Driver's Ed

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As a driver, you should know that children have a much narrower field of vision than adults. A. True B. False

A. True (Chapter 2, page 2)

A driver should be especially careful near school zones because children may not recognize the danger of traffic and may suddenly run across the street. A. True B. False

A. True True-Be especially careful near school zones and residential and recreation areas where you may come across children. Children may not recognize the danger of traffic and may suddenly run across the street. (Chapter 12, page 3)

Road rage is the result of overreaction to another motorist's poor driving or lack of consideration. A. True B. False

A. True True-Road rage is the result of overreaction to another motorist's poor driving or lack of consideration. (Chapter 15, page 2)

When driving downhill, gravity will cause your car to go faster, and you may need to shift to a lower gear or smoothly apply your brakes to slow to a safe speed. A. True B. False

A. True True-When driving downhill, gravity will cause your car to go faster, and you may need to shift to a lower gear or smoothly apply your brakes to slow to a safe speed.(Chapter 3, page 3)

Driving is a privilege, and not a right. A. True B. False

A. True True. Driving is a privilege, and not a right. (Chapter 1, page 3)

Alcohol slows your reaction time. A. True. B. False.

A. True. True, alcohol slows your reaction time. (Chapter 10, page 2)

Rubbernecking, unnecessary lane changes, inattention, and tailgating are some of the main causes of accidents. A. True. B. False.

A. True. True, rubbernecking, unnecessary lane changes, inattention, and tailgating are some of the main causes of accidents. (Chapter 6, page 2)

The speed limit for passing a school where children are entering or leaving is 25 mph (or less if so indicated). A. True. B. False.

A. True. True, the speed limit for passing a school where children are entering or leaving is 25 mph (or less if so indicated). (Chapter 9, page 3)

Zero-tolerance laws exist in all states prohibiting those under 21 from drinking and driving. A. True. B. False.

A. True. True, zero-tolerance laws exist in all states prohibiting those under 21 from drinking and driving. (Chapter 13, page 2)

At a blood alcohol level of 0.30%, the average person will be in a coma. A. True. B. False.

A. True. True. At a blood alcohol level of 0.30%, the average person will be in a coma. (Chapter 10, page 2)

When parking headed uphill, you should do which of the following? A. Turn the front wheels away from the curb and set the park brake. B. Turn the front wheels toward the curb. C. You only need to set the park brake. D. None of the above.

A. Turn the front wheels away from the curb and set the park brake. When parking headed uphill, you should always turn your front wheels away from the curb and set the park brake.(Chapter 1, page 5)

Can the court suspend or revoke your driving privileges for one year if you are convicted of being a habitual truant from school? A. Yes B. No C. Only if you go to a large high school. D. None of the above

A. Yes If you are between the ages of 13 and 18 years of age and you habitually refuse to go to school, your driving privileges may be suspended or delayed for one year. Each additional conviction of truancy will add another year to the delay in getting your license. (Chapter 5, page 12)

The roadway is marked with a solid line and a broken line. The broken line is nearest to your side of the road. May you pass over the lines if it is safe? A. Yes. B. No. C. Only on freeways. D. None of the above.

A. Yes. If there are two yellow lines dividing lanes of traffic, and the line closest to your lane is broken, you may cross over it to pass vehicles ahead, if it is safe to do so. If the line closest to your lane is solid, you may not cross over it except to turn left into a driveway or alley. (Chapter 4, page 6)

Should you begin a right turn in the lane nearest the right curb? A. Yes. B. No. C. Only on a one-way street. D. None of the above.

A. Yes. If you are turning right, get close to the right edge of the road. Don't turn wide. Stay in the right lane until you have finished your turn. Complete your turn into the right lane of the crossing street. (Chapter 7, page 2)

You are driving at night. Are you required to lower your high beams when an approaching car comes within 500 feet? A. Yes. B. No. C. Only if they do the same. D. None of the above.

A. Yes. You should dim your high beams when an oncoming vehicle gets within 500 feet. Change to low beams when you get closer than 300 feet of a vehicle ahead of you. (Chapter 8, page 3)

When turning a corner, you should activate your turn signal _____ feet from the corner to give the car behind you enough time to recognize your intentions. A. 50 feet B. 100 feet C. 500 feet D. 700 feet

B. 100 feet You must give other drivers a signal when you are going to make a turn or change lanes. Your left or right signal must be given at least 100 feet before making your intended maneuver.(Chapter 5, page 5)

When turning a corner, you should activate your turn signal _________ from the corner to give the car behind you enough time to recognize your intentions. A. 50 feet B. 100 feet C. 500 feet D. Half a mile away

B. 100 feet You should signal during the last 100 feet before turning. On a freeway, you should signal for at least five seconds before changing lanes.

