DriversEd Review Questions
If you become angry or upset, you should:
Park the car and "cool down" before driving on
Accidents are more likely to happen:
When one driver is traveling faster or slower than other drivers on the road
Is it illegal for a person age 21 or older to drive with a container of alcohol in his or her vehicle?
Yes, if the container is in the trunk
Which of these statements is true about road construction zones?
You are responsible for the safety of the road workers
When a red light flashes at a railroad crossing, you must:
stop and then proceed when safe
If another driver "cuts" in front of you, it would be better if you:
take your foot off the gas
When you follow vehicles too closely and another driver suddenly cuts in front of you, what should you do?
take your foot off the gas pedal
To begin or end left turns or start a permitted U-turn
When waiting to turn left into a driveway. A car approaching from the opposite direction has a turn signal on. You should:
wait until the other car starts its turn before making your turn.
Using the unpaved shoulder of the road to pass to the right of a car is permitted if:
It should never be done
It is illegal to enter an intersection when:
You can't get all the way across before the light turns red
If you are being tailgated, you should:
Increase your following distance
What is the "basic speed law"?
Never drive faster than is safe for current conditions
You see a pedestrian with a white cane at the corner ready to cross the street. The person takes a step back and pulls in his cane. You should:
Proceed across the street because the person is not ready to cross
What should you do if you are driving and see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you:
drive to the right edge of the road and stop
If you are towing another vehicle or trailer on a four-lane freeway, you must travel in:
either of the two right lanes