Donaldson Semester 1 Final

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required, permitted, or enacted by statute.


rise and fall irregularly in number or amount.


showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.


the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.


the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind using like or as

Elizabeth Frankenstein

-Adopted by the Frankensteins -Marries Victor -represents passive women

Michale the Fiddler

-An acadian musician who played at Evangeline's and Gabriel's wedding

Justine Frankenstein

-Another girl adopted by the Frankensteins -is framed for william's murder and is executed


-Beautiful young women who is a member of the Acadian community -In love with Gabriel and spends the rest of her life in search for him


-Brutus' wife


-Caesar's adoptive son -Joins Antony to fight Brutus and Cassius to avenge his father -becomes very authoritive


-Caesar's wife

R. Walton

-Captain of a ship sailing the Arctic ocean -Writes letters to his sister about his journey and frankenstein's story -Nursed Victor back to health and hears his story

Brinker Hadley

-Class politician and very orderly student -Believes in justice which causes him to put gene on trial


-Classmate of Gene and Finny -Nature loving, mild character -First student to enlist in the war but goes crazy


-Daughter of De Lancy -Lives in the cottage


-Daughter of a turk who fell in love with Felix -Shows up at the cottage and brings the family's spirits up

Benedict Bellefontaine

-Evangeline's father -a herdsman who dies after seeing his village burnt down

Father Felician

-Evangeline's friend who stays by her side as they go into exile

Henry Clerval

-Frankenstein's childhood friend who cares for him when he is sick


-Friend and servant of Caesar -After his death he tricked Brutus by pledging allegiance to him but then driving him out and seeking revenge -Has a powerful rhetoric

Basil the blacksmith

-Gabriel's father -Acadian man who helps the Acadians embrace their new land -Helps Evangeline find Gabriel after he sent him away b/c his grief was too much


-Gene's classmate and best friend -Honest, handsome, self-confident, very athletic, popular -After his accident he changes and becomes almost the opposite of this -Fatal flaw is he thinks everyone is like him

the rules of chess author and plot

-How to play chess


-Long time friend if Cesar but disliked how powerful he became -Manipulated Brutus into turning against Caesar

Victor Frankenstein

-Main Character in Frankenstein -Born in Geneva goes to college in Ingolstadt -Creates a monster that haunts him and kills his family

Gene Forrester

-Narrator and protagonist -Highly intelligent but not very athletic or popular, which causes him to become very jealous -gene is 5ft8 and 140 lbs. -Unpredictable and unreliable narrator -causes Finny to break his leg by pushing him out of tree

Rules of the game author and plot

Amy Tan -Waverly is a little girl living in China town California when her brothers are gifted a chess set -She begins to master the art of chess but has to deal with her overbearing mother who keeps pushing her past her limit -One day Waverly runs away because of how overbearing she is and when she returns home she imagines her mother as an unbeatable chess opponent

Julius Caesar

-Roman general and senator who just returned to Rome after defeating Pompey. -Was a dictator who was loved and hated by many people -Wasn't able to separate his public and private life -Killed by his best friend


-Supporter of the republic and conspirator against Caesar -Used to be best friends with Caesar but opposed any single man to rule Rome -Killed Caesar but truly believed it was justified

De Lancy

-The blind old man who lives in the cottage across the hovel the monster stayed at -Used to be a rich frenchman

Father Leblanc

-The priest who marries Gabriel and Evangeline


-The son who lives in the cottage -seems very sad till Safie shows up -Tried to help her dad leave prison

