Dosage Calculation Lecture 1

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how many mL is in 1 oz?

30 mL

what is the metric equivalent of 1 ounce?

30 mL

what is the abbreviation for a cup?


What is the abbreviation for a drop?


what is a liter?

basic unit of volume

what is a gram?

basic unit of weight

which is the least accurate system?


what is another name for the apothecary system?

fraction system

what does ISMP stand for?

institute for Safe Medication Practices

when a prefix is used with a basic unit, what is the first letter of the word written as?

lower case letter -mg -mcg -mL (exception of the rule)

what is the abbreviation of a meter?


what does a meter measure?

measure body parts, wounds, etc. (length)

what does a gram measure?

measure medication as solids (weight)

what does a liter measure?

measure medications as solutions (volume)

what is the most precise system?

metric system

what is the system of choice for medications and measurements in the health care setting per ISMP?

metric system

what does the decimal system increase in increments of?

multiples of 10

how do we verify that we identify patients correctly?

use at least two ways to identify patients

what is the abbreviation for a teaspoon?

t (tsp)

what is the meaning of a deka?

ten times

how do we used medicines safely?

- Label medications that are not labeled in the area where medications are prepared. - Take extra care with patients who take medications to thin their blood. -Record and pass along correct information about a patient's medications

what are the metric rules?

-arabic number express quantity (1, 0.5) -parts or fractions of a whole are expressed as decimals (0.4 NOT 2/5 g) -quantity precedes unit of measure (2 L) -a full space is used between number and abbreviation (5_mg) -use leading zero BEFORE a decimal, but eliminate trailing zeros (0.4 mg NOT .4 mg, and 2 mg NOT 2.0 mg) -microgram is abbreviated mcg -do not use cc for mL -avoid periods (mg NOT mg.) -place commas in values starting at one thousand (ISMP recommendations) -do not add "s" to make plurals- could lead to misinterpretation

what does the ISMP protect errors from?

-errors related to prescribing, transcribing, dispensing, administering, and monitoring of medications and vaccines -errors related to the wrong drug, wrong strength, wrong side, wrong route of administration and wrong patient -confusion over look-alike/ sound-alike drugs or similar packaging -calculation or preparation errors -misuse of medical equipment

what are the 3 basic units of measure?

-gram -liter -meter

what are the national patient safety goals?

-identify patients correctly -use medicines safely

how do you solve for x in the case of a ratio and proportion?

-if 3 numbers in a true proportion are known, the unknown fourth number, called x, can be found -x is usually placed as the last term of the extreme

what is another name for the metric system?

-international system of units -SI units

how does a colon indicate division?

-numerator on left:denominator on right -1:3 is the same as ⅓

what are the rules for using ratio and proportion?

-state known equivalent first -add incomplete ratio on other side of equal sign-both sides mirrored -label all terms in the proportion, including x, when problem is first set up

what is the numerical value of a deci?


what is the numerical value of a micro?


what is the numerical value of a milli?


what is the numerical value of a centi?


how many milliliters are in a liter?

1 L= 1,000 mL 1 mL= 0.001 L

what is the metric equivalent of 2.2 pound?

1 kg

how many oz capacity is a medicine cups?

1 oz

what is the only unit typically used in medicine that is larger than the basic gram unit (used to measure client weight)?

1,000 g= 1 kg so 1 kg is 1,000 times larger than 1 g

how many milligrams are in a gram?

1,000 mg= 1g

what does each metric unit in health care differ by?

1,000 or 3 decimal places

how many micrograms are in a gram?

1,000,000 mcg= 1 g

what is the numerical value of a deka?


what is the numerical value of a hecto?


what is the numerical value of a kilo?


how many grams are in a kilogram?

1000 grams= 1 kg

what is the metric equivalent of 1 quart?

1000 mL

how many micrograms are in 1 milligram?

1000 micrograms= 1 milligram

how many milligrams are in a gram?

1000 milligrams= 1 gram

how many mL is 1 tablespoon?

15 mL

what is the metric equivalent of 1 tablespoon?

15 mL

what is the equivalent of 1 pound?

16 ounces

what is the equivalent of 1 pint?

2 cups = 16 oz

what is the equivalent of 1 ounce?

2 tablespoons

how many cm is in 1 inch?


what is the metric equivalent of 1 cup?

240 mL

what is the equivalent of 1 tablespoon?

3 teaspoons

what is the equivalent of 1 quart?

4 cups = 2 pints= 32 ounces

how many mL is 1 teaspoon?

5 mL

what is the metric equivalent of 1 teaspoon?

5 mL

what is the metric equivalent of 1 pint?

500 mL

what is the equivalent of 1 cup?

8 ounce

how many oz is 1 cup?

8 oz

what is the abbreviation of a liter?

L (capital letter)

what is the abbreviation for a tablespoon?

T (tbs)

what is the do not use list for the fraction system?

TJC recommends fractions NOT be used in medication administration. Discouraged by ISMP

What are medications, such as penicillins and insulin, commonly measured in?


what do we advise the use of for accurate dosing?

advise use of droppers and devices, such as syringes, provided with medications for accurate dosing

what is a proportion?

an equation of ratios of equal value 3:4=6:8 3:4 ::6:8 ¾ = 6/8

why is the household brand the least accurate system?

capacities of utensils vary by brand unless CALIBRATED

why doe we use mL and not cc?

could be misread as 00, but may still be seen on some syringes

why do we avoid periods?

could be mistaken as a 1 if written poorly

what is the abbreviation of a gram?


what is the abbreviation for a pound (weight)?


what is the meaning of a hecto?

one hundred times

what is the meaning of a centi?

one hundredth part of

what is the meaning of a miro?

one millionth part of

what is the meaning of a deci?

one thenth

what is the meaning of a kilo?

one thousand times

what is the meaning of a milli?

one thousandth part of

what is the abbreviation for a ounce (fluid)?


what is the goal of QSEN?

preparing future nurses who will have the knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSAs) necessary to continuously improve the quality and safety of the healthcare systems which which they work

what is the abbreviation for a pint?


what is the abbreviation for a quart?


what does QSEN stand for?

quality and safety education for nurses?

what are ratios used to indicate?

relationships between two numbers

what is the metric equivalent of a quart?

roughly 1,000 mL

what is the metric equivalent of a pint?

roughly 500 mL

how are the numbers separated in ratios?

separated by a colon (:)

what is a conversion?

to change from one unit to another, such as mg to mcg

why were the national patient safety goals established in 2002?

to help accredited organizations address specific areas of concern in regards to patient safety

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