abortion groups -Earth Liberation Front (ELF) -Animal Liberation Front (ALF)

Subway attack

-The attack on the subway was clearly terrorism. -The sarin gas was put on 5 different subway trains which were to converge within 4 minutes of one another on the central subway station in Tokyo. -Station is located in the heart of the Japanese government district within the city. -The goal for the sect was to take control of the Japanese government by force and violence

Goal of AS

-The goal of the religion was to control Japan and ultimately the entire world. -They believed that Armageddon was imminent. When it did not happen as expected, they took steps to bring it on by various different means. -Nerve gas -Anthrax -Q-fever -Ebola virus -They also had strong aspirations to develop nuclear weapons and purchased a 500,000 acre sheep farm in Australia for that purpose. (5/28/93 massive explosion on the facility. Still unexplained

Terrorism form the left

-The modern civil rights movement which began in the 1950s, gained momentum in the 60s, and peaked in the 70s, was a precursor to various terrorist movements that followed -Not responsible for terrorism, but created the social, cultural and political environment that allowed leftist terror groups to develop -Some people involved in the Civil Rights movement who became frustrated with lack of progress, resorted to "propaganda by deed" by creating or joining left wing terror groups

Steven Best on ALF

-University of Texas at El Paso and a press officer for the North American Animal Liberation Press Office (NAALPO) -They willfully break the law, because the law wrongly consigns animals to cages and confinement, to loneliness and pain, to torture and death

Hoffman's Four Core Characteristics

-Violence as a sacramental act or divine duty in response to some theological demand or imperative. -A primary goal is the elimination of broadly defined categories of enemies. -Clerical sanction or approval of the act. -A sense of alienation from the mainstream culture, religion, or political scheme.

Ancient religious terrorism

-Zealots -Assassins -Thugees -Crusaders (not traditionally considered historians but definitely is by Muslim world)

Numerous cases of Jewish Terrorism

-Zealots (60s-70s AD in Palestine) - Irgun (1940s Palestine) - Rabbi Meir Kahane (US and Israel, 1970s to 1990s, leader of Jewish Defense League) - Dr. Baruch Goldstein (Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre 2/24/94) - Yigal Amir (assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yizhak Rabin in 1995)


-Zionist Occupied Government -They (as well as other right wing groups) often referred to the United States federal government as "ZOG," an acronym for Zionist Occupied Government

The Red Brigade

-a Marxist-Leninist Italian domestic terror group operating in Italy during 70s and 80s -primary goal to push Italy to the left, politically -started by students -eventually became very radical and very violent -primary tactic was to kidnap prominent people. -As a leftist group, it was also extremely anti-American, placing great emphasis on opposing the US war in Vietnam -kidnapped and killed Aldo Moro -Kidnapped American Brigadier General James Dozier -fissured around the mid-1980s -now its successor groups appear to be part of a more international movement

Symbionese Liberation Army

-a leftist terror group that had a flair for the dramatic, which brought it all the more attention. -Assassinated Oakland school superintendent in 1973 (5/8 bullets cyanide tipped). "Death to the fascist insect that preys upon the people!" -kidnapped Patty Hearst -all aimed at gaining popular support from the resulting media attention -espousing revolution to eliminate racial prejudice and poverty most of members were middle and upper class whites -name comes from symbiosis suggesting union of classes and races


-a politically conservative Rabbi, wanted to reverse the image of Jews as victims. -Emigrated from the US to Israel in 1971 -Criticized Israeli government's "soft" approach to Palestinians and Arabs -Openly called for the Israeli government to establish a "Jewish Terrorist Group," the sole purpose of which would be to "kill Arabs and drive them out of Israel and the Occupied Territories."


-a seminal year in the development of religious terrorism -Iranian Revolution (hostage crisis) -Siege of Mecca -Soviet invasion and occupation of Afghanistan

Order's demise

-after Berg's convictions -In another trial, 14 men were charged with sedition, conspiracy and civil rights violations. -Thirteen of them were acquitted, and the judge dismissed the charges against the fourteenth man for lack of evidence. -In other proceedings, over 75 men and women were tried and convicted of various charges connected to The Order. -After these prosecutions, The Order dissolved

What happened to SLA

-after shoplifting incident SWAT teams surrounded a house in LA where 6 SLA members were hiding -all 6 were killed including Donald DeFreeze -went from extremely high profile kidnap victim to federal fugitive wanted for bank robbery -several members eluded authorities for decades but all were eventually captured and brought to justice -Patty Hearst convicted but eventually released

The Order

-also known as the Bruder Schweigen or Silent Brotherhood -organization active in the US between 1983 and 1984 -an offshoot of the Aryan Nations -described itself as a white nationalist revolutionary group -probably best known for the 1984 murder of liberal Jewish radio talk show host Alan Berg -founded by Robert Matthews -against the government of the US and anti-Jew -inspired by the Turner Diaries -robbed sex shop to fund operations -committed bank robberies -bombed theater and a synagogue -ran counterfeit operation -executed armed car robberies -had hit list of enemies -killed Alan Berg

Dr. Baruch Goldstein

-an American born, ultra-nationalist, orthodox Jew and ardent disciple of Kahane, carried out an attack on the Ibrahim Mosque at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron on 2/25/94 -a member of the Jewish Defense League (JDL), had been a Dr. in Brooklyn, New York, before emigrating to Israel in 1985. -He was a follower of Kahane who carried out his attack for two reasons, both of which were based upon the preaching of Kahane: -To preserve the Jew's God given right to Israel by eliminating Arabs. -To be the vanguard and hasten redemption by means of the cataclysmic forces that his violent act was sure to unleash. (Cosmic War!)

