Drivers Ed

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When approaching an intersection, prepare to brake _______ feet in advance.


Demerit points are counted during a _____ month period. 8 months 4 months 12 months

12 months

How much percent of accident is caused by drivers following to close in Manitoba?


A vehicle traveling at 40 mph will perform a lane change with a vehicle traveling 30 mph ahead, in ___ seconds, assuming all proper checks were made. 19 13 10 7


When turning from an intersection, travel at least ______ feet before changing lanes.


If your car is a _______ model or newer, it must have lap-type seat belts for passengers in the front seat.


Trucks have _____ more blinds spots than normal vehicles.


How many seconds ahead is the Point of No Return? [mark all correct answers] 4-6 seconds 2 seconds 12-15 seconds 0-1 second

2 seconds 0-1 second

In Nevada, you can go ____ mph in business and residential areas.

25 mph

Currently the US has over ____________ miles of interstate highways.


When roads are slick or in bad weather, increase your following distance to _____ seconds.


In Nevada, you can go ____ mph in Urban freeways, rural highways.

65 mph

Convictions related to DUI (Driving Under the Influence) stay on your record for ____ years.


Desert driving is hard on the driver because of lack of services road and vehicle temperature All of the answers sameness of scenery

All of the answers

Ground viewing focuses on? All of the answers lane position small children or animals direction of wheels road markings and conditions

All of the answers

In order to avoid tailgaters what should you do? All of the answers Encourage tailgator to pass by putting on signal Do not panic Ease of accelerator

All of the answers

When you have your instruction permit who must you drive with? Anyone 18 or older No one; by yourself Anyone who is 25 or older Anyone 21 years or old who has 1 year experience of driving

Anyone 21 years or old who has 1 year experience of driving

Which of the following are done before you start the engine? [Select all that apply.] check for fuel levels Buckle up adjust driver's seat so you reach controls Look for traffic make sure your windows are clean

Buckle up adjust driver's seat so you reach controls make sure your windows are clean

The vision that is used for targeting is called? Central Peripheral Fringe Targeting


A first-time Nevada driver's license is valid for ten years and expires on your birthday. True False


A greater braking distance will increase the force of impact of an accident. True False


Cruise control should also be used during slippery situations. True False


Hands can be placed on the steering wheel at either the 9 and 3 o'clock positions OR the 7 and 5 o'clock positions. True False


If you and another driver arrive at the intersection at the same time, the driver on the right must yield the right-of-way. True False


If you are careful and safe there is no way you can get in an accident. True False


If you double your speed while driving, your braking distance becomes twice as long. True False


In Nevada you must get a Real ID when you apply for a driver's license. True False


It is always safe to pass a vehicle on a two-lane road. True False


Motor vehicle crashes are the second leading cause of death for U.S. teens. True False


Perception time is the length of time needed to apply the brake. True False


Stopping suddenly will decrease the force of impact of an accident. True False


There are 4 areas of space around a vehicle known as a zone. True False


When driving down a steep hill, you must push the accelerator pedal harder to avoid losing speed. True False


You can follow as closely as you want behind other cars. True False


You do not need to present a Certificate of Completion of a Driver's Education course on the day that you take your driver's test. True False


You may use the shoulder or bicycle lane to pass. True False


What is the equation for Force? Force = Mass^2 x Velocity Force = Mass x Acceleration Force = Velocity^2/Mass Force = Mass/Acceleration

Force = Mass x Acceleration

The time need for your eyes to regain clear vision after being affected by glare is called? Glare recovery Light blindness Glare restraint Frequency

Glare recovery

No trucks allowed. Truck stop ahead. Trucks under 18,000 lbs. allowed. Hill ahead.

Hill ahead.

Hospital ahead to the right. Highway changes ahead to the right. Hotel ahead to the right. Hiking trails ahead to the right.

Hospital ahead to the right.

Two-way traffic ahead. Divided highway ends. Keep to the right. One-way traffic ahead.

Keep to the right.

Which beams are used in about 160 ft. neither Low High


Yellow center lines may be? Check all that apply. May be single May be double None of the answers May be dashed May be solid

May be single May be double May be dashed May be solid

In what territory could I find the "Extraterrestrial Highway"? Reno-Tahoe Territory Cowboy Country Nevada Silver Trails Pony Express Territory

Nevada Silver Trails

Vision used for color and object moving is typically called? Peripheral Central Fringe None


Slippery when wet. You are approaching a hill. Don't drink if you are going to drive. Road curves ahead.

Slippery when wet.

You must stop ahead. Speeding is not allowed. There is a traffic signal ahead. Continue at your current speed.

There is a traffic signal ahead.

Pushing the accelerator to rapidly pick up speed is ________?

