Drivers Ed Final Exam

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A DUI conviction remains on a driver's record for ___ years.

A DUI conviction remains on a driver's record for 75 years.

If this traffic signal is turned on after the red light, it means you may cross the intersection, but you _______ wait until the crossing traffic has cleared the intersection first.

A green light means GO, but you must first let any vehicles, bicycles, or pedestrians remaining in the intersection pass before you move ahead. You can turn left ONLY if you have enough space to complete the turn before any oncoming vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian becomes a hazard. Left-turning vehicles must ALWAYS yield to vehicles traveling straight.

Alcohol first impairs your ___

Alcohol affects brain function and sensory perception directly, with judgment being the first to go. Things like distance and speed perception become much more difficult. Being unable to accurately sense one's surroundings together with a slower reaction time makes any driver a danger to everyone.

Centrifugal force increases with __

Centrifugal force is the force that pulls out from the center of a body in circular motion. Centrifugal force is the opposite of centripetal force. Centrifugal force increases with acceleration.

If you keep your eyes fixed on a spot ahead of you, you will be less likely to get into a collision.

False. If you look ahead and keep your eyes moving, you will spot a hazard more easily. Once you have seen the hazard and decided what to do, act. Never "wait and see." Never think that everything will be all right. This is all about defensive driving.

Flashing red lights at a railroad crossing mean ____

Flashing red lights at a railroad crossing mean STOP! Any pedestrian or person driving a vehicle and approaching a railroad-highway grade crossing must stop 50 ft, but not less than 15 ft, from the nearest rail of the railroad if the electrical or mechanical warning signs are flashing.

If a driver who is under the age of 21 is stopped by a law enforcement officer and shown to have a BAL of .02 or greater, he or she will have his or her driving privilege suspended for ________.

Florida follows a Zero Tolerance law. This means if any driver who is under the age of 21 is stopped by a law enforcement officer and shown to have a BAL of .02 or greater, he or she will have his or her driving privilege suspended for six months.

Florida has ____________ roads that are designated as part of the National Highway System.

Florida has several roads that are designated as part of the National Highway System.

___ is affected by your brakes, tires, the road surface, and speed

Friction is critically affected by your brakes, tires, the road surface, and speed. The brakes on your car have to be strong enough to lock the wheels into a skid. Your tires must have enough tread to create good traction, which is the gripping power of the tire as it moves on the roadway.

In order to drive safely, you need to

Good vision is essential for driving. Most of your maneuvers are based on what you see. If you can't see clearly, you can't judge distances or spot trouble, which will leave you unable to react. Try looking to the side while keeping your head and eyes straight ahead.

Which drugs are known to distort the perception of reality and thought processes?

Hallucinogenic drugs come in natural and synthetic forms. These substances are known to distort the perception of reality and thought processes.

You must use headlights when driving

Headlights must be used between sunset and sunrise or if driving in rain, smoke, or fog.

You can use a _____ to test tread wear on your tires.

Here's how to use a penny for quick reference: insert the penny into the tread groove with Lincoln's face showing. The head should be pointing towards the tire. If you are able to see all of Lincoln's head while looking from the side of the tire, the tread is not sufficient. The tire needs replacement.

If your brakes suddenly give out what should you do?

IF YOUR BRAKES SUDDENLY GIVE OUT: Downshift into a lower gear. Pump the brake pedal for about three or four pumps. Doing this fast and hard will build up brake fluid pressure. NEVER PUMP ANTILOCK BRAKES. Apply the parking brake slowly while holding down the release lever or button. This will prevent the car's wheels from locking and help prevent skidding.

_____ should be considered the daily driving limit.

If one person will be doing all of the driving, six to eight hours driving in any one day should be considered the limit. When two or more persons can share the driving, the total driving time should not exceed 10 to 11 hours.

If the road surface or visibility is compromised in any way, such as by traffic congestion or bad weather, you must

If the road surface or visibility is compromised in any way, such as by traffic congestion or bad weather, you must adjust your speed.

If you miss the exit ramp what should you do?

If you miss the exit ramp, never turn around or back up. Go to the next exit, get back on the freeway in the opposite direction, and return to the exit you want.

If your accelerator suddenly gets stuck what should you do?

If your accelerator suddenly gets stuck, you should: shift to neutral, apply the brakes, keep your eyes on the road and look for a way out, warn other traffic by using hazard lights, try to drive the car safely off the road, and turn off the ignition when you no longer need to change direction.

What should you do if your temperature gauge moves up to just below the red zone?

If your temperature gauge moves up to just below the red zone, turn off your air conditioner and turn on your vehicle's heater to its highest and hottest setting to help draw some of the heat away from the engine; then immediately seek out a service station with a mechanic.

