Driver's Ed

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There is no indication of braking to avoid a crash AND Drivers run into the back of other vehicles

A characteristic of drowsy driving is when

To have little experience with alcohol

Inexperienced drivers are likely:

Accelerating or braking too hard AND Steering too much or too quickly AND Entering a curve with too much speed

Skidding is a situation in which your tires lose all or part of their grip on the road. Skids can result from:


True or False: Distractions can be dangerous, and yet can be difficult to avoid. It's clear that being distracted or not giving your full attention to your driving can result in serious consequences. Your perception, decision making and ability to respond quickly can all be dangerously weakened without you even realizing it.


True or False: Fringe vision detects color and motion and is primarily used for targeting.


True or False: Hand over hand steering allows you to pull the steering wheel as you turn.


True or False: If you are not feeling well and can't find a parking spot in the parking lot, you can park in a special parking spot that is labeled for handicap drivers, even if you do not have a special card or plate marked with the handicapped symbol.


True or False: If your vehicle is not equipped with anti-lock brakes, use squeeze braking. This is when you keep your heel on the floor and use your toes to apply pressure on the brake pedal.


True or False: A cognitive distraction is when your mind is not focused on driving.


True or False: In extremely cold temperatures your windshield washer fluid may freeze onto the windshield if you attempt to spray fluid while driving.


True or False: Successfully completing a Driver Education course will guarantee that you become a safe driver.


True or False: When driving in fog, you should reduce your speed to increase your available reaction time and help prevent overdriving visibility - driving too fast for the distance you can see ahead of you.


True or False: When water on the road is frozen, you can go faster as the road will be slick and you can glide to your destination.

It can lead to a rollover crash.

What are the dangers of veering off on to the shoulder of the road?

Stop before the intersection and yield to cross traffic

When you approach a stop sign you should:

Signal in the direction of your intended parking space since you are turning

When you are angle or perpendicular parking, you should:

Not have to back out of the space

When you perpendicular park you should, when possible, select a space that lets you drive into the facing space so that you when you leave the parking space you will:

Shift your eyes to the right side of the road, glancing at the white line to help you stay in your lane of travel

When your vision is reduced while driving at night, such as the lights from an on coming vehicle, the best course of action is to:

Regulatory sign

A "Do Not Enter" sign is a

School Zone

A five-sided, fluorescent yellow-green sign like the one shown here warns of:

Operate a motorized vehicle and serves as an identification

A valid class D Driver's License allows the driver to:

Suddenly stopping AND Swerving into your lane

A vehicle ahead of you can increase your risk by:


All of the following are common messages communicated by drivers to reduce risk except

Yelling at a driver

An example of road rage is:

Plenty of time

Before deciding to pass a large truck, you should allow yourself __________ to complete the pass.

Is passing legal? Is passing safe? Is passing worth it? These are the three questions you should ask yourself before passing another vehicle.

Before passing another vehicle, you should ask yourself three questions. What questions should you consider before you pass?

motorist services guidance

Blue colored signs like the one shown here indicate:

The primary visual function employed in targeting

Central vision is:

Before driving you must check all around your vehicle and make sure nothing is going to get hit if you begin to drive, you must check your headlights, you must check your mirrors and make sure they are properly adjusted, your windshield (making sure nothing is obscuring your vision), and you must make sure your seat is positioned in a spot most efficient for driving.

Certain checks and procedures must become habits if a driver is to safely and efficiently operate a motor vehicle. Explain at least four pre-driving checks you should do before you drive.

Traction, space and visibility

Changes in ________________ is a major highway condition that requires you to adjust speed.

Exchanging information

Communicating should be thought of as:

Traffic in both lanes is traveling in the same direction

Dashed white pavement lines separating two lanes indicate:


Explain the differences between a controlled and an uncontrolled intersection.

When checking traffic behind you can either look into the rear-view mirror or quickly glance behind you if you feel you need a better picture. You can also use your side mirrors to see a little bit behind you but it doesn't give you as good of a picture.

Explain two ways you can check the traffic behind you while on the roadway.