Eric Rudolph

-committed several bombings including Centennial Park during the Atlanta Olympics in 1996, several abortion clinics, and a gay nightclub in 1997 -loosely affiliated with the Army of God -fugitive for 5 years -"Abortion is murder and because it is murder I believe deadly force is needed to stop it."

New Left

-deeply affected by -Vietnem War -Civil Rights Movement -The condition of and turmoil in inner-city African American communities -after the end of the Vietnam War, the New Left extremist groups substituted the Palestinian issue in place of the Vietnam War -there were numerous New Left terror groups in the 60s, 70s, and 80s -Weathermen, SLA, Black liberation army, Puerto Rican Independence groups, New African Freedom Fighters, United Freedom Front

Terrorism from the Right

-domestic terrorism form the right is generally more unorganized and less uniform than terrorism from the left -Racism -Warped version of Christian fundamentalism -Some version of neo-Nazi ideology -Gun Rights (Second Amendment) -Resistance to the authority of an oppressive Federal Government -Resistance to a New World Order

Army of God

-extremist right-wing anti-abortion organization that sanctions the use of force to combat abortion in the United States -AOG is a collection of loosely affiliated individuals, many of whom do not claim membership in the group and act independently. -AOG is THE classic example of a leaderless resistance group -supports Defensive Action Statement: We proclaim that whatever force is legitimate to defend the life of a born child is legitimate to defend the life of an unborn child -think actions are morally justified

Shoko Asahara

-founded Aum Sinrikyo founded in 1987 -was a blind mystic who claimed to be reincarnation of Buddha and Jesus Christ -described himself as "Today's Christ" and "The Savior of the century"

Sense of alienation

-from the mainstream culture, religion, or political scheme. - Most religious terrorists feel alienated from the mainstream culture and, by their violence, seek to change or transform that culture to one in which they would be part of the mainstream. -(Listening to the people associated with AOG one can get a sense of this alienation and frustration.)


-from the roguish character and Catholic terrorist, Guy Fawkes

David Lane

-getaway driver for Berg's assailants -was sentenced to 190 consecutive years on the charges of racketeering, conspiracy, and violating Berg's civil rights. -died in prison in 2007. -Lane is regarded by many white supremacists as a hero, political prisoner and martyr. -His fourteen word slogan, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children," has become a prominent motto of many white nationalists. -The number "14" now has significance to right wing terrorists.

Religious Terrorist Motivations

-groups are based on religion of their constituency group but their motivations are primarily political (ethno-nationalist) and not religious

Yoga Amir

-had an uncompromising religious fervor plus an enmity toward Israel's secular government, its elected leaders and the peace process, all of which he believed spelled doom for the nation of Israel. -Yizhak Rabin, Prime Minister of Israel, had been repeatedly condemned to death by extremist Rabbis who believed that he was a mortal enemy of the Jewish people because of his support for the peace process

Vali Ski Resort

-in 1998 -4 people charged with burning it -caused excess of $12 million in damage and economic loss


-in which one person or group has no knowledge about anybody else in the larger group

Religious Terrorism History

-incidence of violence in the name of religion aimed at effecting some type of social, political, cultural, or legal change has increased dramatically in recent years -continued to increase from the 1980s to the present -increase is not based solely on the increase in Islamist groups (Sikhs, Christians, Jews, Religious Cults) -the most serious and intense terrorist attacks have been committed by religious terrorist groups -Btw 1998 and 2004 they committed only 6% of terrorist acts but accounted for 30% of total fatalities caused by terrorism -phenomenon result of most religious terrorists subscribing to idea of Cosmic War and having little or no concern for collateral damage or death of innocents

The New Brigade

-inherited the militancy of the original Red Brigade and -claimed responsibility for the assassinations of: -labor minister advisor Massimo D'Antona in 1999; -Professor Marco Biagi in 2002; and -a police officer in 2003. -still a domestic terrorism group in Italy that is a force to be reckoned with -developing ties with Islamic terrorist organizations -words such as imperialism, expropriated, and proletarian harken back to marxist/Leninist propaganda language that was very common during 1970s and early 1980s

Aryan Nations (AN)

