Driver Ed: Module 1 and 2

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What age does the brain fully mature at?


How many non family members can you have in the car until you have your license for one year under the age of 21?


Under the age of 18, learner's permit holders may carry how many people under the age of 18?


How many days of consecutive unexcused absence from school can result in a license suspension?


How many inches should be between the drivers chest and the steering wheel?


N means what on the gear selector?


What are the curfew restriction hours in VA


Under the age of 18, how many hours of night driving does the learner's permit holder do?


What degree of the car should you see when adjust the drivers side side mirror?


To obtain your learners permit, how old must you be?

15 and 6 months

If you fail your permit test and are under the age of 18, how long must you wait to retake?

15 days

How old must you be to obtain a drivers license if you are under 18?

16 and 3 months

Under what age must passengers wear seats belts?


How long is your temporary license valid?

180 days

When adjusting the rear view mirror how many feet to the rear should be visible?


What percentage is a tire considered significantly underinflated?


How many non family members can you have after having your license for one year under the age of 21 in emergencies or to and from school?


How many times must you fail the permit test and be required to complete a driver's education course in order to be eligible to retake the test?


Under the age of 18, how many hours of driving must the learner's permit holder do?


Every how many months should you check the air pressure in spare tires, clean battery connections, power steering fluid, coolant strength, parking brake, body and door drain holes, and hinges, door latches and locks


If your register a BAC of .02 or higher or refuse to take the field sobriety test, your license will be suspended for a minimum of how many days?


how many years does a license expire on your birthday?


where should you place your hands on the steering wheel?

8 and 4

How long must a learner's permit holder under the age 18 have their permit to be eligible to get their drivers license?

9 months

What factors do start monitoring after ~30,000 miles, year of wear and tear, containment by leaked/spilled motor oil or coolant mean?

Accessory Belts

Brown sign

cultural interest

Which land use means lane is open?


Which steady light color applies to go if way is clear?


Which traffic signal arrow color means you may proceed in the direction of the arrow?


Green sign

guide information

If your are 21 years or older your license is vertical or horizontal?


Black sign used with white

regulatory sign

D mean what on the gear selector?


What is the area of the brain that controls understanding consequences and suppressing impulses?

Front Lobe

What components are temperature control, variable fan speed controls air flow movement, windshield defroster, rear window defroster of?


What does HVAC stand for?

Heater/Ventilation/Air conditioner

Where does the left foot rest?

dead pedal

horizontal sign


To turn left do you hit the turn signal lever up or down?


Cruise control should only be used on what type of pavement?


What checks should you perform every one to two months?

engine oil, brake fluid, coolant, seat belts

Slower speeds require faster or slower steering wheel movement?


Type of Vehicle that may be driven by someone without a driver's license, must be at least 16 years old, and cannot exceed 35 mph


Type of Vehicle that may be driven abreast in one lane, and may use HOV lanes even if only carrying the driver


Blue sign

motorist services

pennant sign

no passing zone

Red sign used with white


Round sign


Where do you approach a vehicle in a parking lot?


Infants must always be secured in what directions in a rear seat restraint?

rear facing

Where are passengers younger than 12 safer to be seated?

rear seats

Which mirror provides the widest field of view?


Which flashing light color means stop, yield and go when clear?


Which lane use means lane closed?


Which traffic signal arrow color means you may not proceed in the direction?


Vertical sign


What factors do recommendations vary greatly depending on vehicle year/make/model: check owners manual mean?

replace fuel filter

What do some vehicles have to regulate the intensity of the light?


Pentagon sign

school crossing

Fluorescent Optic Yellow sign

school zones

The top of the steering wheel should be between what two body parts?

shoulders and chin

Faster speeds require slower or faster steering wheel movements?


Octagon sign


What checks should your perform weekly on your vehicle?

tires, outside lights, emergency kit, windshield wipers, washer fluid

When adjusting the passenger side mirror, where should you lean?

towards the center

Where do you store personal items in a car?


To turn right do you hit the turn signal lever up or down?


Pink sign

warn about incident

Diamond sign


Which flashing light color means slow down and yield?


Which lane use means lane closure is imminent?


Which steady light color applies to light is about to change?


triangle sign


P means what on the gear selector?


Cell phones or other wireless communication devices are what?


Which steady light color applies to stop and remained stopped?


What factors do type and year of vehicle make/model, city vs. country roads/interstates, terrain, your driving habits mean?

Replace brake pads and rotors

What factors do only driving short distances, living in an area where roads are salted in winter mean?

Replace engine air filter

R means what on the gear selector?


Your privilege to drive has been terminated means?


Your privilege to drive has been withdrawn temporarily means?


What does TPMS stand for?

Tire Pressure Monitoring System

If you are under 21 is your license vertical or horizontal?


If you and your parents decided that you want to be an organ donor, what will appear on your permit?

a heart

When is it permitted to turn on left on red?

a one way street onto another one way street

Type of Vehicle that signals using arms/hands, and cars must give at least three feet of room when passing


What is the major cause of collisions?

breaking the rules of the road

Where should the airbags be aimed at?


What is the pedal located to the left of the brake and used to switch gears?


Type of vehicle with minimum distance, stop at railroad crossings, wide right turns, and lower speed limits


Orange sign


What does BGE stand for?

Blindzone Glare Elimination

What factors do number of miles driven, type/quality of motor oil and oil filter, usually every 3,000-5,000 miles mean?

Change oil and replace filter

Drivers education is a what course?

Crash Avoidance

Where do you approach a vehicle from the curb?


Yellow sign used with black

general warning

You angle the sun visor away from face for?

glare protection

Where should the safety belts be placed on a body?

hipbone, chest, shoulder

What two releases do driver confuse?

hood and brake

What is used as a warning device only?


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