A way to prevent injuries in a collision is to ___

Imagine a car driving at 60 mph brakes hard and stops suddenly. Even though the car has stopped, the driver and passengers will continue to move forward at 60 mph until acted on by an external force. If the driver and passengers have prepared, the seat belt will be the force that stops them—if not, it will be the dashboard, windshield, or an object outside the car.

What is the "point system"?

In Florida, a penalty system exists that notes infractions made by the driver. Points are assigned for each infraction and a certain amount of points on your record can cause you to have your driving privileges restricted or revoked.

Truck drivers probably can't see your vehicle if ____

Passenger vehicle drivers falsely assume truckers can see the road better because they are higher off the ground. While truckers do have a better forward view and bigger mirrors, they still have blind spots. Your vehicle can get lost in those blind spots. If you stay in those blind spots, you block the trucker's ability to take evasive action to avoid a dangerous situation. Generally speaking, if you can't see the truck driver in his or her side mirror, he or she can't see you.

Periodic tune-ups are important because they ___

Periodic tune-ups and transmission service according to manufacturer's specifications extend the life of your vehicle, allow you to avoid costly repairs, and prevent dangerous breakdowns.

Cars entering our field of vision from the side require the use of

Peripheral vision is not as sharp as central vision, but it is more sensitive to light and motion. That's a good thing because it helps us detect critical events to the side of our vehicles, even when we're not looking in that direction.

Having food in your stomach keeps alcohol from being absorbed ___

Quickly. Be aware that food will not absorb or dilute alcohol in your body. However, eating food first may coat the stomach lining and slow the absorption of what you drink—but this only lasts for a short time. Any alcohol you drink will eventually enter your blood.

What are the benefits of maintaining your vehicle?

Regular maintenance is health insurance for your car, and will extend the life of its parts. Maintenance keeps a car safe, dependable, perform well, save fuel, and makes it emission standards compliant. Regular maintenance also makes sense economically: low-cost maintenance can prevent high-cost repairs.

What is an "at risk" driver?

Risky drivers are impatient with traffic, long lights, or slow drivers, aggressive or insistent on having their way, and impulsive.

Which of the following can pose a danger to motorcyclists?

Road conditions that are minor annoyances to you can pose major hazards to motorcyclists. Potholes, gravel, wet or slippery surfaces, pavement seams, railroad crossings, and grooved pavement can cause motorcyclists to change speed or direction suddenly.

Sound your horn ____

Sound your horn when necessary to avoid collisions.

Teens who drink are at risk of ___

Teens who engage in drinking are at risk of date rape, pregnancy, HIV and other STDs, assault, drowning, and becoming an alcoholic. The ultimate risk is that teenagers don't know that a person can die from an overdose of alcohol.

The DHSMV ___________________________ monitors the sale and registration of vehicles and vessels within the state.

The Division of Motor Vehicles monitors the sale and registration of vehicles and vessels within the state. This includes keeping records of every car, truck, trailer, motorcycle, and camper that is registered or found on Florida highways. In addition, this division administers distribution of license plates through county tag agents and tax collectors and enforces mobile home construction standards.

Alcohol was involved in ___ of the total traffic fatalities in 2012 nationwide.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that there were 10,332 alcohol-related fatalities in 2012—31% of the total traffic fatalities for the year.

The United States Highway System is a _____________ in the United States numbered within a nationwide grid.

The United States Highway System is an integrated system of roads in the United States numbered within a nationwide grid.

The Highway Transportation System is coordinated by __

The United States Highway System is an integrated system of roads in the United States numbered within a nationwide grid. These highways are coordinated by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

What is the definition of "potential energy"?

The definition of the potential energy is "the energy that a piece of matter has because of its position or because of the arrangement of parts." In other words, it is an energy that an object possesses because it has the potential to be converted into other forms of energy.

Force of impact is the force __

The force of impact is the force generated when objects meet. It is a well-known fact that the faster you drive, the greater the impact or striking power of your vehicle.

The Highway Transportation System has helped ___________ traffic deaths.

The interstate highway system has positively influenced economic growth, reduced traffic deaths and injuries, provided substantial benefits to users, and been a crucial factor in the nation's defense.

____ now have 21-year-old minimum drinking age laws.

The minimum legal drinking age is now 21 years of age in all states. The NHTSA estimates that these laws have reduced traffic fatalities involving drivers 18 to 20 years old by 13% and have saved an estimated 29,292 lives since 1975.

What are the consequences that can result from being caught driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs?

The penalties for driving under the influence (DUI) are severe and may include fees, jail time, rehabilitation class, installation of an ignition interlock device on your car (to make sure the car won't run if you have consumed alcohol), and other penalties. The penalties for a first-time DUI charge include Driver license revocation (a 180 day minimum).

