Driver's Ed Ch 9 Review

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The amount of THC in marijuana determines how strong its effects will be. The type of plant, the weather, the soil, the time of harvest, and other factors determine the strength of marijuana

What does the strength of marijuana depend on?

The Designated Driver Program

an anti-DUI effort that takes a positive approach to averting the potential disaster of the drunk driver. The goal of the program is to encourage one individual to abstain from consuming alcoholic beverages for an outing so that he or she can be responsible for safely transporting other members of the group. Many licensed eating and drinking establishments participate in this program by providing complimentary nonalcoholic beverages or other incentives.

The brain

As soon as alcohol enters the bloodstream, where does it go?

a faster heartbeat and pulse rate, bloodshot eyes, and a dry mouth and throat

Some immediate physical effects of smoking marijuana include


Under implied consent laws, if you operate a motor vehicle on Virginia's public roads, you _______ to take a chemical test upon request. Persons who refuse these tests are subject to longer license suspensions and revocations.

It doubles it

What does alcohol do to your reaction time?


Alcohol __________ go through a slow digestion process before moving into the blood stream and affecting the body. It arrives almost straight away for an immediate impact on your central nervous system and motor controls. People who drink a lot are the most likely to suffer from liver, pancreatic, heart, and nervous system diseases.


Alcohol is a depressant drug that affects the central nervous system, which in turn affects the brain. It slows reflexes and reaction times while reducing the ability to make the split-second decisions necessary to safely operate a motor vehicle. As the amount of alcohol in the body increases, judgment worsens and skills _________

Yes, you may be charged with drinking while operating a motor vehicle if you're stopped by law enforcement and you have an open container of alcohol in the passenger area if the container is partially empty and you exhibit signs of drinking.

Can you be charged with DUI if just an open container is in your passenger area?


Does one 1 oz shot of whiskey, one 5oz glass of wine and one 12oz mug of beer contain the same amount of alcohol?


Drinking or possessing alcoholic beverages on public school grounds can result in a fine of up to _________ and up to six months in jail regardless of age.

your driver's license will be automatically suspended for seven days if your BAC is 0.08 percent or higher.

For a first DUI offense and/or breath test refusal?

your license will be automatically suspended for 60 days or until you go to trial, whichever comes first.

For a second DUI offense and/or breath test refusal?

your license will be automatically suspended until you go to trial.

For a third DUI offense and/or breath test refusal?

Vision impairment can become so bad that you see double; eye muscles become relaxed and aren't able to focus.

How does alcohol affect your vision?

It takes about an hour for the body to process and neutralize one drink; however, this ability diminishes the more one drinks.

How many hours does it take to process one drink?

The reason is, when it comes to driving, less experienced drivers actually feel the effects of alcohol sooner than others because alcohol affects a person's most recently acquired skills first

If alcohol is so bad for everyone, why are the statistics so much worse for young drivers?

you are subject to a fine up to $2,500, 12 months in jail, and mandatory suspension of your driver's license for up to one year.

If you provide or sell alcoholic beverages to a person under age 21 or someone who is intoxicated or ordered by a court to refrain from drinking alcohol, what happens?

One year

If you're convicted of driving after illegally consuming alcohol with a BAC between 0.02 and 0.08 percent, the court penalty can include a suspension of your driving privilege for _____ year from the date of conviction, a minimum mandatory fine of $500, and the requirement that you complete at least 50 hours of community service.


If your stomach is full, alcohol takes _______ to move through the stomach lining and small intestines into the bloodstream.


It is illegal to drive if your blood alcohol content (BAC) is 0.08 percent or higher (0.02 percent if you are under 21 years of age). If your driving is impaired, you can be convicted of driving under the influence with a BAC lower than 0.08 percent.


Once in the bloodstream, alcohol is absorbed by ________ body tissues. The amount of alcohol absorbed by various tissues depends on tissue fluid levels. Because the brain has a high fluid level, it absorbs more alcohol than other tissues.


One of the first senses alcohol affects?

a synergistic effect.

Taking more than one drug at the same time can be especially dangerous because each can add to the impact of the other. This is called


Teenagers are more than _________ as likely as adult drivers to be involved in an alcohol-related fatal crash.


The _________ rids the body of alcohol by breaking it down and oxidizing it, turning it into water and carbon dioxide. It takes the liver about an hour to oxidize one-half to three-quarters of an ounce of alcohol. That's about the amount of alcohol contained in one standard drink. Any alcohol that the liver doesn't break down continues to circulate through the body. Despite popular beliefs, a person can't sober up by drinking black coffee, taking a cold shower, or exercising. These remedies only make an individual feel less drowsy, because they increase blood circulation. The alcohol will continue to affect physical and mental abilities until it is eliminated from the body, and the only cure for that is time.

As brief as possible

To be a good driver, how should your reaction time be?

Be fined at least $500. Be required to perform at least 50 hours of community service. Face 12 months in jail Face mandatory suspension of your driver's license for at least six months but not more than one year.

What happens if you get caught with a fake ID?

BAC level is the equivalent of 0.01 to 0.05

What is BAC when he or she may appear normal?

BAC is 0.18 to 0.30 range

What is BAC when the average person becomes confused, staggering around disoriented. He or she may complain of dizziness, may slur speech, and appear mentally confused and apathetic?

BAC is 0.09 to 0.25

What is BAC when the average person becomes drowsy and emotionally unstable. He or she has difficulty remembering, understanding, or judging things. Balance will be poor?

BAC is 0.45 and up

What is BAC when the average person will be dead?

BAC is 0.25 and 0.40

What is BAC when the average person will be in a coma?

BAC is 0.03 to 0.12

What is BAC when the average person's judgment decreases, as does his or her attention span?

The best way to minimize the likelihood of encountering drunk drivers is to avoid driving when bars are closing. Liquor stores, grocery stores, and bars are required by law to stop selling alcohol by 2:00 am.

What is the best way to lower chances of encountering a drunk driver?

the latter involves an injury or fatality.

What is the dividing line between a misdemeanor and a felony DUI?


What is the drug abused most by today's society?

Sleeping won't sober you up. Sleeping merely lets you pass the time while your body continues to process the alcohol. A nap won't actually do anything for you. In fact, you could even get a full night's sleep and still be legally drunk when you wake up

Will sleeping make you sober?


Younger drivers are affected more ________ by alcohol

10 percent

_______ percent of the alcohol in your body leaves through urine, sweat, and the breath. The other 90 percent is processed by your liver.

An ignition interlock

a device that tests a driver's breath for alcohol. If alcohol is detected, the car can't start. If the court or DMV restricts you to operating a motor vehicle equipped with the ignition interlock device and you drive in violation of that requirement, DMV will revoke your driving privileges for one year for the first offense or three years for the second or subsequent offense.

Blood alcohol concentration (BAC)

a test that is administered to determine the level of alcohol in a driver's blood and whether he or she is driving under the influence.

The Administrative License Suspension (ALS) Law

means the DMV has the power to suspend or revoke your license based on the results of tests taken or your refusal to take such tests. You are not presumed innocent; you have waived the right to presumed innocence. You do not have the right to talk to a lawyer or to have one present before deciding on the test or during the test. No court hearing is required to establish guilt because the tests alone show all the guilt that is needed.

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