To separate multiple risks is when two or more different potential dangers are coming at you and instead of trying to deal with them all at the same time you separate them. An example would be if you were coming upon a narrow bridge and a car, going the opposite way, was approaching as well. In order to not have to pass the car while on the bridge you would slow down and let the car go before even entering the bridge.

Explain what it means to separate multiple risks when driving. Give at least one example.

Go around the block

If a driver misses a turn at an intersection and needs to go back in the opposite direction, what would be the safest maneuver?

In the trunk or under a cargo net

If you put groceries in your vehicle, the safest place to put the items is:

Get everyone out of the vehicle and call 911

If your vehicle stalls on railroad tracks you should:

Your vehicle can not be seen by the truck driver when in the "no zone"

Large trucks have "no zones" located to the front, back and both sides of the truck. Which of these statements is true of a truck's "no zones"?

They have a higher center of gravity so they may move more slowly through turns to avoid rolling over

Large vehicles like trucks and busses have different driving behaviors than passenger cars because they generally weigh more than other vehicles. For example:

They weigh more

Larger vehicles tend to have longer stopping distances than other vehicles because____________.

Have more time to make decisions

Maintaining a proper following interval and visual control zone with identified alternative paths of travel allows you to:

Three different ways a driver can communicate their presence or intentions to other drivers on the road are: they can use their turn signals, their headlights, or their horn. In some cases, a driver may even need to use a flare or reflective triangles.

Name at least three ways a driver can communicate their presence or intentions to other drivers.

Stop and wait until the red lights quit flashing and the stop arm has been pulled in

On a two-lane highway, a school bus is stopped with red lights flashing and stop arm extended, you must:

When a broken yellow line is on the driver's side of the road

Passing is permitted:

Red and white or Black and white

Regulatory signs are usually:

Reasonable and proper

The key to the Basic Speed Law is to drive at a ____________ speed for conditions.

To help you avoid collisions when conditions change suddenly

The primary reason to develop the habit of checking your mirrors is:

Develop proper visual habits that include watching for children, pets and bikes in the area

The unexpected behavior of young children can pose a serious problem in residential areas. To overcome the risks associated with young children, you should:

Turn your head and check over your shoulder in the direction of the blind area

To check the blind areas around your vehicle, you should:

At least four seconds

To maintain a safe distance behind a large truck so that you are NOT traveling in the truck's blind spot, motorists should maintain a minimum following distance of:

Vehicles that might be moving into the space cushion around your vehicle AND Oncoming vehicles, merging vehicles, and vehicles in front of and behind you AND Intersecting traffic

To safely anticipate and navigate closing probability, you should be looking for:

Move the turn signal lever up

To signal that you are going to make a right turn, you should:


True or False. Driving is a right, not a privilege.


True or False: Two-point turns involve backing or pulling forward into a driveway.


True or False: When conducting outside the vehicle checks, you should inspect your headlights.


True or False: When you hear an ambulance behind you and there is no approaching traffic, you should ignore it and continue driving because the ambulance will be able to pass you in the other lane.

Not only those dangers you can see, but also those you cannot see

You should allow space for


____________ is coming together or blending of vehicles to maintain a smooth, uninterrupted traffic flow.

Can affect your driving task.

An emotional event not related to driving:

Are shift workers AND Take long road trips AND Are young drivers

Drivers are at an increased risk of becoming fatigued if they:

Insist that the crash they were involved in is not their fault

Drivers who are unaware of the risk involved in driving will tend to:

Remain calm and ease off the accelerator

Driving off the edge of the roadway even with just one side of the vehicle can be very risky because it can easily lead to a rollover crash. If you find yourself in this situation, what should you do?

Learned and can be changed

Emotional responses are:

Two ways that you can control your emotions while driving are; you can expect drivers to make mistakes (they might have some sort of distracting or emotional things happening to them so being prepared and understanding what someone else may be going through can eliminate the need to get emotional at their actions). Another thing you can do is take a break from driving; taking a short walk after pulling over your vehicle or try to control your breathing. Doing these simple tasks can help calm you down enough to finish driving to where you're going without getting upset and putting you and drivers around you in danger.

Explain at least two ways that you can control your emotions when driving.