Which statement is true about central vision?

The three degrees central vision covers is a very small area in your total field of vision. But central vision allows us to make very important judgments like estimating distance and understanding details in the path ahead.

Poorly tuned engines do not get good gas mileage.

True. A poorly running engine may lose power that is needed for normal driving and emergencies, may not start, gets poor fuel economy, pollutes the air, and could stall when you are on the road causing a traffic problem.

A right turn should be from the right lane into the right lane of the roadway entered. True or false.

True. A right turn should be from the right lane into the right lane of the roadway entered.

Collisions tend to happen when one driver is going faster or slower than other cars on the road.

True. Keep up with traffic. Collisions tend to happen when one driver is going faster or slower than other cars on the road.

Most drugs taken for headaches, colds, hay fever, allergies, or stress can make a person drowsy and impair their driving abilities.

True. Most drugs taken for headaches, colds, hay fever, allergies, or stress are sedatives. They can make you drowsy and impair your driving abilities.

Underinflated tires flex too much and build up heat, which can lead to tire blowouts.

True. Properly inflated tires are critical to vehicle control and good gas mileage. Underinflated tires flex too much and build up heat, which can lead to blowouts or the tread separating and peeling off.

Some road surfaces are more slippery than others when wet.

True. Some road surfaces are more slippery than others when wet and chilled. These roads usually have warning signs. Look out for these signs and make adjustments in your speed and following distances.

If you are about to be hit from behind, your best course of action is to brake gently and stop the car.

True. Sometimes it is necessary to speed up to avoid a collision. This may happen when another vehicle is about to hit you from the side or from behind and there is room to the front of your vehicle to get out of danger. Be sure to slow down once the danger has passed.

You should always use courtesy because it helps drivers interact on the road, and it keeps the traffic flow moving.

True. When driving, you are always surrounded by other road users. They are present even when out of your view, concealed by your car's blind spots or other obstacles. Be ready to share the road. Traffic laws require you to be courteous to other road users. Courtesy improves driver interaction and keeps traffic moving.

What should you avoid while driving?

What are the six major driving errors? 1. Lack of a safe driving attitude. 2. Failure to obey traffic laws. 3. Bad judgment/poor decision-making. 4. Lack of courtesy for other drivers. 5. Lack of driving knowledge. 6. Failure to maintain your car.

Gathering information with your eyes is called __

When you are driving, most information comes to you through your eyes. Gathering information with your eyes is called visual perception - the ability to notice many things at once.

When you don't have enough room to stop, you may _______ to avoid what's in front of you.

When you don't have enough room to stop, you may have to steer away from what's ahead.

Is it necessary to stop at a complete STOP sign, even if the intersection is clear?

When you see a stop sign, you must come to a COMPLETE STOP behind the stop line, crosswalk, or at the corner. Intersections are extremely dangerous places. Most deadly collisions occur at intersections, so your decision to stop completely is literally a matter of life and death.

Yellow lines mark ___

YELLOW LINES mark the center of a road used for two-way traffic. You may pass on a two-way road if the yellow centerline is broken. When a solid and a broken yellow line are together, you must not pass if you are driving next to the solid line. Two solid yellow lines mean "no passing." Never drive to the left of these lines.

When you hear or see the warning signal of any emergency vehicle, you should ____

You must yield the right-of-way to all emergency vehicles using a siren, and/or flashing lights. Where possible, you must pull over to the closet edge of the road. If you are in an intersection, drive through the intersection before pulling over.

How far must you stay behind another car ahead depends on ____

Your following distance depends on weather and road conditions. You should give yourself extra cushion: 1. On slippery roads. 2. When it rains or snows.

Carbon Monoxide poisoning can be prevented by

always making sure your car's exhaust system is working properly and never leaving a car running in a garage

Driving while wearing headphones or headsets ____

is against the law

When feeling ill, taking medication before driving

is dangerous for the driver and others because it slows reactions and the ability to make rapid corrective actions while driving

If you see a YIELD sign ahead, be prepared to _____

let other drivers, bicycles, and pedestrians crossing your road have the right-of-way. A yield sign assigns the right-of-way to certain road users. If you see a yield sign, be prepared to let other drivers crossing your path have the right-of-way.

If your license says you must wear corrective lenses, you ___

may be fined if you drive without wearing them

When driving, you should _____

obey traffic laws and respect the rights of other drivers. A lot is expected of you as a licensed driver. You must drive safely, obey traffic laws, and respect the rights of other drivers. Concentrating on your own driving is important, but be aware of other vehicles around you.

Driving is a....


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