How much does using a cell phone while driving increase your risk of having an accident? A. 100% B. 400% C. 50% D. Your risk does not increase.

B. 400% You increase the risk of having an accident by 400 percent every time you use your cell phone when driving. (Chapter 14, page 2)

A truck driver's only blind spot is directly behind the vehicle. A. True B. False

B. False False, large vehicles such as trucks have more extensive blind spots than small vehicles. Also, all vehicles have blind spots behind the vehicle as well as to the sides. (Chapter 2, page 3)

"Do not operate heavy machinery" means farm equipment or tractors only. A. True B. False

B. False False-"Do not operate heavy machinery" includes cars as well as farm equipment or tractors. (Chapter 13, page 6)

Motorcycle operators or their passengers are not required to wear a helmet. A. True B. False

B. False False-Both motorcycle operators and passengers are required by law to wear a helmet that is approved by the CHP, fits snugly, and is tightly fastened. (Chapter 11, page 3)

Normally you must always yield the right of way to pedestrians. However, if a pedestrian makes eye contact with you, you do not have to yield to him or her. A. True B. False

B. False Just because you make eye contact with a pedestrian doesn't mean he or she will yield the right of way to you. (Chapter 9, page 3)

California's DUI laws apply only to driving under the influence of alcohol. They do not apply to driving under the influence of drugs. A. True. B. False.

B. False. False, California's DUI laws also apply to driving under the influence of drugs. (Chapter 13, page 2)

You may drive on the left side of the highway to pass a vehicle that is near the top of a hill or in a blind curve. A. True. B. False.

B. False. You must not drive on the left side of a roadway when coming to a curve or the top of a hill where you can't see far enough ahead to be sure it is safe to pass. (Chapter 6, page 3)

Is it ever legal to exceed the maximum speed limit on a highway? A. Yes. B. No. C. Only if there is no traffic. D. None of the above.

B. No. No, it is never legal to exceed the maximum speed limit on a highway. (Chapter 6, page 2)

A car has stopped at a crosswalk to permit someone to walk across. May you pass that car? A. Yes. B. No. C. Only during the day. D. None of the above.

B. No. No, when a car has stopped at a crosswalk to permit someone to walk across, you may not pass that car. (Chapter 9, page 3)

May you pass another car by crossing over the double or parallel solid lines? A. Yes. B. No. C. Only on back roads. D. None of the above.

B. No. No. You may not pass another car by crossing over the double or parallel solid lines. (Chapter 7, page 5)

Do you have the right of way when you enter a highway? A. Yes. B. No. C. Only if your car is moving faster than traffic on the freeway. D. Only if your car is moving slower than traffic on the freeway.

B. No. When you are about to enter or cross a highway from any public or private property, you must yield the right of way to all traffic approaching on the highway. You must continue to yield the right of way until it is safe to merge into the oncoming traffic. (Chapter 5, page 5)

You are approaching a railway crossing and the warning signal is operating. Is it legal for you to cross slowly without stopping if you can see that no train is coming? A. Yes. B. No. C. Yes, if you can get through before the train comes along. D. None of the above.

B. No. You must stop at least 15 feet from the tracks when a person or signal warns that a train is coming or if you see a train coming. (Chapter 4, page 8)

Wearing a seat belt while driving will ____________. A. Create unsafe driving conditions. B. Stop the forward momentum of your body if you have a collision. C. Trap you in the vehicle. D. None of the above.

B. Stop the forward momentum of your body if you have a collision. Wearing a seat belt while driving will stop the forward momentum of your body if you have a collision. It will prevent you from hitting the windshield, steering wheel, and other parts of the interior of your vehicle. (Chapter 3, page 4)

Young drivers are more willing to take risks compared to other drivers because _________. A. They have the fastest reaction time. B. They have a false sense of security. C. They quickly recognize hazardous driving conditions. D. They have a history of driving experience.

B. They have a false sense of security. Young drivers are more willing to take risks compared to other drivers because they have a false sense of security. They are more likely to perceive hazardous situations as being less dangerous than they actually are. (Chapter 12, page 2)

A red curb means you can do which of the following? A. You may park for a limited time. B. You may not park or stop. C. You may park to pick up or drop off passengers. D. None of the above.