Frankenstein plot

-The story begins with R. Walton telling his sister Margaret of his travels to the north pole to study magnetic fields. During his letters he tells his sister of a man who's sled broke and they brought him on board to nurse him back to health, then tells sister of the man's story -Victor Frankenstein was born and lives in Geneva, his parents are Alphonse and Caroline. when he was 5 they adopted a girl named Elizabeth -Growing up he had a friend named Henry Clerval, as he grew up he started liking science, especially alchemy -Right before victor goes to university at Ingolstadt his mother dies of scarlet fever -At college he starts to study chemistry and becomes obsessed with the secrets of life and death and begins to make a living being. -Once he finally brings it to life he is revolted by it and runs away from it and goes to Clerval, where he falls ill -Once victor is better he gets a letter from his dad saying his brother William has been killed, he returns to Geneva and sees the monster lurking in the woods. he knows the monster killed him even though Justine is the suspect -She is tried as guilty and is executed -The family travels to Belrive to try and lift their spirits, here Victor wanders the landscapes and goes to climb a mountain. At the top the monster is there. -The monster tells Victor of his story -he traveled to germany and found a hovel to stay in right across a family in a cottage. He learns to speak their language, french, and becomes fond of the family; De Lancy the blind father, Felix the son, and Agatha the daughter. The family seems unhappy and one day a woman in black comes looking for Felix. Her name is Safie and she is the daughter of a turk. The monster learns that the family used to be rich Frenchmen but where kicked out of their country after trying to save Safie's father from prison. -The monster tries to talk to De Lancy because he was blind but his family drove the monster out. -The monster gets angry and goes to find Victor to seek revenge on creating him and finds william, which is where he kills him. -At the end he demands Victor makes him a mate and victor agrees so his family can be safe -He has to travel to London to get the supplies so him and Clerval travel together -Victor starts to make the female monster but gets revolted and destroys it. That night he rows into the ocean to dump the remains, falls asleep, and wakes up in Ireland -He has been accused of killing a man and he's takes to mr. kirwin. They show Victor the body and its his old friend Henry. He falls ill -Months later he is better and his father comes to get him after the jury decided he is not guilty - At home he and Elizabeth get married and leave for the family cottage for their honeymoon -Victor is paranoid the entire time because the monster said he would see him on his wedding day, and he hears elizabeth scream and she had been strangled by the monster -Victor devotes his life to seeking out revenge and chases the monster the rest of his life, which is how he ends up on R. Walton's boat -Victor dies on the boat and asks walton to continue to hunt the monster, and once Victor dies the monster is on the ship crying over his body and then jumps into the ocean, lost forever.

William Frankenstein

-Victor's youngest brother who is killed by the creature

The creature

-What Victor creates -A grotesque creature that no one can love Intelligent and sensitive and attempts to fit himself into human social patters


-a handsome man who is in love with Evangeline -travels into the west after being separated from Evangeline -dies from smallpox

The Jesuit Priest

-leader of the mission in the west where Evangeline stays, hoping Gabriel will stop by on his way home

Separate peace plot

-rising action starts out with Gene returning to his high school, Devon, and visiting two significant locations, the tree and the marble stairs. He starts the flashback of his junior and senior year. Gene tells the audience about Finny, his best friend, and explains he is very athletic and charismatic. It is obvious Gene is jealous of Finny, and his jealousy of him grows. Gene soon starts believing Finny is out to sabotage his academics and his resentment for Finny grows. The boys skip school and go to the beach, which is were Gene gets the idea that Finny is out to sabotage his academics. Once they leave they go to their tree to jump off, but Gene pushes Finny out first before he can jump, causing him to break his leg. Gene develops a great amount of guilt from this, which is where the main conflict arises. Finny goes home to heal and the school year starts off again. Gene and Brinker decide to enlist in the war but Finny arrives back at Devon and Gene changes his mind in order to make Finny happy. Finny's injury has obviously changed him as he tells Gene that the war is a hoax and starts to be pessimistic. He announces he is going to train Gene for the Olympics. Life seems relatively normal until their classmate, Leper, decides to enlist in the war. Gene later gets a message from Leper saying he has "escaped" and to come see him in Vermont. Once Gene sees him he realizes he has gone crazy and goes back to Devon. Once Gene is back, Brinker accuses Gene of causing Finny's injury and "puts him on trial" in the middle of the night. Leper shows up and everything that he is saying majorly upsets Finny and he storms out of the room crying and falls down the marble stairs, breaking his leg again. Finny has to have surgery, but it doesn't go well, yet right before the surgery Gene sneaks in and tells Finny the truth. Finny is not angry at him and quickly forgives him. -climax is Finny's death in the operating room. Once this happens, Gene finally feels a peace within himself because right before his surgery, Finny forgives him -falling action and resolution is the rest of the story and Gene's explanation as to what happened after Finny's death and the peace he now feels within himself.