Two easy things you can do to reduce the chances of your vehicle hydroplaning are: slow down if excessive water is present and/or keep the proper amount of air in your tires at all time. Another thing you can do is replace your tires if they are very old and have become well-worn.

Explain at least two ways that you can reduce the chances of your vehicle hydroplaning.

Stop at a roadside area where security is present or make sure you are as far off the highway as possible

If you become drowsy while driving and need to stop along the roadway to rest, one way to keep yourself safe is to:

Are less likely to open during a rollover

Locked doors on your vehicle:

2 to 4 PM

Most people experience dips in energy between approximately midnight and 6 AM, and again between approximately _____________, during which they are likely to fall asleep while during.

Three things you can do to improve visibility while driving with special conditions such as the ones listed above are; make sure your headlights are in tip-top shape. They can be very useful tools, but only if cleaned and on the proper setting for every particular situation. Another thing you can do is slow down. This can allow you more time to take in the scene around you and give you more time to react. Last but not least, don't look directly into the headlights of other driver's vehicles. This can lead to you steering toward them or becoming fatigued by the brightness. Instead, look at the fog line to the right of your vehicle until the car with the blinding headlights has pasted you.

Name at least three things you can do to improve visibility in adverse driving conditions like night time driving, fog, rain, or snow.

Summer Tires

Tires that are specifically designed for use during the summer offer increased traction in dry, wet and warm conditions, but are not designed for use on snow or ice. What is the common name for this type of tires?

Should try to calm down AND Is on his way to road rage AND Believes his driving is not part of the problem

You are a passenger in a vehicle when the driver starts honking his horn and yelling at the slow moving vehicle ahead. You are witnessing a driver who is unable to contain his frustration. The driver:

Use controlled braking and steer so that you collide with the other vehicle at an angle

You are about to collide with another vehicle, you should:

Check for injures and call 911

Your first duty in the event of a collision is to:

Road Rage

___________ occurs when a driver uses the vehicle or some other weapon to threaten or cause harm to another roadway user in response to a traffic incident.

Blood alcohol concentration

"BAC" stands for __________________.

Evasive acceleration AND Evasive braking AND Evasive steering

To avoid a collision, you can use:


True or False: Angled parking requires more time and room than perpendicular parking, because you have to position your vehicle at least eight to nine feet away from the rear of the other parked vehicles.


True or False: As you approach a stop sign at an intersection, you see that there is a large truck on the through street to your right which is signaling a left turn. You should stop behind the stop line or several feet back from the stop sign to give plenty of room for the truck to make the turn.


True or False: Resting is by far the most effective way to counter drowsiness.


True or False: Safety belts help keep a driver behind the steering wheel and in control of the vehicle during a crash.


True or False: Strong emotions affect our ability to make safe decisions.


True or False: The Railroad advance sign that is placed several hundred feet before a railroad crossing to warn in advance of a railroad track ahead is black and white and shaped like an X.


True or False: While stopping on snow can be a problem, so can getting started. By applying power gently, your tires have a better chance of keeping their traction.


True or False: You generally steer where you look.


True or False: You should avoid driving for extended periods of time beside a large truck because large trucks have blind areas and the truck driver may not realize you are there.


True or False: Young drivers are more likely to underestimate the level of risk involved in a maneuver or driving situation than more experienced drivers.


True or False: Your tires will have the most grip on the pavement when the road surface is clean and dry.

No passing in either direction

Two solid yellow lines on a two-lane road mean:

Tell drivers of unexpected conditions so they can slow down or take other action

Warning signs:

First, you need to check the other person for injuries and then call 911. Then, if the other person involved is okay, you should exchange all the information needed to handle the collision. After that, call the authorities needed to handle the situation. You must also remain on the scene until the problem has been dealt with, if you do not it is considered a hit and run.

What are the three primary duties that a driver involved in a collision should perform at the scene of a collision?

9 and 3 OR 8 and 4

What are the two recommended placements of your hands on the steering wheel?

To prevent conflicts resulting from one driver failing to yield to another

What is the purpose of a right of way?

