Drivers Ed Segment 2: Study Guide

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What percent of fatal car crashes involve young drivers not using a safety belt?


What is the name of the period that is most dangerous for young driver fatal crashes in Michigan


Approximately what fraction of those killed are other passengers in fatal crashes involving young drivers, other drivers, bicyclists, or pedestrians


If a car is driving at 55 MPH, then a 3 second glance at a cell phone results in the vehicle moving almost how many feet?

250 feet

Motor vehicle traffic fatalities in the United States that involved alcohol-impaired-driving accounted for what percentage of the total


Single vehicle fatal crashes are what percentage of young driver incidents


Roadways where the speed limit is_______ have the majority of Michigan's young driver fatal crashes.


Young driver fatal crashes involving two or more vehicles makes up what percentage of young driver fatal crashes


The phrases "I am going to be late", "We'll never make it", and, "Oh, no! A red light!" are all indications the someone is driving with what?

Distracted driver

Aggressive driving caused by emotions may affect a driver's ability to:

Drive safely

Describe aggressive driving behaviour:

Driving in a vehicle in a selfish bold or pushy matter

Drivers talking on cell phones while driving are as impaired as __________________ with a ___________of ___________.

Drunk driver, BAC, 0.08%

What should be a driver's goal before driving begins?

Eliminate all in-vehicle distractions. (people, music, phones)

What can reduce the involvement of drivers under age 20 in distracted driving?

More practice with someone over 21

What's the best way to handle a distracting peer passenger?

Tell them to not distract you and be responsible.

What distraction involves manual, visual and cognitive distraction simultaneously, making it the most alarming distraction?


What type of driver is most likely to be at risk of drowsy driving?

Young driver

What amount of alcohol in your system does it take to impair your driving abilities?


Taking what two substances will cause a synergistic effect?

Alcohol and drugs

What's NOT an alternative to driving under the influence of alcohol?

Allow a friend who only had a drink to drive

What's an important factor a driver must maintain?

Attention to the driving task

When is it best to address distractions that can affect driving?

Before driving

What's an example of a distraction outside of the vehicle?

Car crash

What's an example of a mental distraction?

Having a conversation with a passenger

What makes the problem of being distracted even worse for young drivers?


When under the influence of alcohol, what is the first ability lost by a driver?


What's the first thing you should do when confronted by an aggressive driver?

Make every attempt to get out of their way

3 characteristics of risk

Present, shared, and managed

If a friend or relative has been drinking , then what actions should NOT be taken?

Ride along with that person to make sure the person gets home.

During what weather conditions do the majority of young driver fatal crashes in Michigan occur

Snow, icy, and slick

What is the largest category for young driver fatal crashes because of inexperience


What is a warning sign of a fatigued driver?

Yawning and rubbing eyes

Can over-the-counter drugs affect your ability to drive safely?


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