Julius Caesar plot

In Julius Caesar, the exposition is in 54 B.C. Caesar's daughter Julia died and tensions between him and Pompey arose. Shortly thereafter Crassus died, which ended the First Triumvirate which pitted Pompey and Caesar against each other even more. Even though the Senate supported Pompey and he became a sole consul in 52 B.C. Caesar became a war hero and was loved by many people. Caesar became even more powerful and ended up chasing Pompey to Egypt and defeated him. Caesar returned to Rome where he is now the tribune for the people and a "dictator" for life, which is where the play begins. The play starts and the rising action takes place. We first see two tribunes scolding citizens for taking the day off to celebrate Caesar defeating Pompey, right after Caesar enters the scene followed by political leaders Brutus, Cassius and Antony. As they enter, a soothsayer calls out to Caesar and tells him to "beware the Ides of March", which is a foreshadowing to his death. Cassius and Brutus discuss their situation and Cassius begins to tell Brutus how he could be just as good as a leader as Caesar is and starts to talk down about Caesar. Cassius wishes that Brutus would rise to power and Brutus says he will consider this. Casca arrives and tells Brutus and Cassius that during Caesar's celebration he denied the crown three times. Cassius starts to hatch a plan to get Brutus to join them in the conspiracy against Caesar. That night they plant fake letters that seem to be written by citizens saying the fear Caesar is too powerful. In the morning Caesar prepares to go to the Senate by Calpurnia, his wife, tells him she had a nightmare where his statue was streaming blood, Caesar ignores this and goes anyway. At the Senate, Caesar is stabbed 33 times by the conspirators, which includes his best friend Brutus. Antony arrives and pledges allegiance to Brutus and begs him to speak at his funeral. Brutus agrees. The climax is at the funeral Antony convinces the crowd that Caesar was unfairly murdered and that he needs to be avenged. He reads Caesar's will and the citizens become enraged and go to drive Cassius and Brutus out of Rome. The falling action starts with Octavius, Caesar's adopted son, arriving in Rome and him, Antony, and Lepidus prepare to fight Brutus and Cassius to avenge Caesar. At the camp Brutus and Cassius are staying at, they have an argue but quickly get over it, Brutus learns his wife Portia has killed herself, and the ghost of Caesar appears to Brutus saying he will see him soon. Brutus and Cassius then set out in the morning to meet Octavius and Antony on the battlefield. Before they start fighting, the opposing men exchange a few insults. As they are fighting, Cassius sees his men fleeing and learns that Brutus' men are not doing too well and sends Pindarus to see their conditions. He learns that his best friend Titinius is being surrounded by enemy forces and is devastated, so he order Pindarus to kill him with his own sword.Brutus learns of Cassius and Titinius' deaths and prepares to fight the Romans again. His army loses and because he knows Antony will kill him, he asks one of his men to hold his sword as he impales himself. The resolution is Brutus' death because Caesar can finally rest easy. Antony and Octavius arrive and they call Brutus the noblest Roman of them all.

The scarlet ibis author and plot

James Hurst -Narrator's little brother doodle is born with a physical disability -The narrator decides to teach Doddle how to be "normal" for his own pride -One summer Doodle and his brother find a dead scarlet Ibis, which Doodle connects to -When the brother is teaching his brother, Doodle says he's too tired and it starts raining -The narrator leaves his brother in the rain, but he then comes back to find Doodle dead

the secret life of walter mitty author and plot

James Thurber -Walter Mitty is going on a trip with hiss wife to do ordinary tasks -While going through his day Walter imagines all of his situations are interesting fantasies -While he is driving his car he imagines he is the captain of a navy hyrdoplane -When he drives past a hospital he imagines himself as a surgeon saving a famous person's live -When he hears a newsboy yelling about a trial, he imagines himself as a crack shot being interrogated -While waiting for his wife to finish her hair appointment, he sees a photo for a german plane and imagines he's a british pilot who will sacrifice his life for his countru -His last imagination is he is a bold and brave man about to be shot by a firing aquad.

TV coverage of JFK's death author and plot

Joanne Ostrow -This describes how JFK's death changed media and the way it was portrayed when he died

american history author and plot

Judith Ortiz Cofer -Elena is a puerto rican girl living in New Jersey when John F. Kennedy is assassinated -Elena develops a crush on her classmate Eugene and attempts to win him over. -He lives in the house near her apartment that she has been watching for years and gets invited to go over to his house -JF.K gets assassinated and Elena's family is devastated because he was an icon for Roman Catholics all around the united states. -Elena gets invite to Eugene's house, when she arrives his parents say they do not want someone like her helping him study

The sniper author and plot

Liam O'Flaherty -An Irish man is a sniper during the civil war and starts to aim at his enemy -once he shoots him he goes over to see who his victim was, and it is revealed to be his brother

Evangeline plot

Longfellow -Evangeline and her father Benedict live in the village of Grand-Pré in the 1600s -Gabriel, the son of the local blacksmith Basil, and Evangeline grew up together and fell in love -Winter comes and Basil and Benedict are talking about English ships anchored at their bay, and they ask Father Leblanc about this -He does not know but he officiates Gabriel and Evangeline's wedding -The next morning the English soldiers march from their ships and tells them everything they own is forfeited to the Crown and they are to be expelled from their land into different places -as they are being marched to the shore Gabriel and Evangeline promise to stay true to each other and they are soon separated -At night they see that their village burned down and Evangeline turns and sees her father has died -Years later that Acadians were separated to many different coasts -in may evangeline and her father go down the Mississippi to look for their family, the only thing keeping her going is the thought of the Gabriel -In louisiana they go to a herdsman's house and Evangeline and her father realize it is Basil -Basil tells them Gabriel just left because he was so troubled and went to trade with spaniards and go into the Ozarks -they travel to the west and are right behind Gabriel and a shawnee women tells them her story of love and pain and Evangeline fears she is chasing a ghost -Evangeline comes across a Jesuit Mission and decides to stay there in hopes that Gabriel will stop there on his way home -Seasons pass and he does not come so Evangeline decides to go back to Michigan -Years pass and Evangeline is living in Pennsylvania and acts as a sister of mercy to serve God -A plague falls on the city one year and while Evangeline is going from bedside to bedside she spots Gabriel sick and dying with the fever -He hears her voiced although he is dying and a vision of a young bride fills him and he utters her name -They kiss and Gabriel dies -The two lovers graves are side by side.