Traffic density AND Your speed AND Visibility

When deciding whether to reverse direction with a U-turn, two-point turn, or other method, you should consider:

Getting a good night's rest AND Sharing the driving responsibilities AND Stopping and taking a break every two hours or so

Which of these are good strategies for avoiding driving while fatigued?

Keep your eyes moving

Which of these tips should you use to minimize the challenges of driving?

More space to the side with the most serious consequences

When faced with dangers close to both sides of your path of travel, you should create:

Passing on a curve, at or near an intersection, on a bridge, or anytime there are dashed yellow lines in your lane is illegal and unsafe.

When is it unsafe to pass a vehicle?

200 feet from the other vehicle

When overtaking another vehicle going the same direction as you at night, you should dim your high beams:

Judgment is affected before their coordination

When people drink alcoholic beverages, their:

Both hands will always maintain contact with the steering wheel

When steering using the hand to hand method:

The vehicle on the left must yield to the vehicle on the right

When two vehicles approach an unmarked intersection at the same time:

Stop driving and get rest

When you are driving and become fatigued you should:

Reduce your speed and make sure your low beam headlights or daytime running lights are on

When you are driving and encounter heavy fog you should:

Inside of those made by your front tires

When your vehicle turns a corner, the tracks made by the rear tires are always:

Swerve to the right

While driving on a two-lane road with paved shoulders you are in a situation where a collision is inevitable. Which is your best course of action to avoid hitting the vehicle in front of you?


You are traveling in the right lane of a highway with two lanes moving in your direction. You want to move to the left lane. Explain the procedure you would use to safely change lanes.


You are traveling on a narrow two-lane road and are approaching a child riding his/her bike on the right side of the road. A line of oncoming vehicles following a slow moving truck is approaching in the oncoming lane. You should flash your lights, tap your horn and


Alcohol is a __________drug.

Use your horn to sound a warning

An appropriate way to communicate with other drivers is to:

Using a turn signal when you will be turning at an intersection one mile ahead AND Honking at a driver who is traveling slowly ahead of you AND Using emergency flashers to warn drivers of hazardous situations

An improper signal by a driver can cause errors on the roadway. An example of a proper signal is:

Their actions are erratic and unpredictable

Animals are especially dangerous when you see them near the roadway because:

Roadway conditions AND Traffic conditions And Off-road conditions

Drivers need to define an intended safe path of travel. What factors affect the selection of your path of travel?

Any time they are crossing the roadway

Drivers should yield to pedestrians:

May be unaware of their own speed

Drivers with poor visual habits:


During a counter steer, you need to be careful as it is not enough to correct for only the first over steer. The rear of the vehicle may swing back in the opposite direction of the first skid, which is known as:

allows time for a driver to make speed or lane adjustments

Early identification of conditions ahead:

Some symptoms to look out for if you think you might be suffering from fatigue are: yawning, drifting from your lane, daydreaming, following too closely, or having difficulty focusing.

List five symptoms of fatigue. The symptoms may be mental and/or physical.


One important way to manage risk when driving is to see everything going on in the traffic scene. Several acronyms may be used to describe this process such as IPDE, SIPDE, and SEE. All of these processes, though, include three important elements: Perceive, Decide, and Act. Explain each of the three elements as they relate to this scenario: You are driving on a residential street and see children riding bikes beside the roadway.

Stop, get out of the vehicle and walk around for at least ten minutes every two hours

One of the best ways to prevent fatigue while driving on a long trip is to:

Driving at a speed that is reasonable and safe for the current conditions

The basic speed law means:

Drive too fast for conditions AND Turn too wide AND Stop suddenly

The driver ahead of you is having a lively conversation with passengers in the vehicle, you can anticipate that the driver might:

1st drink

The effects of alcohol will start with the:

Controlled braking

The fastest way to stop your vehicle with or without ABS is:

There may be ice or frost on the bridge when other pavement is dry

The road surface of a bridge may be more dangerous in winter because:


The time of year when driving offers the most challenging road conditions for Idaho drivers is during:

Relax your eye muscles making it difficult to focus

The use of alcohol will:

Choose your music before your trip AND Do personal grooming at home, not in the car AND Program destinations into the GPS before starting your trip

Fortunately there are things that every driver can do to prevent distractions while driving. To start, there are steps that you can take before you ever get behind the wheel. You can _______.