B. You may not park or stop. A red curb means no stopping, standing, or parking.(Chapter 4, page 6)

When entering a freeway, enter the freeway at or near the speed of ________________. A. light. B. traffic. C. overtaking the car nearest to you. D. None of the above.

B. traffic. Enter the freeway at approximately the same speed as traffic, making sure you have enough room to merge safely. (The maximum speed allowed is 65 mph on most freeways.) (Chapter 7, page 3)

What are some specific actions you can take to safely share the road with motorcyclists? A. Changing lanes without checking your blind spots. B. When sharing the lane with a motorcyclist, you should maneuver your vehicle so that the motorcyclist veers into the other lane. C. Visually checking for motorcycles when changing lanes or making a turn, and allowing a four-second following distance when following a motorcycle. D. None of the above.

C. Visually checking for motorcycles when changing lanes or making a turn, and allowing a four-second following distance when following a motorcycle. You should visually check when changing lanes or making a turn. Chapter 11, page 2)

Safe drivers should check their mirrors ___________. A. Only when changing lanes. B. Every five minutes. C. every five to seven seconds. D. None of the above.

C. every five to seven seconds. Safe drivers should check their mirrors every five to seven seconds. (Chapter 14, page 3)

How many road-rage fatalities are there each year? A. 50 B. 100 C. 150 D. 200

D. 200 There are approximately 200 road-rage fatalities per year. (Chapter 15, page 2)

How many drivers who start driving before they are 20 are convicted of a traffic violation within the first year of driving? A. 5% B. 10% C. 25% D. 50%

D. 50% Nearly half of drivers who start driving before they are 20 are convicted of a traffic violation within the first year of driving. (Chapter 12, page 2)

As people get older, their vision, hearing, and reaction time deteriorates. To compensate for these losses, older drivers are forced to drive more slowly and cautiously and tend to avoid driving at certain times. When encountering older drivers on the road, it is important to ____________. A. Be understanding of their needs. B. Do not cut them off. C. Do not become angry or try to "get back" at them for their driving behavior. D. All of the above

D. All of the above (Chapter 2, page 6)

Which of the following statements are true? A. Road rage is up to 50% since 1990. B. More people are carrying weapons. C. More vehicles are sharing the road, which causes more tension and a higher likelihood of highway road rage. D. All of the above are true.

D. All of the above are true. Important Facts: -Road rage is up 50% since 1990. -More people are carrying weapons. -More vehicles are sharing the road, which causes more tension and a higher likelihood of highway road rage. (Chapter 15, page 3)

Alcohol has which of the following effects on a person's ability to drive safely? A. Reduced steering ability. B. Reduced good judgment. C. Less muscle control. D. All of the above.

D. All of the above. Alcohol effects a person's ability to drive safely in that it causes the following: reduced steering ability, reduced good judgment, and less muscle control. (Chapter 10, page 2)

What should you do if you get into a skid? A. Ease off the gas pedal. B. Stop braking. C. Turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid. D. All of the above.

D. All of the above. If you get into a skid you should ease off the gas pedal, stop braking, and turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid. (Chapter 14, page 2)

A vehicle _____________. A. is capable of causing injury or even death. B. should be handled with the same caution you would use when handling a dangerous weapon such as a gun. C. can cause extensive property damage. D. All of the above.

D. All of the above. Operating a motor vehicle is a serious responsibility. A vehicle is capable of causing extensive property damage, injury, and death, and should be handled with same caution you would use when handling a dangerous weapon such as a gun. (Chapter 1, page 4)

Why are you required to wear your seat belt? A. Wearing a seat belt can prevent injury. B. Wearing a seat belt can prevent death. C. Wearing a seat belt is required by law. D. All of the above.

D. All of the above. Wearing a seat belt can prevent injury and death. It is also required by law.(Chapter 8, page 3)

How much following distance should you keep when following a motorcycle? A. a 1-second distance B. a 2-second distance C. a 3-second distance D. a 4-second distance

D. a 4-second distance You should maintain a following distance of four seconds behind a motorcycle. (Chapter 11, page 2)

Friction is affected by which of the following? A. the material used to construct the road B. road-surface conditions-including factors due to weather C. the weight of your vehicle D. all of the above

D. all of the above Friction is (a) increased by the weight of your vehicle, (b) decreased if your tires are over-inflated or are worn, (c) increased if your tires are under-inflated, (d) affected by the material used to construct the road, and (e) affected by road-surface conditions (including factors due to weather (Chapter 3, page 5)

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