a good deed author and plot

Pearl S. Buck -Mrs. Pan arrives in New York because the government in her home country fell -Mrs. Pan's son asks his wife if she knows anyone who speaks chinese, and she says her friend Lili Yang does and she;s a social worker -Lili and Mrs. Pan talk, and Mrs. Pan finds out Lili is 27 and not married -She decides to find a husband for her, so she looks out the window for many days and sees a young man wave at her. -Mr Lim, the man, works at a China shop and she goes and buys 2 bowls so she can talk to him about what he wants in a woman -When Lili visits Mrs. Pan they go to the shop and Mr. Lim and Lili meet -Mr. Lim decides to go on a date with her because Mrs. Pam wants him too.

a sound of thunder author and plot

Ray Bradbury -A hunter named Eckels pays 10k to travel with the time safari -President Keith was just elected and if the other candidate won, Deutscher, people would escape with time travel -He goes to the time of the dinosaurs with Billings, Kramer, and their guide Travis to hunt T-rex -The hunters are told they can't touch anything while in the past because it could heavily change the future -While they are about to kill the T-Rex Eckels becomes very scared, and describes the encounter as "a sound of thunder" -Travis tells him to go back to the time machine and the other hunters return after killing the t-rex -Travis says Eckels can't go back to the future because he went off the path, but he says he can go back if he removes the bullets from the dinosaur's skull -When they return, everything seems a bit strange, and they realize Deutscher, the dictator, was the president instead of Keith -Eckels realizes he stepped on a butterfly and killed it -He cries out in agony and travis enters the room and kills him

The interlopers author and plot

Saki -Ulrich von Gradwitz and George Znaeym are both in the mountains one night -trying to find each other because they are sworn enemies. -They plan on killing one another so they can own the land. -They're both separated from their men and they find each other in the forest. -Before they fight a branch falls on top of the two men and they're trapped. -They realize that their hatred for each other is futile and they decide to be friends. -They call for help and think they see their men, but it is actually wolves

blues ain't no mockinbird author and plot

Toni Cade Bambara -The narrator, Cathy, Terry and Tyrone are at their grandparent's house playing. -A camera crew is trying to take photos of them for a foods stamp program, but the grandma tells them to leave -The grandpa, Cain, comes back from hunting with his hawk, and the cameramen starts to film him but he tells them to leave -When they don't do this he takes their camera and ruins it

a poison tree author and plot

William Blake -the narrator talks about how he didn't talk to his foe, and how this grew into a poisonous hatred

tears of autumn author and plot

Yoshiko Uchida -Hana Omiya is a Japanese woman living in a very traditional household -Her uncle comes home one day and says he's looking for a man for her to marry -The man he finds, Taro San, is a friend's son and lives in Okland California -Hana decides to marry him because she can leave the pressures of being the youngest daughter -The man sends Hana letters and photos. -She takes a long boat trip to the United States and meets her husband -She was disappointed with him because he was older than he looked in the photo, but she soon remembers why she went to America.


a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence.


a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words


a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa,


a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something; an adversary.


a person's inherent qualities of mind and character.


a play on words in which a humorous effect is produced by using a word that suggests two or more meanings or by exploiting similar sounding words having different meanings.


a recurrent image, idea or a symbol that develops or explains a theme while a theme is a central idea or message.


a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.


a thing belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists, especially a thing that is conspicuously old-fashioned.


a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.


able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.


an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference.


consider thoroughly; think fully or deeply about


create or devise methodically


exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.


free (something or someone) from an entanglement; extricate.


he use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning


importance or reputation gained by ability or achievement.


not capable of being satisfied, quelled, or discouraged


of only moderate quality; not very good.


the extent to which the literary text is believable, or the extent to which it imitates life


the formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named


the intention or desire to do evil; ill will.


the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.


the substitution of the name of an attribute or adjunct for that of the thing meant


things or conditions that threaten life or well-being.


unpleasant to look at; ugly.


when a character's dialogue is spoken but not heard by the other actors on the stage

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