Driver's Ed (test 1)

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What are the five rules of the smith system?

1. aim high in steering 2. get the big picture 3. keep your eyes moving 4. leave yourself an out 5. make sure others see you

5 things that could affect a driver's attitude?

1. alcohol/drugs (legal or illegal) 2. anger/worry/stress 3. distractions 4. fatigue 5. over confidence/carelessness

Name the six types of lights.

1. break lights 2. dome lights 3. reverse lights 4. hazard lights 5. signal lights 6. headlights

What are some of the reasons people get in car wrecks?

1. car collisions 2. car runs off the road 3. pedestrians 4. run into fixed objects 5. railroad crossings 6. bicycles 7. miscellaneous

What are the three steps in changing lanes?

1. check your mirrors 2. put on your signal 3. check your blind spot

Name the 4 problem drivers.

1. egotist 2. show off 3. over-emotional 4. rationalizer

What are the three leading causes of death?

1. heart disease 2. cancer 3. car crashes

What three things cause skids?

1. over-accelerating 2. over-breaking 3. over-steering

What are the three documents you must have on you while driving?

1. proof of insurance 2. DL 3. vehicle registration

Three rules of the intersection?

1. right turns 2. lane changes 3. left turns against traffic

What is the Standard Accident Prevension formula?

1. see the hazard 2. understand the defense 3. take action

Names the right of way rules?

1. smaller streets yield to larger streets 2. driveways yield to streets 3. right turns yield to straight ways 4. left turns yield to right turns and straight ways

What are the three types of vehicles that MUST stop at a railroad crossing no matter what?

1. taxis/cabs 2. school/city bus 3. big trucks with hazardous chemicals

What are the passing rules?

1. the left lane is the passing lane 2. after passing you should see in your rearview mirrors the headlights of the car you passed 3. complete your pass as quickly as possible

What does BAC stand for?

Blood Alcohol Concentration

What is defensive driving?

Driving as to prevent crashes in spite of the other driver's actions/attitudes

What is over riding your headlights?

Driving so fast that you can't stop within the range of your headlights

How far away should you be from a car when stopped?

Far enough to see their tires touching the pavement

How is the speed limit designed?

For the most favorable conditions

Who is the Father of the Driving system?

Mr. Smith

What is an uncontrolled intersection?

One which contains nothing

what does a solid yellow line do?

Separates traffic going in different directions

What does it mean to "cover your break?"

Slow down/take foot off accelerator

What is the implied consent law?

States you must take any test police officer asks you to if he thinks you're DUI.

Which directions should you turn when you are skidding?

The direction that you are skidding in.

What do you do if the traffic lights go in and out during a thunder storm?

Treat it as a four way stop.

What are you charged with if you speed in a school zone?

Wreckless driving

What test must you pass in order to drive?

Written, vision, and road tests.

What does the Financial responsibility law state?

You must be able to pay for any damage you do to someone or their property

What is the entrance to the expressway called?

acceleration lane

What is an anatomical gift?

agreeing to donate your organs and tissues to someone on your DL

What might some adverse conditions be?

any type of bad or unexpected weather

It isn't your driving skills that kill you, but your driving _____.


The middle and right lanes are the ___ lanes, lanes. The left lane is the ___ lane.

average, passing

What is the leading cause of teenage death?

car crashes

red flashing light means....

come to complete stop/stop sign

What does liability insurance do?

convers damage you do to someone else's property

Name some places you should not pass.

curvy road, hill, bridge, intersection, railroad crossings, tunnel

What is the basic speeding rule?

drive at the speed most motorists are driving

You should check your rearview mirror how often?

every 10 seconds

How often does someone die in a car?

every 12 minutes

Who are the three people that can take away your driving privilege?

highway patrol, police officer, and parents

When should you turn off your high beams?

if you are within 500 ft. of another car

What is the most practical way to pool money?


what is the most dangerous part of the street?


Which lane is the passing lane?


What kind of insurance must you have to prove financial responsibility?


What is perjury?

lying under oath, falsifying info

Which lane is sometimes referred to as the lane of least resistance?


what is a preventable collision?

one in which a driver failed to do everything reasonable to avoid a crash

What is a controlled intersection?

one that contains traffic signals, lanes, signs and lights

The ___ light is on top, and the ___ green light is on the bottom.

red on top, green on bottom

What does a white line mean?

separates traffic going in the same direction

what is hydroplaning?

skimming a wet surface at a high speed

What is the biggest contributing factor to fatal crashes in tennessee?


What does it mean to "merge?"

to come together or blend smoothly

What is the purpose of collision insurance?

to cover damage of your own property

yellow flashing light means....


What does a solid line mean?

you may not pass

what does a broken line mean?

you may pass, but safely

What is the Depart. of Traffic Safety based on?

your driving record and school attendance.

4 reasons to cover your break?

1. the light might change 2. yellow light might come up 3. someone else could run the light or turn in front of you 4. if you stop suddenly the person behind you might run into you

What is the minimum speeding fine?


What is the legal BAC level if you're under 21?


What is the legal BAC level for people over 21?


What is the percentage of accidents that are actually "accidents?"


What are the three divisions of traffic safety?

1. Depart. of edu. 2. depart. of engineering 3. depart. of enforcement

How many unexcused absences do you need to get your DL taken away?

10 (or a total of 15 in a semester)

How many points do you have to have before you lose your DL?


The average driver will have about how many near collisions in a lifetime?


What is the speed limit for a school zone?

15 mph

There are over ___ disabling injuries every year.


If there is no posted speed limit, what is the safe speed?

25-30 mph

How many hours a year does the average driver drive?

300 hours

What is the antiquate amount of space you should leave between you and the car in front of you?

4 or more seconds

How many people are killed in our highways every year?

42, 000

How many feet should it be before you turn your turn signal on?

50 ft.

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