True or False: An example of a temporary disability while driving is having a cold.


A(n) _____________ skid occurs when your front tires begin to lose contact with the road surface.

White lines are on the right side of a traffic lane and separate traffic going in the same direction AND Yellow lines are on the left side of a traffic lane and separate traffic going in opposite directions

As a general rule about white and yellow lines on the roadway:

Slow down, look, and listen. If you can tell that no train is approaching, proceed to cross the tracks without stopping.

As you approach a railroad crossing with no flashing lights or crossing gates, the safest way to proceed is to:

Stop behind the truck and wait for it to complete the turn

At an intersection, a truck immediately in front of you is signaling to make a left turn. Your safest decision is to:

You should switch into the right lane so you will be on the right when you need to turn right

At the intersection shown here, you want to make a left turn and then make a right turn at the next block. Which lane should you be in before making the left turn?

Cause you to be less alert, even drowsy between one and five PM

Circadian rhythm will:

Some ways that alcohol affects the body are: when under the influence of alcohol your brain cannot properly make good decisions, your judgment is impaired, and your social inhibitions are lessened greatly.

Explain at least three ways that alcohol affects the body which lessens a driver's ability to safely operate a motor vehicle.

Some reasons to search the ground while driving are: to see obstacles that you would otherwise miss, such as potholes or small animals. You can also spot the shadows or silhouettes of hidden, approaching pedestrians, or even other cars.

Explain at least two ways in which searching the ground can help you while on the roadway.


Explain how a driver should proceed at a Yield sign. Where should they look? What should they look for? When is it necessary to stop?


Explain the differences between aggressive driving and road rage. Give an example of each.

The three general types of distractions are visual distractions, physical distractions, and cognitive/mental distractions. Visual distractions are something that moves your eyes away from the road. Physical distractions are when you are physically doing something other than driving. And last but not least, cognitive/mental distractions are distractions that keep your mind occupied on something other than driving.

Explain the three general types of distractions that may occur while operating a motor vehicle.


Explain the three stages (not license types) of the Graduated Driver Licensing program which a person under age 17 must complete before they can be licensed to drive in Idaho.

Rear-tire skid

In a _____________ (commonly known as an oversteer), the rear tires lose traction and the rear of the vehicle begins to slide sideways.

Quicker response time

In an emergency situation, fixed-hand steering using the 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock or 8 o'clock and 4 o'clock hand positioning can be more effective than hand-to-hand steering. Fixed-hand steering provides:

The first of the three collisions that happen when a crash is present is; the vehicle hitting something outside of the vehicle such as another vehicle or a tree. The second thing that happens is the driver (and/or other passengers) collides with the inside of the vehicle. the third collision to occur would be a body part of the occupant hits another body part (such as the brain colliding with the skull).

In any motor vehicle crash, there are usually three collisions. Explain the three collisions.


True or False. A green arrow on a traffic signal means that traffic moving in the direction of the arrow may proceed.


True or False. You do not have to obey regulatory signs. These signs are in place to provide you guidance about applicable laws at that particular place.


True or False: A "closing probability" when driving is the chance that the vehicle and another object will move closer as they move along a projected path of travel.


True or False: A driver who gives an incorrect signal may have poor spatial judgement.


True or False: A drug will affect a person the same way each time it is used.


True or False: Alcohol affects men and women the same.

Pull over to the nearest edge of the roadway, stop, and allow the emergency vehicle to pass

What should you do when a police or emergency vehicle sounds a siren or displays red or blue lights?

Inattentional blindness

When a driver fails to notice an unexpected event, the driver may be experiencing:

Stop at the crossing and do not proceed until the flashing lights stop

When approaching a railroad crossing that has red flashing lights:

Grip the steering wheel at the 12 o'clock position with your left hand AND Move the wheel left or right in the direction you want the rear of your vehicle to go AND Brace your right arm over the back of the passenger seat

When backing up:


__________results when a situation, event, or person draws a driver's focus away from driving.

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