Drivers Ed Test

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Give the procedures to follow at an uncontrolled intersection

1.) Slow downwhen approaching the intersection, even if there is no other traffic in sight (note that some states, such as Arizona, require you to treat any unregulated intersection as a four-way stop intersection and come to a complete stop before going through) 2.) If there is cross traffic and a vehicle has already entered the intersection, allow the vehicle to safely proceed through 3.) Look to either side to make sure there are no other vehicles approaching the intersection at high speed 4.) If another vehicle arrived at the intersection at the same time as you did and the vehicle is located on your right, give way 5.) Proceed through the intersection

Describe three possible right-turn conflicts

1.) pedestrian conflicts 2.) conflicts to the rear 3.) conflicts with oncoming left-turning-vehicles

Give the procedures for crossing railroad tracks

1.)Approach with care. Warn others that you are slowing down. Turn on 4-way flashers. Use pull-out lane if available. 2.)Prepare to stop.Turn off fans and radio and roll down windows. Locate your cell phone for use in emergency. Stop at least 15 feet, but not more than 50 feet, from nearest rail. 3.) Look both ways and listen carefully. Bend forward to see around mirrors and A-pillars. 4.)If it won't fit, don't commit. Do not enter a crossing unless you can drive completely through without stopping! And, remember, trains are wider than the track. Before you pull onto the track, make sure there is enough room on the other side for the back of your vehicle (and any overhanging cargo) to be at least 6 feet beyond the furthest rail. 5.)Look again. Before you move, look again in both directions. 6.)Cross tracks with care. Signal, watch for a safe gap, pull back onto the road if you used a pull-out lane. Use highest gear that will let you cross without shifting. 7.)Keep going once you start, even if lights start to flash or gates come down.

Explain the basic meanings of the various pavement markings

A dashed yellow line indicates that passing is allowed. White lines separate lanes for which travel is in the same direction. A double white line indicates that lane changes are prohibited. A single white line indicates that lane changes are discouraged. A dashed white line indicates that lane changes are allowed

Describe the action to take when approaching school zones and school crossings

Always go 20mph or slower and always watch around you for children

Give the procedure for turning left at an unprotected left turn

An unprotected left turn occurs at an intersection where there is no traffic light to signal the turn. The critical item is to understand that yielding is defined as "not causing any other drivers to change speed or direction due to your actions as a driver

Explain why the posted speed is not alway the lawful speed

Because do the police have proof you were speeding

Describe the procedures for moving from a stop sign when your view is blocked

Creep up a little pass the white line until you can see both ways

Explain how drivers can use pedestrian signals to their advantage

Drivers must yield the right of way to anyone in the crosswalk, just like they do when turning onto a side street where no traffic signal exists. When vehicles and pedestrians can use the intersection at the same time, we can leave the WALK sign on for much longer

Describe how to turn right and left on a red light

First, come to a complete stop at the red light, and give the right of way to other vehicles in or approaching the intersection

List three kinds of protected left turns and explain how to turn left at each one

Multiple Left Turn Lanes At some intersections, there are options for making left turns from multiple left turn lanes. These type of intersections have signs showing multiple left turn arrows and are only available on the intersections with the red and green arrow signal lights. When you make a left turn from any of the multiple left turn lanes, you will need to stay in your lane using white dash lines as your guide of staying in your lane. Red Arrow Signal Light You must STOP until the light turns green. Green Arrow Signal Light (called Protected Left Turn) You can go ahead and make a left turn, but you must still YIELD to vehicles, pedestrians or bicycles that are on your way. At some intersections, there are options for making left turns from multiple left turn lanes. In those intersections, there are signs showing multiple left turn arrows. When you make a left turn from any of the multiple left turn lanes, you will need to stay in your lane using white dash lines as your guide of staying in your lane. Standard Red Light You must STOP and wait until the light turns green. Standard Green Light (called Unprotected Left Turn) If there is not a "Green Arrow" traffic signal and there is a LEFT TURN YIELD ON GREEN sign, you need to move forward safely to the middle of the intersection and wait until oncoming traffic is fully clear, and it is safe for you to turn left before making the turn. Yellow Light (called Unprotected Left Turn on Yellow) If there is a LEFT TURN YIELD ON GREEN sign, and you are already in the middle of the intersection waiting for oncoming traffic to clear, you need to make sure that all oncoming traffic has stopped and it is safe to make a left turn, then make a left turn. If you have not entered the intersection yet, you should not enter the intersection and wait until the next time the light turns green, unless you are 100% sure that there is no oncoming traffic and you can safely make the left turn before the light turns red. Making a U-turn. If you are making a U-turn, follow all of the above traffic rules that apply to making a left turn with the following additional rules and/or exceptions

Describe the correct action to take for a red, yellow, or green traffic light

Red: stop Yellow: creep up and yield Green: go

List three basic types of traffic signs

Stop, yield, railroad crossing

Describe the correct actions to take at STOP and YIELD signs

Stop; come to a complete stop and go when it's safe Yield; slow down

List six situations in which the driver must yield

To pedestrians To people using a guide dog To people using a white cane with or without a red tip At uncontrollable intersections where vehicles are already in the intersection Oncoming traffic To animal crossings

Describe the correct action to take when approaching flashing red or yellow lights

Treat it as a stop sign or yield sign

Describe how to identify an intersection

Two kinds of signs are at controlled intersections, and if there is a stop sign you should stop and wait until it is your turn to go. At a yield sign, slow and yield to oncoming traffic

Explain how to judge space when crossing or joining traffic from a STOP sign

When there is enough distance between you and on coming traffic. When it is safe enough hen proceed to turn or go straight, but make sure to look left right left or right left right when turning

List five different warning signs

Winding road ahead Caution Dip Dead end Enters highway ahead

Explain how to approach a controlled intersection with signals

You should stop at an intersection if you have a closed zone. Explain how you should approach a closed intersection. Two kinds of signs are at controlled intersections, and if there is a stop sign you should stop and wait until it is your turn to go. At a yield sign, slow and yield to oncoming traffic

Explain the meaning of the shapes and colors of traffic signs

indicate the type of information a sign will contain

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