Thrust Acceleration

A flashing yellow arrow means to proceed with left turn after yielding to oncoming traffic. True False


All of the information about the vehicle instruments and controls can be found in the car's manual. True False


At times sun glare can be severe and blinding. True False


Attending traffic safety school removes a maximum of 3 demerit points. True False


Babies must not ride facing forward until they are 1 year old and weigh at least 20 pounds. True False


Before making your turn, look one more time in each direction. True False


Better roads were built as a result from the war. True False


Darkness itself, while driving, is a hazard. True False


Drivers under 18 cannot transport any passenger under the age of 18, except for immediate family members, for the first six months after licensing. True False


Driving too slowly can also be unsafe. True False


If you are under 18 years of age, a parent or guardian must co-sign your application for a Nevada driver's license and may cancel the minor's instruction permit or license at any time. True False


If you identify a problem while trying to pass, it is okay to slow down and re-establish a safe following distance. True False


If you were traveling at 40 mph and you braked suddenly, you would feel your body move forward. True False


In Nevada you can make a right hand turn on a red light? True False


Intersections are roadways that meet or cross. True False


Most driving instructors now recommend four seconds on all streets and five seconds at highway speeds for the following distances. True False


Never leave a child age 7 or younger unattended in a vehicle if the conditions present a significant risk to the health and safety of that child unless the child is being supervised by, and within sight of, a person at least 12 years old. True False


On a one-way street, drivers do not have to watch out for cars coming in the opposite direction. True False


Passengers can often collide with each other when unbelted, causing serious injury to others. True False


Peripheral vision envelopes all three visual fields. True False


Rubber is ideal for tires because it is able to deform to initial stress without fully breaking down. True False


Some roads may be too narrow to pass oncoming vehicles safely on rural roads. True False


Speeding increases blurriness of vision and decreases time for judgement. True False


The rules of the road are the traffic laws and driving practices that mean safe driving for all of us. True False


To calculate a safe following distance, time how long it takes for you to pass a land mark after the vehicle in front passes that target area. True False


To minimize risk, drivers must manage vision, time, and space. True False


To reduce the risk of neck injury, the neck and torso should move together forward as much as possible. True False


Using cruise control on the highway can help you stay within the speed limit. True False


When you are passing through a section of the road where there are kids, you must slow down because you never know when they might make a sudden move. True False


What type of intersection becomes two roads become one or where one road becomes two. Y Circle Crossroad T


Can you take your driving test without a Social Security Card? Yes, but you need to fill out a form stating that you have never been issued one. No, you have to obtain one and then take your driving test.

Yes, but you need to fill out a form stating that you have never been issued one.

People use the highway transportation system by _________. driving walking riding all of these

all of these

Yielding in traffic means A. speeding up to avoid a collision B. allowing others to go before you C. expecting others to stop for you D. coming to a complete stop every time

allowing others to go before you

What is the biggest hazard in night driving? people animals dark glare


Fatal crash rate at night is nearly _______ the daytime rate for teenagers. triple double same


Which is a danger that a driver faces when they want to pass? control errors in judgement impatience

errors in judgement impatience

Passengers are ____ times more likely to be killed in a crash when thrown from a vehicle. three seven five twice


When your vehicle is struck from behind your seat pushes ______.


A solid white line between two lanes of traffic means that you are on a two-way street in a no passing zone generally not to cross the line in a speeding zone

generally not to cross the line

Staggered Stop and Yield lines can improve the driver's view of pedestrians, provide better sight distance for turning vehicles, and _____ the turning radius for left turning vehicles. increase decrease


Braking Distance is

is the distance it takes to stop once the brakes are applied

Reaction Distance is -is the distance it takes to stop once the brakes are applied. -is the distance your vehicle travels from the time your eyes see a hazard until your brain recognizes it. -is the distance traveled from the time your brain tells your foot to move from the accelerator until your foot is actually pressing the brake pedal.

is the distance traveled from the time your brain tells your foot to move from the accelerator until your foot is actually pressing the brake pedal.

Two solid yellow center lines on a two lane highway indicate passing both ways passing only with caution left turns between intersections no passing from either way

no passing from either way

Red signs are for -no, do not or stop -regulatory, law or rule -road construction or repair warning -direction or guidance -general warning

no, do not or stop

The 12-15 second range is referred to as ? target area close zone open zone path of travel

path of travel

What roadway markings are used to guide your driving path? rumble strips reflectors overhead lights curve signs


On the steering wheel, when your left hand pushes up you make a _____ turn?


Running children and bicyclists can be expected in a no-parking zone tow-away zone school zone bus-loading zone

school zone

Broken white lines indicate a no-passing zone seperate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction warn of a RR crossing ahead tell you where to stop

seperate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction

Which are factors highly correlated with teen auto crashes? [mark all correct answers] speed control eating issues risk perception lifestyle issues space management

speed control risk perception lifestyle issues space management

What must you do at a 4-way stop sign? yield to all drivers approaching from the left slow down if other traffic is nearby stop, unless you are turning stop and wait for your turn to move

stop and wait for your turn to move

Cold weather causes what type of tire inflation? underinflation overinflation neutral All of the answers


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