-is a white nationalist neo-Nazi organization founded in the 1970s by Richard Butler as an arm of the Christian Identity group Church of Jesus Christ-Christian. -There are several factions that claim descent from Butler's group. -Aryan Nations has been called a "terrorist threat" by the FBI and the Rand Corporation has called it the "first truly nationwide terrorist network." -AN split and divided several times over years -lost Civil lawsuit and has been obliterated as result -there are successor groups but they are not large and are not highly visible

What is religious terrorism

-it is terrorism in which the perpetrators commit their act -for the purpose of advancing or defending their religion -motivated by divine inspiration or by sanction of their religious leaders (fatwa) -line btw religious terrorism and other typologies not always clear (LTTE, PIRA, PLO)

American Brigadier General James Dozier

-kidnapped and held hostage by the Red Brigade -Dozier was the commander of NATO forces in Italy -Italian domestic terrorist group could become international in nature -blow against the US and NATO -taken from Verona to Padua and kept captive in a small apartment -subjected to psychological abuse while there -on 1/28/82 he was freed by this Italian counterterrorism team which raided apartment and arrested all 6 captors w/o firing a shot

Alan Berg

-killed by the order -liberal jewish radio talk show -taunted the Order -think Bruce Pierce pulled the trigger -Tom Martinez arrested on counterfeit charges and spilled beans on groups location -Matthews died in shootout -ten members of The Order were tried and convicted under RICO -three convicted of violating Bergs civil rights

Earth Liberation Front

-known as Elves or the Elves -collective name for anonymous and autonomous individuals or cells -use "economic sabotage and guerrilla warfare to stop the exploitation and destruction of the environment," commonly known as "ecotage" or "monkeywrenching." (somewhat analogous to the Luddites crime of "machine breaking -founded in UK in 1992 -international movement -using same leaderless resistance model -classified as top domestic terror threat in US by the FBI -guidelines require that individuals or groups acting on its behalf -lack of deaths from ELF attacks -featured on 60 minutes -environmentally sustainability -tree sitting

Puerto Rican Independence groups

-leftist in philosophy -The Machateros (Machete-Wielders) -FALN - unlike others, was based on mainland (Truman assassination attempt and Capitol House)

Warped sort of Christian Fundamentalism

-many of the right wing domestic terror groups in the US based on -For example, the American Christian Identity movement includes the following beliefs: - Jesus Christ was not a Semite but an Aryan - Lost tribes of Israel are not Jews but Aryans - White Anglo Saxons are God's chosen people, not the Jews. - The US is the promised land.


-meaning "immoderate partisan or "fanatical enthusiast


-meaning "one who undertakes to put another to death by treacherous means."


-meaning "vicious or brutal ruffian"

Animal Liberation Front

-name used internationally by animal liberation activists who engage in direct action on behalf of animals -removing animals from laboratories and fur farms -arranging safe houses and veterinary care -operate sanctuaries where animals live out rest of their lives -sabotaging facilities involved in animal testing and other animal-based industries -According to ALF statements, any act that furthers the cause of animal liberation, where all reasonable precautions are taken not to harm human or non-human life, may be claimed as an ALF action -not a group with a membership list, but an example of a leaderless resistance, a banner for activists to use -volunteers see themselves as the modern equivalent of the Underground Railroad -covert cells active in 42 countries (cells might just be 1 person >compartmentalization -Robin Webb runs it

Nation of Islam and Malcolm X

-non violent -challenged African-Americans to empower themselves economically and culturally

Domestic vs. international terrorism

-not always clear lines -FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) -Primarily domestic in nature, but did have some international spillover regarding targets (Americans and French) and relations with neighboring countries (Venezuela, Bolivia) -Red Brigade in Italy in the late 1960s and 1970s. -Primarily attacked targets in Italy, but also took American Brigadier General James Dozier hostage in 1981


-one of the founders of the Weathermen was bernadine Dohrn, wife of Bill Ayers -supporter of and mentor to Barak Obama -both are now college professors -dangerous group -killed two police officers during Weathermen robbery of an armored car in New York

Religious Cults

-sometimes have a tremendous focus on the Apocalypse and the End Times. -This allows them to justify in their own minds the elimination of broad categories of enemies. -In turn, this enables them to more strongly consider the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction, which would indiscriminately cause death. Wrong place, wrong time. (Cosmic War)

Domestic Terrorism

-terrorism that is limited in scope to the borders of one country or region in which domestic targets symbolizing domestic interests are attacked

Grand Mosque in Mecca

-the holiest of all Islamic holy sites, -the place to which all Muslims, if able, are to make a pilgrimage at least once in their lifetime (haj), -was seized by four to five hundred extremely well armed Islamic fundamentalists on 11/20/79. -Numerous grievances against the Saudi government

Holy War

-used by right wing Christian white supremacist -have even used word jihad -"God's soldiers in this Holy War." -"Soon we will be asked to kill, but we will kill with love in our hearts because God is with us." (Rather twisted, if you ask me.) -"We believe in the preservation of our race demanded and directed by God."

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